Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 104 rezultatai

Labour relations
In this paper we will analyze regulation of labour relations, speak about management problems in the companies looking from the law side. Besides analyze labor rights, their disputes, individual labour disputes and the labour disputes considered in courts.
Teisė  Referatai   (16 psl., 26,11 kB)
63 anglų topikai
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (42 psl., 53,24 kB)
Parliamentary Supremacy was defined by Dicey in XIX century as firstly, Parliament can legislate on any subject-matter. There are no rules on what Parliament can make laws about. For example, The Act of Settlement 1700 changed the rule on who should succeed to the throne. It can also change its own powers as it was done in the Acts of Parliament 1911 and 1949.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 8,46 kB)
Anglu kalbos prezentacija apie nedarbo lygį ir infliaciją.
Anglų kalba  Projektai   (23 psl., 373,36 kB)
His neighbors watched him making various things and thought he would probably become a well-known clock maker. They thought thus because he had already made a clock which his neighbors had never heard of before. It worked by water. Isaac also made a sundial. The water clock could tell the hour in the house and the sundial outside. When he grew older he took a considerable interest in mathematics. Though Isaac never lost his manual skill his ability as a mathematician and a physicist was the most important in his life. His first physical experiment was carried out in 1658, when he was sixteen years old. Wishing to find out the strength of the wind during a storm, he jumped against and before the wind and by the length of his jump he could judge the strength of the wind. Thus he was searching out the secrets of nature and could find out difficult things in simple ways. When Isaac was fourteen years old, his mother took him from school to help her on the farm at Woolthorpe, where she lived with three other children - Isaac's brother and two his sisters. After two years working on the farm his mother sent him again to school to prepare for the University. On June 5, 1661, Newton entered the University of Cambridge where he studied mathematics. He became famous when he made a number of important contributions to mathematics by the time he was twenty-one. Then he began studying the theory of gravitation. In 1665, when he saw an apple fall from a tree he began wondering what force made the apple fall. Isaac was thinking about the earth's gravitation when the Great Plague raged in London and he was sent home from Cambridge because of this plague. In that quiet period of almost two years he finished considering his discoveries which had perhaps the most far-reaching effect in the whole history of science: the method of fluxions, decomposition of light and the law of gravitation. As a young man at Cambridge Newton had read with great interest the writings of Galileo, he knew the geometry of Descartes, and he had already partly worked out the methods of calculus, which he called the method of fluxions. So then he began to think "of gravity extending to the orb of the moon", as he wrote, he immediately put this idea to the test of calculation. For some years he studied light, in which subject alone his work was enough to place him in the first ranks among men of science. Newton performed many experiments with light and found that white light was made up of rays of different colours. He invented the reflecting telescope, which was very small in diameter, but magnified objects to forty diameters. Newton developed a mathematical method which is now known as the Binomial Theorem and also differential and integral calculus. In 1669 he was appointed professor and began lectures on mathematics and optics at Cambridge. Isaac Newton died in 1727 at the age of 85. He was buried with honours, as a national hero. It was the first time that national honours of this kind had been accorded in England to a man of science. Isaac was a great man who helped a lot for all world scientists. Philosophers are often absent-minded. Isaac Newton was a great scientist but he was also a philosopher and he was often as absent-minded as his colleagues all over the world. One day a man came to see Newton, but he was busy in his study and nobody was allowed to disturb him. Then visitor sat down in the dinning-room to wait for the philosopher. A little later Newton's wife came in and placed a covered dish on the table, telling the visitor that it was her husband's dinner. When she had left, the visitor lifted the cover and ate the whole boiled chicken, because he was very hungry. Now in the dish were a lot of small bones. When Newton's wife came in again, he apologized for what he had done, but she told him not to worry because another boiled chicken is in the kitchen. While she was fetching it, Newton came into the dinning-room and lifted the cover of the dish. When he see the bones, he turned to the visitor and said with a smile, "See how absent-minded we philosopher are! I quite forgot I had already my dinner". Then his wife came in with another dish. When the matter was explained, everybody had a good laugh.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (7,03 kB)
Turto draudimo sutarties samprata. Turto draudimo sutarties turinys. Esminės turto draudimo sutarties sąlygos. Įprastinės ir atsitiktinės turto draudimo sutarties sąlygos. Turto draudimo sutarties sudarymas ir pasibaigimas. Šiame darbe didžiausias dėmesys skiriamas turto draudimo sutarties reglamentacijai Lietuvos Respublikoje, draudimo įmonių praktikai draudimo rūšies taisyklėse nustatant turto draudimo sutarčių sąlygas, taip pat lyginamuoju aspektu bus atsižvelgiama į užsienio šalių (Anglijos, Rusijos ir Vokietijos ir kt.) patirtį. Įvadas
Teisė  Diplominiai darbai   (60 psl., 52,98 kB)
Three countries: Lithuania, The United Kingdom and The United States of America have their own government and laws. There are some points which are the same in the government of all three countries, but there are some which are different. I will try to show the difference and similarities in the systems of governments and how did the countries divide the power to different institutions.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (5,12 kB)
Despite having only one per cent of the world’s population, Britain is the fourth largest trading nation in the world. Machinery and transport, manufactures and chemicals are Britain’s largest export earners. Since the 1970s, oil has contributed significantly to Britain’s overseas trade, both in exports and a reduced need to import oil. British Petroleum (BP) is Britain’s biggest and Europe’s second biggest industrial company.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (4,83 kB)
Privatization process was launched in Lithuania in September 1991 and since then it has constituted an integral part of Lithuania's economic reforms. The entire privatization process may be divided into three major stages: • The first stage covers the privatization that took place from September 1991 until July 1995. This phase may be called a mass privatization for vouchers with some elements of cash sales. The voucher method was chosen as the most effective way of transferring the ownership of the state-owned enterprises.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (3,3 kB)
Descriptive law is when it describes how people, or even natural phenomena, ussually behave. Prescriptive law – it prescribes how people ought to behave. For example, the speed limits imposed upon drivers are laws that prescribe how fast we should...
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (6,09 kB)
Did you know that the can opener was invented 48 years after cans were introduced? Cans were opened with a hammer and chisel before the advent of can openers. A Londoner, Peter Durand, invented the tin canister, or can, in 1810 for preserving food. There were no can openers yet, and the products labels would read: "cut around on the top near to outer edge with a chisel and hammer." The first can opener was invented in 1858 by American Ezra Warned. The well-known wheel-style opener was invented in 1925. Beer in a can was launched in 1935.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (6,59 kB)
Business Ethics
Business ethics is a form of applied ethics, a branch of philosophy. As such, it takes the ethical concepts and principles developed at a more theoretical, philsophical level, and applies them to specific business situations. Generally speaking, business ethics is a normative discipline, whereby particular ethical standards are assumed and then applied. It makes specific judgements about what is right or wrong, which is to say, it makes claims about what ought to be done or what ought not to be done. While there are some exceptions, business ethicists are usually less concerned with the foundations of ethics (metaethics), or with justifying the most basic ethical principles, and are more concerned with practical problems and applications, and any specific duties that might apply to business relationships.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (6,48 kB)
Analizė civilinių ir baudžiamųjų bausmių Lietuvoje, jų istorija, raida, dabartinės tendencijos, gavome 10. The Aim of project - to analyze tendencies and causes of crime in Lithuania; to investigate the effectiveness of ciminalistics and penal and civil effect measures on criminality in Lithuania. The Main goal: crime, criminal justice activities, penal and civil effect measures for crime control in Lithuania. The Main Tasks of the project - to prepare the concept of the analysis of criminal tendencies and causes and to prepare the proposals for the improvement of the Lithuanian penal policy; to investigate an effective crime control system of rational punishments and civil legal effect measures; to analyze the practice of the application of the criminal code and criminalities in crime investigation in Lithuania and to prepare the concept of crime investigation in Lithuania and, on the basis of this concept, to prepare concrete proposals for the effectuation of crime investigation in the Republic.
Public services is a term usually used to mean services provided by government to its citizens, either directly (through the public sector) or by financing private provision of services. The term is associated with a social consensus (usually expressed through democratic elections) that certain services should be available to all, regardless of income. Even where public services are neither publicly provided nor publicly financed, for social and political reasons they are usually subject to regulation going beyond that applying to most economic sectors.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (8,51 kB)
The UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has been the official title of the British state ever since 1922. The UK is constitutional monarchy. This means that the official head of state is the monarch, but his or her powers are limited by the constitution. The British constitution is not written in any single document. Only some of these rules are written down in the form of ordinary laws passed by Parliament at various times. Parliament is the supreme law-making body in the country. It consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. British parliamentary system is one of the oldest in the world, it developed slowly during the 13th century after King John's signature of Magna Charta in 1215.
Pirmasis terminą „tarptautinė teisė" (international law) pavartojo anglų filosofas Džeremis Bentamas (Jeremy Bentham) 1870 m. Bet vis dėlto iš pradžių buvo tautų teisė (jus gentium) – terminas, atsiradęs romėnų teisėje ir plačiai vartotas net iki XX a. vidurio pažymėti tam, ką mes dabar įpratę vadinti tarptautine teise. Be abejo, Senovės Romoje terminas jus gentium reiškė ką kita, būtent civilinės teisės normas, reguliuojančias Romos piliečių santykius su ne Romos piliečiais. Tiesa, jau tada terminu jus gentium buvo žymimos taip pat visoms tautoms bendros taisyklės ir institucijos.
Teisė  Konspektai   (19,42 kB)
XXI amžiaus santykiuose tarp valstybių, kad ir kokie jie kartais būtų priešiški ar, atvirkščiai, draugiški, vienas reiškinys yra itin ryškus – tai didėjanti valstybių tarpusavio priklausomybė. Tarpusavyje susipynę ir vienas kitą įtakojantys valstybių ekonominiai, politiniai, kultūriniai, socialiniai ir kitokio pobūdžio santykiai, savaime suprantama, nevyksta chaotiškai.
Teisė  Analizės   (4,89 kB)
Italian Migration
Italy is a country with a long history of emigration and a very short experience ofimmigration. Mass emigration started with Italian unification: during the period 1861- 1976 over 26 million people emigrated, half of them towards other European countries,the rest towards North and South America.
Geografija  Kursiniai darbai   (4,89 kB)
Maisto saugos vadybos sistemos projektas. Anglų kalba. Projektas buvo pristatytas Kopenhagos universitete, Danijoje. Darbas buvo yvertintas labai gerai. Vertas dėmesio studijuojantiems maisto pramonę.
Pramonė  Referatai   (14,77 kB)
Europien Union
What is the Europien Union ? The European Union (EU) is not a federation like the United States. Nor is it simply an organisation for co-operation between governments, like the United Nations. It is, in fact, unique. The countries that make up the EU (its ‘member states’) remain independent sovereign nations but they pool their sovereignty in order to gain a strength and world influence none of them could have on their own. Pooling sovereignty means, in practice, that the member states delegate some of their decision-making powers to shared institutions they have created, so that decisions on specific matters of joint interest can be made democratically at European level.
Įvertinimas 8,pristatytas kolegijoje, legalios verslo formos ir valdymo struktūra. New business planners do some serious thinking about what legal form to choose for their new endeavour. This means determining what status the business will be in the eyes of the law. The choice has very important consequences.
Adobe read
Adobe and its suppliers own all intellectual property in the Software. Adobe permits you to Use the Software only in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Use of some third party materials included in the Software may be subject to other terms and conditions typically found in a separate license agreement, a “Read Me” file located near such materials or in the “Third Party Software Notices and/or Additional Terms and Conditions” found at .
Anglų kalba  Kursiniai darbai   (10,68 kB)
Drug, substance that affects the function of living cells, used in medicine to diagnose, cure, prevent the occurrence of diseases and disorders, and prolong the life of patients with incurable conditions. Since 1900 the availability of new and more effective drugs such as antibiotics, which fight bacterial infections, and vaccines, which prevent diseases caused by bacteria and viruses, has increased the average American’s life span from about 60 years to about 75 years. Drugs have vastly improved the quality of life.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (11,98 kB)
Danger of terrorism
This topic concerns wide aspect of crimes, because definition of terrorism isn’t unanimous concept.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (8 kB)
Photography is the process of recording pictures by means of capturing light on a light-sensitive medium, such as a film or electronic sensor. Light patterns reflected or emitted from objects expose a sensitive silver halide based chemical or electronic medium during a timed exposure, usually through a photographic lens in a device known as a camera that also stores the resulting information chemically or electronically.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (12,46 kB)
Charles Dickens
Įvertintas 9. he Greatest of Victorian writers English novelist, generally considered the greatest of the Victorian period. Dickens's works are characterized by attacks on social evils, injustice, and hypocrisy. He had also experienced in his youth oppression, when he was forced to end school in early teens and work in a factory.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (6,77 kB)
KTU socialinių mokslų fakulteto 1 kurso anglų kalbos tiriamasis darbas (gavau 10). "Government does not tax to get the money it needs; government always finds a need for the money it gets." That’s what once said Ronald Reagan about taxes and what it is collected for. Of course, it was a joke, but I may bet there are lots of people, who would agree with that thought. Sometimes they even feel that they are caught in the behemothian jaws of government.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (4,09 kB)
Teisinio precedento istorinė raida Anglijos teisėje. Teisinio precedento struktūra – ratio decidendi ir obiter dicta. Teisinio precedento aiškinimas. Teisinio precedento taikymas Anglijos teismų sistemoje. Teisinio precedento rūšys. Teisinis precedentas romanų – germanų ir Lietuvos teisinėje sistemoje. Teisinis precedentas – kaip teisės šaltinis – formavosi anglų teisinėje sistemoje daugelį amžių, buvo ir yra pirminiu teisės šaltiniu. Viduramžiais Anglijoje daug teisės institutų buvo suformuluota ne Parlamento išleistuose įstatymuose, bet teismų sprendimuose – teisiniuose precedentuose. Anglų teisė precedentinė yra ir dabar. Tose šalyse, kuriose įsišaknijo Anglijos teisinė sistema, iki šių dienų teisinis precedentas vaidina vieną iš pagrindinių vaidmenų teismams atliekant savo pagrindinę funkciją – vykdant teisingumą.
Teisė  Kursiniai darbai   (23 psl., 26,51 kB)
Judaism is the oldest of the monotheistic faiths. It affirms the existence of one God, Yahweh, who entered into covenant with the descendants of Abraham, God's chosen people. Judaism's holy writings reveal how God has been present with them throughout their history. These writings are known as the Torah, specifically the five books of Moses, but most broadly conceived as the Hebrew Scriptures (traditionally called the Old Testament by Christians) and the compilation of oral tradition known as the Talmud (which includes the Mishnah, the oral law).
Teologija  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (2 psl., 6,17 kB)
Kursinis darbas apie kovą su nelegalios programinės įrangos platintojais, praktinių pavyzdžių analizė. Programinės įrangos sąvokos apibrėžimas. Nelegali programinė įranga. Nelegalios programinės įrangos platinimo ir naudojimo būdai. Kova su nelegalios programinės įrangos platinimu ir naudojimu. Naudojami būdai kovoje su “kompiuteriniais piratais” Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose. Praktiniai kovos būdų pavyzdžiai Europoje. Praktiniai pavyzdžiai naudojami Lietuvoje. Legalios programinės įrangos apsauga nuo neteisėto platinimo ir naudojimo. Darbas rašytas 2007 m., MRU, įvertinimas - 10.
Informatika  Kursiniai darbai   (16 psl., 122,77 kB)