Vartotojo Pam param pasisakymai
  Vartotojas Pasisakymas
Žinutė parašyta: 2011-05-02 16:46:33 | Nuoroda

 2010 pakartotinė


Part 1

1. Brown
2. 475186593
3. Folder
4. Grey 
5. Peterson

Part 2

6. C
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. B

Part 3


Part 4

15. future
16. free
17. 80 thousand
18. public
19. key
20. truth
21. contributors
22. comunity
23. textbooks
24. university
25. education


part 1

26. C
27. D
28. A
29. D
30. B

part 2

31. place
34. like
35. surprising

part 3 

36. E
37. C
38. F
39. B
40. G
41. H
42. E
43. B
44. C
45. A
46. F

Part 4

47. valuable
48. expanding
49. ignorant

Use of english

part 1

51. there
52. their
53. where
54. in
55. no
56. that
57. from
58. than

part 2

59. A
60. A
61. C
62. B
63. D
64. A
65. B
66. A


68. civilizations
69. imaginative
70. childhood
71. hatered
72. solutions
73. unpleasant
74. creativity

part 4

75. had been
76. imagining
77. think
78 has taken
79. had been thought
80. has been grumbing
81. covers
82. feeling

part 5

83. only i had time
84. must have left
85. have new TV delivered
86. prefer you didn't listen

Žinutė parašyta: 2011-05-05 22:45:17 | Nuoroda
Majamm rašė:

Aciu tau labai uz pakartotines atsakymus!!:)

 Nėra už ką ;}