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   Rasti 87 rezultatai

Kalbėjimas anglų pamokai "The ways of spending free time for young people". Įvertintas 10.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 9,77 kB)
Išsamus pristatymas apie Šilutės miestą anglų kalba.
Anglų kalba  Projektai   (25 psl., 2,29 MB)
anglu rasinys
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 6,5 kB)
LR teritorijos bendrajame plane pagal arealų patrauklumo kategorijas Birštonas laikomas didelio potencialo regioninės svarbos rekreacijos centru, kuriame skatintinas plėtoti ne tik kurortinis gydymas, bet ir poilsis gamtoje bei pažintinis turizmas. Visa Nemuno slėnio juosta (Druskininkai – Kaunas – Nemuno delta) išskirta kaip viena svarbiausiu vietos ir užsienio turizmo zonų. Dėl archeologijos (piliakalnių, senovės gyvenviečių), architektūros ir urbanistikos paveldo vertės ir išsidėstymo Birštonas laikomas antru pagal svarbą apskrities kultūros vertybių bei rekreacijos arealu, dalimi vientiso Panemunių regiono.
Geografija  Referatai   (20 psl., 1,28 MB)
Panemunė džiugina lėta ramybe, tarsi sustingusia istorija ir vaikystę primenančiais vaizdais. Šiandien Panemunė tokia pati, kaip ir prieš daugelį metų, ir tuo pačiu – kitokia. Vaizdingos pilys, ūksmingi parkai, Nemuno terasose nusidriekę miesteliai išsaugojo laikui nepavaldų grožį ir vis labiau dabinasi, laukdami užsienio turistų ar tėviškės nebepažįstančių tautiečių. Panemunė atgimsta. Pasirinkau šį kelionės maršrutą, nes manau, kad jis tiktų užsienio turistams, kuriems įdomu Lietuvos istorija, gamta. Beveik visos kelionės autobusu metu lydi ispūdingi gamtos vaizdai.
Geografija  Projektai   (27 psl., 2,06 MB)
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (5 psl., 9,7 kB)
The Son of the Wolf
'I never saw a dog with a highfalutin' name that ever was worth a rap,' he said, as he concluded his task and shoved her aside. 'They just fade away and die under the responsibility. Did ye ever see one go wrong with a sensible name like Cassiar, Siwash, or Husky? No, sir! Take a look at Shookum here, he's Snap! The lean brute flashed up, the white teeth just missing Mason's throat. 'Ye will, will ye?' A shrewd clout behind the ear with the butt of the dog whip stretched the animal in the snow, quivering softly, a yellow slaver dripping from its fangs. 'As I was saying, just look at Shookum here- he's got the spirit. Bet ye he eats Carmen before the week's out.' 'I'll bank another proposition against that,' replied Malemute Kid, reversing the frozen bread placed before the fire to thaw. 'We'll eat Shookum before the trip is over. What d'ye say, Ruth?' The Indian woman settled the coffee with a piece of ice, glanced from Malemute Kid to her husband, then at the dogs, but vouchsafed no reply. It was such a palpable truism that none was necessary. Two hundred miles of unbroken trail in prospect, with a scant six days' grub for themselves and none for the dogs, could admit no other alternative. The two men and the woman grouped about the fire and began their meager meal. The dogs lay in their harnesses for it was a midday halt, and watched each mouthful enviously. 'No more lunches after today,' said Malemute Kid. 'And we've got to keep a close eye on the dogs- they're getting vicious. They'd just as soon pull a fellow down as not, if they get a chance.' 'And I was president of an Epworth once, and taught in the Sunday school.' Having irrelevantly delivered himself of this, Mason fell into a dreamy contemplation of his steaming moccasins, but was aroused by Ruth filling his cup. 'Thank God, we've got slathers of tea! I've seen it growing, down in Tennessee. What wouldn't I give for a hot corn pone just now! Never mind, Ruth; you won't starve much longer, nor wear moccasins either.' The woman threw off her gloom at this, and in her eyes welled up a great love for her white lord- the first white man she had ever seen- the first man whom she had known to treat a woman as something better than a mere animal or beast of burden. 'Yes, Ruth,' continued her husband, having recourse to the macaronic jargon in which it was alone possible for them to understand each other; 'wait till we clean up and pull for the Outside. We'll take the White Man's canoe and go to the Salt Water. Yes, bad water, rough water- great mountains dance up and down all the time. And so big, so far, so far away- you travel ten sleep, twenty sleep, forty sleep'- he graphically enumerated the days on his fingers- 'all the time water, bad water. Then you come to great village, plenty people, just the same mosquitoes next summer. Wigwams oh, so high- ten, twenty pines. Hi-yu skookum!'
Social motives
Hormonal control At puberty – roughly ages 11 to 14 – hormone changes produce the bodily changes that serve to distinguish males from females. The general idea is that endocrine glands manufacture hormones (chemical messengers), which travel through the bloodstream to target organs. The basic scheme is simple: by way of hormones, the hypothalamus directs the pituitary, which in turn directs the gonads – the ovaries and the testes. The hormones produced by the gonads – estrogen, progesterone, and androgen – are called sex hormones. These hormones are responsible for the body changes at puberty. In girls, estrogen causes the development of breasts, the changes in the distribution of body fat that results in a more feminine form, and the maturation of the female genitals. In boys, testosterone (a kind of androgen) is responsible for the sudden growth of facial, underarm, and pubic hair; it also causes a deepening of the voice, the development of muscles that lead to a more masculine form, and the growth of the external genitals. In other species, sexual arousal is closely tied to variations in hormonal levels; in humans, however, hormones play less of a role. Neural Control In humans, some of the neural mechanisms involved are at the level of spinal cord. But the organ most responsible for the regulation of sexual arousal and behavior is the brain. Early Experiences Experience has little influence on the mating behavior of lower mammals – inexperienced rats will copulate as efficiently as experienced ones – but it is a major determinant of the sexual behavior of higher mammals. Monkeys raised in partial isolation (in separate wire cages, where they can see other monkeys but cannot have contact with them) are usually unable to copulate at maturity. These monkeys have social or affectional problems: even in nonsexual situations, they are unable to relate to other monkeys. Apparently, normal heterosexual behavior in primates depends also on an affectional bond between two members of the opposite sex. Clinical observations of human infants suggest certain parallels. They develop their first feelings of trust and affection through a loving relationship with the mother. This basic trust is a prerequisite for satisfactory interactions with peers. And affectionate relationship with other youngsters of both sexes lay the groundwork for the intimacy required for the intimacy for sexual relationships among adults. Cultural Influences Unlike that of other primates, human sexual behavior is strongly determined by culture. Every society places some restrictions on sexual behavior. Incest (sexual relations within the family), for example, is prohibited by almost all cultures. Sexual activity among children, homosexuality, masturbation, premarital sex – are permitted in varying degrees by different societies. Although western society is becoming increasingly permissive about premarital sex, men and women still differ in their attitudes toward sex (the majority of women need emotional involvement). Homosexuality Someone is considered homosexual if they are sexually attracted primarily to members of the same sex. Sexual interactions with members of the same sex are not uncommon during childhood, but only a small percentage of people become exclusively homosexual as adults. Extensive interviews with homosexuals suggest that they do not differ from heterosexuals with regard to their identifications with parents of the opposite sex, or with regard to the nature of their first sexual encounter. For exclusive homosexuals, there may be a biological predisposition (hypothesis that homosexuals and heterosexuals may differ with respect to the hormones they were exposed to while still in the womb). EARLY SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT One needs to develop an appropriate gender identity - males need to think of themselves as males, and females as females. This development is quite complex and begins in the womb. Prenatal hormones For the first couple of months after conception, both sexes are identical in appearance. Between 2 and 3 months, a primitive gonad develops into testes (if XY) or into ovaries (if XX). They start producing sex hormones, which then control the development of internal reproduction structures and the external genitals. The critical hormone in genital development is androgen. If enough androgen is produced, the newborn will have male genitals; if there is insufficient androgen, the newborn will have female genitals, even if it is genetically male. After the genitals, androgen begins to masculinize the brain. Hormones versus Environment In cases in which hormonal imbalances result in hermaphrodites (individuals born with both male and female tissue), the assigned label and the sex role in which the individual is raised seem to have greater influence on gender identity than do the individual’s genes and hormones.
Everyone needs at least one profession in his life. So when you begin spending sleepless nights, thinking about a job and money, when you think of the plans for the future it's no doubt about it you're ready to choose most suitable career for you. So in the world there are a lot of different professions: you can work with people as a doctor, lawyer, receptionist, teacher; on the enterprise, bank, school or state institution. And what kind of a profession you choose is mainly depend on yourself. And I think it's very difficult task for everybody. And now there is such situation in the life that it is very difficult to find some worthy job especially suitable for you. So if you want some-how to get a job, you can make plans for the future when you study still at school or university. It's a good idea to take different factors into account: job satisfaction - your future job must satisfy you; money - it's important that your future profession must be well-paid or you must have a high salary to support the family, good conditions; training; traveling, the place of work -in the office, from home, in the open area or abroad. For example I'm still not sure about my workplace and conditions because I know the fact that my future career will be my central part of my future life. Everybody wants to breathe fresh air, and even I want to locate myself in a clean place. I don't want to work in a city because there are so many problems like heavy traffic and population. If I have a chance to choose a place where I prefer, I would choose a quiet and peaceful place near the Baltic sea. I think the "working condition" should fit and care about my lifestyle. I have seen several people who get stresses from their jobs. If I always have bad moods and get so much stresses from my work, I would rather be unemployed than be a worker. I would like to make enough money to provide myself and my family. Sometimes, I have felt I'm greediness because I want to have so many things such as a big house, a nice car, and many others. So nowadays more and more students are trying to find a part-time job. There are a lot of reasons for it, but the common one – lack of money. It maybe a bad economical situation of a whole family or teenagers just need money for their entertainments. Starting a part-time job, not every young person thinks about pros or cons of this decision. On the positive side, extra incomes improve economical situation of the family. If students earn money for their needs, they also help parents – don`t ask them for additional pocket money. What is more, young people become more independent among their friends. On the other hand, part-time job can become harmful for studies at school on in another educational institution. Students can skip courses, motivating that their job and money they earn are much more significant, then studies. To sum up, it`s obvious that working and studying at the same time is a very complicated task. In my opinion, not everybody can manage to do all things perfectly depend only on person`s qualities. So nowadays more and more people are very busy with work and other activity. Never before in the history of the world have businessmen traveled so much as they do today. It is not surprising because we are living in a world of growing international trade and expanding economic and technical cooperation. Fascinating though it is for tourist travelling, however, has become the most tiring of all the occupations for many businessmen and experts. Nowadays people who go on business mostly travel by air as it is the fastest means of travelling.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (6,13 kB)
One of my favourite thing is poetry which helps me to understand the outside world, brings to my mind the strength of the human spirit, the beauty of man. Poetry helps me to educate myself. When I have some spare time I create poems too. I’m going to publish my creative work in the future. But I know I must work very hard if I want to charm my readers. I wont to appeal to people’s hearts & minds of people, to their feeling & ideals. I’m also interested in architecture so I like to visit the places where I can see how people lived in the past, old buildings, castles. I like Gediminas castle, which foundation is guarded by the “Iron wolf” legend, in Vilnius. The vaults Of Vilnius cathedral attract me too. The castle of Grand Duke Kęstutis in Trakai admires me very much. If you want to visit the places of interest you have to travel. And I like travelling with my family during our holidays & on weekends. We visit a lot of places in the countryside by our bikes. I think biking is even better than riding in a car because you can follow narrow trails in the fields & in the woods where there are no roads. I like ride a bike because I can hear birds sing, listen to the sounds of nature & enjoy the fresh air then. I’m interested in photography too. I always take my camera with me when I’m on holiday. I keep a photograph record of family events. I like to correspond. I have a lot of pen-friends in all over the world. I have a pen-friend in Greece & I have been corresponding for 3 years. I like listen to the radio. My favourite radio station is “Radio centras” . In my opinion this station is for people of all ages, interests & tastes. I like listening comments & discussions on current affairs, interviews with various people. I like different kind of music. The programs of “Radio centras” are followed by music, & that’s why it interests me. TV is very popular in my life. I like to watch TV in the evenings. Entertainment programs are my favourite. I like : “Šou bulvaras”, “Dviračio Šou”, “Taip & Ne”. Very often I watch films too. I don’t go to the cinema because today we can see a lot of interesting films at home. Today cinema attendance fall because many people have video recorders at home. But I like to go to the theatre because it helps me to get back my energy. It’s one of the ways of getting out of depression. In my opinion entertainment makes our life more beautiful.
Speciality The new thing that this store has is minimal inventory. Most probably many have said this before but they all still work under the old idea that all the records have to physically be in the store when the customers want to buy them. By taking the model of Apple's iTunes Store and moving it out of the home and onto the streets we can achieve a much lower inventory than is possible with a traditional musicstore. All the music would be stored on computer drives in full quality and when the customer wants to buy an album he simply requests it from the salesman who burns the album on a cd which the customer then takes with him. With this comes a much higher computer cost but that is more than balanced out by less inventory and less requirements for the store's size plus we get the added bonus of a potentially strong online presence. The stock-reducing feature of this store can be described so that no cd´s will be bought from the publishers except those that have already been sold. It would work similar to when one orders a cd from a traditional music store. The process then is that they put in an order for that particular cd which is then sent to them in the next shipment. Since they already can sell it when it comes to the store no cost of stock needs to be accredited to that particular cd and it will not degrade in value, as it remains unsold in the store. Market In all probability it will be easier to get smaller independent labels to accept this new arrangement since they are often less concerned about piracy and illegal distribution of their music. When Apple introduced its online record store with the possibility of burning song to cd it may have broken the ice for big publishers who may see this opportunity for what it really is, a big chance for them to regain some control over music distribution. According to the financial calculations presented in Appendix C we need to sell 22 cd's per day 30 days a month to get just above the break even point. That should be a reachable goal as we see with the following logic. For a store in central Reykjavik we can assume that the market size is 1800 customers. That is 10% of the population between 15 and 30. So in order to reach the breakeven point every customer needs to buy 4.4 cd’s per year, a goal that is easily within reach considering usual spending habits of young people in Iceland. A threat to this is of course the Internet and illegal downloads of music. Market size is furthermore considered under three circumstances, low, medium and high with the sales numbers 10, 40 and 100 respectively. The probability for each demand is 0.6, 0.3 and 0.1. A great factor in why low market size is thought to be most probable is the Internet and the still growing popularity of illegal downloads. Setup For a breakdown and projection of Setup cost see Appendix A. The setup for such a store is more like what one would expect from an ISP rather than a record store because servers and large data storage facilities will be prominent factors of the startup cost. Another aspect is the cost expected to be needed to ensure proper license agreements with publishers. That amount is expected to be needed for travel expenses and other costs excluding legal expenses that will arise from negotiating with the publishers about this new form of sales. Legal expenses are marked as a special cost category because of the difference in tax issues between these two factors in Iceland. Special programs will be needed in the modern store while traditional stock and bookkeeping software can be used in the traditional store. Among this special software is cd burning software, server maintenance and control as well as possible software to report sales of cd´s to the publishers but that will depend on the deals made with them, i.e. if they want secure data directly from the computer system without human interaction or if they simply want a report based on honesty for their billing purposes. In the financial calculation it has been assumed that just about all startup expenses will be covered by loans and that those loans will be fully repaid in three years. This is done to provide a horizon for the comparison. Operating Cost Operating cost projections are presented in Appendix B Operating cost for the two stores is calculated without considering inflation because it is not customary to consider inflation in such calculations. It is assumed that any change in costs will be carried directly into the prices and therefor effectively negating all consequences. The expected sale used in Replenishment of stock is 10% of the stock. This is below the breakeven point but since the breakeven analysis with NPV uses the sales as a variable this has no effect on that. The main objective with the operating cost sheet is to get a rough idea of what forms the operating expenses and approximate the amount. Legal expenses and publishing are assumed to be evenly distributed over the period while in fact they would be discrete and uneven amounts. For this preliminary analysis the even distribution is accurate enough. Payments of loans are expected to be every three months and the interest rate is 6% per year. The payments are assumed to be equal payments. Break Even Analysis When NPV is calculated it is assumed that the business is worthless at the end of three years and therefor we get no return at the end of that period. Interest rate is set to approximately 25% per year or exactly 2% per month. This interest rate is our interest demand, that is the interest we expect to be able to get if we invest differently. When establishing the Break Even point NPV analysis is used with the Goal seek option in Excel. The NPV is set to 0 and Goal seek adjusts the sales to find the corresponding amount. This is different from finding the breakeven for individual months or the sum of the period in general because this takes into account the possible earning of the money if it was invested differently. The Break Even analysis is presented in Appendix C. Results After examining the numbers we see that the modern store has a definite advantage over the traditional approach. By arranging the decision matrix and using the Maximax or MiniMax methods to determine the best possibility we get the same results, the modern store has better potential than the traditional one with regards to the NPV calculations. Furthermore if we use Expected Return, that is multiply the probabilities and return and then taking the maximum of that we get the same result. In the market section we saw a logical induction for the market share reaching and probably overtaking the breakeven point of 22cd's for modern store. The breakeven for a traditional is 59cd's and that amount we can not expect without a high demand which is considered improbable. Recommendations It is necessary before making any commitments regarding the store to first look for further information about the Apple deal. That information might be found on Internet rumor pages or magazines and newspapers covering the iTunes store. What we need to find out is any conditions that publishers put forth and the problems encountered on the way as well as how much Apple needs to pay the publishers for every song they sell, that should establish a baseline for the prices because it is unlikely that a small store like this would get a better deal than an industry giant with a phenomenal track record. A market analysis needs to be conducted. It can be as simple as sitting outside a competing record store and counting the number of people coming out of it with a bag in their hand or it can be a full third party analysis of the market. But making some kind of market research is important for further establishing the estimates of market size. With respect to the expected market size it is needed to determine the amount of cd writing equipment is needed. This is a variable with no counterpart in the traditional store but the potential of being quite expensive depending on the expectations of the stores client with regard to speed of service. It is necessary to examine many possible solutions ranging from cheap personal cd writers to more advanced professional equipment. Another such issue is the servers that store the music. They need to be able to store large amounts of data and need to serve all the data to the cd writers when it is requested. That should actually not be a big problem since modern servers have a very high bandwidth. Another issue that needs to be considered is the financial aspect. It is not very wise to finance the preparation expenses with loans, one should rather try to get venture capital or finance it in other ways. A loan can be a big burden to bear if it turns out that publishers are not willing to allow this form of store but the venture capital would simply be lost without much consequence. With venture capital the control of the store is in lost to some extent but that could be more feasible than to be stuck with payments of a loan that generated zero income.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (46,53 kB)
About languages (apie kalbas) My native language is Lithuania. So he must know its history, grammar, literature spelling. When I was on the fourth form I began to learn the English language. From the very first days I understood that it is very difficult to learn. English, as it has different pronunciation and spelling. If you want to learn new words, grammar, how to form the sentence. It is necessary to know the history, culture, traditions of the country which language, you study. It is very difficult to learn any foreign language when you do not hear it in the street at house. The film which we see on TV are translated into native language and we can’t hear the English language. The English language is very popular in the world and what country you visit you can communicate in England. The role of the foreign languageshas inereased in the last years, as Lithuanian keeps good relations with other European countries and is going to biome a member of European Union and NATO. So every young person must think about his future and the use of the foreign language. The European Union(apie europos sąjungą) The European Union is the European supranational organization dedicated to increasing economic integration and strengthening co-operation among its member states. The European Union was established on November one, nineteen ninety three. The treaty on European Union was ratified by the twelve members of the European community. They were Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. The citizen of the European Union countries received the right to immigrate From owe country to another and they got a greater freedom to live, work or study in any of the member states and there were no borders to travel from are European Union State to another. The main body of the European Union is the European Parliament, which is elected by the citizens of the European Union States. The main body works in Strasburg, but most work of its committee is done in Brussels. Finland, Austria and Sweden joined the European Union in nineteen ninety five. In this year May first day Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia will become the members of the European Union. There are seven other countries which will become the members of the European union. They are: Poland, Cheek, Cyprus, Malta, Hungary, Slovakia, and Slovenia. About myself(apie save) My name is Justina and surname is Šaučiūnaitė. I live in Anykščiai in Stoties street No eleven. I was born on the fiveof march nineteen eighty six in Anykščiai. I am eighteen, I am the citizen of Lithuania. I am a schoolgirl and I learn in the twelve form of Antanas Baranauskas secandary school. So I am a school-leaver.I live with my family: father, mather, I have one sister and one brother. All my Familymembers are cathalics.We the memders of our family are very friendly. We celebrate all Lithuanian holidays together. My favourite group is B‘avarija. My favourite singer is Andrius Mamontovas and also every yang person has a favourite pop graup.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (17,09 kB)
Parduos tave kaip lėlę-tai frazė, kuri visom merginom kelia šiurpą, o kai kurioms ir pačius skaudžiausius jausmus, išgyvenimus, neviltį. Ši frazė primena mums, kad kažkur pasaulyje yra tūkstančiai verkiančių sielų, sugadintų protų, išnaudotų kūnų. Taip, kalbėsiu apie vieną iš skaudžiausių šių dienų temų-merginų pardavinėjimą bei jo priežastis.
Lietuvių kalba  Rašiniai   (2 psl., 6,55 kB)
Praktikos analizė
Įmonės charakteristika. Įmonės verslo sritis. Įmonės tikslai. Prekės ir paslaugos. Palyginimas su konkurentais. Rinka. Konkurencija Lietuvos Turizmo rinkoje. Marketingas. Reklama. Kainų politika ir kainos. Įmonės valdymas. Darbuotojų kvalifikacija ir išsilavinimas. Finansai. Vadybininkų veikla. Kontrolės mastas.
Vadyba  Analizės   (15 psl., 25,68 kB)
My dream house
To start with as I know many people usually dream about the castle on the bank of the sea with many huge rooms and bathrooms. But I don’t. My dream house is quite different.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1 psl., 2,81 kB)
Located between the continents of North America, South America, Asia, Antarctica and Australia the Pacific Ocean is the largest of the world's four oceans. It covers approximately one-third of the surface of the earth, more surface area than all the continents combined. It is commonly divided at the Equator into the North Pacific and the South Pacific.
Geografija  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (1 psl., 32,34 kB)
The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean. It is surrounded by southern Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, Africa, the Malay Peninsula, the Sunda Islands, Australia and Antartica. The 20° E meridian divides it from the Atlantic and the 147° E meridian divides it from the Pacific below Australia.
Geografija  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (1 psl., 18,05 kB)
Acid rain" is a general name for many phenomena including acid fog, acid sleet, and acid snow. Although we associate the acid threat with rainy days, acid deposition occurs all the time, even on sunny days. Something is acidic if it has a low pH. The pH of a liquid is measured on a scale which ranges from 0 to 14 with 7.0 being neutral. Anything with a pH value lower than 7.0 is acidic, and anything higher than 7.0 is basic.
Geografija  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (3 psl., 6,71 kB)
Pasirinktos įmonės marketingo komplekso įvertinimas . Įmonės statuso apibudinimas, jos teikiamos paslaugos,asortimentas. Vartotojas (tikslinė rinka) ir vartotojų elgsena,veiksniai turintys įtakos įmonės vartotojo pirkimams sprendimai. Kainų politika. Paskirstymo politika. Rėmimo politika. Išvados ir pasiūlymai. Marketingo padalinys įmonėje. Marketingo padalinio vieta ir reikšmė įmonės organizacinėje valdymo struktūroje . Marketingo padalinio darbuotojų funkcijos. Marketingo padalinio veikla įmonėje. Rinkos tyrimas ir įvertinimas. Verslo aplinkos įvertinimas. Konkurentų analizė.
Rinkodara  Tyrimai   (40 psl., 56,14 kB)
Anglų kalbos kalbėjimo tema.
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (1 psl., 3,59 kB)
"[W]e find that testing students who participate in extracurricular activities is a reasonably effective means of addressing the School District’s legitimate concerns in preventing, deterring, and detecting drug use." Justice Clarence Thomas U.S. Supreme Court JUNE 27, 2002 Board of Education of Independent School District No. 92 of Pottawatomie County v. Earls Foreword In June 2002, the U.S. Supreme Court broadened the authority of public schools to test students for illegal drugs.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (5,03 kB)
Nightclub is a business that is open at least twice a week and provides some type of regularly scheduled entertainment. It usually has an area for dancing if it is a dance club or a stage where patrons may observe entertainment such as live bands, comedy, magic, exotic dancers, etc. Most clubs serve alcoholic beverages and may or may not have dining. Night clubs have become the new fad in town!
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (4,84 kB)
The term déją vu is French and means, literally, "already seen." Those who have experienced the feeling describe it as an overwhelming sense of familiarity with something that shouldn't be familiar at all. Say, for example, you are traveling to England for the first time. You are touring a cathedral, and suddenly it seems as if you have been in that very spot before. Or maybe you are having dinner with a group of friends, discussing some current political topic, and you have the feeling that you've already experienced this very thing -- same friends, same dinner, same topic.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (4,71 kB)
Did you know that the can opener was invented 48 years after cans were introduced? Cans were opened with a hammer and chisel before the advent of can openers. A Londoner, Peter Durand, invented the tin canister, or can, in 1810 for preserving food. There were no can openers yet, and the products labels would read: "cut around on the top near to outer edge with a chisel and hammer." The first can opener was invented in 1858 by American Ezra Warned. The well-known wheel-style opener was invented in 1925. Beer in a can was launched in 1935.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (6,59 kB)
Signs of the Zodiac
Aries (March 21-April 19) Element: Fire Modality: Cardinal Ruling Planet: Mars, Pluto Part of Body: Head, skull sinuses, jaws. Herbs: Pepper, garlic, hemp, poppy, holly, thistle, onion, fern, mustard. Stones: Bloodstone, ocher, diamond, ruby. Keywords: Self, ego, imitative, action, courageous, pioneering, adventurous, freedom-loving, independent. Business Types: Exploration, design, engineering, athletics. Aries starts off the Zodiac, and it is self-motivation that is the hallmark of this sign.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (5,35 kB)
The capital of the United Kingdom can be divided into three distinct parts. The main commercial area is around The City, where Roman London was founded and where the medieval township grew up, dominated by the massive fortress of the Tower of London. Further west along the Thames lays Westminster, the centre of government and administration. The West End—running west from Covent Garden to Oxford Street—is the main shopping and entertainment area. Surrounding this core are districts such as Kensington, Chelsea, and Marylebone, that joined London in the 18th century, but retain a separate identity.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (8,57 kB)
Many historians think that Sir Ernest Shackleton was a hero and a great patriot of Great Britain; others think that Shakleton’s delusions and ambitions to make a fortune or to win fame brought 28 men to the South Pole in 1914; whereas the majority most likely has never heard anything about Shakleton. However, Shakleton and his attempt to cross the South Pole on foot can be rationalized in many ways. Shackleton was a patriot.