Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 145 rezultatai

Anglų kalbėjimas apie žalą gamtai ir pan.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1 psl., 11,8 kB)
Išsamus pristatymas apie Šilutės miestą anglų kalba.
Anglų kalba  Projektai   (25 psl., 2,29 MB)
Climate Change
Climate Change Nowadays there are many discussions about whether the climate on Earth is really changing and whether people‘s activities is the main cause of these changes.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 6,42 kB)
Šiame referate aš apžvelgsiu kada ir dėl kokių priežasčių atsirado pirmieji dangoraižiai skirtinguose pasaulio vietose, bei trumpai aprašysiu kaip juose vystėsi dangoraižių statybos iki mūsų dienų. Taip pat trumpai paminėsiu pirmuosius ir pačius aukščiausius dangoraižius. Referate aprašyti pasirinkau jau seniai pripažintus „dangoraižių miestus“ – Niujorką, Čikagą, Hong Kongą, Tokio, San Paulą, bei tik neseniai išgarsėjusiuos – Šanchajų, Dubai, Maskvą.
Architektūra ir dizainas  Referatai   (10 psl., 4,41 MB)
Nidos istorija
NIda History Grobstas Horn for the first time was mentioned in 1366. There is a suggestion that it was the very first settlement on the Spit. Locations named Noyken or Noyden were described in the Teutonic chronicles in 385. Though it sounds like Nida, this hypothesis was rejected recently. True facts about Nida appeared in 1429 and 1437, when the Nida Inn was mentioned. The village was located not far from the sea, about 2-km south from present Nida. The innkeeper received privileges from the Magdeburg Rights in 1529. The innkeeper and 18 fishermen families, 3 part-time fishermen and one lodger family lived in Nida in 1541. And then sand attacks started.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (20,88 kB)
My dream house
To begin with, I must say that for the meantime I live in a five storied building with other buildings around it. My flat is on the fourth floor. The flat has all modern conveniences, but is not very large. As I know many people usually dream about the castle on the bank of the sea with many huge rooms and bathrooms. But I don’t. My dream house is quite different.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 6,53 kB)
Šiaulių lankytinos vietos, aprašymas anglų kalba.
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (6 psl., 9,9 kB)
Dialoge du žmonės kalbasi apie buto nuoma, dalinasi darbus ir t.t. Už darbą gavom po 10 su klasioku, nežinau kaip jums pasiseks :)
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1 psl., 3,32 kB)
Land Management
Anglų referatas. Land management is the process of managing the use and development (in both urban and suburban settings) of land resources in a sustainable way. Land resources are used for a variety of purposes which interact and may compete with one another; therefore, it is desirable to plan and manage all uses in an integrated manner.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (8 psl., 11,64 kB)
About reading
Anglų kalbos topikas apie skaitymą, elektroninių knygų trūkumus ir privalumus bei mėgstamiausią knygą.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 3,28 kB)
Working day
Usually my mother makes breakfast for me. But when she is away, I make breakfast myself. I usually have a few sandwiches, two eggs and a cup of tea. I leave the house at 7.30 a.m. As the school isn’t far from home, I don’t take a bus. I go on foot. It takes me about ten minutes to get to school. Usually I meet my friend Andrius on my way. We go to school together. Our lessons start at eight o’clock. We usually have seven or eight lessons a day. It is not easy to study at our school, but it’s among the best schools in the region. There is a break for lunch after the fourth lesson. The break is short, so I have to hurry in order to get to the canteen, to have a lunch and to get back to the classroom on time. Our lessons are over at around 3 p.m.
Los Angeles is far and away the most populous city in California and is located in the southern half of the state. It’s a great and very diverse city, from Hollywood to East L.A. you can find every possible lifestyle represeneted in this micro cosmos.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (97,74 kB)
To start with I think you agree with me that a big part of our most joyful and impressive moments are from holidays. Then our mood is in high spirit, we have lots of time to do everything we want. In addition, it is the way to relax and escape from your daily problems. A long days of holidays encourage us to start on a journey. Maybe you always have wanted to see acropolis in Greece or to dive into Mediterranean in Egypt? Holiday is the best time to do this. However, so many men so many minds. Different people prefer different ways to spend their holidays. Somebody prefers flights to journeys by bus, because you can see clouds, ocean or earth below you without any hindrance, furthermore it is a good way quickly to reach the place. Besides the plane other choose a traditional type of traveling by car. When the wind scatters your hair and you could feel like hero from “The Road” by Jack Keruack . As far as I can see young people give preference to hitch-hiking. Firstly, it takes them unusual experience, because such type of traveling is always full of unexpected situations. And secondly, it`s the cheapest way to travel. However, in my opinion it`s quite dangerous, especially for girls. This is the reason why I have never try such traveling. In spite of this I like traveling. It gives an opportunity to communicate with different types of people, to know yourself better and to know your friends inside out, because travel is a good way to unfold the true face of person. And the main reason why people every year over and over visit other countries is that travel gives an opportunity to know more about unique that country`s traditions and cultural identity. Furthermore it helps to expand our horizon. In conclusion, I would like to say that it is up to every person’s taste which type of travelling to choose.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (4,04 kB)
The Final Problem
It was my intention to have stopped there, and to have said nothing of that event which has created a void in my life which the lapse of two years has done little to fill. My hand has been forced, however, by the recent letters in which Colonel James Moriarty defends the memory of his brother, and I have no choice but to lay the facts before the public exactly as they occurred. I alone know the absolute truth of the matter, and I am satisfied that the time has come when no good purpose is to be served by its suppression. As far as I know, there have been only three accounts in the public press: that in the Journal de Geneve on May 6th, 1891, the Reuter’s dispatch in the English papers on May 7th, and finally the recent letters to which I have alluded. Of these the first and second were extremely condensed, while the last is, as I shall now show, an absolute perversion of the facts. It lies with me to tell for the first time what really took place between Professor Moriarty and Mr. Sherlock Holmes. It may be remembered that after my marriage, and my subsequent start in private practice, the very intimate relations which had existed between Holmes and myself became to some extent modified. He still came to me from time to time when he desired a companion in his investigations, but these occasions grew more and more seldom, until I find that in the year 1890 there were only three cases of which I retain any record. During the winter of that year and the early spring of 1891, I saw in the papers that he had been engaged by the French government upon a matter of supreme importance, and I received two notes from Holmes, dated from Narbonne and from Nimes, from which I gathered that his stay in France was likely to be a long one. It was with some surprise, therefore, that I saw him walk into my consulting-room upon the evening of April 24th. It struck me that he was looking even paler and thinner than usual.
The daily routine
I open the window; make my bed and switch on the radio. I do my exercises to music. Then I go to the bathroom, take a shower and brush my teeth. While I dress, my mother gets breakfast ready for me. I usually have some toast, two eggs and a cup of tea. I leave the house at 7.55 a.m. As the school is not far from my home, I do not take a bus, I go on foot. It takes me only 5 minutes to get to school. I usually meet my best friend Povilas on my way. We walk together and talk about different things. Our lessons begin at 8 o’clock. We have seven lessons a day, except Monday and Friday. On these days we have six lessons. Our lessons are over 2.25 p.m. After coming home I have my dinner and take a short nap. Then I spend two hours on my homework. In the evening I like to do a little reading. Sometimes I sit at home and watch TV or listen to the radio. I also try to find time to do sports and help my parents. It is not until midnight that I usually go to bed.
Shakespeare Hamlet
To begin with, all people use various services: postal services, telephone, telegraph, bank, police, diplomatic services, car maintenance services, petrol stations and personal services. Personal service establishments are very useful and many people visit them every day. I`m not an exception . When I am going to go to a party I go to hairdresser’s establishment. If I need my shoes to get mended, I go to the repair shop. When they are rather worn, I take them to the shoemaker’s. Occasionally I need to have my photos taken. Then I go to the photographer’s. In addition I have a camera at home so I can take photos myself. Unfortunately I can’t make photographs, so I have to go to the photographer’s and have them made. As far as I can see the telephone is widespread nowadays. The telephone is of great importance in business, in administrative relations and in the national economy. I have the telephone at home too and I like to talk over it. When necessary, the police, the fire brigade, the first aid and ambulance service can be called by anybody from any telephone. It is easy of access. You have to dial only two digits. We use the fire brigade. For example, once there was a strange smell and smoke from our neighbours door. Such being the case, we call a fire brigade. Fortunately for us it was only burnt stewpot [‹stju:pƒt]. What comes to postal service, I use it too. I like to communicate with people. I have some friends in Lithuania and Denmark, and I communicate with them. I send letters to Denmark by air mail. It costs more but it is faster. At the post office you can send telegrams too. I can send parcels with gifts to my friends when they celebrate their birthdays. A few years ago I used to go to café-internet. There you can Relax with a cup of tea or Espresso while you Surf the Net. Now I give preference to my computer at home. Finally sometimes I use medical services. If I am not ill very seriously I treat myself. However, a few years ago I broke my hand so for this reason I had to use services of medical professions. Another reason why I go to see the doctors is medical certificate for school. Once a half-year I go to the dentist. On the whole I havn`t a fear of various medical institutions like dentist and so on. I like listening comments and discussions on current affairs, interviews with various people on the radio. The programs are followed by music it`s the main reason why it interests me. I like to watch something on TV in the evenings. When my radio or TV has broken down I have to repaired it in the service shop. And when I was going to go abroad I used the diplomatic services. In that case I went to Vilnius embassy for my visa. In conclusion, all services are in your interest. Service industry provide a variety of facilities to help in every situation. Moreover it`s easy of access. And to my mind it make our life easier.
To begin with, all people use various services: postal services, telephone, telegraph, bank, police, diplomatic services, car maintenance services, petrol stations and personal services. Personal service establishments are very useful and many people visit them every day. I`m not an exception . When I am going to go to a party I go to hairdresser’s establishment. If I need my shoes to get mended, I go to the repair shop. When they are rather worn, I take them to the shoemaker’s. Occasionally I need to have my photos taken. Then I go to the photographer’s. In addition I have a camera at home so I can take photos myself. Unfortunately I can’t make photographs, so I have to go to the photographer’s and have them made. As far as I can see the telephone is widespread nowadays. The telephone is of great importance in business, in administrative relations and in the national economy. I have the telephone at home too and I like to talk over it. When necessary, the police, the fire brigade, the first aid and ambulance service can be called by anybody from any telephone. It is easy of access. You have to dial only two digits. We use the fire brigade. For example, once there was a strange smell and smoke from our neighbours door. Such being the case, we call a fire brigade. Fortunately for us it was only burnt stewpot [‹stju:pƒt]. What comes to postal service, I use it too. I like to communicate with people. I have some friends in Lithuania and Denmark, and I communicate with them. I send letters to Denmark by air mail. It costs more but it is faster. At the post office you can send telegrams too. I can send parcels with gifts to my friends when they celebrate their birthdays. A few years ago I used to go to café-internet. There you can Relax with a cup of tea or Espresso while you Surf the Net. Now I give preference to my computer at home. Finally sometimes I use medical services. If I am not ill very seriously I treat myself. However, a few years ago I broke my hand so for this reason I had to use services of medical professions. Another reason why I go to see the doctors is medical certificate for school. Once a half-year I go to the dentist. On the whole I havn`t a fear of various medical institutions like dentist and so on. I like listening comments and discussions on current affairs, interviews with various people on the radio. The programs are followed by music it`s the main reason why it interests me. I like to watch something on TV in the evenings. When my radio or TV has broken down I have to repaired it in the service shop. And when I was going to go abroad I used the diplomatic services. In that case I went to Vilnius embassy for my visa. In conclusion, all services are in your interest. Service industry provide a variety of facilities to help in every situation. Moreover it`s easy of access. And to my mind it make our life easier.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (4,74 kB)
1. a choice of sth 2. a combination of sth 3. alien to sb 4. a limit on/to sth 5. all in all 6. at midnight 7. at noon 8. at regular times 9. at the right moment 10. from one place to another 11. in action 12. in any weather 13. in a sense 14. in danger of sth 15. in detail 16. in disbelief 17. in September 18. in the streets 19. it‘s typical of sb 20. mile after mile 21. on average 22. on/by request 23. on my own 24. on 25th April [on the 25th of April] 25. the loss of sb/sth 26. to arrive at the office 27. to arrive in a city 28. to ask about sth (enquire) 29. to ask for sth (request) 30. to be an example of sth 31. to be associated with sb/sth 32. to be at risk 33. to be attractive to sb 34. to be aware of sth 35. to be behind bars 36. to be bored with/by sb/sth 37. to be confined to a place 38. to be dependent on sth/sb 39. to be far away sth from sth 40. to be fed up with sb/sth 41. to be high in calories 42. to be ideal for sb/sth 43. to be important to sb/sth 44. to be in search of sth 45. to be in taxi 46. to lacking in sth 47. to be married to sb (but: to marry sb) 48. to be on a bike 49. to be on a plane 50. to be on display 51. to be on the train 52. to be pleased with/by sb/sth 53. to be popular with sb 54. to be proud of sb/sth 55. to be responsible for sth/sb 56. to be restricted to an area 57. to be serious about sth 58. to be suitable for sb/sth 59. to be terrified of sth 60. to be the key to sth 61. to be threatened with extinction 62. to be transformed into/by sth 63. to be unsure of/about sth 64. to be well-known for sth 65. to be worried about sb/sth 66. to blame sb for sth 67. to blame sth on sb/sth 68. to boast about/of sth 69. to care about sb/sth 70. to care for sb/sth (to like/look after) 71. to cater for sth/sb 72. to cling to sb 73. to combine sth with sth else 74. to compete with sb 75. to complain about sb/sth 76. to concentrate on sth 77. to deal with sb/sth 78. to decide on sth 79. to depend on sb/sth 80. to discuss sth with sb 81. to dream about sth 82. to dream of sth (imagine) 83. to fall in love with sb 84. to feed sb with sth 85. to fight for sth 86. to get rid of sth 87. to go on a trip 88. to go on foot 89. to graduate from sth 90. to have a variety of sth 91. to head for somewhere 92. to hear about sb/sth (to be told about sb) 93. to hear from sb (have news) 94. to invest in sth 95. to laugh at sb/sth 96. to lead to sth 97. to live with sb 98. to miss out on sth 99. to occur to sb 100. to participate in sth 101. to pay for sth 102. to prefer sb/sth to sb/sth else 103. to plevent sb from doing sth 104. to plunge into sth 105. to protect sb from sb else/sth 106. to provide for sth 107. to put the blame on sb/sth 108. to rely on sth/sb 109. to remind sb of sth 110. to result in sth 111. to search for sth 112. to share sth with sb 113. to socialise with people 114. to succeed with/in sth 115. to suffer from sth 116. to take a photo of sb/sth 117. to test sb on sth 118. to think of/about sb/sth 119. to travel by plane 120. to travel by taxi 121. to wander through 122. to warn sb about sb 123. without any difficulty
1. a choice of sth 2. a combination of sth 3. alien to sb 4. a limit on/to sth 5. all in all 6. at midnight 7. at noon 8. at regular times 9. at the right moment 10. from one place to another 11. in action 12. in any weather 13. in a sense 14. in danger of sth 15. in detail 16. in disbelief 17. in September 18. in the streets 19. it‘s typical of sb 20. mile after mile 21. on average 22. on/by request 23. on my own 24. on 25th April [on the 25th of April] 25. the loss of sb/sth 26. to arrive at the office 27. to arrive in a city 28. to ask about sth (enquire) 29. to ask for sth (request) 30. to be an example of sth 31. to be associated with sb/sth 32. to be at risk 33. to be attractive to sb 34. to be aware of sth 35. to be behind bars 36. to be bored with/by sb/sth 37. to be confined to a place 38. to be dependent on sth/sb 39. to be far away sth from sth 40. to be fed up with sb/sth 41. to be high in calories 42. to be ideal for sb/sth 43. to be important to sb/sth 44. to be in search of sth 45. to be in taxi 46. to lacking in sth 47. to be married to sb (but: to marry sb) 48. to be on a bike 49. to be on a plane 50. to be on display 51. to be on the train 52. to be pleased with/by sb/sth 53. to be popular with sb 54. to be proud of sb/sth 55. to be responsible for sth/sb 56. to be restricted to an area 57. to be serious about sth 58. to be suitable for sb/sth 59. to be terrified of sth 60. to be the key to sth 61. to be threatened with extinction 62. to be transformed into/by sth 63. to be unsure of/about sth 64. to be well-known for sth 65. to be worried about sb/sth 66. to blame sb for sth 67. to blame sth on sb/sth 68. to boast about/of sth 69. to care about sb/sth 70. to care for sb/sth (to like/look after) 71. to cater for sth/sb 72. to cling to sb 73. to combine sth with sth else 74. to compete with sb 75. to complain about sb/sth 76. to concentrate on sth 77. to deal with sb/sth 78. to decide on sth 79. to depend on sb/sth 80. to discuss sth with sb 81. to dream about sth 82. to dream of sth (imagine) 83. to fall in love with sb 84. to feed sb with sth 85. to fight for sth 86. to get rid of sth 87. to go on a trip 88. to go on foot 89. to graduate from sth 90. to have a variety of sth 91. to head for somewhere 92. to hear about sb/sth (to be told about sb) 93. to hear from sb (have news) 94. to invest in sth 95. to laugh at sb/sth 96. to lead to sth 97. to live with sb 98. to miss out on sth 99. to occur to sb 100. to participate in sth 101. to pay for sth 102. to prefer sb/sth to sb/sth else 103. to plevent sb from doing sth 104. to plunge into sth 105. to protect sb from sb else/sth 106. to provide for sth 107. to put the blame on sb/sth 108. to rely on sth/sb 109. to remind sb of sth 110. to result in sth 111. to search for sth 112. to share sth with sb 113. to socialise with people 114. to succeed with/in sth 115. to suffer from sth 116. to take a photo of sb/sth 117. to test sb on sth 118. to think of/about sb/sth 119. to travel by plane 120. to travel by taxi 121. to wander through 122. to warn sb about sb 123. without any difficulty
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (8,35 kB)
Back to the point, I must say that it is very difficult to show only four as there are many places in interest in Lithuania. From what I know, there are many national parksin Lithuania. As a matter of fact, I could take my guest to few of them. Firstly, I would show to my guest The Trakai National Park. This park was designed in 1992 to embrace the historical city of Trakai, the forests, lakes and villages. The most significant historic monument is the Island Castle, on lake Galvė, which was built in the 14th century. The gothic castle is an impressive example of Lithuanian fortress architecture. From the tower of the castle you can see the shores of the lake, surrounding it like a green wreath. The castle now houses a valuable ethnological museum. In summer, chamber music concerts are held every Sunday in the representation hall. I am definitely sure, that foreigners would be impressed by this charms of nature. Secondly, I would be able to show one more national park. Žemaitija National Park was founded in 1991. The main aims of the park are to preserve the lake Plateliai system and the nature, to make better conditions for endangered species of flora and fauna, to develop tourism. It's also important to keep in mind that in the park my dear guest can have a good rest and spend holidays or weekend in the fresh air, in picturesque places, play sports and games, visit museums of traditional woodearved sculptures. As far as Vilnius is concerned, it is the capital of Lithuania. Vilnius is the largest city in the Republic and a cultural center. It goes with the teritory that in case you are going to show Lithuania to foreigner, you must show him the capital of Lithuania. Sitting at the top of Gediminas hill are the ruins of the Upper Fortress. The 14th-16th century gothic castle is both an architectural and historical monument. The bottom floors now house a small museum where you can learn about the history of Vilnius and see displays of archaeological findings. A narrow spiral staircase leads you to the top of the tower and a breathtaking view of Vilnius. Be sure to take in the view from all directions - opposite of the city, illuminating like a vision, is Hill of Three Crosses. Your eye will naturally be drawn to the classical elegance of Vilnius Cathedral, which sits in the middle of Cathedral Square. And the last place, which I would love to show to my guest is Neringa. The fact is well known that Neringa is home to the longest street in the country. You have a chance to choose to stay in traditional family house or in luxurious hotels. It's no matter who is your guest, there he can take relaxing and fun-filled holiday. To sum it up, I was given a chance to tell only about four beautiful places in Lithuania, but I can't go along with that it is all what our guest can see in Lithuania.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (5,05 kB)
My native town
Although much of Skuodas was destroyed during the Second World War, fragments of the old town are still standing on both sides of the Bartuva River. Now Skuodas has over 27628 inhabitants and is an agricultural – regional center. Talking about what makes my native town different compared to others, I must say that Skuodas is one of the towns, which are situated nearest to the frontier with Latvia. You must walk only 2 kilometers and you are in Latvia. As far as Skuodas is concerned it is the center of region. As I know, there isn’t many places of interest in Skuodas, but around Skuodas there are a lot places of interest as they are the following: Stone museum in Mosėdis, many mounds, for example Apuolės, Puotkalių and so on, the biggest stone in Lithuania, which is situated in Barstyčiai. But I am sure, that Skuodas is attractive for many tourists. It goes with the territory, that all people in Skuodas are really stubborn and persistent, as they are born to be Lowlanders. I think that’s a presumption, that all Lowlanders are lazy and not very active. Many would agree that Lowlanders are truly active and lively. As I said earlier, Skuodas is my native town, but despite of that I don’t want to live there later on. There are many reasons why I don’t want to live in Skuodas. Firstly, I am not sure that in this town I could get a job, which I want to, and I won’t be able to do a great career here. Secondly, I like quite huge cities in which are many interesting things, hard traffic, a lot of noise and many funny people. Thirdly, I want to make my future children happy. For example, if people was born and lived all his life in a great city, everybody looks at him differently from people who lived in small town or village. All these facts combine the situation, that I don’t want to live in Skuodas in the future. Its hard to talk about the opportunities which Skuodas offers for young people. There are no universities or higher educational establishments in Skuodas. There is only one gymnasium, Bartuva school, arts school and vocational education school. On the other hand, students can attend many activities after school. As a matter of fact, that there are not a lot opportunities for young people, not even I but a lot other young people want to leave Skuodas in the near future. All in all, I can say that Skuodas is lovely and beautiful little town in which I was born. I am thinking of leaving this town in the near future, but I can’t stand without Skuodas for all my life. If I live in other bigger city, I will come back to Skuodas to visit my family, relatives and friends.
My mum
I am going to talk about the person who is very important for me. Is it my mum. Her name is Rita. She is thirty-four years old. Now, she is not just my mum. She is also my friend and I like her looks as well as her features of character. My mum does not look different from others women, but for me she is very attractive. Firstly she is tall and slim. My mother has a round face with blue sparkling eyes and sweet smile with white teeth, her lips a thin and red, she has a turned up and small nose and dark eyebrows. She has short, wavy brown hair. Her skin is tanned. Besides, she is usually dressed in sports style. But sometimes when she goes to important places, she is dressed in formal clothes. Talking about my mum’s character, she is good-humored and you can not get bored with her company, for example, when I am sad she always makes me laugh by telling a joke to me. She is very outspoken and you can talk to her about everything and she always gives you advice. Also she is very sensitive. When she is hurt she sometimes begins to cry. However, like every person she has got some drawbacks. For example, she can be angry at times and nervous, especially when she has got a bad day. Impatient is another negative feature of her character. When she asks me to do something I have to do it at once without hesitation. As far as my mom’s free time is concerned, she loves listening to music, meeting her friends, collecting old coins and going in for sports. As you can see she spends her leisure in a very interesting way. In conclude, my mum is a person I always admire despite her negative features of her character. Besides, I am so happy to have someone to rely on.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,16 kB)
• The Republic of Lithuania is situated near the Baltic Sea. The length of the sea border is 99 kilometres. Kuršių Nerija, a nearrow split of land, isbetween the Baltic Sea and the Kurish Lagoon. It is often called the Lithuanian Sahara. To the north the country borders on the Republic of Latvia, to the east and south - on Belarus, to the soutwest - on Poland and on the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. The geometric center of the republic is about two kilometres west of Kėdainiai. The center of Erope is near the village Bernotai, 25 kilometres north of Vilnius. The highest point is Juozapinės hill, not far from Vilnius.It is 293.6 metres above sea level. The Nemunas River flows 937 kilometres. The Tauragnas is the deepest lake. • The first inhabitants had settled in the present territory of Lithuania about 900 BC. Lithuania was first mentioned in aLatin chronicle in 1009. It is believed that Lithuania gotits name from the Lietava River, the right tributary of the River Neris. It flows about 25 kilometres from the town Kernavė. The union of the Baltic tribes developed into the state of Lithuania in the 13th century. King Mindaugas (1251-1263) was thefirst Lithuanian king. The first Lithuanian ruler Gediminas founded the capital Vilnius in 1323. • The yer 1387 was significant as Lithuania was baptized and proclaimed a Christian state. The Battle of Žalgiris took place in 1410 where Grand Duke Vytautas together with the • Lithuanian and Polish armies defeated the Teutonic Order. • In 1918 the Act of independence was signed. The words music of the Russian occupation of Lithuania had started and was followed by the first deportations to Siberia. During World War ll Lithuanians had to join the Soviet army.The Act of the restoration of independence was proclaimed on March 11, 1990. The state holiday is February 16 known as independence Day. • The national flag consists of three colours.Yellow symbolizes the sun, light, and prosperity. Green represents the country's landscape,hope and joy. Red is the colour of the earth,life,and blood. • The founder of Lithuanian fiction is Kristijonas Donelaitis. The national bird is a stork,and the ruth is considered to be the national flower. According to the tradition,an oak is our national tree which sy mbolizes strength and fortitude. • The population is over three million in the republic. 1 700 000 Lithuanians or people of Lithuanian descent live in the whole world.Theaverage life expectancy is 70.5 yers. About 90 percent of Lithuanians are Roman Catholics.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1,68 kB)
Life and death
Though less is known about death. All we know is that the body stops functioning. And no one knows what comes after that, what happens with person’s mind and spirit. Or maybe nothing happens, human existence just ends at the moment of death. So far it is everyone’s business to believe in life after death or not. But there is one question that can be discussed about death: is it meaningful or not? One can say that the one who believes in life after death will give the meaning to it and on the contrary – the one who does not – will not give the meaning to it. But there are people who do not believe in life after death. They even do not know if they believe in something at all and death is something mysterious, something important in human’s life even for them. Why death is so important in human’s life? Is it important? Before answering these questions I checked in the Internet hoping to find something about death. I looked for information in Academic Search Elite and Academic Search Premier databases and found over 20.000 pages related to this theme. Of course, not all of them were only about death itself, some of them where about death of some famous person, but the numbers speak. People talk about it, and if they talk about it – they care about it, it is important for them. However, why others think that it is just “an awful, stinking, absurd horror, and there is no way of giving it meaning”? There may be a lot of reasons and I would like to mention some of them. Let us look at the world history and especially the World War I, World War II and other tragedies. Dead people were buried all together without coffins, without priests (if a man was religious), without any attention. Of course, there were such circumstances – economic situation was bad, no time for normal funeral (have to fight), lots of unknown dead people. The death lost it’s mysteriousness, sacral meaning. Therefore some people think of death if it was only the end of bodies functioning. Though no man can judge them because no-one knows if there is something after death. Everyone knows for sure that the body begins to fall to pieces, begins to putrefy, to stink after death. This is also a reason to think as Rollo May does. But we should think from the other point of view. Every man’s death makes his relatives, friends, acquaintances feel bad, sad, or at least uncomfortable. Some of them say that they miss the person, feel lonely without him. Maybe it can be called egoism, but still person’s death does not pass through without consequences. It makes us stop for a second and think about the eternal questions of life and death. Yet another reason for such thinking could be the fear of death. When people are afraid of something they usually ignore or deny it. Some of them do not even think about it. In this situation a person who thinks so do not want to have any relationships with death and therefore deny it, give no meaning to it. And as the folk wisdom speaks – the roots of fear hide in ignorance. The meaning of death also shows burying traditions. Our ancients showed respect to a dead man by putting expensive clothes, things, animals and even humans to graves. They believed in life after death and emphasized it with great ceremonies. When Catholicism came to our culture burying traditions have changed but nevertheless it remained very important in humans’ life cycle. It proves the importance of priest’s participation in funeral. I have already mentioned World Wars. As it is the tragedy of the whole mankind, we can not judge about significance of death from this point of view. Nowadays things change very fast and it is hard to decide how people think about things. By the way Andrew Greeley said: “since the fall of socialism in Eastern Europe there has been a significant increase in religious faith in Hungary, Slovenia, East Germany, and the Soviet Union, particularly in matters of religious faith like belief in God, life after death, heaven, hell, and religious miracles.” (Society, Mar/Apr2001, Vol. 38 Issue 3, p32, 6p). Proving this I should say I was surprised one day by the Mass in the Catholic Church – there were lots of young people, they were singing, it looked as if they liked it very much to be in church, to participate in Mass. It was no doubt for me that they really believe in God who says that death is an important period in human’s existence. But there is another question about believing in God and meaningful death. It happens very often that a man who lost his friend, beloved person in early childhood when his faith in something was just beginning to develop does not believe in God, hates death because of some unfairness, offense. He can not go to a funeral, he laughs at those who suffer because of somebody’s death. He says he does not understand people who give some meaning to death. But it is just a defensive reaction. He denies death because he does not want to remember early childhood’s horrible experience. Lately I have been to a couple of funerals. People who died were not very close to me. Still their death touched me. As I looked at dead people’s relatives, friends I realized that this event is very hard to experience. It seemed that they lost the ground under their feet, they looked so lost as if they did not know how they were going to live any longer. But still in such a sad situation they believed that for a man who died will be easier to live “there”. They wanted to say goodbye to their friend, relative and I even heard one woman saying that she hopes to see him in the better world. That was the most convincing argument that she believes in the meaning of death. I would like to say that nobody should give up in believing in life after death. People should believe in death as in a one step in the better human’s life. In nowadays when social, economic conditions are very unfavorable old people who have to little time to change something must have hope in case they could live their last days cheerfully, hopefully. But it is one problem with it – people are too afraid in death. Let us cope with this problem, let us give a hopeful meaning to death and let us live more joyful!
His neighbors watched him making various things and thought he would probably become a well-known clock maker. They thought thus because he had already made a clock which his neighbors had never heard of before. It worked by water. Isaac also made a sundial. The water clock could tell the hour in the house and the sundial outside. When he grew older he took a considerable interest in mathematics. Though Isaac never lost his manual skill his ability as a mathematician and a physicist was the most important in his life. His first physical experiment was carried out in 1658, when he was sixteen years old. Wishing to find out the strength of the wind during a storm, he jumped against and before the wind and by the length of his jump he could judge the strength of the wind. Thus he was searching out the secrets of nature and could find out difficult things in simple ways. When Isaac was fourteen years old, his mother took him from school to help her on the farm at Woolthorpe, where she lived with three other children - Isaac's brother and two his sisters. After two years working on the farm his mother sent him again to school to prepare for the University. On June 5, 1661, Newton entered the University of Cambridge where he studied mathematics. He became famous when he made a number of important contributions to mathematics by the time he was twenty-one. Then he began studying the theory of gravitation. In 1665, when he saw an apple fall from a tree he began wondering what force made the apple fall. Isaac was thinking about the earth's gravitation when the Great Plague raged in London and he was sent home from Cambridge because of this plague. In that quiet period of almost two years he finished considering his discoveries which had perhaps the most far-reaching effect in the whole history of science: the method of fluxions, decomposition of light and the law of gravitation. As a young man at Cambridge Newton had read with great interest the writings of Galileo, he knew the geometry of Descartes, and he had already partly worked out the methods of calculus, which he called the method of fluxions. So then he began to think "of gravity extending to the orb of the moon", as he wrote, he immediately put this idea to the test of calculation. For some years he studied light, in which subject alone his work was enough to place him in the first ranks among men of science. Newton performed many experiments with light and found that white light was made up of rays of different colours. He invented the reflecting telescope, which was very small in diameter, but magnified objects to forty diameters. Newton developed a mathematical method which is now known as the Binomial Theorem and also differential and integral calculus. In 1669 he was appointed professor and began lectures on mathematics and optics at Cambridge. Isaac Newton died in 1727 at the age of 85. He was buried with honours, as a national hero. It was the first time that national honours of this kind had been accorded in England to a man of science. Isaac was a great man who helped a lot for all world scientists. Philosophers are often absent-minded. Isaac Newton was a great scientist but he was also a philosopher and he was often as absent-minded as his colleagues all over the world. One day a man came to see Newton, but he was busy in his study and nobody was allowed to disturb him. Then visitor sat down in the dinning-room to wait for the philosopher. A little later Newton's wife came in and placed a covered dish on the table, telling the visitor that it was her husband's dinner. When she had left, the visitor lifted the cover and ate the whole boiled chicken, because he was very hungry. Now in the dish were a lot of small bones. When Newton's wife came in again, he apologized for what he had done, but she told him not to worry because another boiled chicken is in the kitchen. While she was fetching it, Newton came into the dinning-room and lifted the cover of the dish. When he see the bones, he turned to the visitor and said with a smile, "See how absent-minded we philosopher are! I quite forgot I had already my dinner". Then his wife came in with another dish. When the matter was explained, everybody had a good laugh.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (7,03 kB)