Kokią specialybę rengiatės studijuoti?
Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai
Rasti 673 rezultatai
Darbo tikslas – nustatyti makrofitų vaidmenį zoobentoso bendrijų struktūrai seklioje rytinių Kuršių marių įlankoje.
Uždaviniai : 1) Aprašyti tyrimų rajono dugno faunos įvairovę ir sutinkamumą;2) Atlikti tiriamosios zonos zoobentoso bendrijų stuktūros analizę;3) Nustatyti makrofitų vaidmenį dugno faunos bendrijoms;4) Palyginti dugno faunos bendrijų kaitą laiko atžvilgiu.
Developing of Technologies
Anglų kalbos pasakojimas 11 klasei.
Viljamas Šekspyras, angliškai
Darbas anglų kalba apie Viljamą Šekspyrą. 5 skaidrės.
Darbas anglų kalbą,apie nedarbingumą Airijoje, nedarbingumo tipus,priežastis bei galimus sprendimus. Tai pat Airijos valstybės iniciatyvas kovojant su nedarbingumo lygiu.
Motivation at Royal Mail
Motivation at Royal Mail,Oxford Brookes University pirmo kurso darbas. Anglų kalba
Anglų dialogas tema - Cheating in school
Anglų dialogas tema - Cheating in school. A: I would like to talk with you about cheating in school. Do you agree that it is a serious problem? B:Yes, it is. Nowadays, more and more students are cheating on homework or during tests and exams...
Reklamos priemonių internete analizė
Reklamos priemonių internete analizė
Televizijos pliusai ir minusai
Is television good or bad?
Should smoking be banned?
Anglu ese apie rukymo draudima. 10 klasei
Education is compulsory in our country
anglu pasakojimas
The value of freedom, universitete
Throughout the world, we value Freedom. It is on this subject that I want to share some thoughts with you. For us Freedom has a broad meaning, and with it many obligations. The concept of freedom is abstract and to understand what it is, you can best compare freedom to a "hole", in the wall. A hole in itself is nothing, but it is determined by its surroundings. If there were nothing around the hole, there wouldn't even be a hole.
Freedom is not a simple matter of doing what we want to do, and having fun; although some may think so, for a while at least. Freedom is freedom from bondage (vergove) and exploitation. It is a state in which we may grow and learn, be nourished, and in which we may develop our talents, and explore life and the world in its many dimensions. This is what we want for ourselves, for our families
The history of physics (unit 15)
The most advanced science at present, and the one which seems to give the most light on the structure the world is physics. It is useful to have some idea of not only what the up-to-date development physics is but also how we came to think in that way and how the whole of modern physics is connect with its history. (APIMTIS 3PSL)