Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai
Kasdienis popietinės arbatėlės ritualas jau spėjo atgyventi . Mūsų kūlversčiais skubančiame pasaulyje dauguma vyrų ir moterų tuo metu dirba . Bet tereikia poros maišelių arbatos ir poros šaukštelių kavos , poros puodelių, kad darbe per pertrauką su draugu ar drauge pailsėtumėt .
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (1,33 kB)
After having read “The Moon And Sixpense” by W.S. Maugham personally I feel really impressed and I still cannot recover from it. It amazed me much by its mystery and strangeness. The main character Charles Strickland is one of the most fascinating characters I have ever read about. His whole life story can be divided to two basic parts.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (2,24 kB)
I have read the first part of the book “Well done, Secret Seven”. It was written by Enid Blyton. I don’t know why, but this book admired me for the first look. This book tells an adventure story about Secret Society, where seven young children are involved.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (0,97 kB)
Do zoos serve a useful purpose, or are they unfair to animals? During the last few years there has been noticed a great development of zoos. Some people think that such places are entertaining or even needed. However in my opinion zoos should be banned for numerous reasons. The first argument against zoos, which I would like to present, is that in fact in most cases animals are kept there against their nature. Nowadays people are used to keeping animals at home, though these are just a few species and they have been domesticated for centuries.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (1,24 kB)
Renaissance period described as the revival of the classical forms originally developed by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Renaissance artists created works of such authority that generation of later artists relied on these artworks for instruction. Renaissance art reduces the parts of a total form to a sequence of planes and the baroque art emphasizes the depth.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (1,11 kB)
Italy (in Italian, Italia), republic in southern Europe, bordered on the north by Switzerland and Austria; on the east by Slovenia and the Adriatic Sea; on the south by the Ionian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea; on the west by the Tyrrhenian Sea, the Ligurian Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea; and on the north-west by France.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (4,69 kB)
The environmental damage is probably the most significant of nowadays problems. This is the result of ourselves behavior with environment. In addition, the Industrial Revolution had huge effects to environmental damage. In my opinion, there are several solutions to this problem.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (0,86 kB)
Opinion Letter: Child Labor According to the International Labor Organization there are approximately 250 million working children between the ages of 5 and 14. Somewhat around 120 million of them are performing in their jobs on a full time basis. Another half combines with school and other non-economic activities. Impressive numbers, aren’t they?
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (4,81 kB)
Ypatingai geras pagrindinio veikėjo "Character Sketch". Gautas įvertinimas 10, 10. Baugiame pasaulyje Kazys Boruta ryžosi rašyti romaną, kuriame atsivertų lietuvių tautos dvasios, jos kūrybingumo gelmės. Jos turėjo būti slaptos, svetima akim neįžvelgiamos - tautosakinės, gimusios po šiaudine pastoge ir dabar po ja vėl ieškančios prieglobsčio.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (4,06 kB)
Fight Club
Filmo "Fight Club" analizė.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (6 kB)
Ką reiškia būti mokytoju (anglų k. metodikai). The advantages and disadvantages of being a teacher. School takes up a very important part in students’ life. There they spend twelve years of them life. The school becomes like a second home to them. There they grow up, learn to love, to forgive and to be friend. The school is the first step to the greet life. The most important person in school is the teacher.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (2,25 kB)
Kinds Of Democracy
Šiame darbe yra aprašomos demokratijos rūšys, demokratijos sąvoka ir panašiai. Darbas gali būti panaudotas anglų kalbos projektui apie demokratiją.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (2,03 kB)
Unemployment really is one of the economic and social problems. However, stressing of this problem usually leaves people with an impression that it is the most urgent in Lithuania. One could read in an article in one newspaper that this problem is not that urgent as our politicians present it.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (3,35 kB)
Prieš analizuojant E. Ionesko dramą, derėtų apibrėžti, kokiai srovei ji priskiriama ir apibūdinti svarbiausius srovės bruožus. Ionesko, sukūręs dramą „Plikagalvė dainininkė“, pradėjo absurdo teatro raidą. Absurdo dramai priskiriama ir jo drama „Pamoka“.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (5,33 kB)
Neblogas tyrimas (research) apie kūno kultūros svarbą. Geras "main body", yra ir anketos pavyzdys. Tik grafikai išgalvoti, nes tikra apklausa nebuvo atlikta :)
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (2,53 kB)
Trumpas knygos aprašymas, į kurį įeina įžanga, pagrindinės problemos, kodėl verta perskaityti ir išvados. The book “Troubled heritage” is a fascinating, thrilling romance, written by the talented author Jeanne Wilson. The book tells the story of love, adventure, and wild passions amongst the members of three Jamaican families. The plot of “Troubled heritage” focuses on the social problems, such as caste, privileges for white- and dark-skinned people, decisions on lightening the colour by marriages to white girls, and the question: can the two- or three- quarters legitimate heirs inherit devise?
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (0,81 kB)
Today education has become a token of an advanced, healthy and competent society. In fact, modern education more than ever before is aiming to provide experiences that will be useful in life (Smith 153). In the process of deciding which activities are effective and should be included in the high school curriculum, a clash between opinions often arises.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (5,45 kB)
Jurgis Baltrušis
Poetas-mąstytojas Jurgis Baltrušaitis gimė 1873 m. gegužės 2 d. Paantvadžių sodžiuje, Skirsnemunės valsčiuje. Apie motiną rašė: „Paslaptingąją mano poezijos liepsną greičiausiai aš būsiu paveldėjęs iš mano motinos jautrios sielos, kurios švelnus veidas nuolatos gobė mano visą žmogiškąjį gyvenimą“.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (1,9 kB)
Market segmentation
In segmenting a market, marketers look for broad classes of buyers who differ in their needs. There is no one right way of segmenting markets. A marketer has several bases available to him/her for the segmentation of markets.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (4,6 kB)
In this tutorial I take you step-by-step through the process of creating this Flash MX movie. You will learn how to create graphics, work with layers, and add motion, sound, and text to your movie.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (3,34 kB)
Semantizmai- žodžiai, vartojami netinkama reikšme. Dažniausiai geras lietuviškas žodis netinkama reikšme pavartojamas dėl kitų kalbų poveikio, kai nekritiškai perimama svetimos kalbos atitinkamo žodžio platesnė reikšmių sistema (mat to paties žodžio reikšmių sistema skirtingose kalbose paprastai skiriasi).
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (5,18 kB)
Knygos "Karaoke akpitalizmas" analizė. Darbas anglų kalba, buvo įvertintas puikiai. Pristatytas KTU. 10 lapų.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (6,65 kB)
Samuel M. Thompson „The Nature of Philosophy“. The book was published in January, 1961 Monmouth, Illinois. Samuel M. Thompson- a member of Monmouth College. In Monmouth Colleg‘s faculty he became chairman of the Philosophy Department. His first book, A Modern Philosophy of Religion, as well as his second book, The Nature of Philosophy, became widely used in many colleges and universities.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (4,4 kB)
Apie turizmo agentūras. The year 2003 was successful for Lithuanian travel agencies. Most of them have increased their sales and the number of tourists. There is a tendency of amalgamation and strengthening of the largest agencies. Travel agencies “Novaturas” and “Omnituras” would be the best examples of this successful cooperation.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (2,96 kB)
By mean of the elections people express their opionion how the country should be governed and who in their opinion would do it the best. In this essay I will try to compare how the main bodies of the Government are elected in all three countries – the...
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (2,1 kB)
Comparison essay on tax systems in Great Britain, The United States of America and Lithuania.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (5,76 kB)
“Agnes Grey” by Anne Bronte is a strongly autobiographical novel portraying the world of a governess in the mid-nineteen century and examining social manners and the lack of moral perceptions. Drawing on her own experience the author of this book...
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (4,28 kB)
Media have a tremendous influence on family life. Consider that 99 percent of U.S. homes have a television. Ninety-eight percent have radios, and 69 percent have computers. Just sixty years ago the invention of the television was viewed as a technological curiosity with small black and white ghost-like figures on a screen so hardly anyone could see them. Today that curiosity has become a constant companion to many, mainly – children.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (6,03 kB)
Many people believe that religion occurs only in the church, temple, or other spiritual places of gathering. They see religion and society as complete, separate entities. While this view may appear correct on the surface, a closer look at religion and society reveals that the two are not separate at all, but intricately interconnected and codependent.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (6,54 kB)
In ancient times, commercial and political campaign displays have been found in the ruins of Pompeii. Egyptians used papyrus to create sales messages and wall posters.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (20,72 kB)