Kokią specialybę rengiatės studijuoti?
Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai
Rasti 129 rezultatai
Dance is an art form that generally refers to movement of the body, usually rhythmic and to music, used as a form of expression. Every dance, no matter what style, has something in common. It is not only flexibility and body movement. But also injuries which can happen...
Reljefas kaip turistinis isteklius
Turizmas yra viena svarbiausių aktyvaus poilsio rūšių ir viena veiksmingiausių žmogaus rekreacinių poreikių tenkinimo priemonių. Žodis „turizmas“ kilęs iš lotynų kalbos(„turn“- sukimas, sukutis – vilkutis), reiškiantis kelionę iš vienos vietovės į kitą, tačiau grįžtant į pirmąją. Turizmas gali būti suprantamas kaip geografinis reiškinys, nes žmonės keliauja iš savo gyvenamosios vietos pro šalį arba į užsienį. Lankomos vietos pasižymi gražiais unikaliais peizažais, istoriniais bei kultūriniais paminklais bei savita tautos kultūra. Tačiau turizmo plėtotei reikalingi geografiniai tyrimai. Šalyse, priimančiose keliautojus, atliekamas regiono funkcinis tyrimas, reljefo sandaros įvertinimas ir jo panaudojimo turizmui galimybės.
Purpose: to analyze the changes of women’s roles and education, to review critical attitude to the book “The Mill on the Floss”. Mary Ann (Marian) Evans (1819 –1880), better known by her pen name George Eliot, was an English novelist. She was one of the leading writers of the Victorian era. Her novels, largely set in provincial England, are well known for their realism and psychological insight. She used a male pen name, she said, to ensure that her works were taken seriously. An additional factor may have been a desire to shield her private life from public scrutiny and to prevent scandals attending her relationship with the married George Henry Lewes. She was educated at home and in several schools, and developed a strong evangelical piety.
Popdailė, popmenas, popartas (angl. Pop Art , popular art – paplitęs, populiarus menas) naujasis realizmas, vėlyvojo modernizmo dailės kryptis, pagrįsta masinės kultūros įvaizdžiais.
Ji klostėsi kaip abstrakčiojo ekspresionizmo ir elitinio meno priešprieša. Dailininkai įkvėpimo sėmėsi iš banalios komercinės produkcijos: prekių įpakavimų, reklaminių plakatų, komiksų, žurnalų ir laikraščių nuotraukų, televizijos ir kino vaizdinių.
Jie komponavo asambliažus, koliažus, multiplius, taikė šilkografijos, kombinuotos tapybos techniką, kūrė skulptūras iš papjė mašė bei kitų pigių medžiagų.
D.Dinas. Šiaudinė širdis. 1966-69 m.
Šios krypties kūriniams būdinga pramonės gamybos imitacija: preciziškas, tarsi fabrikinis, atlikimas, ryškus koloritas, serijinė kompozicija.
Popdailė plėtojosi 6 dešimtmečio II pusėje – 8 dešimtmečio pradžioje daugiausia D.Britanijoje ir JAV.
Su popdaile siejosi Naujojo realizmo grupuotės (Nouveau Realisme, įkurta 1960 m.) kūryba Prancūzijoje.
1955 m. „popart'o" terminą pasiūlė kritikas Lawrence’as Alloway.
Pop menas yra masinės kultūros reiškinys, todėl nenuostabu, kad jis susiformavo ir tapo meno srove Amerikoje.
Jų bendraminčiai Londone pvz.: R.Hamiltonas, R.Kitajus autoritetu sau išrinko panašios mąstysenos Kurtą Švitersą.
Education in Lithuania
The children have one month holiday during the school years. The school children can stay at school for 12 years, but some of them leave school after 9 years. These children enter vocational junior colleges or manual training schools. In these schools they can get both secondary education and qualifications necessary for a job.
Education in Lithuania has been centralised for a long time , but now almost all schools have their own education system, but all systems do not different from each other very much: children study almost the same subjects in all schools. Schoolchildren can transfer freely from one school to another.
Each class has its own classroom, where children have the most lessons, but there are special classrooms for physics, chemistry, biology, art and some other subjects.
There are extra-curricular activities at some schools organised by clubs, sports and art societies.
After a secondary school, a vocational junior college or a manual training school, children can take entrance examination and enter the university.
My living place (Gargždai)
To start with, I would like to say that I grew up in country which is called Pikteikiai. So I am country’s child. My home country is in Klaipėda district, 38 kilometres from Klaipėda..... I finished secondary school in Gargždai, so it is like my native town. Because of it I would like to talk more about this town. Gargždai is 16 kilometres from Pikteikiai. It is one of the oldest living places in whole Lithuania.
Liverpool is a city and metropolitan borough of Merseyside, England, along the eastern side of the Mersey Estuary. It was founded as a borough in 1207 and was granted city status in 1880. So I want to tell abaout one of most beautiful city Liverpool.
Lietuvių kalbos tarmės
Pagalbinė informacija ruošiantis kalbėjimui apie tarmes.
Lietuvių kalbos gyvybingumą ir savitumą per amžius bene tvirčiausiai palaikė lietuvių kalbos tarmės. Atsiradusios dėl įvairių istorinių, geografinių, socialinių, politinių, administracinių ir kalbos raidos priežasčių, jos garsų, žodžių ir formų įvairove byloja apie lietuvių, gyvenančių gana nedidelėje teritorijoje, aplinką, skirtingas tradicijas ar net savitą būdą. Kadangi kai kurios ypatybės atsispindi jau XVI a. senuosiuose lietuvių raštijos paminkluose, galima susidaryti bent apytikrį vaizdą apie tarmių raidą per paskutiniuosius keturis amžius, kaupti reikšmingus duomenis lietuvių kalbos, ir ne tik jos, istorijai.
Advertising. Vocabulary and Theory.
Vocabulary. Definitions of key vocabulary. The means of marketing. Advertising. Advantages and disadvantages of major advertising media. Formulating of the advertising message. The role of the advertising in the promotional mix. Advertising as persuasion. Marketing influences and often actually controls almost every part of company's activities. Everyone who works for the company must “think marketing”. To think marketing we must understand in the right way what is the marketing concept.
My native town
I live in Lithuania. In town that is called Kaunas. Kaunas is second city in Lithuania. Kaunas is almost exactly in the center of Lithuania. It is highlighted by the valleys of the Nemunas and the Neris - two longest rivers in Lithuania. There live 600 thousand people. I think Kaunas is the most Lithuanian town, because there are about 90 percents people who are Lithuanian. Archaeologists determined that there were people living at the crossing of the Nemunas and the Neris rivers already in the 3rd or 4th century.
In every century, in every age, after hard working people needed to do things that are making them feel good. This is what we call – entertainment. As every epoch has its own fashion, music style, political system, so it also has very distinctive types of entertainment. Let’s start with the very beginning of the human evolution. Yes, even Stone Age had several types of distraction. As we know, people of that time, used to hunt animals for food. It was not easy to hunt mammoths, wild boars or bears.
Vilnius is the gateway to Lithuania and the Baltic States, being situated in an advantageous geographical location in Europe. The airport is within half an hour of the centre of the city. It has direct links with 18 cities and there is regular bus service to 7 countries. Vilnius is famous not only for its historical past, monuments, churches and green surroundings.
Lithuania is situated on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea and borders Latvia on the north, Belarus on the east and south, and Poland and the Kaliningrad region of Russia on the southwest. It is a country of gently rolling hills, many forests, rivers and streams, and lakes. Its principal natural resource is agricultural land. Government. Parliamentary democracy. History. The Liths, or Lithuanians, united in the 12th century under the rule of Mindaugas, who became king in 1251.
Meilės psichologija
Jei meilė yra menas, tai jai reikia daug žinių ir pastangų. Gal meilė yra tik malonus jausmas, kurį dovanoja mums atsitiktinumas. Žmonės anaiptol negalvoja, kad meilė nėra svarbi. Jie nori jos, bet negalvoja, jog mylėti galima mokintis. Daugelis meilės uždavinį pirmiausia suvokia kaip tapti mylimu, o ne mylinčiu, mokančiu mylėti. Taigi jiems problema yra – kaip būti mylimu, kaip būti mylėtinu. Dauguma būdų tapti mylimu yra tokie patys, kokius žmonės naudoja siekdami sėkmės, norėdami įsigyti draugų ir daryti įtaką žmonėms.
Meno judėjimas, kurio esmė – meno dekomercializavimas, prisijungimas prie ekologinių judėjimų, su „sugrįžimo į gamtą“, antiurbanizacijos, susirūpinimo savo planeta, idėjomis. Daugelio dailininkų kūrybos šaltinis buvo senosios civilizacijos: Egipto, neolito, majų, inkų ir kt. Žemės meno objektai dažniausiai daromi iš organinių, gamtoje egzistuojančių medžiagų. Veikiami atmosferos jie nyksta, „senėja“, virsdami autonomiškais kūriniais, kurie egzistuoja patys savaime, palaipsniui įgydami ladšafto formas. Todėl svarbi objektų dokumentacija.
Moderniojo meno istorijoje sąvoka “konceptualus” vartojama gana dažnai. Ja gali būti apibūdinta tiek Modriano, tiek Klee, tiek Le Witto kūryba, nors jų menas atstovauja perdėm skirtingoms modernizmo kryptims. B. ir S. Myersų “XX a. meno žodyne” terminas “konceptualusis menas” apibūdinamas kaip “plati sąvoka, įtraukianti įvairovę septintojo - aštuntojo dešimtmečių meno kūrinių, kuriuose koncepcija yra svarbiau už pačią darbo realizaciją; tai menas, kuriame ryškus šuolis nuo meno kaip objekto iki meno kaip idėjos; aukščiau materialaus iškyla laikas, energija, judesys”.
Biography for Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio. Nickname Leo. Height 5' 11" (1.80 m). Mini biography. His name allegedly derives from his German mother Irmalin's having experienced a sudden kick from her unborn boy while enjoying a DaVinci painting at the Uffizi. In the year following his birth, she and his Italian father, George, were divorced. He grew up in Echo Park, then a particularly seedy, drug-dominated area of Los Angeles.
Signs of the Zodiac
Aries (March 21-April 19) Element: Fire Modality: Cardinal Ruling Planet: Mars, Pluto Part of Body: Head, skull sinuses, jaws. Herbs: Pepper, garlic, hemp, poppy, holly, thistle, onion, fern, mustard. Stones: Bloodstone, ocher, diamond, ruby. Keywords: Self, ego, imitative, action, courageous, pioneering, adventurous, freedom-loving, independent. Business Types: Exploration, design, engineering, athletics. Aries starts off the Zodiac, and it is self-motivation that is the hallmark of this sign.
About Hronas
JSC "Hronas" was established in 1993. The Company started with importing and installing plastic windows. Early in 1994 the new production equipment >was brought to and window production started in Lithuania. During seven years of strenuous work the Company has gradually introduced one of the most state-of-the-art aluminium, plastic and wooden construction production processes in Europe.
About Forbo
Forbo is a global company, which employs some 5,800 people worldwide. Forbo has leading market positions with its attractive product portfolio and brand names of global reputation. Forbo strives to expand and further its existing product range and encourage innovation. The Forbo Group attaches great importance to quality assurance, quality enhancement and environmental compatibility.
About languages
My native language is Lithuania. So he must know its fourth form I began to learn the English language. From history, grammar, literature spelling. When I was on the the very first days I understood that it is very difficult to learn. English, as it has different pronunciation and spelling. If you want to learn new words, grammar, how to form the sentence. It is necessary to know the history, culture, traditions of the country which language, you study.
Lithuania is a small piece of land at the Baltic Sea in the geographical centre of Europe. On the map of Europe Lithuania can hardly catch your attention, because its area is only 65,000 sq. km. The borders of our country stretch for more than 1800 km. In the North it borders Latvia, in the East and in the South Belorussia, in the South - West Poland and the Kaliningrad Region of the Russian Federation.
Introduce myself
First of all I would like to introduce myself. I am Andrius Narbutas student A. I am studying in the fourth A class of gymnasium. It means that this year I am the school-leaver. Talking about my personal characteristics I would like to say that I am frank, obstinate, persistent, good-tempered and sometimes moody. In my opinion it is very important to mention that I am studying English for nine years and now you have a chance to grade my English knowledge.
Sijų bendra informacija
Sijos skerspjūvio keitimas,Pakloto sijos,Juostų pločių patikrinimas,Vietinis sijų pastovumas,Paklotų sijų prijungimas ir t.t.
Anglų kalbos temos
Personal identification I’m Darius. I was born in 1978 on the 21th of February in Kaunas. I don’t remember anything about the weather that day, but I know that it was about 2:30 p.m. I was the first child in the family. Our family is not very big, I have a brother. When I was a child I can't say, that I was a good boy. My parents always want me to be a good man, and now I'm very thankful for that.
Ieškant darbo
Dear Sirs, I am writing in reply to your advertisement in the “Daily News”. I would like to ask you to find me a job as a tutor assistant in a children art campsite.
Hawaii is a group of islands located in the centre of the Pacific Ocean that became the 50th state of the United States of America in 1959. The 130 islands are of volcanic origin. Only seven of the eight major islands are inhibated :Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, Hawaii's Big Island… GEOGRAPHY Hawaii is the most remote island chain in the world, over 2,000 miles from the nearest landfall. Distance makes for splendid isolation - these Polynesian islands are removed from all else but one another.
Įvairios anglų kalbos kalbėjimo temos
Moscow the capital of Russia is one of the world’s great cities. Its name was first mentioned in chronicles in 1147. Since that time M. has played an important role in R-an history. Today M. isn’t only the political center of R. but also the contry’s leading city in population, industry & in cultural importrance. M. stands on the M.R. in the center of the vast plain of E.R. The climate of M. is continental.
Neue Technologien
Strategie 2005: Innovation - neue Technologien. Multimedia -Initiative Niedersachsen. Internet und Neue Technologien. Die Nachfrage nach hochwertigen Automatisierungslösungen ist ungebrochen. Der rasante Innovationsfortschritt insbesondere in der Informationstechnik und Sensorik zielt auf eine Aufwertung des Roboters als eines zentralen Bausteins wirtschaftlicher Automatisierung. Durch ein weiterhin steigendes Leistungs-/Kostenverhältnis werden zahlreiche Anwendungen und neue Einsatzgebiete erschlossen.
Anglų kalbos įskaitai
Euro - disadvantages and advantages. Millenium. Vilnius – european capital of culture 2009. Politics. Olympic games. National parks.