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Rasti 297 rezultatai
Darbo tikslas – nustatyti makrofitų vaidmenį zoobentoso bendrijų struktūrai seklioje rytinių Kuršių marių įlankoje.
Uždaviniai : 1) Aprašyti tyrimų rajono dugno faunos įvairovę ir sutinkamumą;2) Atlikti tiriamosios zonos zoobentoso bendrijų stuktūros analizę;3) Nustatyti makrofitų vaidmenį dugno faunos bendrijoms;4) Palyginti dugno faunos bendrijų kaitą laiko atžvilgiu.
Reklamos priemonių internete analizė
Reklamos priemonių internete analizė
fast food house business plan
Fresin Fries is a locally owned fast food outlet that will be positioned as an international franchise through our creative approach to the company's image and detail presentation. Fresin Fries will provide a combination of excellent food at value pricing, with fun packaging and atmosphere. Fresin Fries is the answer to an increasing demand for snack-type fast food, to be consumed while window shopping and walking around inside a shopping mall.
greek temple styles
In this work I am going to present the architecture of Greek temple, elements, different styles and mention the most popular greek temples.
Motyvacinis laiškas anglų kalba
Dear Sir/ Madam, I am writing in connection with regard to the vacancy in your Sales Department, as advertised in The Times of 20th April.
Translatio transformations of English Verb + Nuon Collocations in EU Documents on Ecology
Kolokacijos - tai žodžių junginiai, dažnai pasitaikantys sakytinėje ir rašytinėje kalboje, sukuriantys naują semantinę reikšmę ir skirstomi pagal savo funkciją ir sandarą. Kaip ir kiti kalbos vienetai, verčiant yra transformuojamos naudojant pagrindinius vertimo trasformacijų tipus – perkėlimą, pakeitimą, įterpimą ir praleidmą. Šio darbo tikslas – išrinkti kolokacijas, sudarytas iš veiksmažodžio ir daiktavardžio analizuojant Europos Sąjungos dokumentus ekologijos tema, pastebėti ir analizuoti kolokacijų vertimo transformacijas. Darbo uždaviniai – apžvelgti įvairių autorių teorinius požiūrius, susijusius su darbo objektu, pateikti asmeninę sampratą, apžvelgti transformacijų dėsningumus ir susisteminti bei apibendrinti tyrimo duomenis.
Dividend and Dividend Policy
Companies that earn a profit can do one of three things: pay that profit out to shareholders, reinvest it in the business through expansion, debt reduction or share repurchases, or both. When a portion of the profit is paid out to shareholders, the payment is known as a dividend.(http://beginnersinvest.about.com/od/dividendsdrips1/a/aa040904.htm)
In English Wikipedia is written that dividends are payments made by a corporation to its shareholder members. It is the portion of corporate profits paid out to stockholders. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dividend)
Then you want to make a financial decision, you have to look at dividend policy and what rise it will make to ceiling‘s stock‘s value, and, how it will suit shareholders needs. A company's dividend policy is the company's usual practice when deciding how big a dividend payment to make. Dividend policy may be explicitly stated, or investors may infer it from the dividend payments a company has made in the past. If a company states a dividend policy it usually takes the form of a target pay-out ratio. If a company has not stated a dividend policy then investors will infer it. (http://moneyterms.co.uk/dividend-policy/).
Work purpose:
In this work we will try to look over what is dividend, dividends types and dividend policy.
Work tasks:
• Understand what is dividend and find out dividends types;
• Find out what are dividend paying methods;
• Find out what is dividend policy and find out its types;
• Establish basic dividend policy theoretical propositions, their differences;
• Look over what dividend policy types are used in practical.
2. Types of dividends
"Money For Nothing" is not only the title of a song by Dire Straits in the '80s, but also the feeling many investors get when they receive a dividend. All you have to do is buy shares in the right company and you'll receive some of its earnings. ( http://www.investopedia.com/articles/stocks/07/dividend_implications.asp ).
Dividends can be payed in cash or stock.
2.1. Cash
In the majority of cases dividends are issued on a cash basis. For example, if a shareholder holds 1,000 shares and the per share dividend is $1, the investor will receive a check for $1,000 (http://www.mysmp.com/fundamental-analysis/dividends.html).
In Investopedia is written that a cash dividend is a payment made by a company out of its earnings to investors in the form of cash (check or electronic transfer). This transfers economic value from the company to the shareholders instead of the company using the money for operations. Cash dividends is that receivers of cash dividends must pay tax on the value of the distribution, lowering its final value. Cash dividends are beneficial, however, in that they provide shareholders with regular income on their investment along with exposure to capital appreciation. (http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/05/stockcashdividend.asp).
English Wikipedia gives such a definicion of cash dividends : are those paid out in the form of a check. Such dividends are a form of investment income and are usually taxable to the recipient in the year they are paid. This is the most common method of sharing corporate profits with the shareholders of the company. For each share owned, a declared amount of money is distributed. Thus, if a person owns 100 shares and the cash dividend is $0.50 per share, the person will be issued a check for 50 dollars. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dividend).
My future profession
I think that money is very important to get married. If I haven't money I won't be able to maintain family. Sometimes I dream about the lawyer's profession. Sometimes I want to be an actor. If I enter the university , I would like to study book-keeping. I like that kind of work. I like paper work, maybe it is in my blood. My father, my aunt and my uncle are book-keepers. People who have this profession are required in every firm, or in another organisations. This profession is very old. I think that it was founded , when people made money. It was long time ago. Some people think that this profession is not very interesting, I don't agree with them.
If I don't enter the university , I'll try to enter a private college. There I would like to study how to rule banks. I think this profession is very progressive now. I can't say that I will choose one of these professions. It is only my dreams. If I want to study one of these professions I must work harder than now.
Happiness is an emotional or affective state that is characterized by feelings of enjoyment and satisfaction. States associated with happiness include well-being, delight, health, safety, contentment and love. Contrasting states include suffering, depression, grief, anxiety, and pain. Happiness is often associated with the presence of favorable circumstances such as a supportive family life and economic stability. However,There are several factors of being contented.
A very important trait of happy people is their social involvement with others. Close relationships with supportive friends and family and an interest in caring and loving relationships are a priority in the pursuit of happiness. Moreover, happy people are good at setting long-term goals at work. They find work to be a positive experience because they put themselves into work situations where they feel challenged and engaged.
The most important trait common to happy people is positive self-esteem. Such people like themselves and believe in themselves to be smarter, healthier and more sociable than the average person. They are also more optimistic, extroverted, and tend to have more realistic perspectives. They feel like they are in control of their lives. Also, research proves that people who are active in religious organizations are more contmented because they cope better with various life experiences and are less vulnerable.
In conclusion, hapiness is anyone and anything that's loved by you. To look at it in a simple way, contentment is when reality is better than your dreams.
Socialinis pedagogas profesinėje mokykloje
Pirmiausia reikia išsiaiškinti, kas yra socialinis pedagogas, kokios jo funkcijos? Kas būdinga asmenybei? G. Kvieskienė (Kvieskienė, 2003) yra pasakiusi labai prasmingą teiginį, jog socialiniai pedagogai – vaiko gerovės sergėtojai ir vaiko advokatai – siekia apsaugoti tuos, už kuriuos
atsako, tai yra mažiausius ir silpniausius piliečius. Šio tikslo jie siekia pasitelkdami humanizmo mąstytojų idėjas, iškiliausių praktikų pedagogų, altruistų, dvasinės sferos
darbuotojų atsidavimą begalinei būčiai, aukojimąsi visoms būties apraiškoms. Socialinis pedagogas spręsdamas kitų problemas pirmiausia pasitelkia savo jėgomis, sugebėjimu greitai orientuotis situacijoje, savo erudicija.
Charles Dickens
English novelist, generally considered the greatest of the Victorian period. Dickens's works are charactericized by attacks on social evils, unjustice, and hypocrisy. He had also experienced in his youth oppression, when he was forced to end school in early teens and work in a factory. Dickens's lively good, bad and comic characters, such as the cruel miser Scrooge, the aspiring novelist David Copperfield, or the trusting and innocent Mr. Pickwick, have fascinated generations of readers.
Lietuvos organizacijos elgsenos bruožai
Organizacijos elgsenos bruožų tyrimo metodologinis ir metodinis pagrindimas. Organizacijos elgsenos bruožų tyrimo instrumentarijaus teorinis pagrindimas. Tiriamos organizacijos elgsenos bruožų tyrimas. Tiriamos organizacijos bendroji charakteristika ir tyrimo pravedimas. Tiriamos organizacijos elgsenos bruožų vertinimas. Šio kursinio darbo tyrimo tikslas - remiantis mokslinės literatūros studijavimu ir diplominio darbo - “Modernios organizacijos elgsenos bruožų tyrimo instrumentarijaus problema” - kritine analize, teoriškai pagrįsti instrumentarijų bei klausimyną ir jo pagalba nustatyti tiriamos dabartinės Lietuvos organizacijos elgsenos bruožus.
My company
"Oil" internationally differentiates in its high operational and moral principles; the company is easy- to- reach for customers working within Europe and in other regions; it not only represents their interests, but also constantly searches for the possibilities to fulfill them better. With our regularity and high level of forwarding services, we seek to contribute to the inclusion of the Baltic region into the international transport corridors.
Pygmalion Summary
Two old gentlemen meet in the rain one night at Covent Garden. Professor Higgins is a scientist of phonetics, and Colonel Pickering is a linguist of Indian dialects. The first bets the other that he can, with his knowledge of phonetics, convince high London society that, in a matter of months, he will be able to transform the cockney speaking Covent Garden flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, into a woman as poised and well-spoken as a duchess. The next morning, the girl appears at his laboratory on Wimpole Street to ask for speech lessons, offering to pay a shilling, so that she may speak properly enough to work in a flower shop.
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616), English poet and playwright, recognized in much of the world as the greatest of all dramatists. A complete, authoritative account of Shakespeare’s life is lacking; much supposition surrounds relatively few facts. His day of birth is traditionally held to be April 23; it is known he was baptized on April 26, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire.
Shakespeare biography
William Shakespeare Biography describes the life of William Shakespeare. From birth to death, Shakespeare Biography describes all that is known about Shakespeare's life from available documentation including court and church records, marriage certificates and criticisms by Shakespeare's rivals.Shakespeare (1564-1616): Who was he? Though William Shakespeare is recognized as one of literature’s greatest influences, very little is actually known about him.
Signs of the Zodiac
Aries (March 21-April 19) Element: Fire Modality: Cardinal Ruling Planet: Mars, Pluto Part of Body: Head, skull sinuses, jaws. Herbs: Pepper, garlic, hemp, poppy, holly, thistle, onion, fern, mustard. Stones: Bloodstone, ocher, diamond, ruby. Keywords: Self, ego, imitative, action, courageous, pioneering, adventurous, freedom-loving, independent. Business Types: Exploration, design, engineering, athletics. Aries starts off the Zodiac, and it is self-motivation that is the hallmark of this sign.
I’m going to speak about some kinds of pollution, for example air pollution or acid rain, water pollution. Now different kinds of trees, many of the animals, birds, fish are in serious danger. What should government do to stop the polluting, nowadays? First of all I would like to speak about water pollution There is no ocean or sea which is not used as a dump. Many rivers and lakes are poisoned, too. Fish and reptiles can’t live in them.
About languages
My native language is Lithuania. So he must know its fourth form I began to learn the English language. From history, grammar, literature spelling. When I was on the the very first days I understood that it is very difficult to learn. English, as it has different pronunciation and spelling. If you want to learn new words, grammar, how to form the sentence. It is necessary to know the history, culture, traditions of the country which language, you study.
British art
British art is the art of the island of Great Britain. The term normally includes British artists as well as expatriates settled in Britain. Art of the United Kingdom is relatively detailed, as most styles, tones, and subject matters have been used by British artists. British art in the later Middle Ages was part of the International style and art in that period was not distinctive to much of other northern European art.
Quantifieres and Determiners
Quantifiers - Some rules of thumb on the use of little, a little, few and a few. LITTLE : only used with UNCOUNTABLE nouns, synonym for hardly any, not much e.g. Look at the sky, there is little hope for bright and sunny weather tomorrow. A LITTLE:only used with UNCOUNTABLE nouns, synonym for a small amount, some e.g. Is there ? The weather forecast says there is still a little hope.
Introduce myself
First of all I would like to introduce myself. I am Andrius Narbutas student A. I am studying in the fourth A class of gymnasium. It means that this year I am the school-leaver. Talking about my personal characteristics I would like to say that I am frank, obstinate, persistent, good-tempered and sometimes moody. In my opinion it is very important to mention that I am studying English for nine years and now you have a chance to grade my English knowledge.
Anglu kalbos taisykles
Pagrindinės anglų kalbos gramatikos taisyklės. Present Simple laikas vartojamas reikšti įprastam,pasikartojančiam arba nuolant vykstančiam veiksmui dabartyje ,bet nebūtinai vykstančiam kalbos momentu. Teigiamajame sakinyje veiksmažodis vartojamas pirmąja forma(bendratis be dalelytės to), tik vienaskaitos trečias asmuo(he,she,it) turi galūnę es. Klausiamieji ir neigiamieji sakiniai sudaromi su pagalbiniu veiksmažodžiu do, o trečias asmuo su did. Pats veiksmažodis nesikeičia.
James Joyce (1882-1941), Irish novelist, noted for his experimental use of language in such works as “Ulysses“ (1922) and “Finneganns Wake“ (1939). Joyce's technical innovations in the art of the novel include an extensive use of interior monologue; he used a complex network of symbolic parallels drawn from the mythology, history, and literature, and created a unique language of invented words, puns, and allusions.
"Dove" prekės ženklas
The media shows us millions pictures of "beautiful" people and gives us a lot of “lessons” on how to make ourselves more attractive: how to have better hair, better teeth, better makeup or a better body. Take any fashion magazine and you will see that almost every fashion advertisement company there uses a thin model who looks happy because she has bright skin, new lipstick, beautiful clothes or because she lost her weight because of some new magic pills. Have you seen an overweight male or female appear in the advertisement?
Bob Marley biografija
In the year 1944, Captain Norval Marley married a young Jamaican girl named Cedalla Booker. On February 6, 1945 at two thirty in the morning their son, Robert Nesta Marley was born in his grandfather's house. Soon after Bob was born his father left his mother.
The Advantages of Lithuania’s Integration into the European UnionThe integration into the European Union is one of the most crucial objectives of the Lithuania’s foreign policy. Beginning with 1989-1990, when the decision of the Baltic States to restore independence manifested itself, the largest Western states became interested in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.
Chinese Art
China has the world's oldest living civilization. It's written history goes back almost 3,500 years, and the history told by it's artifacts and artwork goes back much farther. The oldest known works of Chinese art include pottery and jade carvings from the time of 5000 BC.
Education. Health and body care. Free time, entertainment. Services. Shopping. Everybody has a right to education in Lithuania. The secondary education is compulsory. Nowadays the life in our country is very difficult and a lot of young people don’t go to school, they haven’t even got secondary education. There are a lot of young people, children especially in big town’s streets.
Four seasons of the year
The twelve months of the year are divided into four seasons. March, April and May are spring months. March is the month when the ground starts to thaw and the snow melts again. At the end of this month you can see many violets and anemones in the forests with some butterflies and bees on them Spring is my mother's favourite season.