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Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai
Rasti 96 rezultatai
Air pollution
I would like to talk about air pollution, becouse it is one of the major problems of the planet. Air pollution is made up of many kinds of gases, droplets and particles that reduce the quality of the air. Air can be polluted in both the city and the country. In the city, cars, buses and airplanes, as well as industry and construction may cause air pollution. In the country, dust from tractors plowing fields, trucks and cars driving on dirt or gravel roads, rock quarries and smoke from wood and crop fires may cause air pollution. Ground-level ozone is the major part of air pollution in most cities.
Margaret Hilda Thatcher
In 1979 Margaret Thatcher became the first woman to serve as prime minister of Great Britain, a post she held until 1990. Thatcher rose to office with promises to restore Britain’s economic prosperity, and she worked toward this goal by selling and privatizing many government-owned industries. Thatcher’s tenure as prime minister included leading Britain to victory over Argentina in the brief military dispute over the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands in 1982.
Netiketo taisyklės
Ši informacija skiriama interneto visuomenei. Tai nėra standartas. Šią informaciją galima laisvai platinti. Šiame dokumente pateikiamas minimalus informacijos apie interneto etiketą (netiketą) kiekis. Organizacijos gali pritaikyti jį savo poreikiams. Dokumente taip pat yra minimalūs patarimai interneto vartotojams ir administratoriams.
Internetas ir elektroninis paštas
Bendrąja prasme internetas (iš anglų Interconnected Networks, sutr. Internet) – tai kompiuterinis tinklas, jungiantis kelis tinklus, tačiau dabar internetas, visų pirma, suprantamas kaip tarptautinė, viešai prieinama tarpusavyje sujungtų kompiuterių visuma, naudojanti TCP/IP protokolą. Vartotojų požiūriu, internetas visų pirma reiškia pasaulinį tinklą (WWW – World Wide Web), elektroninio pašto, IRC ir naujienų grupių paslaugas.
Nieko nėra amžino, kaip kad nieko nėra galingesnio už laiką. Jo tėkmės niekam nepavyko sustabdyti. Neveltui sakoma, jog laikas yra visagalis. Jam turime paklusti visi, tiek gyvi, tiek negyvi organizmai. Tūkstančiai mokslininkų, mąstytojų, filosofų, astronomų bandė, bando ir dar kiek kartų bandys pažaboti nestabdomą laiko tėkmę. „Laiko sąvoka yra aiški. Valanda susideda iš žinomo skaičiaus minučių, diena – iš valandų, o metai – iš dienų.
In this paper I want to express my opinion about George Weigel point of view that Central and East Europe is the best hope for the future of Europe. In one point of view I have to agree with G. Weigel, that “history is driven, over the long haul, by culture – by what men and women honor, cherish, and worship; by what societies deem to be true and good and noble; by the expressions they give to those convictions in language, literature, and the arts; by what individuals and societies are willing to stake their lives on” ( “The Cube and the Cathedral”; p. 30).
Saulės elementai
Žodis fotogalvaninis kilęs iš Graikų žodžio Šviesa ir fiziko A. Volto kombinacijos. Jis reiškia tiesioginį saules virtimą energija tai ir atlieka saules elementai. Virtimo procesas pagristas foto efektu kurį pirma karta atrado Alexander Bequerel 1839m. Fotoefektas apibudinamas teigiamų ir neigiamų krūvių nešėjų išlaisvinimu apšvietus paviršių.
Living Well
There are two big problems in our life: people eating bad balanced food ar outher thei smoking. Health is the most important thing in a person’s life. Eating habits is a big part of a healthy life, so to keep yourself in a healthy way you have to eat only healthy and well-balanced food. In the first place, I should say that fruit and vegetables is the main component of food which you have to eat in order to stay healthy.
Descriptive law is when it describes how people, or even natural phenomena, ussually behave. Prescriptive law – it prescribes how people ought to behave. For example, the speed limits imposed upon drivers are laws that prescribe how fast we should...
Anglų kalba
Everyone wants to live clean, nice and tidy. We like to look at somewhere and say: “What a niece place! How wonderful! Just like in heaven!”. But what are we doing to make the surrounding like this? To my mind just nothing… On the contrary – we do much more to destroy our environment. Living conditions in the world are getting worse and worse. Exhaust fumes and smoke from factories are polluting the air, trees are cutting down, and streets are full rubbish and grime. Furthermore rivers are being polluted by chemicals from factories too.
About Hronas
JSC "Hronas" was established in 1993. The Company started with importing and installing plastic windows. Early in 1994 the new production equipment >was brought to and window production started in Lithuania. During seven years of strenuous work the Company has gradually introduced one of the most state-of-the-art aluminium, plastic and wooden construction production processes in Europe.
Shackleton patriotic or misfit?
Many historians think that Sir Ernest Shackleton was a hero and a great patriot of Great Britain; others think that Shakleton’s delusions and ambitions to make a fortune or to win fame brought 28 men to the South Pole in 1914; whereas the majority most likely has never heard anything about Shakleton. However, Shakleton and his attempt to cross the South Pole on foot can be rationalized in many ways. Shackleton was a patriot.
Public service in Lithuania
Public services is a term usually used to mean services provided by government to its citizens, either directly (through the public sector) or by financing private provision of services. The term is associated with a social consensus (usually expressed through democratic elections) that certain services should be available to all, regardless of income. Even where public services are neither publicly provided nor publicly financed, for social and political reasons they are usually subject to regulation going beyond that applying to most economic sectors.
Sąsiaurių turistinis įvertinimas
Spartų turizmo augimą sąlygoja keletas veiksnių: globalizacija, demografiniai pokyčiai ir transporto raida. Įvairūs tyrimai konstatuoja, kad pagal apsilankiusių turistų skaičių Europa užima pirmaujančias pozicijas. Turizmas svarbus daugelio Europos regionų plėtrai. Pasaulinės turizmo plėtros tyrimai rodo, kad per pastaruosius metus kruizinio turizmo poreikis padidėjo. Tyrimuose minima, kad kruizų skaičius nuolat auga ir matomos jo galimybės dar augti.
Tarptautiniai santykiai
Tarptautinių santykių studijos tiria tuos politinius ir ekonominius, mažiau – kitų sferų reiškinius, kurie kerta valstybių sienas. Tai yra ne tik vyriausybių, tačiau taip pat korporacijų, nevyriausybinių organizacijų veiksmai. Šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje visi dalyvauja tarptautiniuose santykiuose. Analizuoti arba net kiek suvokti politinius procesus, vykstančius bet kokioje šalyje, neįmanoma, ignoruojant tos šalies tarptautinius santykius ir, plačiau, pasaulinę politiką.
Ląstelės dalijimasis
Dauginimasis yra vienas svarbiausių gyvybės požymių. Daugintis gali visi be išimties gyvi organizmai, pradedant bakterijomis ir baigiant žinduoliais. Tik dauginimasis palaiko kiekvieną gyvūnų ir augalų rūšį, ir tik tokiu būdu tėvai perduoda paveldimąsias ypatybes savo palikuonims. Procesas, kurį sąlyginai galima pavadinti dauginimusi, molekulių lygiu pasireiškia unikalia DNR savybe — jos molekulių sugebėjimu dvigubėti. Ląstelių lygiu daugintis dalydamiesi gali tokie organoidai kaip mitochondrijos ir chloroplastai.
Stratosferos ozono sluoksnio nykimas
Stratosfera. Jos svarba. Pasėkmės. Sprendimo būdai. Vis dažniau ir dažniau yra susimąstoma ir kalbama apie startosferos ozono sluoksnio nykimą, jo daromą įtaką žmonijai, žemei, jo priežastis ir svarbiausia, kas laukia ateityje, jei žmonija nesusimastys apie pačių daromą žalą. Gerai, kad yra mokslininkai, kurie ieško būdų, kaip visa tai sustabdyti, bet maža saujelė žmonių gali tai išspręsti, kai milijardai žmonių visą tą darbą verčia niekais.
Ugdymą galima paaiškinti dviem aspektais: kaip individualų ir kaip institucinį. Institucinio ugdymo paskirtis – sudaryti sąlygas individui mokytis visą gyvenimą, kad pritaptų prie nuolat kintančio visuomenini gyvenimo, įsisavintų naujas žinias ir technologijas. Individualaus ugdymo paskirtis – skatinti mokytis ir tobulėti kaip asmenybė.
South bank centre
Už šį darbą gavau dešimt. Southbank Centre is a complex of artistic venues located in London, UK, on the South Bank of the River Thames between County Hall and Waterloo Bridge. It comprises three main buildings; the Royal Festival Hall, the Queen Elizabeth Hall and The Hayward art gallery, and is Europe’s largest centre for the arts.
Gavau 9. ranslation is an action of interpretation of the text that gives the same massage in other language. Translation is basically a change of form. When we speak of the form of the language, we use words, sentences, paragraphs, etc., which are written or spoken.
Princeses Dianos biografija
Gavau 10. Diana Spencer nickname Lady Di born: July 1st, 1961 birthplace of: Sandringham (Norfolk - England) parents: John Edward Spencer (1924-1992) Lady Frances Spencer (1936) divorced since 1969 sisters and brothers: Sarah, Jane, Charles length: 1.77 m weight: unknown colour of eyes: blue colour of hair: blond residence: Kensington Palace in London marriage: On July 29th Lady Diana married Prince Charles.
Williams syndrome
The most important treasure for peoples is health. Every body knows that, every body repeats it thousands of times. For parents sometimes the most important are them own child. They could do anything for them. But sometimes it is not enough to want or to do, because diseases do not ask or you could do for your child everything, it just appears and you need to fight with them. How much cost child’s health?
Topics for English state exam
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, is about a young boy, Huck, in search of freedom and adventure.
Anglų kalbos temos
Some people think that school years are the happiest days in people’s lives. Can you say that you have been happy at school? Why? School is the traditional place for acculturating children into our national life. In the modern age, the role assigned to our schools is to prepare children for the literate public culture.
Kauno Saulės gimnazija, gauta iš kalbėjimo 10. I am from Kaunas, my address is Baltijos seventy-nine, flat nine, I was born on the ……………th of ………….. in Kaunas, thus I am nineteen now. I am male, and still single as I think I am not mature enough to marry. Thus, I have no children.
Private schooling
Private Schooling Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that private schools offer a better education to children and better prepare them for college. Thesis Statement: Private school children are more involved in community service, are generally provided with a better education, and are more likely to apply and succeed in college.
Art Education in High Schools
Today education has become a token of an advanced, healthy and competent society. In fact, modern education more than ever before is aiming to provide experiences that will be useful in life (Smith 153). In the process of deciding which activities are effective and should be included in the high school curriculum, a clash between opinions often arises.
Samuel K. Thompson knygos analizė
Samuel M. Thompson „The Nature of Philosophy“. The book was published in January, 1961 Monmouth, Illinois. Samuel M. Thompson- a member of Monmouth College. In Monmouth Colleg‘s faculty he became chairman of the Philosophy Department. His first book, A Modern Philosophy of Religion, as well as his second book, The Nature of Philosophy, became widely used in many colleges and universities.
Simla agreement
This agreement on Bilateral Relations between India and Pakistan was signed after the 1971 India-Pakistan War, in which Pakistan was defeated conclusively and which resulted in the creation of Bangladesh. India refrained from attacking or finishing off Pakistan and signed this agreement with the hope that henceforth the countries in the region would be able to live in peace with each other. The then Pakistani Prime Minister, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, also promised the then Indian Prime Minister, Mrs Indira Gandhi, that his country would accept the Line of Control (LOC) in the state of J&K as the de facto border and would not try ot de-stabilise it. This was not formally entered in the agreement because Bhutto said it would cause domestic problems for him at this juncture. Mrs Gandhi magnanimously accepted his promise and did not formalise that part of the agreement. But Pakistan, as later events were to prove, never kept its part of the deal.
Informacijos ir žinių palyginimas. Informatikos raida. Informacija – objektyviai egzistuojantis pasaulio reiškinys. Galime įvardyti, kad tai žinios, kurias žmogus gauna, įsimena, perduoda; galime suprasti ir abstrakčiau: tai žmogaus suvoktas objekto turinys. Informacija daro įtaką žmonių santykiams, ji pasireiškia žmonių bendravime – komunikacijoje. Informacijos gauname paprasčiausiai kalbėdamiesi su draugais, žiūrėdami televizorių, skaitydami, ją teikiame kitiems išsakydami savo samprotavimus, aptardami įvykius, rašydami laiškus ar žinutes.