Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rastas 41 rezultatas

Teises teorijos rasto darbas
Teisė  Referatai   (13 psl., 42,14 kB)
Socialinis mokslas
Iš pirmo žvilgsnio socialinis ir politikos mokslai- visiškai skirtingi- juk politika, tai sąmoninga, tikslinga ir organizuota žmonių veikla, kuria tiesiogiai ar netiesiogiai siekiama paimti, išlaikyti, panaudoti valdžią, siekiant realizuoti valstybinius, nacionalinius, grupinius ar asmeninius interesus ar uždavinius. Politika yra įgyvendinama sprendimais, įstatymais, politinių bei teisinių normų priėmimu, politinių partijų ir judėjimų organizavimu ir kt. veiksmais,- o socialinis mokslas- tai mokslas, kuris teoriškai ir empyriškai tiria žmonių tarpusavio santykius visuomenėje, nagrinėja socialinių sistemų struktūrą ir jos funkcijas, taip pat šių sistemų sąveiką su atskirais individais. Nepaisant to, kad šiuos du terminus sieja žodis „žmonės“, iš pirmo žvilgsnio, jie gali pasirodyti visiškai nesusiję, tačiau taip nėra.
Politologija  Referatai   (15 psl., 23,03 kB)
Mass Media
The mass media plays very important role in our life. It helps us to learn what is happening in the world very fast. Mass media includes newspapers, magazines, radio and television. Nowadays there are so many newspapers a. magazines, radio station a. TV channels that we have to be very selective a. choose the best of them.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 7,67 kB)
Mother Theresa
This strong and independent Slavic woman was born Gonxha (Agnes) Bojaxhiu in Skopje, Yugoslavia, on August 27, 1910. Five children were born to Nikola and Dronda Bojaxhiu, yet only three survived. Gonxha was the youngest, with an older sister, Aga, and brother, Lazar. This brother describes the family's early years as well-off, not the life of peasants reported inaccurately by some. We lacked for nothing. In fact, the family lived in one of the two houses they owned. Nikola was a contractor, working with a partner in a successful construction business. He was also heavily involved in the politics of the day. Lazar tells of his father's rather sudden and shocking death, which may have been due to poisoning because of his political involvement.
Mass media
Good morning, today I`m going to speak about ‘Mass media’. To start with, the mass media play an important part in our lives. Newspapers, radio and especially TV inform us of what is going on in this world and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment. They also influence the way we see the world and shape our views. Of course, not all newspapers and TV programmes report the events objectively but serious journalists and TV reporters try to be fair and provide us with reliable information. It is true that the world today is full of dramatic events and most news seems to be bad news. But people aren't interested in ordinary events. That is why there are so many programmes and articles about natural disasters, plane crashes, wars, murders and robberies. Good news doesn't usually make headlines. Bad news does. To my mind say that journalists are given too much freedom. They often intrude on people's private lives. They follow celebrities and print sensational stories about them which are untrue or half-true. They take photos of them in their most intimate moments. The question is — should this be allowed? The main source of news for millions of people is television. People like TV news because they can see everything with their own eyes. And that's an important advantage. Seeing, as we know, is believing. Besides, it's much more difficult for politicians to lie in front of the cameras than on the pages of newspapers. As far as can see, many people prefer the radio. It's good to listen to in the car, or in the open air, or when you do something about the house. In addition, other scours of information are newspapers. The best known are `Lietuvos rytas` and citizens  of Kaunas read `Kauno diena`. These concern themselves, as far as possible, with factual reports of major national and international news stories, with the world of politics and business and with the arts and sport. Newspapers don't react to events as quickly as TV, but they usually provide us with extra detail, comment and background information. The Internet has recently become another important source of information. It is believed that in the year of 2010 there will be at least 500 million people on the system enjoying virtual reality. It means that more and more people use Internet for searching the news instead of reading newspapers or watching news on Tv. Its main advantage is that news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life and you don't have to wait for news time on TV. Thanks to Internet now news are easy of access. To sum up, mass media reach very large numbers of people. For this reason it plays a significant role in our lives. More than even before, mass media offers us a window to the world and it depends only on you which scours of information to choose.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (5,11 kB)
Abraham Lincoln Born on February 12, 1809 in Hardin County, Kentucky In 1842, he married Mary Todd a women from Lexington, Kentucky In 1847, Lincoln was elected to the House of Representatives In 1856, he went to the ran against Stephen A. Douglas in a losing effort to get to the U.S Senate as a Republican In 1860, he ran for President against Stephen Douglas and won the election John Wilkes Booth Born May, 10 1838 in Bel Air, Maryland--a Southern city Began interest in theatrics in 1855 at the Charles Street Theater in Baltimore Booth became a common actor at the theater In September 1858 Booth moved to Richmond, Virginia to act at the Marshall Theater At Richmond, Booth became accustomed and sympathized to the southern politics Booth never joined the Confederate army but did smuggle medical supplies from the North during the Civil War The Plot: Summer 1864 Booth developed plans to give the Confederates an advantage in the war Planned to kidnap Lincoln with a group of friends Wanted to hold Lincoln for ransom to free Confederates Co-conspirators included Samuel Arnold, Michael O’Laughlen, John Surratt, Lewis Powell, George Atzerodt and David Harold with the help of Dr. Samuel Mudd Booth would use John Surratt’s wife Mary Surratt’s boarding house to hold his meetings about his plans
Anglų kalba  Pateiktys   (948,97 kB)
Nuo senų senovės pažanga ir vystymasis buvo viso pasaulio varikliai, noras siekti tobūlybės leido žmogui tapti tuo, kuo jis yra dabar. Akivaizdu, kad mūsų dienų pažangos sparta skiriasi nuo ankstesnės, tempai yra tokie, kad praėjus dešimtmečiui galima bus ir nebeatpažinti aplinkos kurioje gyvename. XXI amžiuje negalime nepastebeti milžiniško technologijų vystymosi, jis tiesiogiai arba ne visai tiesiogiai daro įtaka kiekvieno žmogaus gyvenimui. Taipogi kiekvena socialinė terpė negali likti nuošalėje ir išsaugoti pirminės būsenos.
Politologija  Referatai   (8 psl., 16,71 kB)
The TCP/IP Model: origins from ARPANET, DoD research network, ARPA - Advanced Research Projects Agency, reliability was the primary concern of design, IMP - interface message processor, the TCP/IP Model defined in 1974 for the first time. The Internet Layer: packet-switching, connectionless service, each packet is independently routed from source to destination, packet ordering issue, defines packet format, defines protocol - Internet Protocol.
Informatika  Pateiktys   (16 psl., 162,66 kB)
Hierarchinės, centralizuotos valdžios institucijos, kurios buvo sukurtos 1930 – 1940 metais paprasčiausiai negali efektyviai funkcionuoti greitai besikeičiančioje, intensyvių žinių bei informacijos visuomenėje. Ilgus metus valdžios institucijų rolė buvo vienareikšmė: rinkti mokesčius ir teikti paslaugas, tačiau dar prieš 1930 metus daugelį paslaugų teikė nevyriausybinės organizacijos ir valdžios piramidė buvo stipriai decentralizuota ir rėmėsi dviem pagrindiniais Jefferson principais: valdymas turi būti decentralizuotas iki tokio lygmens, kad kiekvienas pilietis galėtų dalyvauti viešosios politikos valdyme.
Politologija  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (9 psl., 16,83 kB)
Mass Media
For our ordinary life are very important informations. We need informations about local, home and international political, social and sporst events. The biggets and most important sources of information are mass media. To mass media belong nawspapers, radio,television and internet. Newspaper. In Britiain the national newspapers are very important.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (3,77 kB)
Praktikos ataskaita
Vienas svarbiausių instrumentų, užtikrinančių ilgalaikę įmonės sėkmę rinkoje, - veiksmingas marketingas. Pagrindinis marketingo tikslas – vartotojų poreikių patenkinimas. Klientai – svarbiausia įmonės vertybė. Jų poreikių išaiškinimui, pritraukimui, skatinimui naudotis įmonės paslaugomis turi būti skirta pakankami laiko, pastangų ir lėšų. Tuo turi būti rūpinamasi tiek kuriant naują įmonę, tiek jau veikiančioje įmonėje. Tam, kad patenkinti vartotojų poreikius įmonės administracija turi juos žinoti ir kaip taip padaryti. Geriausias būdas sužinoti ko reikia klientui, tai paklausti jo paties. padaryti apklausą.
Rinkodara  Kursiniai darbai   (3,58 kB)