Kokią specialybę rengiatės studijuoti?
Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai
In most of Asia, especially China, Korea, and Vietnam, the New Year begins with the first full moon of the first Chinese lunar month. Special foods are eaten in each region.
In China, foods are prepared ahead (using a knife during New Year's might "cut luck") and include dishes with names that sound auspicious, such as tangerines (good fortune), fish (surplus), and chestnuts (profit).
Dr. Heidegger's Experiment - tale
That very singular man, old Dr. Heidegger, once invited four venerable friends to meet him in his study. There were three white-bearded gentlemen, Mr. Medbourne, Colonel Killigrew, and Mr. Gascoigne, and a withered gentlewoman, whose name was the Widow Wycherly.
Christmas Eve Prognostications
While seated at the table, look at the walls where the candlelight casts the shadows of those dining. If your shadow is large, wide and of the whole person, the year will be good, there will be no illness, everything will go well. If the shadow lacks a head a terrible calamity will occur; if it is skinny, unclear and wavering, I the year will be difficult. (APIMTIS 2PSL)
10psl tekstas apie Charlie Chaplin, geriausia kadanors gyvenusi aktoriu-komika. IZanga:Charlie Chaplin, who brought laughter to millions worldwide as the silent "Little Tramp" clown, had the type of deprived childhood that one would expect to find in a Dickens novel. Born in East Street, Walworth, London on 16 April, 1889, Charles Spencer Chaplin was the son of a music hall singer and his wife. Charlie Chaplin's parents divorced early in his life, with his father providing little to no support, either financial or otherwise, leaving his mother to support them as best she could. Chaplin's mother Hannah was the brightest spot in Charlie's childhood; formerly an actor on stage, she had lost her ability to perform, and managed to earn a subsistence living for herself, Charlie, and Charlie's older half-brother Sidney by sewing. She was an integral part of Charlie's young life, and he credited her with much of his success..... (APIMTIS 10 PSL)
Čia rasite išsamią informaciją anglų kalba apie Čekijos padėtį Europoje: politiką, istoriją, šalį, jos gyventojus, turizmą. Yra žemėlapis, vėliava ir antspaudas. (APIMTIS 15 PSL)
Argumentative compositions
A good argumentative essay (for/against) should consist of:
An introduction in witch you state the topic. A main body witch consists of two paragraphs. (APIMTIS 1PSL)
Argumentative - Expressing Opinion
Compositions expressing opinions are formal in style. This type of topic asks for your own opinion, witch should be clearly stated and supported by reasons, it consist of: a) An introduction in witch your opinion clearly stated. b. A main body witch consists of two or more paragraphs. (APIMTIS 1 PSL)
Aprašymas apie Lietuvą angliškai
Some facts, borders, Lithuania’s area, longest distances, population, density, Major towns, population, fields and meadows, forests and bushes, swamps, Inland waters, other land, relief, highest hill, largest river, largest lake, the climate ir t.t. Lithuania lies on the road between East Europe and West Europe, as the straightest road from Germany to Russia crosses Lithuania. (APIMTIS 1PSL)
Anglų kalbos laikų lentelė
Present, past ir future laikų lentelė. Joje aiškus kiekvieno laiko sudarymas, duoti pavyzdžiai. Tikrai palengvina mokymąsi.
Anglų kalbos laikai
V / Vs >Jis visada sunkiai dirba. He always works hard. Am / is / are + V / V ing> Jis dirba (šiuo metu) savo kambaryje.
He is working in his room now. Usually, always, often, never, sometimes, every day, in the morning, twice a years. Now, still, at the moment, this week, at present nowadays. TEIG, NEIG, KLAUS, TEIG, NEIG, KLAUS. I work. You work. He works. She works. It works.
We work. You work. They work. I don‘t work. You don‘t work. He doesn‘t work. She doesn‘t work. It doesn‘t work. We don‘t work. You don‘t work. They don‘t work Do I work? Do you work? Does he work? Does she work? Does it work? Do we work? Do you work? Do they work? I am working. You are working. He is working. She is working. It is working. We are working. You are working. They are working I am not working. You aren‘t working. He isn‘t working. She isn‘t working. It isn‘t working. We aren‘t working. You aren‘t working. They aren‘t working.
For many people, drinking alcohol is nothing more than a pleasant way to relax. However, people with alcohol use disorders drink to excess, endangering both themselves and others. This question-and-answer fact sheet explains alcohol problems and how psychologists can help people recover. When does drinking become a problem?How do alcohol use disorders affect people?
Air transport in Lithuania
Air transport in Lithuania. history. First civil planes in Lithuania. First regular flights. Consolidating position of the Lithuanian aviation. Review of the Lithuanian civil aviation activities. State management of the civil aviation. The tasks Activities. Lithuanian airports. The State Enterprise Vilnius International. Air navigation services. (APIMTIS 5PSL)
Rašinys buvo įvertintas 10, "The car has been the most popular method (būdas) of transport for many years but it has advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, driving a car we avoid crowds, we feel free in our cars, we can listen to music. In winter we don't get cold because there are heating and in summer thanks to air conditioning we don't feel hot. Moreover, a car is contrary (priešingybė) to public transport we don't have to worry about a bus being late, because we get into our cars at the time we choose ourself and go for example to our friends. Using a car is comfortable and easier than using public transport......." (APIMTIS 0.5 PSL)
A Person I'll Never Forget
I met Dale on my very first day at school. I was standing in the playground, feeling afraid and lonely, when a boy ran past me and shouted, ?Hello- my name is Dale! Come and play!? I accepted his invitation, and we were soon the best of friends. (APIMTIS 245 ZD)
A person I realy like
My best friends full name is Mantas Jonaitis. His friends call him Munciu for short, but his nickname at school Ryžis for his orange hair. He was born in Klaipėda and he`s living up to now.
Motyvacinis laiškas
Dear Sir or Madam, Although I had never left my native country and saw other places, I have always been interested in other cultures, the way people are thinking and what they are doing to make the world better place to live. Since my early age, this interest spread in all over my mind, so after many researches and thinking I found out that Bachelor's Degree in International Management program in Aarhus University - Institute of Business and Technology of Denmark would be the best choice for my further studies. This program will give me valuable knowledge on how to deal with issues among others like globalization, international marketing and global supply chain management. Also I have some arguments that I would be a relevant candidate for Aarhus University.
My dream house
To begin with, I must say that for the meantime I live in a five storied building with other buildings around it. My flat is on the fourth floor. The flat has all modern conveniences, but is not very large. As I know many people usually dream about the castle on the bank of the sea with many huge rooms and bathrooms. But I don’t. My dream house is quite different.
Teenagers and alcohol
To begin with i`d like to say that alcoholism is widely spread among young people and because of that it has become a serious national problem. Alcohol is widely used by young people. Around 90 per cent of european teenagers over the age of 14 years have tried alcohol at least once. ‘Binge drinking’, drink driving and unsafe sex can all result from the misuse of alcohol.
Teenager spends most of their money on clothes, CD, and going out. How do you usually spend your cash? What is your attitude towards saving? How much is your shopping influence by advertisements on TV, radio, newspapers, and magazine?
Foreign languages
I know two foreign languages, which are : English and Germany. I think that learning languages is different from learning other subjects, for example if you are doing something in other country, you need to know language before learning other subjects. I think that knowing any foreign language is more difficult,than knowing the math, physics, or biology,because,all the facts, all the formulas are the same in the world,but the languages are different not only with its grammer,but also with the structure,spelling and writting. In the future i would like to learn some russian. I am also planning a holiday for next summer in the russia,so if I learn a bit of russian ,so it will help me to communicate with others there.
Parliamentary Supremacy was defined by Dicey in XIX century as firstly, Parliament can legislate on any subject-matter. There are no rules on what Parliament can make laws about. For example, The Act of Settlement 1700 changed the rule on who should succeed to the throne. It can also change its own powers as it was done in the Acts of Parliament 1911 and 1949.
Anglu kalbos prezentacija apie nedarbo lygį ir infliaciją.
I am writing in connection with The Milton Hotel, which I saw advertised in The Sunday Times on 25 November. I stayed at this hotel in December and I am sorry to say that I was very disappointed.
Engineering materials
Trumpas Powerpoint skaidrėmis padarytas pristatymas apie pagrindines medžiagas, naudojamas inžinerijoje.
Rašinys apie vaikystę anglų kalba.
Lietuvių mitybos įpatumai
Mainly food used for Lithuanian - potatoes. A traditional Lithuanian dish made from potatoes is called zeppelines. Lithuanians have a lot of harmful eating habits.
Dialoge du žmonės kalbasi apie buto nuoma, dalinasi darbus ir t.t. Už darbą gavom po 10 su klasioku, nežinau kaip jums pasiseks :)
About People and Trips
Salomėja Nėris – viena ryškiausių neoromantizmo atstovių Lietuvoje. Daugiausia ji rašė eilėraščius, bet išleido ir keletą poemų. Visą S. Nėries kūrybą galima suskirstyti į tris etapus: Jaunystės, brandžiąją ir karo metų lyriką. Ankstyvojoje lyrikoje ji atskleidė jaunystės polėkį, brandžiojoje kūryboje įkūnijo būties trapumo jausmą, o karo metų lyrikoje – gimtinės ilgesį, skausmą ir netektį.
Dinosaurs were the dominant terrestrial vertebrate animals for over 160 million years, from the late Triassic period (about 230 million years ago) until the end of the Cretaceous period (about 65 million years ago), when the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event caused the extinction of most dinosaur species.