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Rašinys tema „The cloning of humans should never be allowed“. Čia pateikiu savo nuomonę, kodėl sutinku su šiuo teiginiu. 1 psl. angliškai
Speaking about travel
English-speaking country. Travel. Cycling. Attractions of Lithuania.
Should smoking be banned?
Anglu ese apie rukymo draudima. 10 klasei
Parliamentary Supremacy was defined by Dicey in XIX century as firstly, Parliament can legislate on any subject-matter. There are no rules on what Parliament can make laws about. For example, The Act of Settlement 1700 changed the rule on who should succeed to the throne. It can also change its own powers as it was done in the Acts of Parliament 1911 and 1949.
Thieves - vagys
Thieves – this is a very big problem in our society. Every day we can meet the performance street pickpocket. Our city is more than a professional pickpocket thief. Basing of the working people should especially keep your items and keep them to yourself.
Violence on TV
To tell the truth, I am strongly against violence on TV. Usually I ask myself why some people have tendencies toward violence. What factors cause those violent and aggressive behaviors? Among broad other reasons such as mental health, personal characteristics and economic status there is the violence in media that gives people those nonsensical ideas and inspiration.
The truth about television violence and children had been shown. Studies have been carried out and all the results point to the same conclusion: violence on television affects the behavior of children who are watching it. In fact, violence on TV causes children to be increasingly violent and the effects could be life-long. Children create violence to keep themselves satisfied. The reason children are so drawn to the violence on TV today is that the characters on TV make it look fun, so children find it fun to imitate. It has been found that kids who watch more television are more likely to solve their problems with violence rather than kids who don’t.
Talking about kind of scenes children shouldn’t see at all, I must say that children shouldn’t be allowed to watch killing and all others which are bloody.
As I know the most violence contains television programs about daily events. I must admit that the most violence is on Lithuanian programs such as Farai, Komanda. By the way, there is saying: the more bloody film it is, the more popular it becomes. So, I think all most popular TV shows and movies are fulfilled of blood and violence as well.
If somebody does not like to watch violence on TV, that doesn’t let him or her to change others opinion. We can’t forget that these films are for adults not children. It is the adults who are able to see the difference between what is real and what is false. Actually, somebody likes those action movies and TV shows that have death counts close to hundreds. They love the feeling of leaving cinema in awe of what they just saw. That shows that we have no right to take shows and movies off the TV. But I strongly believe that the time of that must be controlled. It should be shown, when it is late and all children are sleeping. To make less violence on TV can only punishment. And the best should be a huge sum of money.
To sum it up, fixing this problem isn’t easy, it will never go away, and in time it will get worse. About the only way to correct this ever-growing problem is to stop it where it starts: at home. Parents should take up the responsibility to be more into what their kids watch.
Smoking (2)
Smoking is very harmful not only for smokers but also for those who are near the smokers. This addiction causes heart ant pulmonary diseases, cancer and a lot of other horrifying diseases. The worse thing is that smoking causes psychological dependence. Therefore should smoking be banned or allowed in public places?
There are two different opinions in our society, to ban smoking in public places or not. Firstly people are convinced that smoking in public places is appreciable as a society health problem. They think that smoking should be banned, because smoke harms all of us. On the other hand we ought to respect smoker’s interests and alternatives. Everyone is responsible for their self health.
However these people who smoke are dependent on smoking, so in future they can try to use other drugs. The more people become addicts the worse our society will be. Though, to stop smoking requires a lot of amenities so for some smokers this can be too hard to do it. Adding up smokers can unwind and relax just when they are smoking. Such is their lifestyle. 180
So this question has two different sides. Although smoking is very harmful not only for smokers but for all of us who are near smokers, smokers alternative should be respected.
Should we bring back the death penalty?
First of all, the slogan misses an important point. The death penalty does not punish people for killing, but for murder. Killing is justified when it is done in self-defense. Killing means to cause death. Murder, on the other hand, is defined as, "the unlawful and malicious or premeditated killing of one human being by another". "Kill," "murder," and "execute" are not interchangeable terms. Death penalty opponents would like us to believe otherwise. Just because two actions result in the same end does not make them morally equivalent. If it were so, legal incarceration would be equated with kidnapping, lovemaking with rape, self-defense with assault, etc. Therefore, the slogan is better stated, "We execute people to show people that murder is wrong."
Morality is defined as "the principles of right and wrong." As moral creatures, humans deserve praise for good deeds, and punishment for bad ones. Punishment may range from a slap on the wrist to death, but the punishment must fit the crime.
Morally, it is wrong to incarcerate someone for murder. A sentence of life in an air-conditioned, cable-equipped prison where a person gets free meals three times a day, personal recreation time, and regular visits with friends and family is a slap in the face of morality. People will say here that not all prisons are like the one cited. This betrays an ignorance, however, of current trends. Eventually, criminal rights activists will see to it that all prisons are nice places to go. But regardless of the conditions of a particular prison, someone who murders another human being can only be made to pay for his actions by forfeiting his own life. This is so, simply because a loss of freedom does not and cannot compare to a loss of life.
In reality, the murderer actually gets off easy when he is sentenced to death. Executions in this country are performed by lethal injection and electrocution. If a person is lethally injected, he is first put to sleep, and then he is administered drugs that will stop his heart. If a person faces the electric chair, he is dead within seconds. Compare this to the heinous crimes of the murderer, where often the victim will go through excruciating pain for minutes, hours, or sometimes days.
The opponents of death penalty gives five reasons why the death penalty should be abolished. Those reasons are quite commonly given, so I will address their objections here.
1. The death penalty is racist.
2. The death penalty punishes the poor.
These are basically the same argument. What it boils down to is "the death penalty is not applied fairly." This cannot be an argument against the death penalty. If it were, then it would be an argument against all punishments. To argue that the death penalty is to be abolished because it is not fairly imposed is to admit that if it were imposed fairly it would be okay. This is not an argument against the death penalty but an argument to improve the justice system. Is the system unfair? Fix it. What is unfair is not that the black and poor prisoners get what they deserve. What is unfair is that the rich and white prisoners do not.
3. The death penalty condemns the innocent to die.
There is absolutely no proof for this statement. The possibility of an innocent person being executed is extremely small, and continues to decrease with the improvement of forensic science. It is true that death row prisoners have been released, but it is not true that they were innocent.
Consider the following fact: A judgment of acquittal is final. Even if overwhelming evidence is later uncovered, the prosecution can never appeal. Likewise, if a conviction is reversed on appeal because the evidence of guilt was legally insufficient to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, then the defendant cannot be retried. Furthermore, if a court decides that the evidence brought against the defendant was legally insufficient, it is not saying that the defendant was actually innocent. By making this decision, the court is merely saying that the prosecution did not prove the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
We must make a distinction when we use the words "acquittal" and "innocent." The media often overlooks this distinction, and thrives on causing widespread panic that an innocent person was falsely convicted. Being acquitted, however, does not mean that the defendant did not actually commit the crime. A jury must acquit "someone who is probably guilty but whose guilt is not established beyond a reasonable doubt.
4. The death penalty is not a deterrent against violent crime.
The death penalty as a deterrent to crime is not the issue. Capital punishment is, pardon the redundancy, a punishment for crime. As a punishment, it is 100% effective; every time it is used, the prisoner dies. Additionally, the death penalty is actually 100% effective as a deterrent to crime: the murderer will never commit another crime once he has been executed.
5. The death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment.
The death penalty is not cruel and unusual punishment. The framers of the Constitution supported the death penalty, so it is ridiculous to claim that cruel and unusual punishment refers to the death penalty. Furthermore, it is logically impossible to be cruel while punishing a guilty murderer for murdering an innocent victim.
I have tried to argue here that the death penalty is moral and just. We must never forget that no one has to be executed; if no one murders, no one is executed. Murderers are not innocent people fighting for their lives; that statement describes their victims.
Breast Cancer
What you can expect after the mammogram:
1) The radiologist may explain your results at the time of mammogram/
ultrasound (If this is not offered, you can request it, but often you may
need to schedule a consultation.)
2) The detailed report of the findings is usually sent directly to your primary
or referring physician. If you want it, you may have a copy of this report.
Ask the doctor who received it.
3) You will also receive a brief report by mail of the radiologist’s findings
and recommendations for needed follow-up. (This report is mandated
by law.)
Some possible recommendations by the radiologist or primary doctor if
there is a suspicious area or lump found on the mammogram:
1) Wait 3-6 months and have another mammogram to see if there are
any changes
2) Referral for ultrasound which will show whether a cyst is fluid-filled
or solid
3) Referral to surgeon for biopsy. (At some mammography centers the
mammogram and the biopsy may be done on the same day. It depends
on the capability of the particular center.)
4) Referral for a ductogram (For this procedure, the radiologist takes a very
fine plastic catheter and with a magnifying glass, threads it into the duct,
squirts dye into it, and takes a picture. A ductogram provides a map for
the surgeon to use for a biopsy and may also show the source of your
breast discharge, if you had discharge.)
Possible questions to ask/things to advocate for:
1) If you have a palpable lump, the mammographer should put a marker on
your breast to make sure the lump is identifiable on the film.
2) If you have calcifications, a magnification view is often taken. Sometimes
this step is skipped and you are sent directly for a biopsy. (You should ask
why, if this is the case, especially if surgical biopsy is recommended.)
3) If referred for biopsy, consider a second opinion of the mammogram
at another center. (For some people a center that specializes in
mammography is a better option.) Take your original mammography
films with you.
4) How much time do I have to make a decision about what to do next?
5) Ask how many mammograms the radiologist reads in a year. The accuracy
of the reading varies depending in part on the number of mammograms
someone reads.
6) Check for the FDA/National Mammography Quality Assurance Advisory
Committee certification. It should be posted in the center.
If you need to have a biopsy, there are several types you could have. The type
of biopsy depends in part on whether the lump is palpable (you can feel it)
or not. If the lump can only be seen on a mammogram, it can be approached
by a stereotactic fine-needle biopsy, stereotactic core biopsy, mammotome, or
wire localization biopsy (see below for descriptions). These procedures use the
mammogram or ultrasound to locate the lump before sampling it. If the lump
is palpable, then it can also be tested with fine-needle aspiration or a core
biopsy. Finally, the lump can be removed entirely with an excisional biopsy or
a piece of it can be removed with an incisional biopsy.
Pranešimas, rašinėlis anglų kalba. priklauso, kaip panaudosi. The living conditions in our city are getting worse and worse. Exhaust fumes and smoke from the factories are polluting the air. Furthermore, the rivers and sea are being polluted by chemicals from the factories and people are suffering from breathing difficulties and stomach problems. We should do something it is too late.
Air pollution
I would like to talk about air pollution, becouse it is one of the major problems of the planet. Air pollution is made up of many kinds of gases, droplets and particles that reduce the quality of the air. Air can be polluted in both the city and the country. In the city, cars, buses and airplanes, as well as industry and construction may cause air pollution. In the country, dust from tractors plowing fields, trucks and cars driving on dirt or gravel roads, rock quarries and smoke from wood and crop fires may cause air pollution. Ground-level ozone is the major part of air pollution in most cities.
Harvard personal identity. Bedroom tour
If someone were to look through your bedroom, what do you hope your possessions would convey about you? A typical teen’s room? In some respects, yes, but in many ways, my room has become an extension of my personality, interests and values. Upon entering, one would probably notice the lack of any music group, scantily clad female model, or indeed, any adornment at all on my walls. I prefer the unsoiled look of clean walls, which provide a sense of calm. However, my room is far from military precision and order;
Islam in Europe
Islam is one of the four major religions in the world. The beginning of Islam as a religion is dated back to the 7th century. Nevertheless, the people have many stereotypes and misconceptions about Islam. It is often looked upon as a “terrorist”, “extremist” or “fundamental” religion. Muslims claims, that in contrast, what many people think of Islam, it is still a peaceful religion, which does not promote any forms of terrorist actions.
Descriptive law is when it describes how people, or even natural phenomena, ussually behave. Prescriptive law – it prescribes how people ought to behave. For example, the speed limits imposed upon drivers are laws that prescribe how fast we should...
Sparkling river in front of your eyes, blinding sunshine, a few boats rowing in the calm water and 35 degrees above zero. You’re just lying on the lawn near some kind of palace… You turn right, look at your friend and think, that it is a marvellous day. People are staring at you, but you don’t care… Actually you should be at the caves of stalagmites and stalactites at this moment, because you planned this yesterday, but such a beautiful day you won’t miss in some kind of cave… Aren’t you amazed?
Lithuanian food and Entertainment traditions
Lithuanians like to eat good, tasty and filling foods. The tradition of eating well is inherited from our ancestors, who would say, he who eats well, works well. Lithuanian cooks prepare simple but tasty foods. A good cook can create delicious meals using simple ingredients. It is said that each cook stirs the cookpot in her manner. The traditional food preparer was and is mother, her knowledge and capabilities are handed down to the next female generation. Before food was prepared using only seasonal products, however during the last twenty-five years, fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs have been available all year round, imported or grown locally.
Milk product
Milk, yogurt and ice cream are excellent sources of calcium and protein. But remember to check the label to see how much fat each product contains. The amount of fat affects the number of calories in each product. • Milk and milk products are a source of protein, calcium, zinc and magnesium, vitamin B12 and riboflavin. • Vitamins A and D are found in whole milk and its products • Milk and milk products are the major source of calcium in the UK, contributing 43% of calcium intake in adults.
Function and leadership
This section describes why leaders exist and what knowledge, skills, and abilities are important to manage learning. We know, to begin, that leaders exist because man is a social creature. The leader in our society is responsible for the essential tasks in the collections of groups that make up civilization. In most traditional or conventional training events, because of a lack of systematic programming, most of the emphasis is focused on attempts to change people's perception. Little time is usually allocated for practice and even less to measure changes in performance during the training situation.
Darbas anglų kalba apie anglevandenius, vitaminus, riebalus. What you eat has a life long effect on your health and well-being. To look and feel your best, you have to eat adequate amounts of the proper foods. Many teenagers don't always choose the food that is best for them. They may not want to eat what the rest of the family is eating or they may eat poorly at school. The food at the school cafeteria is required by law in the United States to meet certain nutritional standards, but you may not be eating their food. There are six types of nutrients: protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water.
Žmogaus mirtis yra žinomas, tačiau ignoruojamas dalykas. Šiuolaikiniai žmonės ne tik bijo ją patirti, bet ir nenoriai apie ją kalbasi. Mirties reiškinį sudaro daug smulkesnių procesų, kurie nėra iki galo pažinūs žmogaus protui, kadangi pažinimas ateina per subjektyvią patirtį. Tačiau mirtis negali būti patirtis, nes tai vienas esminių ir nevaldomų žmogaus instinktų, kurių patirti negalima, todėl mirties kaip subjekto visiškas pažinimas ir supratimas neįmanomas (Froidas Z., 1990).
Changes of the Tiny Snack Bar
Namų darbas iš knygos "Upstream intermediate", gavau 10 (labai turtingas žodynas ir puikios konstrukcijos). The aim of this article is to resolve a question of improving our college’s snack bar, which will be changed to a modern self-service cafeteria. I have some ideas that might be useful. When we talk of cafeteria we firstly think of the food, which will be included on the menu.
Children and poverty
Childhood should be a happy time spent playing with friends, enjoying a favorite toy — even planning for the first day of school. But children in the developing world spend most of their childhood struggling to survive, without much hope for a secure, productive life.
Anglų kalbos gramatika. PI vartojimas
PI vartojamas su laiko aplinkybemis always, often, usually, regulary, daily, etc. Pvz. I usually get up at 7 o’clock. Nick always helps his friends.• Neigiamoji forma vartojama su prieveiksmiais never, seldom, rarely, sometimes.
Karaoke kapitalizmas analize
Knygos "Karaoke akpitalizmas" analizė. Darbas anglų kalba, buvo įvertintas puikiai. Pristatytas KTU. 10 lapų.
Tourism news Lithuania
Apie turizmo agentūras. The year 2003 was successful for Lithuanian travel agencies. Most of them have increased their sales and the number of tourists. There is a tendency of amalgamation and strengthening of the largest agencies. Travel agencies “Novaturas” and “Omnituras” would be the best examples of this successful cooperation.
100 Decisives battles in historyart of war
In ancient times, commercial and political campaign displays have been found in the ruins of Pompeii. Egyptians used papyrus to create sales messages and wall posters.
Palyginimas darželių, mokyklų ir rebilitacijos klinikos Norvegijoje ir Lietuvoje. Darbas pristatytas Agderio universitete Norvegijoje.
A day ends with a sunset. In the ancient times people used to believe that when the sun goes down the demons and the monsters take control of the earth. It was said that when the sun is down no one should leave his or her homes. But the time went by and people noticed that there is no danger to walk out after or during the sunset. It became a strange phenomenon and later a symbol of the end of the day.
English provebs and sayigs
Slow but wins the race. Take things as they come and be content. He that nothing questions, nothing learns. When things are at the worst, they begin to mend. Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none: be able for your enemy. Rather in power that use, and keep your friend. Under your own life’s key: be checked for silence, but never taxed for speech.
One of my favourite thing is poetry which helps me to understand the outside world, brings to my mind the strength of the human spirit, the beauty of man. Poetry helps me to educate myself. When I have some spare time I create poems too. I’m going to publish my creative work in the future. But I know I must work very hard if I want to charm my readers. I wont to appeal to people’s hearts & minds of people, to their feeling & ideals. I’m also interested in architecture so I like to visit the places where I can see how people lived in the past, old buildings, castles. I like Gediminas castle, which foundation is guarded by the “Iron wolf” legend.