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Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai
Rasti 484 rezultatai
Kalbėjimas anglų pamokai "The ways of spending free time for young people". Įvertintas 10.
Black footed ferret
It's a peresentacion about black footed ferret. Lots of pictures.
Anglų dialogas tema - Cheating in school
Anglų dialogas tema - Cheating in school. A: I would like to talk with you about cheating in school. Do you agree that it is a serious problem? B:Yes, it is. Nowadays, more and more students are cheating on homework or during tests and exams...
Bricklaying and Masonry
In Construction Materials Skills class we are trying our hand at a variety of different basic construction materials skills ranging from bricklaying to masonry, to carpentry, to painting, to plumbing, to sheet metal, to hot metal. The last six weeks I was learning bricklaying and masonry skills. In this report I will be writing about bricklaying and masonry skills I learned.