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Rasti 39 rezultatai
Lithuanian fauna and flora
Lithuania lies by the Baltic Sea. But only the west part of our country is bathed by the sea. The climate in our country is quite good. We coul enjoy four seasons of the year. Every season is different from each other.
My favourite season is spring. In this season we could see birds, like storks, tits, cuckoo and other, coming back from warm countries after long winter. Animals awake from their winter sleep. All nature becomes green. We could enjoy beautiful and colourful flowers. Most of them in spring I like violets. I like to watch the life of butterflies, ladybirds and grassschopers.
After spring season comes summer. Then the weather becomes very hot. We could met various kind of wild animals in lithuanian woods: wolves, foxes, wild boars, beavers and other mammals. Also there is woodpeckers, swallows, sparows and storks, that are busy with finding food to eat. Very beautiful bird for me is swan. That white bird lives in lakes and delight people watching them.
After amazing summer season comes autumn. It is very colourfull season, because the sky is blue and it matches with red, yellow and brown colours of the leaves on the trees. In this season people go to forest to pick mushrooms, nuts and wild berries. Unfortunately, this season always makes people be sad because of rainny and windy days.
The coldest season of the year is winter. Then it snows a lot and the weather usually is really cold. Also there is fog and frost. So it‘s not one of my favourite season, despite my favourite holiday of a year – Christmas holiday.
I think weather in Lithuania is enough good for us and it is better than in Australia, Africa or in Antarctica.
Lithuania’s seasons
Lithuania’s seasons
Lithuania’s seasons are very different. We have all four seasons in the years.
Summers in Lithuania are warm and dry. In those days, most people go outside for a walk or ride a bike. Temperatures can reach 300 Celsius so many people go to the seaside on days off.
Winters are wet and cold. Sometimes it is very cold 25 degrees or more below zero. It often snows so usually everything is covered snow. Children like winter; they go sledging down the hills or play with snow. Winter is special because then everybody celebrate the most important holidays — Christmas and New years.
Autumns are wet and windy. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. The weather often changes, and it gets colder and colder. The sky is often grey and cloudy, often rains. People usually stay at home or visit friends.
Springs usually are warm and sunny. There are not much rainy days. The air is fresh and sun shines brightly. Many people go picnic.
Lithuania has a wonderful climate. Everybody enjoys themselves, whatever season it is.
A. Vivaldi ir A. Skarlati
Didžiausias italų koncerto meistras vėlyvojo baroko epochoje buvo Antonijus Vivaldis, gimęs 1678- 1741m. Venecijoje (Italija). Šv. Morkaus katedros smuikininko sūnus, savo gyvenimą susiejęs su bažnyčia ir muzika, gavo tais laikais nebūdingą dvigubą išsilavinimą - dvasininko ir muziko. Jis pradėjo savo kunigo pareigas 1703, bet dėl savo nuolatinių ligų buvo atleistas nuo mišių vedimo ir nuo tada jis atsidavė muzikai.
Pankų Lietuvoje nedaug. Jie labai išsilapstę, mažai kur vaikšto, nes panku būdamas nelabai kur pavaikščiosi. Išvaizda. Tradicinės pankų šukuosenos - "ragai" ir "skiauterė". "Ragai" - tai į viršų sustatyti plaukai. Tam naudojama želė. Skiauteres pankai pasidaro dalį galvos išsiskusdami, o likusius plaukus sustatydami kaip ir "ragus". Skiauterių būna pačių įvairiausių formų ir spalvų. Kitas svarbus pankų išvaizdos elementas – auskarai. Auskarus pankai veriasi visame kūne. Jie mėgsta ir kitokius provokuojančius papuošalus pvz., spygliuotas antkaklius ir apyrankes.
Kūčios – viena seniausių lietuvių švenčių, minima pagal Saulės kalendorių. Tai saulės virsmo taškas – saulėgrįža. Kūčios – tai astronominės žiemos pradžia ir saulės sugrįžimo metas. Iš gruodžio 21-osios į 22-ąją Saulės centras pereina per ekliptikos tašką, esantį toliausiai nuo Dangaus pusiaujo, o po trijų dienų jau bent truputį pailgėja šviesusis paros metas. Kūčios – Kalėdų išvakarių apeiginė vakarienė.
The Tower Of London
The Tower of London has a very interesting story behind it. It was begun by a man who was not even English, William of Normandy. At the time he was the cousin of England's King Edward. It all started because William became outraged when Edward backed down on his promise to give the throne to William and ended up giving the throne to his English brother-in-law, Harold. William sailed his army across the English Channel to conquer England.
Quantifieres and Determiners
Quantifiers - Some rules of thumb on the use of little, a little, few and a few. LITTLE : only used with UNCOUNTABLE nouns, synonym for hardly any, not much e.g. Look at the sky, there is little hope for bright and sunny weather tomorrow. A LITTLE:only used with UNCOUNTABLE nouns, synonym for a small amount, some e.g. Is there ? The weather forecast says there is still a little hope.
Gėlių parduotuvės
The Flowers decorate our daily life. To present or buy the flowers unnecessary needs the cause (for instance when lad than that was guilty against his girl, they present her flowers). But more often flowers are bought on holidays, birth day, weddings and so on. Also flowers are used for gift not only but also embellishment (for instance on wedding to decorate the machine).
Channels of communication What are ‘telecommunications’? This term refers to the transmission of information over long distances using the telephone system, radio, TV satellite or computer links. Examples are two people speaking on the phone, a sales department sending a fax to a client or someone reading the teletext pages on TV But in the modern world, telecommunications mainly means transferring information from one PC to another via modem and phone lines (or fibre-optic cables).