Kokią specialybę rengiatės studijuoti?
Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai
Rasti 673 rezultatai
There are many subjects and many teathers at school. Every subject is important for teather, which he teathes. But sometimes some subjects are not important for studens. Senior pupils are decided what they are going to study, and decided which subjects are the least important, so they can renounse some subjects. I am going to speak about the subjects which I am studying.
Šiame straipsnyje siekiama išskirti veiksnius, kurie svarbūs valdymui pokyčių kontekste. Šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje akivaizdus valstybių ir visuomenių suartėjimas. Kalbant apie pokyčius, neišvengiamai kyla klausimų apie mūsų ateitį. Teisingas pokyčių ir jų padarinių numatymas dar šiandien leistų organizacijų vadovams keisti strategijas ir pasirengti rytdienai. Tai garantuotų konkurencinį pranašumą ir sėkmingą organizacijų veiklą. Pagrindinių kaitos poveikio sričių nustatymas yra viena svarbiausių šiandienos vadybos mokslo problemų.
Teenagers and alcohol
To begin with i`d like to say that alcoholism is widely spread among young people and because of that it has become a serious national problem. Alcohol is widely used by young people. Around 90 per cent of european teenagers over the age of 14 years have tried alcohol at least once. ‘Binge drinking’, drink driving and unsafe sex can all result from the misuse of alcohol.
Šiaulių lankytinos vietos, aprašymas anglų kalba.
Culture and Customs of Vietnam
Land, people and language
Vietnamese describe Vietnam as resembling a shoulder pole with a rice basket at each end. The image is useful, for the heavily populated, grain-producing areas of modern Vietnam are in the extreme North (in the Red River Delta, also called the Tonkin Delta) and South (the Mekong Delta), with a thin, less productive, and less densely inhabited coastal region linking them.
The Red River and its major tributaries are vital for irrigation, transportation, and hydroelectric power but are subject to violent and unpredictable flooding. Despite their dangers, the rivers deposit rich silt on the lowlands, and the Tonkin Delta has been intensively cultivated since the origins of Viet settlement. This remains true today, with irrigated or “wet” rice the principal crop.
Central Vietnam is an extremely thin region, only about thirty miles from the South China Sea to Laos at its narrowest. Given their proximity to the South China Sea and its teeming marine life, most of the villages combine farming with fishing. Central Vietnam is intersected by Seventeenth Parallel, which was a contested political boundary from 1954 to 1975.
The South’s major river is one of the world’s great rivers, the Mekong. The Mekong Delta is modern Vietnam’s second great agriculture and population centre, although the Viet did not begin significant settlement there until the 1600s. In addition to rice, still the main crop, sugarcane, bananas, and coconuts are produced abundantly.
Ethnolinguistic groups
Although the precise physical origins of the modern Vietnamese people remain in dispute, most scholars agree that they derive from a combination of aboriginal Australoid peoples with Indonesian and Mongoloid peoples from outside the region. Since historical times, the Viet have been a sedentary, rice-growing, village-dwelling people. Today there are more than 80,000,000 Vietnamese citizens, most of whom are ethnic Viet and live packed on about 20 percent of Vietnam’s territory. The rest of Vietnam – the remaining 80 percent – is for the most part left to non-Viet peoples. These areas are mountainous and covered by jungle and brush.
Vietnam’s mountains and high plains are thus inhabited by a variety of non-Viet ethnic groups, many of them similar to the peoples who live in Laos and Thailand. There are at least sixty different peoples in this category; collectively they total more than 4,000,000 people. In English they have been called the “hill peoples,” “tribal minorities,” or, more recently, “highlanders.”
Several non-Vietnamese ethnolinguistic groups also inhabit the lowlands of today’s Vietnam. In southern Vietnam there remains a group of Khmer Krom. Krom means “South” in Khmer and the Khmer Krom are the remnants of the time when the Khmer Empire controlled the Mekong Delta.
The Chams are another non-Viet lowland people, the human vestiges of an ancient empire called Champa that was conquered and absorbed by the Viet in the fifteenth century.
There is also a large Chinese population in Vietnam, totaling almost 1,000,000. Many Chinese have intermarried with Viet and are presently almost undistinguishable from them. Others have retained their Chinese identities by living in distinct communities, teaching their children the Chinese language and culture, and maintaining clan organizations.
The Vietnamese Language
Scholars do not agree on the best way to classify the Vietnamese language, which seems to share structures with and borrow words from many of the languages spoken in East and Southeast Asia. Vietnamese is tonal, suggesting an affinity with the Sino-Tibetan family, which includes the Chinese and Tai languages. It also has structural similarities to languages in the Mon-Khmer group of the Austro-Asiatic family, which are not tonal. Still other scholars view Vietnamese as a unique language that virtually constitutes a family unto itself, albeit one that has borrowed extensively from other families.
Throughout their history, the Viet have used a variety of writing systems. Like many other Asian nations, the Viet began their experience with writing by borrowing the “ready-made” system of Chinese characters (chu Han). From at least the thirteenth century onward, Viet scholars developed a second system, an indigenous character-based vernacular (chu nom) that adopted and adapted some of the symbols of Chinese characters to express Vietnamese-language sounds. Another system, chu quoc ngu, which remains in usage today, was invented by Catholic missionaries in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. They developed an alphabetical system based on a smaller number of Latin letters, which in combination express the sounds of spoken Vietnamese, including Chinese loan words.
After the end of colonialism in 1954, quoc ngu became the official writing system for government business and public education on both sides of the Seventeenth Parallel, and it remains so today in the S.R.V.
From the phonological point of view, Vietnamese is a monosyllabic and tonal language. It’s monosyllabism is manifested in the articulation of syllables in connected speech, but many of its words are disyllabic and even polysyllabic. For English speakers, the tonal quality of Vietnamese is one of its most interesting aspects. Each word is formed with at least one vowel that is voiced with either level or changing pitch. Depending on regional variations, there may be four to six of these pitches or tones. Unlike the intonations that English speakers use to express shades of meaning or emphasis, these changes in tone or musical pitch affect the lexical meaning of Vietnamese words.
Vietnamese is an isolating language: words do not change their forms, and grammatical categories cannot be expressed by prefixes or suffixes. Although syntax and contest are usually relied on to indicate grammatical meaning, function words may be added for clarification. However, Vietnamese words remain invariable, be they singular or plural, masculine or feminine, subject or object.
Social motives
Hormonal control
At puberty – roughly ages 11 to 14 – hormone changes produce the bodily changes that serve to distinguish males from females. The general idea is that endocrine glands manufacture hormones (chemical messengers), which travel through the bloodstream to target organs. The basic scheme is simple: by way of hormones, the hypothalamus directs the pituitary, which in turn directs the gonads – the ovaries and the testes.
The hormones produced by the gonads – estrogen, progesterone, and androgen – are called sex hormones. These hormones are responsible for the body changes at puberty. In girls, estrogen causes the development of breasts, the changes in the distribution of body fat that results in a more feminine form, and the maturation of the female genitals. In boys, testosterone (a kind of androgen) is responsible for the sudden growth of facial, underarm, and pubic hair; it also causes a deepening of the voice, the development of muscles that lead to a more masculine form, and the growth of the external genitals.
In other species, sexual arousal is closely tied to variations in hormonal levels; in humans, however, hormones play less of a role.
Neural Control
In humans, some of the neural mechanisms involved are at the level of spinal cord. But the organ most responsible for the regulation of sexual arousal and behavior is the brain.
Early Experiences
Experience has little influence on the mating behavior of lower mammals – inexperienced rats will copulate as efficiently as experienced ones – but it is a major determinant of the sexual behavior of higher mammals. Monkeys raised in partial isolation (in separate wire cages, where they can see other monkeys but cannot have contact with them) are usually unable to copulate at maturity. These monkeys have social or affectional problems: even in nonsexual situations, they are unable to relate to other monkeys. Apparently, normal heterosexual behavior in primates depends also on an affectional bond between two members of the opposite sex. Clinical observations of human infants suggest certain parallels. They develop their first feelings of trust and affection through a loving relationship with the mother. This basic trust is a prerequisite for satisfactory interactions with peers. And affectionate relationship with other youngsters of both sexes lay the groundwork for the intimacy required for the intimacy for sexual relationships among adults.
Cultural Influences
Unlike that of other primates, human sexual behavior is strongly determined by culture. Every society places some restrictions on sexual behavior. Incest (sexual relations within the family), for example, is prohibited by almost all cultures. Sexual activity among children, homosexuality, masturbation, premarital sex – are permitted in varying degrees by different societies. Although western society is becoming increasingly permissive about premarital sex, men and women still differ in their attitudes toward sex (the majority of women need emotional involvement).
Someone is considered homosexual if they are sexually attracted primarily to members of the same sex. Sexual interactions with members of the same sex are not uncommon during childhood, but only a small percentage of people become exclusively homosexual as adults. Extensive interviews with homosexuals suggest that they do not differ from heterosexuals with regard to their identifications with parents of the opposite sex, or with regard to the nature of their first sexual encounter. For exclusive homosexuals, there may be a biological predisposition (hypothesis that homosexuals and heterosexuals may differ with respect to the hormones they were exposed to while still in the womb).
One needs to develop an appropriate gender identity - males need to think of themselves as males, and females as females. This development is quite complex and begins in the womb.
Prenatal hormones
For the first couple of months after conception, both sexes are identical in appearance. Between 2 and 3 months, a primitive gonad develops into testes (if XY) or into ovaries (if XX). They start producing sex hormones, which then control the development of internal reproduction structures and the external genitals.
The critical hormone in genital development is androgen. If enough androgen is produced, the newborn will have male genitals; if there is insufficient androgen, the newborn will have female genitals, even if it is genetically male. After the genitals, androgen begins to masculinize the brain.
Hormones versus Environment
In cases in which hormonal imbalances result in hermaphrodites (individuals born with both male and female tissue), the assigned label and the sex role in which the individual is raised seem to have greater influence on gender identity than do the individual’s genes and hormones.
Own business
Millions of people work for a living. Some of them run their own business, others work in somebody’s else company or in a governmental enterprise. There are a lot of different opinions about what is better to run own business or to work for somebody else.
I strongly believe that it’s better to work for somebody else, of course there are a lot of disadvantages by working like this, but also there are a lot of advantages. First and I think the most important reason, why working for somebody else is better, is that you don’t have so much responsibility for what you are doing. For example if you run your own business one bad resolution can disrupt your business. But if you are working for somebody else you don’t have so much responsible duties. Second reason is that you can change your work whenever you want. If you are sicken of that job which you have, if you are unsatisfied with existing standing, you can change it if you have a chance. In my opinion the best thing in running own business is that you can choose staff, working-hours and incomes. Of course a lot of thing relies on what job you have chosen.
So, finally I can say that working for somebody else is much better for steady working position. If you are the best you can be sure that this position won’t disappear.
Talking about types of music I like, I must say that I like music which is popular in Lithuania. However, when I feel sad or tired I tend to listen to club music. That kind of music makes people not to think about daily routine, forget all the complicated situations and fall down to music. I relax while listening to music.
As I am expected to talk about singers I must say that I have many favorite singers. I prefer listening to Sting. He is a great singer. His music is relaxing. It is different from others. Also I like Enrique Iglesias, Robbie Williams, ATB and many others. I should admit that my favorite singer depends on my mood.
Great question is about music which I dislike. I absolutely dislike country style music, rock. I don’t listen to Lithuanian music. It is not the one I like. Mentioning Lithuanian musical groups everybody would agree that we have too many music groups and not all of them are good. For example, some groups are not good singers. They do music only for money, not for culture. Sometimes it looks that they shouldn’t sing at all as they make music awful.
To sum it up, I want to notice that music is important for all of us not only as a free time spending, but also and good friend in loneliness.
My memories of school days
I remember how a girl from 12th form gave me a pencil and my first exercise book, how she took me to the inside-yard of the school to listen a boring speech of the director. Then I remember how I found my seat in the very last desk in the middle row in the class. And my first desk-friend later became one of my best friends, even now, when he is studying in Vilnius, we sometimes meet each other.
Another thing that I remember from the first class, is my teacher, who is already retired now. I loved her like “a good aunt”, I guess, sure not when she wrote me a bad mark.
Other impressive thing that happened for me at school is when we finished 4th form and entered a completely new way of life - we were allowed to walk everywhere in the school, every lesson was in another place and we had a lot of teachers. I really disliked that system, but I couldn’t change it at all.
Then, after couple of years I left my native school and moved to Belgium. There I also went to school, called “Humaniora” - it would be “gymnazium” in Lithuanian. And the biggest impression there was that students there were looking more serious in what they did. Sure, in a free-time you can see a lot of guys and girls smoking, sometimes drinking, they are dressed unordinary, bet at school every of them becomes good, diligent and friendly. They know what they want from the school, and they get it.
And then……… I came to the school called “Rygiškių Jonas secondary school”. Maybe it was a mistake, maybe not - but, anywhere, I’m here and that’s all. I can’t say that this school is good, bad or better, it’s like all other schools in Lithuania. It’s made not to fit the child, here child must fit the school. But, I think, a lot depends on the student himself, his behavior, his minds, his wish. Of course, there are some teachers, like everywhere in the world, that are intractable, but they are minority. And all other teachers really wants (I think so, at least) us to have only good memories of our school days.
Mass media
Good morning, today I`m going to speak about ‘Mass media’.
To start with, the mass media play an important part in our lives. Newspapers, radio and especially TV inform us of what is going on in this world and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment. They also influence the way we see the world and shape our views.
Of course, not all newspapers and TV programmes report the events objectively but serious journalists and TV reporters try to be fair and provide us with reliable information.
It is true that the world today is full of dramatic events and most news seems to be bad news. But people aren't interested in ordinary events. That is why there are so many programmes and articles about natural disasters, plane crashes, wars, murders and robberies. Good news doesn't usually make headlines. Bad news does.
To my mind say that journalists are given too much freedom. They often intrude on people's private lives. They follow celebrities and print sensational stories about them which are untrue or half-true. They take photos of them in their most intimate moments. The question is — should this be allowed?
The main source of news for millions of people is television. People like TV news because they can see everything with their own eyes. And that's an important advantage. Seeing, as we know, is believing. Besides, it's much more difficult for politicians to lie in front of the cameras than on the pages of newspapers.
As far as can see, many people prefer the radio. It's good to listen to in the car, or in the open air, or when you do something about the house.
In addition, other scours of information are newspapers. The best known are `Lietuvos rytas` and citizens of Kaunas read `Kauno diena`. These concern themselves, as far as possible, with factual reports of major national and international news stories, with the world of politics and business and with the arts and sport.
Newspapers don't react to events as quickly as TV, but they usually provide us with extra detail, comment and background information.
The Internet has recently become another important source of information. It is believed that in the year of 2010 there will be at least 500 million people on the system enjoying virtual reality. It means that more and more people use Internet for searching the news instead of reading newspapers or watching news on Tv. Its main advantage is that news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life and you don't have to wait for news time on TV. Thanks to Internet now news are easy of access.
To sum up, mass media reach very large numbers of people. For this reason it plays a significant role in our lives. More than even before, mass media offers us a window to the world and it depends only on you which scours of information to choose.
Letter of Apology
Letter of Apology – sample
Dear Mr Smith,
In response to (atsakydamas) your letter regarding the unsatisfactory service that you received when renting a car on the 20th July, I would like to begin by giving you my sincere apologies for the inconvenience that you experienced.
Firstly, the problem of being given the wrong car. Needless to say a smaller one occurred because the original car that had been booked for your had not been returned by the time you arrived. Unfortunately, the person who had rented the car prior to you, had not adhered (tvirti laikytis) to the rental period originally agreed and as a result was two day’s late in returning it. We were unable to contact him and therefore had to provide you with another vehicle. All of our four door models were at that time rented out, and rather than not providing you with any car at all, we were forced to provide a smaller two-doors model instead.
As regards, the problem encountered with (susidurti) the engine and the wind-screen wipers, these were unfortunate mishaps (nelaimingas nutikimas) that could not have been before rental. Each time a car is returned to us, it automatically undergoes (patirti) a rigorous (tikslus, kruopstus) inspection before being given an inspection pass sheet. Our records show that this particular car had passed each inspection stage successfully which leads myself and the mechanics concerned to believe that the problems occurred after the car had been rented to you.
This is truly a regrettable occurrence. Please, allow me to offer you 100 $ by way of compensation and to contribute towards (aukoti, duoti) the cost of your train ticket. In addition to this, I would like also to offer you our newest model, a luxurious four-door, rover for a six-day rental period at a time most convenient for you. I hope this offer will make up for the distressing journey you encountered, and will restore your confidence in our company as a customer-friendly organization.
May I apologise again for this inconvenience. Meanwhile, I look forward to hearing from you to arrange a suitable date for renting our courtesy (pgarbumas) car.
Yours sincerely,
Mr j. Robins
Interesting jobs
In case I have a possibility to choose computer programmer's, lawyer's or teacher's profession, I am absolutely decided to choose teacher's profession when I was in nineth form. There are many reasons why I chose this profession. Firstly, I think that teacher's profession is very creative, as you can take place with your students in interesting competitions, create original things and interesting ways to help your students to learn difficult lessons. Secondly, being a teacher means that you allways are in the centre of young people, and it makes you feel young and energetic. Thirdly, this kind of profession makes you to feel interested in the whole world and events, which are happening around us.And one more, but not the least thing why I chose teacher's profession is that teacher is one of the most important people in human's life. Teacher helps us to learn many important things, to get better prepared for the future and to decide about some important things as future's career.
In terms of skills and character, I must say that every profession needs different skills and character. If you are going to be a computer programmer, you have to be intelligent, in order to understand computer's technology, hard-working, as it sometimes takes a long time to learn things about computers, and persitent, as computer programmer can not give up and allways must finish what he starts. Talking about skills, computer programmer must have habit of work with computer and foreign language habit. What about lawyer's profession, I must say that he must be accurate, as he should not make mistakes in his work, should be fair and give all the evidence equal consideration, as well intelligent, in order to understand all laws. As a matter of fact, lawyer must have laws understanding and foreign language habits. In case you are going to be a teacher, you need to be very patient, as students sometimes take a long time to learn things, friendly, even when you are talking with rude students, as well as creative, so that you can make students interested in yur lessons. As I know, teacher must have foreign language and some other habits.
As I said earlier, when i was in nineth form, I decided to choose teacher's profession. To be more specific, I decided to become an English language teacher, as I like English very much.
All in all, I must say that decision about future's profession is very important.
On this decision depends our future and hapiness.
Holidays in Palanga
I want to tell about my ideal holidays. I am going to write about summer holidays in Palanga.
One day I and my friends decided that enough to sit at home and need to do something interesting. So we decided to go to Palanga. Our group was composed from four people: I, my boyfriend, his brother and cousin. We packed lagguages, sat to the car and after five hours we were in Palanga. . We rented a flat, brought all the things inside and went to the beach. The beach was crowded. We lied on the warm sand and started to sunbathe. Sun was very warm and it was so good! Sea was very quied and we decided to go to swim. The water was cold but we swam, played and splashed as if it was warm.
In the evening we came back from the beach, and then we all had a shower and went to the town. Our stomaches were growling with hunger.
We went into the cafe to have a dinner. When we got full we went for a walk into Basanavičius alley. There was a lot of funfairs. We went to the horror room, after that to the big wheel, witch turned as very fast. It was so exciting! After this dispots we went to the club. There our group drank some cocktails and went to dance. Some hours later we all went back to the flat and quickly fall to sleep.
Next day we woke up and saw that the rain was getting to start. So we decided to stay into flat and to think what to do in the evening. But in the evening was raining too so we just went to the seaside to see the sunrise. We didn’t bored. In the flat we played with cards and witch from as had lose that had to do a work. It was funny.
Some successive days our group spent all time in the beach or in the dene, in the evening – in town’s clubs. Together we danced, wollowed, met a lot of friendly, accommodating maybe and some strange people. We were in Palanga all week. Every day brought me something new and interesting. Last day my boyfriend met his cousins so half day we communicated with them, about nightfall we packed and leaved the town.
Ridding home my boyfriend’s brother and cosin slept, I and my boyfriend was talked about all time, witch we spent in resort. We were happy that deviced this journey. That week we four forgot homes, funny spent all time and didn’t think that summer is going to past. When we came home was very late.
This summer we want to go to the seaside too. I hope we will have the same much fun and pleasure.
Each individual person has one or more hobbies. One of them likes to sing, other to collect something, or just to read books. There are a lot of hobbies. Just like drawing, dancing, acting a part, riding a horse, playing football and etc. These things help to forget problems, to relax and have a good time.
My hobby is dancing. Several people think that it’s boring and no benefit taking hobby, but I don’t agree with them.For me dancing is really beneficial hobby.
First thing is that you can relax and dance for self treat.
Second thing is that you uphold your form. When you dance you forget all problems and you dedicate yourself to dancing.
When you are dancing you can improvise and create new motion. It lets your mind to unwind. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to dance. You just have to relax and let your body to move. The most important thing in dancing is that, when you dance in a contest you try to show the best motion that you can do.
When your basic wish is to win you do everything that you can. And when you win you fell like in heaven. I can’t describe this feeling, because you have to fell it if you want to understand. These unique emotions remain in your mind forever.
I think that no one hobby can give such wonderful moments like dancing.
Anglų kalbėjimo temos
Relationship and communication
We can communicate with other people in many different ways. We can talk, and, write,and we can send messages with our hands and faces.There is also the phone, the fax, and e-mail.Television, film, paiting, ans photography can also communicate ideas.
Nowadays the best way of communication is to use the internet.I can communicate with my family mumbers and other people by the internet.This is the fastest way of communication.
Many years ago people many countries and Indians of America used smoke signals.They made fires on the hills, when they wanted to tell something to other people.
Blind people use Braille.They have thicks books and they touch them with their fingers.
We have languages – about 6000 languages in fact. We can write poetry, tell jokes, make promises, explain, tell the truth, or tell lies. And we have a sense of past and future, not just present.
Relationship, I believe is the biggest problem for all kind of people – starting with kids and finishing with older people.Especially this is a very important topic for young people as they usually have no life experience and sometimes make terrible mistakes that break their lives and psychology, affect their family members and friends.
To my mind, relationship between children and their parents or teachers are the most problematic.Ans this lasts for ages/Yuong people including me, who always wont to show, to prove their position, can be completely wrong.We usually don”t want to listen to uor family and we like to say that our ganaration is completely different and that we are kings and queens.
I don’t think that there’s a common rule how to make good friends. Life and our mistakes just simply teatches us all this.
Plans and ambitios
When I was just a little girl I usually dreamed obout becoming an actor. But the reason probably was films and film stars I believe that they stimulated my desire to become a hero in real life.Now I’m a student. Now I can’t see my future vision, because life’s ways are very different. It is really hard to imagine something real as I know that these days people usually graduate from university but do different jobs. The future will show everything.
Everyone wants to become an extra important person – and have a go position starting with manager, dentist, politician and finishing being a president.
I think that the power of money makes us do so despite we like this or don’t. I wont to know everything obout us – human beings, I want ti help others and at last I would like to leave all this world with a smole – I have done something good.
A blue Christmas
It was Christmas Eve and Mrs. Wilson, an elderly woman, was sitting in her rocking chair, listening to Christmas carols on her radio. This was a family tradition that went on for many, many years. Christmas just wasn't Christmas in the Wilson household without listening to carols on the radio.
"Oh my!" she sighed. "I'm so lonely. I wish my son, Paul were here to share Christmas with me!"
Mrs. Wilson lived alone in a small apartment. This particular Christmas was very rough on her. Normally, Christmas was spent with Paul, his wife Nelly, and their son Johnny. However, this could not happen this Christmas. Paul had lost his wife and son in a car accident earlier that fall. It was a very difficult time for Mrs. Wilson, but especially for Paul. Oh how he had loved his wife and child!
A few days ago, Mrs. Wilson had called her son to ask him to join her for Christmas.
"Ma, I can't," Paul had told her. "I miss them so terribly. I keep expecting them to show up at the doorstep."
"Oh Paul," cried Mrs. Wilson. "I know this is difficult for you, but do you honestly think that you should be alone at a time like this."
"I don't know," said Paul. "Right now, yeah, I do think that being alone is the answer."
"Well dear," she replied sadly. "If you change your mind, I'll be here."
"Thanks Ma," said Paul. "And, Ma, Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas to you too, son," said Mrs. Wilson.
The radio program was just finishing up for the night. Mrs. Wilson, yawning, got up and turned it off.
"The radio program just wasn't the same this year," she sighed as she went into her bedroom. "It's just not the same without Paul, Nelly and Johnny. I sure wish Paul would change his mind."
Later that night, she was awakened by a strange sound coming from her living room. Quickly, she grabbed her house coat and went to see what was going on. There, standing by the Christmas tree, with his arms full of presents, was Paul.
"Oh Paul!" cried Mrs. Wilson. "I'm so glad to see you."
She embraced her son as tightly as she could.
"I just got to thinking that maybe being alone wasn't the right thing," said Paul. "After all, aren't we supposed to spend Christmas with family."
"Yes, dear, we are," said Mrs. Wilson, happily. "I'm so glad you came."
"You know," said Paul. "I'm glad I did too."
"Can I get you something to eat, Paul?" asked Mrs. Wilson. "I have some apple pie and ice-cream."
"Now that sounds good," said Paul. "Come to think of it, I'm starved."
Mrs. Wilson dished Paul out a heaping dish full of homemade apple pie and a huge serving of vanilla ice-cream.
My dream house
To start with as I know many people usually dream about the castle on the bank of the sea with many huge rooms and bathrooms. But I don’t. My dream house is quite different.
My Ideal Home
Anglų kalbos kalbėjimo tema.
Violence shown on TV
I read one article that psychologists did an experiment to answer the question of violence influence on kids in which they showed each of two groups of children a different version of a video tape: One group saw video A which showed a lady acting normally with a big doll. The second group saw video B which showed a lady acting aggressively with the same doll. She was kicking and hitting the doll violently.
The most famous designers
Giorgio Armani is the world's second largest selling designer (the first is Ralph Lauren) who sells approx. $ 2 billion per year retail. His products are sold in over 100 countries. He has reached this position because everyone looks fabulous when they wear Armani, they feel so confident, so chic and yet so utterly(visiskai) themselves. It is like magic. He is the magician. 1934 Giorgio Armani was born in Piacanza, Italy, an industrial town about 20 miles south of Milan. He was the son of Marie and Ugo Armani.
An ability to communicate without experiencing any difficulties is essential for building successful and easy life. Both professional and private individual’s lives depend on the way one manages to communicate. Almost every employer thinks highly of somebody who is communicative, especially if one’s duty is to deal with other people. What is more, communicative person’s private life is much easier because of having no retardations in establishing relations with other people.
Milk product
Milk, yogurt and ice cream are excellent sources of calcium and protein. But remember to check the label to see how much fat each product contains. The amount of fat affects the number of calories in each product. • Milk and milk products are a source of protein, calcium, zinc and magnesium, vitamin B12 and riboflavin. • Vitamins A and D are found in whole milk and its products • Milk and milk products are the major source of calcium in the UK, contributing 43% of calcium intake in adults.
New Year
New Year - conditional start of the Calendar year. Ancient Lithuanian, national holidays calendar, shows that the beginning of the New Year during ancient times had no fixed date. According to ethnographers’ thinking, the abundant agrarian rites with sun and fire elements of worship, winter’s burial, preparation for spring works traditions could signify the New Year start. Later the new Year was identified with Easter, which is bound with plant vegetation and start of outdoor work.
Signs of the Zodiac
Aries (March 21-April 19) Element: Fire Modality: Cardinal Ruling Planet: Mars, Pluto Part of Body: Head, skull sinuses, jaws. Herbs: Pepper, garlic, hemp, poppy, holly, thistle, onion, fern, mustard. Stones: Bloodstone, ocher, diamond, ruby. Keywords: Self, ego, imitative, action, courageous, pioneering, adventurous, freedom-loving, independent. Business Types: Exploration, design, engineering, athletics. Aries starts off the Zodiac, and it is self-motivation that is the hallmark of this sign.
Student s Opinion about Physical Education
Neblogas tyrimas (research) apie kūno kultūros svarbą. Geras "main body", yra ir anketos pavyzdys. Tik grafikai išgalvoti, nes tikra apklausa nebuvo atlikta :)
Pollution problems
Kalba apie gamtos problemas. Gavau 9. Klaidų daug, bet mokytoja sakė, kad turinys geras.
Centralized world
Now we live in the age of information. Latest technologies develop every day and even every minute. It is very important for us. Now we can find the needed person in a very short time using e-mail, mobile technologies, paging system and others. Maybe the most important of them is Internet. It started in 1960 when some governmental organizations in US wanted to connect their systems in a very reliable net, that couldn’t be affected by war. Later it developed and now we have a big computer network all over the world.
Autumn is the most melancholy season of the year. When we see the nature languish before the long cold period of winter we somehow feel the same and our mood takes a turn for the worse. Actually I don’t think that the autumn is disliked for that, I think the main reason is that the biggest part of this season people will have to stay at home, because of the bad weather.
Northern Ireland
The troubles. Reformation and Plantation. Famine. The province of Northern Ireland (sometimes called ‘Ulster’) consists of six counties: Antrim, Down, Armagh, Tyrone, Fermanagh and Londonderry. Belfast is the capital city. The province is surrounded by sea to the north and east, by the Republican counties of Donegal to the west and Canavan and Monaghan to the south.
Letter of complain
Dear Madam,
I am writing to complain about the pullover I bought in your shop two weeks ago. I am very dissatisfied with my bought because it was nothing like I expected.