Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 103 rezultatai

Inovacijos verslo įmonėse – vis labiau populiarėjanti mokslinių tyrimų tema, nes „inovacijos – neabejotinai kritinė bet kokio dinaminio požiūrio į verslo strategiją dimensija, kadangi inovacijų dėka įmonės gali įgyti ir apginti konkurencinius pranašumus“ (Chesbruogh, Vanhaverbeke, West, 2006). Tačiau Lietuvos įmonėse per mažai skiriama dėmesio efektyvioms, originalioms inovacijoms sukurti ir joms įdiegti. Viena iš priežasčių yra lėšų šiam reikalui stygius bei išorinių finansavimo šaltinių nepakankamumas. Dabar Lietuvoje yra labai nedaug stambių įmonių, pajėgių finansuoti originalių inovacijų kūrybą, adaptavimą. Mažai gaminama iš esmės naujų, turinčių paklausą produktų. Dažniausiai pasitenkinama tradiciniais produktais bei jų gamybos technologijos tobulinimu ir kokybės gerinimu. Todėl reiktų atkreipti dėmesį į Lietuvos pramonės vertės produktą, didinti darbo našumą, pasiekti aukšto pelningumo rodiklį. Inovacijų įgyvendinimo sėkmę sąlygoja ir sąveika su išorine aplinka. Kitaip dar vadinama inovacijų sistema. Apie inovacijas ir inovacijas versle ne mažai kalba
Administravimas  Kursiniai darbai   (27 psl., 119,61 kB)
Apie Kinijos svarbą ir vaidmenį visame pasaulyje.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1 psl., 9,5 kB)
Pagrindindiniai šio amžiaus labiausiai paplitę muzikos stiliai ir jų šakos, kas jiems būdinga ir pagrindinės savybės.
Muzika  Referatai   (34 psl., 64,04 kB)
India's Geography
Location: India is situated at the heart of South Asia, bordered by Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, as well as by China. Its coastline stretches for 7,000 kms, where it is surrounded by the waters of the Arabian Sea on the West, the Bay of Bengal on the East, and the Indian Ocean on the South.
Some facts, borders, Lithuania’s area, longest distances, population, density, Major towns, population, fields and meadows, forests and bushes, swamps, Inland waters, other land, relief, highest hill, largest river, largest lake, the climate ir t.t. Lithuania lies on the road between East Europe and West Europe, as the straightest road from Germany to Russia crosses Lithuania. (APIMTIS 1PSL)
Lietuvos įmonėms bei ūkininkams integruojantis į Europos Sąjungos bei pasaulio ekonominę sistemą ypatingą reikšmę įgauna įmonės ar ūkininko ūkio konkurencingumo didinimas. Sparčiai besikeičiančios rinkos sąlygos, konkuruojantiems, besistengiantiems gauti kuo daugiau pelno, ūkininkams tampa svarbiu iššūkiu, reikalaujančiu didelių išlaidų bei ypatingų žinių ir gebėjimų. Ūkininkai turi dėti daugiau pastangų, norėdami išlaikyti konkurencingą ūkį. Suintensyvėjus konkurencijai nepakanka ūkyje didinti laikomų gyvulių skaičių, ar sėjamų javų plotus. Ūkininkai savo ūkyje privalo galovti, kurti bei diegti naujoves, kurios ne tik didintų ūkio efektyvumą, pvz.: padidinti primelžiamo pieno kiekį, bet ir mažintų darbo sąnaudas.
Vadyba  Referatai   (21 psl., 36,29 kB)
Laivų navigacija
Kursiniame projekte detaliai apskaičiuosime laivo kelia iš Klaipėdos uosto į Rogerdama, Olandija. Kursinio projekto užduotis - parinkti duotajam laivui (URANUS) optimaliausią ir ekonomiškiausią maršrutą, nubrėžti jūrlapyje kelią, išnagrinėti bei aprašyti išvykimo ir atvykimo uostus. Susipažinti su visais atvykimo ir išvykimo uostų reikalavimais. Surasti bei susipažinti su visa darbui reikalinga metodine medžiaga - locijomis, katalogais.
Inžinerija  Kursiniai darbai   (16 psl., 4,12 MB)
Darbas komandose
Jau nuo senų laikų žmonės burdavosi į grupes, kad pasiektų tai, ko negalėjo pasiekti pavieniui. Tą daryti vertė aplinkybės ir elementarus siekis išgyventi. Poreikis priklausyti tam tikrai grupei neišnyko iki šių dienų. Žmonės priklauso šeimai, draugų ratui, darbo kolektyvui ir t.t.
Darbo ir civilinė sauga  Analizės   (18 psl., 309,28 kB)
Nafta yra neatsinaujinantis išteklius, susidaręs iš senųjų augalų ir mikroorganizmų liekanų sankaupų. Nafta yra iškasamasis kuras, glūdintis žemėje. Ją žmonės atrado jau seniausiais laikais, nes tam tikromis sąlygomis ji iškyla į žemės paviršių. Šiais laikais nafta iš Žemės plutos išgaunama daugiausiai gręžinių pagalba. Nafta yra vienas svarbiausių gamtinių išteklių. Jos žmonijai užteks maždaug 60-čiai metų. Nafta ir jos produktai pasaulio pirminės energijos balanse šiuo metu tebeužima reikšmingiausią vietą.
Ekonomika  Kursiniai darbai   (23 psl., 113,62 kB)
David Ricardo
The brilliant British economist David Ricardo was one the most important figures in the development of economic theory. He articulated and rigorously formulated the "Classical" system of political economy. The legacy of Ricardo dominated economic thinking throughout the 19th Century. David Ricardo's family was descended from Iberian Jews who had fled to Holland during a wave of persecutions in the early 18th Century. His father, a stockbroker, emigrated to England shortly before Ricardo's birth in 1772. David Ricardo was his third son (out of seventeen!). At the age of fourteen, after a brief schooling in Holland, Ricardo's father employed him full-time at the London Stock Exchange, where he quickly acquired a knack for the trade. At 21, Ricardo broke with his family and his orthodox Jewish faith when he decided to marry a Quaker. However, with the assistance of acquaintances and on the strength of his already considerable reputation in the City of London, Ricardo managed to set up his own business as a dealer in government securities. He became immensely rich in a very short while. In 1814, at the age of 41, finding himself "sufficiently rich to satisfy all my desires and the reasonable desires of all those about me" (Letter to Mill, 1815), Ricardo retired from city business, bought the estate of Gatcomb Park and set himself up as a country gentleman. Despite his own considerable practical experience, his writings are severely abstract and frequently difficult. His chief emphasis was on the principles of diminishing returns in connection with the rent of land, which he believed also regulated the profits of capital. He attempted to deduce a theory of value from the application of labour, but found it difficult to separate the effects of changes in distribution from changes in technology. The questions thus raised about the labour theory of value were taken up by Marx and the so-called `Ricardian socialists' as a theoretical basis for criticism of established institutions. Ricardo's law of rent was probably his most notable and influential discovery. It was based on the observation that the differing fertility of land yielded unequal profits to the capital and labour applied to it. Differential rent is the result of this variation in the fertility of land. This principle was also noted at much the same time by Malthus, West, Anderson, and others. His other great contribution, the law of comparative cost, or comparative advantage, demonstrated the benefits of international specialisation of the commodity composition of international trade. This was at the root of the free trade argument which set Britain firmly on the course of exporting manufactures and importing foodstuffs. His success in attaching other economists, particularly James Mill and McCulloch, to his views largely accounted for the remarkable dominance of his ideas long after his own lifetime. Though much of this was eventually rejected, his abstract method and much of the theoretical content of his work became the framework for economic science at least until the 1870s. Egged on by his good friend James Mill, Ricardo got himself elected into the British parliament in 1819 as an independent representing a borough in Ireland, which he served up to his death in 1823. In parliament, he was primarily interested in the currency and commercial questions of the day, such as the repayment of public debt, capital taxation and the repeal of the Corn Laws. (cf. Thomas Moore's poems on Cash, Corn and Catholics)
Ekonomika  Referatai   (49,92 kB)
Wildlife management
Interest in wildlife was an important part of the conservation movement of the late 19th century. Although wildlife did not have the economic importance of other resources such as timber, forage, and water, nor did it capture the public's attention as much as efforts to preserve scenic waterfalls or geysers, wildlife (especially big game) was perhaps the most endangered resource of that period. Buffalo, deer, and elk were almost eliminated from the West and predator species (wolf, bear, and cougars) were becoming rare. Upperclass reformers such as George Bird Grinnell, founder of Field and Stream magazine, and Theodore Roosevelt, a co-founder of the Boone and Crockett Club, were alarmed by the fate of big game in the Western States. When Roosevelt sponsored Gifford Pinchot for membership in the club, Pinchot was able to expand the notion of forest conservation to embrace the cause of big game protection. Yet, when the newly created Federal forest reserves were transferred from the Department of the Interior to the Department of Agriculture in 1905, Gifford Pinchot as head of the Forest Services apparently did not see much of a relationship between national forest administration and wildlife. His emphasis on timber resources set the future tone of the agency. Moreover, the agency had to be cautious about regulating game animals and birds on the forest reserves (which were renamed national forests in 1907), for fear of trampling States' rights and giving its western critics reason to disband the reserves. The policy of the Forest Service was to "cooperate with the game wardens of the State or Territory in which they serve ..." according to the first book of directives issued by the agency in 1905 (The Use Book). Two years later, a provision in the Agricultural Appropriations Act of 1907 made it a law that "hereafter officials of the Forest Service shall, in all ways that are practicable, aid in the enforcement of the laws of the States or Territories with regard to ... the protection of fish and game."
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (107,11 kB)
The weather in Lithuania is different from the weather in England. England climate is better than Lithuania climate. Why? Because the sea keeps the island warm in winter and makes the air cool in summer. Lithuanian coasts are being bathed by the sea too, but it is only in the west part of the country. The weather changes in England very often and it can‘t be the same kind of weather for a long time. In spring sunshine and showers follow each other. In spring the weather is generally mild but sometimes they get cold days. In Lithuania spring weather is similar but it is rarely raining and sun is shining almost everyday. Summers are not so cold as on the continent and warm days in autumn are beautiful in England. Lithuanian summer is usually very hot. The temperature is above 300 C. In autumn is usually rainning and blowing cold wind. England winter has all sorts of weather. Sometimes it rains and sometimes it snows. It is never so cold in winter as on the continent and there is not much snow. Winter in Lithuania is often cold and there is a lot of snow. Also there is fog and frost. I think weather in boths countries is very similar and it is better than in Australia, Africa or in Antarctica.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,02 kB)
The main part of London is city. It's the places where London started. Now it's business centre. Few people can afford living in this part of the town - it's very expensive, so most people come there to do their job and leave this region in the evening. Westminster -- it's the central part of the town. Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, National Galleries are situated there. There are many government offices. In one tower of House of Parliament is Big Ben -- the main clock of Great Britain. Just across the street is Westminster Abbey -- main Church of England. New monarch is crowned there, wedding ceremonies of the Royal family take place there. It is also famous for its poets' corner - many famous people are buried there. Not far you can see Trafalgar square with Admiral Nelson's statue. Under his leadership English fleet defeated united Spanish and French forces. Another interesting place is Buckingham Palace. If the Queen is in, you can watch changing guards. West end is the residential part. It's the richest part of London. Not far from there Hyde Park is situated with famous speakers’ corner. East part is the poorest part of London. It is industrial region, so air is polluted; a lot of slums are there. The tower of London is famous for tower and Tower Bridge. Tower is museum now, but it used to be a fortress, state prison, the mint, and treasury. The tower of the bridge in middle ages was used like place of execution. There is one more place of interest - British Museum.