Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 142 rezultatai

Labour relations
In this paper we will analyze regulation of labour relations, speak about management problems in the companies looking from the law side. Besides analyze labor rights, their disputes, individual labour disputes and the labour disputes considered in courts.
Teisė  Referatai   (16 psl., 26,11 kB)
63 anglų topikai
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (42 psl., 53,24 kB)
Beveik kiekvienas žmogus pradeda gyvenimą šeimoje. Kartais atsitinka, kad tėvai negali auginti savo vaiko. Šeimos patirties nebuvimas gali būti pražūtingas žmonėms, nebent yra kažkoks tinkamas pakaitalas. Čia bus kalbama apie šeimą, kaip apie pačią svarbiausia daugiaasmenę sąveiką. Pasak L.C. Johnson (2003), daugiaasmenėje sąveikoje kiekvienas žmogus stengiasi atsakyti į pagrindinį klausymą “ Ar aš galiu būti asmenybe ir ar gali mane kiti mylėti?” Žmonių santykiams labai svarbi įtampa atsirandanti tenkinant savo poreikius ir kartu palaikant santykius su kitais. Iš pradžių ši įtampa pasireiškia šeimoje tarp mažo vaiko ir jo tėvo.
Komunikacijos  Konspektai   (121 psl., 173,65 kB)
Purpose: to analyze the changes of women’s roles and education, to review critical attitude to the book “The Mill on the Floss”. Mary Ann (Marian) Evans (1819 –1880), better known by her pen name George Eliot, was an English novelist. She was one of the leading writers of the Victorian era. Her novels, largely set in provincial England, are well known for their realism and psychological insight. She used a male pen name, she said, to ensure that her works were taken seriously. An additional factor may have been a desire to shield her private life from public scrutiny and to prevent scandals attending her relationship with the married George Henry Lewes. She was educated at home and in several schools, and developed a strong evangelical piety.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (20 psl., 513,96 kB)
Environmental conditions shape behavior through learning; a person’s behavior, in turn, shapes the environment. Persons and situations influence each other reciprocally (abipusishkai). To predict behavior, we need to know how the characteristics of the individual interact with the characteristics of the situation. The S.C. approach is the contemporary descendent of behaviorism and its outgrowth, stimulus-response psychology, which were dominant in the first half of this century. Like the psychoanalytic approach, the S.C. approach to personality is very deterministic. In contrast to the psychoanalytic approach, however, it pays very little attention to biological determinants. Like its parent, behaviorism, the social learning approach has been strongly influenced by the ideas of Darwin. The processes of learning shape the individual’s behavioral repertoire to be adaptive to his or her environment. Through its emphasis on specifying the environmental variables that evoke specific behaviors, S.C. theory has made a major contribution to both clinical psychology and personality theory. It has led us to see human actions as reactions to specific environments, and it has helped us to focus on the way in which environments control our behavior and how they can be changed to modify behavior. The careful application of learning principles has proved successful in changing maladaptive behavior. S.C. theorists have also challenged the notion that individuals are cross-situanionally consistent, forcing other personality theorists to reexamine the fundamental assumptions of their approaches. S.C. theorists have been criticized for overemphasizing the importance of situational influences on behavior and thus losing the person in personality psychology. Many personality theorists are unwilling to concede that personality has as little cross-situational consistency as social learning implies.
Pirmiausia reikia išsiaiškinti, kas yra socialinis pedagogas, kokios jo funkcijos? Kas būdinga asmenybei? G. Kvieskienė (Kvieskienė, 2003) yra pasakiusi labai prasmingą teiginį, jog socialiniai pedagogai – vaiko gerovės sergėtojai ir vaiko advokatai – siekia apsaugoti tuos, už kuriuos atsako, tai yra mažiausius ir silpniausius piliečius. Šio tikslo jie siekia pasitelkdami humanizmo mąstytojų idėjas, iškiliausių praktikų pedagogų, altruistų, dvasinės sferos darbuotojų atsidavimą begalinei būčiai, aukojimąsi visoms būties apraiškoms. Socialinis pedagogas spręsdamas kitų problemas pirmiausia pasitelkia savo jėgomis, sugebėjimu greitai orientuotis situacijoje, savo erudicija.
Komunikacijos  Diplominiai darbai   (68 psl., 123,21 kB)
An ability to communicate without experiencing any difficulties is essential for building successful and easy life. Both professional and private individual’s lives depend on the way one manages to communicate. Almost every employer thinks highly of somebody who is communicative, especially if one’s duty is to deal with other people. What is more, communicative person’s private life is much easier because of having no retardations in establishing relations with other people.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (4,4 kB)
A group of cats is referred to as a clowder, a male cat is called a tom, and a female is called a queen. The male progenitor of a cat, especially a pedigreed cat, is its sire, and its female progenitor is its dam. An immature cat is called a kitten (which is also an alternative name for young rats, rabbits, hedgehogs, beavers, squirrels and skunks). In medieval Britain, the word kitten was interchangeable with the word catling. A cat whose ancestry is formally registered is called a pedigreed cat, purebred cat, or a show cat (although not all show cats are pedigreed or purebred). In strict terms, a purebred cat is one whose ancestry contains only individuals of the same breed.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (23,62 kB)
Discuss the following statements. Which of them could be used to define culture? Before reading the text, explain in your own words what is meant by culture. Work in small groups or pairs and then share your ideas in the classroom .
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (4,73 kB)
Business Ethics
Business ethics is a form of applied ethics, a branch of philosophy. As such, it takes the ethical concepts and principles developed at a more theoretical, philsophical level, and applies them to specific business situations. Generally speaking, business ethics is a normative discipline, whereby particular ethical standards are assumed and then applied. It makes specific judgements about what is right or wrong, which is to say, it makes claims about what ought to be done or what ought not to be done. While there are some exceptions, business ethicists are usually less concerned with the foundations of ethics (metaethics), or with justifying the most basic ethical principles, and are more concerned with practical problems and applications, and any specific duties that might apply to business relationships.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (6,48 kB)
Analizė civilinių ir baudžiamųjų bausmių Lietuvoje, jų istorija, raida, dabartinės tendencijos, gavome 10. The Aim of project - to analyze tendencies and causes of crime in Lithuania; to investigate the effectiveness of ciminalistics and penal and civil effect measures on criminality in Lithuania. The Main goal: crime, criminal justice activities, penal and civil effect measures for crime control in Lithuania. The Main Tasks of the project - to prepare the concept of the analysis of criminal tendencies and causes and to prepare the proposals for the improvement of the Lithuanian penal policy; to investigate an effective crime control system of rational punishments and civil legal effect measures; to analyze the practice of the application of the criminal code and criminalities in crime investigation in Lithuania and to prepare the concept of crime investigation in Lithuania and, on the basis of this concept, to prepare concrete proposals for the effectuation of crime investigation in the Republic.
Public services is a term usually used to mean services provided by government to its citizens, either directly (through the public sector) or by financing private provision of services. The term is associated with a social consensus (usually expressed through democratic elections) that certain services should be available to all, regardless of income. Even where public services are neither publicly provided nor publicly financed, for social and political reasons they are usually subject to regulation going beyond that applying to most economic sectors.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (8,51 kB)
Italian Migration
Italy is a country with a long history of emigration and a very short experience ofimmigration. Mass emigration started with Italian unification: during the period 1861- 1976 over 26 million people emigrated, half of them towards other European countries,the rest towards North and South America.
Geografija  Kursiniai darbai   (4,89 kB)
Jungtinių tautų gyventojų fondo kasmetiniame pranešime pažymima, kad šiuo metu pasaulyje gyvena 1,7 mlrd. moterų tarp 15 ir 49 metų. Yra teigiama, jog tiek daug produktyvaus amžiaus moterų planetoje dar nebuvo. Kryptingos investicijos į jų išsilavinimą, gimstamumo reguliavimą, ekonomines galimybes ir politines teises gali ilgalaikėje perspektyvoje paspartinti ūkio augimą ir užtikrinti subalansuotą plėtrą.
Sociologija  Kursiniai darbai   (12,41 kB)
Socialinė gerovė
Socialinė gerovė tapo begaline, įvairia ir kompleksiška institucija. Kai gerovės politikoje ir programose vyksta pokyčiai, jie paliečia milijonus žmonių ir net specialistai turi sunkumų nepakankamai įvertindami plačiai plintančius pokyčius nuo iš pirmo žvilgsnio reliatyviai mažų pakeitimų tiksluose, metoduose ar veikloje.
Sociologija  Kursiniai darbai   (22,09 kB)
Socialinio pažinimo metodologijos ištakos.Vėberio kūryboje išskiriami 2 etapai. Per antrąjį etapą jis sukūrė ir išplėtojo socialinio pažinimo metodologinę koncepciją ir sšskyrė jos 5 dalis social. pažinimo konstitucijos koncepciją supratimo, aiškinimo, sąvokų koncepcijas ir metodologinio indvidualizmo koncepciją Sudarinėdamas šią social. pažinimo koncepcija Vėberis gretino Rikerto teorijai apie gamtamokslį pažinimą.
Sociologija  Konspektai   (2,97 kB)
Jane Eyre
In this work there will be analyzed Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre. The book, acritique of social Victorian assumptions about gender and social class, became one of the most succeccful novels of its era, both critically and commercially. The structure of this work is as follows: - The period of Realism (it’s reflection in Jane Eyre) - Autobiography of Charlotte Bronte.
The Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is a "network of networks" that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked web pages and other resources of the World Wide Web (WWW).
Anglų kalba  Kursiniai darbai   (15,94 kB)
Danger of terrorism
This topic concerns wide aspect of crimes, because definition of terrorism isn’t unanimous concept.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (8 kB)
Williams syndrome
The most important treasure for peoples is health. Every body knows that, every body repeats it thousands of times. For parents sometimes the most important are them own child. They could do anything for them. But sometimes it is not enough to want or to do, because diseases do not ask or you could do for your child everything, it just appears and you need to fight with them. How much cost child’s health?
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (5,24 kB)
Charles Dickens
Įvertintas 9. he Greatest of Victorian writers English novelist, generally considered the greatest of the Victorian period. Dickens's works are characterized by attacks on social evils, injustice, and hypocrisy. He had also experienced in his youth oppression, when he was forced to end school in early teens and work in a factory.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (6,77 kB)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, is about a young boy, Huck, in search of freedom and adventure.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (11,73 kB)
The Advantages of Lithuania’s Integration into the European UnionThe integration into the European Union is one of the most crucial objectives of the Lithuania’s foreign policy. Beginning with 1989-1990, when the decision of the Baltic States to restore independence manifested itself, the largest Western states became interested in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.
War and peace
The twentieth century has marked a clear watershed not only in mankind's social history but in its very destiny. The outgoing century is different from those that preceded it in that, for the first time ever, mankind cannot regard itself as immortal, for it has become aware that its dominion over nature has limits and may even threaten its own survival. Even if nuclear war can be avoided, the threat to mankind will remain, for the Earth may one day no longer have the capacity to bear the burden of human activity.
Literature genres
Literatūros žanrai. Haiku is a mode of Japanese poetry, the late 19th century revision by Masaoka Shiki of the older hokku. The traditional haiku consisted of a pattern of 5, 7, 5 on. The Japanese word on, meaning "sound". Haiku usually combine three different lines, with a distinct grammatical break, called kireji, usually placed at the end of either the first five or second seven morae.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (6,38 kB)
Unemployment really is one of the economic and social problems. However, stressing of this problem usually leaves people with an impression that it is the most urgent in Lithuania. One could read in an article in one newspaper that this problem is not that urgent as our politicians present it.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (3,35 kB)
Knygos "Karaoke akpitalizmas" analizė. Darbas anglų kalba, buvo įvertintas puikiai. Pristatytas KTU. 10 lapų.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (6,65 kB)
KTU socialinių mokslų fakulteto 1 kurso anglų kalbos tiriamasis darbas (gavau 10). "Government does not tax to get the money it needs; government always finds a need for the money it gets." That’s what once said Ronald Reagan about taxes and what it is collected for. Of course, it was a joke, but I may bet there are lots of people, who would agree with that thought. Sometimes they even feel that they are caught in the behemothian jaws of government.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (4,09 kB)
Agnes grey
“Agnes Grey” by Anne Bronte is a strongly autobiographical novel portraying the world of a governess in the mid-nineteen century and examining social manners and the lack of moral perceptions. Drawing on her own experience the author of this book tries to reveal the position of a young, educated girl who sets out into the world to take up the only respectable career open to her – that of governess.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (3,66 kB)
Many people believe that religion occurs only in the church, temple, or other spiritual places of gathering. They see religion and society as complete, separate entities. While this view may appear correct on the surface, a closer look at religion and society reveals that the two are not separate at all, but intricately interconnected and codependent.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (6,54 kB)