Vartotojo Adyta pasisakymai
  Vartotojas Pasisakymas
Žinutė parašyta: 2009-04-18 12:58:52 | Nuoroda

Turiu dialogą apie CAR FREE DAY ir keletą temų, kurių reikės įskaitai

Ruoškitės visas, nes kžkurios 8 vistiek bus:]

Žinutė parašyta: 2009-04-18 18:24:46 | Nuoroda

Parašykit skype. į e-mile nesiusiu

Žinutė parašyta: 2009-04-19 11:28:03 | Nuoroda

Siuskit ką turit   faer_girl


Žinutė parašyta: 2009-04-20 21:31:29 | Nuoroda

skype  faer_girl


Žinutė parašyta: 2009-04-21 09:54:25 | Nuoroda

kaip išsiversti : "Cut your spening online competition"?

Žinutė parašyta: 2009-04-21 10:26:05 | Nuoroda

apie jonines gal kas ka turit, as turejau sasviny, bet nerandu

Žinutė parašyta: 2009-04-21 10:35:40 | Nuoroda

Mass Media

I am a school – leaver, my day is very busy, I haven’t much time this year, but when I have some spare time I listen to the radio, watch TV and read newspapers. Mass Media includes radio, television and press. Mass Media is important for each educated person. Reading newspapers you can get interesting information about everything.
Our newspapers publish information about the work of the Parlament. You can find articles on economy, industry and agriculture. Sport fans can read about sport events in Lithuania and other countries. Almost all newspapers give radio and TV programmes, weather, forecasts, horoscopes. My parents subscribe to „Santaka“, „Vakaro zinios“, „Medicina ir dar kai kas visiems“.Vakaro zinios“ is a very popular newspaper in our country, „Santaka“ is the newspaper of our district. Some kinds of masgazines such as „Panele“, „Extra panele“, “Cosmopolitan“ are very popular among my friends.
We have such a great variety of radio stations in Lithuania, besides most of the radio stations are specialized: some are devoted either to information like National Radio and the others mostly to music like M-1, ZIP-fm. National Radio coverage is very simple and boring, the information that it gives is not interesting to all, it is not specialized for young people. Talking about M-1 and ZIP-fm, I could say that these radio stations I like most. They give perfest music of all styles, exciting programmes, games and so on. You can do your works or sit and listen to M-1, ZIP-fm for hours.
I prefer TV3 and LNK chanel to others because they are the most professional. They offer a great variety of programmes, interviews, discussion, documentaries, music programmes, featre films, serials, cartoons. Of course, I don’t watch all programmes running. I look through the TV programme in advance and choose what I think might be interesting to me. I also like feature films and news report, but I can’t stand our television becoming too much commercialized. Lots of quizzes are organized just to advertise goods. It is untpleasant when a film is interrupted and some cat food is advertised. On the whole, I think TV is a good friend but a bad master

Žinutė parašyta: 2009-04-21 11:25:49 | Nuoroda

cheating problem at school" apie ka cia mazdaug?

Žinutė parašyta: 2009-07-29 13:20:49 | Nuoroda

Reklamos vadyba

Iki pasimatymo, būsimi kolegos ;D

Žinutė parašyta: 2009-07-29 13:38:15 | Nuoroda

Vtvk, reklamos vadyba ir jokio matkės egzamino aš nelaikiau

Žinutė parašyta: 2009-08-19 12:14:47 | Nuoroda

Sveiki, aš taip pat reklamos vadyba (dieninis) :D

Iki pasimatymo ;)