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Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai
Rasti 134 rezultatai
The role of China in the global world
Apie Kinijos svarbą ir vaidmenį visame pasaulyje.
Sunkieji metalai maisto produktuose
Tai yra svetimos maistui medžiagos, atsitiktiniu arba kitokiu būdu patekę į maistą. Šioje maisto teršalų grupėje yra sunkieji metalai, cheminės medžiagos, augalinės ir gyvūninės kilmės toksinai, grybų ir grybelių toksinai, atskirai aptariama nitratai, nitritai ir nitrozaminai.
Plaukų ligos
Vidutinis žmogus turi apie 5 mln plaukų. Plaukai auga ant viso kūno odos, išskyrus lūpas, delnus ir padus. Dauguma plaukų auga apie šešerius metus, o vėliau iškrenta. Ant žmogaus galvos auga nuo 120 iki 150 tūkstančių plaukų. Kiekvieną dieną išslenka 100-500 plaukų, o jų vietoje išauga nauji. Plauko stiprumas priklauso nuo viso organizmo būklės, kūno sudėjimo, paveldėjimo savybių. Plaukai šildo, saugo nuo nešvarumų akis, ausis ir nosį.
Savo praktikos ataskaitoje aš pabandysiu apžvelgti UAB „Rimi Lietuva“ įgytas žinias ir praktinio darbo įgūdžius. Tai darysiu remdamasi savo darbo patirtimi, bendrųjų vadybos pagrindų supratimu, įgytų studijuojant vadybą bei vadovaudamasi informacija, kurią man suteikė įmonė. Praktiką atlikau UAB „Rimi Lietuva“.
Šiaulių lankytinos vietos, aprašymas anglų kalba.
Dialoge du žmonės kalbasi apie buto nuoma, dalinasi darbus ir t.t. Už darbą gavom po 10 su klasioku, nežinau kaip jums pasiseks :)
About People and Trips
It’s always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms.
Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. City-dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe and laze in the sun.
How carefully are you with money? Do you like saving? If yes, for what purpose? Is it good to have a part — time job in order to get some money? Does everything depend on money? What is money? Is it just a paper note or something more? Is it the root of evil or is it good? Can we live without it? Does everything depend on it? There are questions which everybody would ask differently. Money is just a paper note but world doesn’t go round without it. Pessimist would say that money is the evil which makes arguments between friends, makes wars, kills people and destroys everybody’s souls. That’s true but that’s also just the one side of the truth. Maybe money is the evil but it is also good because everything depends on it. If I were a millionaire I would live without problems and I wouldn’t need to think how to pay my dues, I wouldn’t have to put by money in order to have enough food. This means that money allows living well — off. But it is needless to say that humanity disappears when there is too much money, and egoism takes place of humanity. So what can we do if we want to have plenty of money and don’t be lost to sense of humanity? We need to do work honestly and to save our money. To star with I’m very carefully with my money. It’s very good always to have it, because when I have enough money I don’t go out of my mind even if there happens something to me. There isn’t necessary to borrow from somebody, too. That’s because I always think about my future and I never know what will happen to me, too. Basically I put by money for purpose to feel safe. And maybe you feel like you don’t know how I manage to save money being a teenager. Well, I get a pocket money from my mother everyday. I don’t spend all of them so I put by twenty pounds per month. That’s not a big amount but that’s enough for me. I think that there would be better to get more, but that’s not a necessity. Apart from this I bay clothes from the second — hand shops and accessories from sale. It helps me to save a lot of money. On the one hand if I didn’t save it I would borrow some from somebody. But that’s not a good idea because I feel really bad being in debt. I don’t like to borrow and also I don’t like to lend, too. However, it would be great to have a part — time job in order to get some money. In my opinion every man should try to find a right way how to earn some extra money. They should stop putting the blame on life for injustice. Saying the truth I dream of perfect graduation that I would be able to get a good job in order to earn a lot of money. And I don’t want that there would be heavy fall of rain of money. I just want to share my future life by myself. I believe in a dream that’s why I keep trying and do my best to realize it. To sum up I want to say that money is a lubricous thing. You must be very carefully with it because you never know what can happen in the future. And although money is the root of evil but we couldn’t live without it. And also it smells good.
My Birthday Party
On the 17th of March there was my birthday. I decided to celebrate my birthday at home with my friends and family.
I involved a lot of preparation before the party started. My mum made herself a big birthday cake and other delicious food. My brother and father tided all rooms and prepared the table, I made myself a lot of brightly colored decorations to decorate all rooms. I also prepared fun games.
The guests started to come about 12pm and we began to celebrate. At first, we sit up around the table and ate delicious dishes prepared by my mum. Then we listen to loud music and dance. After that, we played my prepared games and watched film. At last we ate cake. I made a wish and blew up all candles.
After the party, some my friends stayed up to sleep over. I felt a little bit exhausted, but very happy too. I had a lot of presents and I really enjoyed the party.
Living apart from parents
Firstly, I should speak about the reasons why more and more young people prefer living apart from their parents. What really matters is that living apart parents capacitate for free life without any interdictions and limits, as well. Entering university causes another reason. Usually, chosen university is in another city. Due to this youth has no other choice as to leave parents home, and move to a new place. We must not forget and one more point about this. For the meantime, living on one’s own is more fashion than necessity. Of course, there are a great majority of other reasons, but those few mentioned I think do the most influence to youth.
Talking of my living place after finishing secondary school, I must say that it depends on university which I will enter. There is no doubt that after finishing school I will be constrained to leave my native town. It goes with the territory, that in these days I think more and more about my future living apartments. I don’t find myself very happy when I think that in near future I will have to live in students hostile. I am strongly determined to rent a flat. I’ve made decision like this as I don’t like living in huge groups without any private life.
Also, I am expected to mention what difficult is might students have while living in students hostiles or rented flats. One of the negative sides of living in students’ hostiles or rented flats is living on one’s own. Not all school leavers are ready to cook food, do some other house duties. In addition to this, youth experience hard life. Moreover, living in new place where one doesn’t know anybody causes stress. Youth undergo depression. Finally, it costs a lot to live in hostile or rented flat. As a result, youngsters must look for a job, save money. They are not able to conduct whatever they want.
In conclusion, all changes give a lot of satisfaction to young people, but we can’t forget about the hard which it does.
Lithuanian fauna and flora
Lithuania lies by the Baltic Sea. But only the west part of our country is bathed by the sea. The climate in our country is quite good. We coul enjoy four seasons of the year. Every season is different from each other.
My favourite season is spring. In this season we could see birds, like storks, tits, cuckoo and other, coming back from warm countries after long winter. Animals awake from their winter sleep. All nature becomes green. We could enjoy beautiful and colourful flowers. Most of them in spring I like violets. I like to watch the life of butterflies, ladybirds and grassschopers.
After spring season comes summer. Then the weather becomes very hot. We could met various kind of wild animals in lithuanian woods: wolves, foxes, wild boars, beavers and other mammals. Also there is woodpeckers, swallows, sparows and storks, that are busy with finding food to eat. Very beautiful bird for me is swan. That white bird lives in lakes and delight people watching them.
After amazing summer season comes autumn. It is very colourfull season, because the sky is blue and it matches with red, yellow and brown colours of the leaves on the trees. In this season people go to forest to pick mushrooms, nuts and wild berries. Unfortunately, this season always makes people be sad because of rainny and windy days.
The coldest season of the year is winter. Then it snows a lot and the weather usually is really cold. Also there is fog and frost. So it‘s not one of my favourite season, despite my favourite holiday of a year – Christmas holiday.
I think weather in Lithuania is enough good for us and it is better than in Australia, Africa or in Antarctica.
Informal letter invitation
I have four tickets to the theatre next Saturday. It will be the last performance of ‘King for a Night’ and I think it would be great to see it.
Would you like to come along? I have invited Sue and Milo too, because I know how they like theatre. They accepted my invitation and asked me if I knew a good place to go for something to eat afterward.
Maybe you can suggest something? I suppose we could go to Gino’s Pizzas, because every one of us likes Italian food.
Hope to hear from you soon. Give me a ring if you can go with us.