Kokią specialybę rengiatės studijuoti?
Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Konspekte nagrinėjama: 7 turizmo komponentai, apgyvendinimo rūšys, maisto pateikimo rūšys, viešbučio kambarių rūšys, viešbučio administravimo sistema. Viskas anglų kalba.
Tai yra "sollution essay" apie stresą kurį patiria studentai prieš egzaminus. Tai buvo 12 klasės studento namų darbas pristatytas Druskininkų Ryto gimnazijoje.
Anglų kalbos pokalbis "100 day party"
Z. Oh, this party was pretty cool, but I and My friends were only in official part. I come home at 5 o’clock in the morning and what do you think about this party? M. Oh, this party was not bad but I was only in official part too and after this I with...
Business Letter
I am pleased to inform you that your bid for the supply of computer hardware has been successful and we will be submitting our firm order, under the terms contained in your bid, within the next few days.
We live in the age of information
Namų darbas, apie šių laikų technologijas ir taip visur paplitusį internetą. We live in the age of information. The latest technologies develop every day and even every minute. Now we can find a needed person in a very short time using e-mail, mobile technologies, paging system and others. There are no inaccessible places in the world, so the distances now seem not so big as it looked hundred years ago.
Is life better for today’s young people than it was for their parents?
My dream house
The topic of my talk is my dream house. As an introduction to my talk I want to say that I feel fine in our house, but everyone wants to live better, I think. Firstly, I’d like to tell you about lifestyle of living in a city and living in a country. The townies are more private people than the villager. Often the peoples, who live in the city, know their neighbours just by sight.
Computer revoliution
Ar kompiuteris reikalingas klasėse...Čia tinka anglų kalbos pokalbiui. 50 years ago people didn't even heard of computers, and today we cannot imagine life without them. Computer technology is the fastest-growing industry in the world. The first computer was the size of a minibus and weighed a ton. Today, its job can be done by a chip the size of a pin head. And the revolution is still going on. Very soon we'll have computers that we'll wear on our wrists or even in our glasses and earrings.
Are computers are necessity
Įvairių stilių laiškai. Computers play an important role in the lives of most of us today, whether we realize it or not. Some people, however, are beginning to ask if we really need them. In my opinion, computers have become a necessary part of modern life.
Anglų kalbos temos
Some people think that school years are the happiest days in people’s lives. Can you say that you have been happy at school? Why? School is the traditional place for acculturating children into our national life. In the modern age, the role assigned to our schools is to prepare children for the literate public culture.
Express your opinion on having a car. Is it a dream or a reality? What is the advantages and disadvantages (including environment) of having a car? gali prireikti ruosiantis valstybiniam anglu kalbos egzaminui. Įvertintas 10.
Darbas skirtas anglų kalbos egzaminą laikantiems moksleisviams. Although smoking is an unhealthily habit, about 20 percent of young people smoke. The number of smoking people is increasing every year and it creates problems for other people and for themselves. Smoking is very popular and among teenagers, especially among boys.
War and peace
The twentieth century has marked a clear watershed not only in mankind's social history but in its very destiny. The outgoing century is different from those that preceded it in that, for the first time ever, mankind cannot regard itself as immortal, for it has become aware that its dominion over nature has limits and may even threaten its own survival. Even if nuclear war can be avoided, the threat to mankind will remain, for the Earth may one day no longer have the capacity to bear the burden of human activity.
Chinese Art
China has the world's oldest living civilization. It's written history goes back almost 3,500 years, and the history told by it's artifacts and artwork goes back much farther. The oldest known works of Chinese art include pottery and jade carvings from the time of 5000 BC.
Children and poverty
Childhood should be a happy time spent playing with friends, enjoying a favorite toy — even planning for the first day of school. But children in the developing world spend most of their childhood struggling to survive, without much hope for a secure, productive life.
"Midi" World
Trumpai apie MIDI... My presentation can be useful for those who study music technologies, but the others may also find out something new and interesting. I am here to enlighten you about MIDI, in fact – a short history of it. MIDI is a standart for connecting digital electronic musical instruments. But before MIDI there were synthesizers...
Literature genres
Literatūros žanrai. Haiku is a mode of Japanese poetry, the late 19th century revision by Masaoka Shiki of the older hokku. The traditional haiku consisted of a pattern of 5, 7, 5 on. The Japanese word on, meaning "sound". Haiku usually combine three different lines, with a distinct grammatical break, called kireji, usually placed at the end of either the first five or second seven morae.
How telephone works
Trumpai ir aiškiai anglų kalba apie telefono aparato veikimo principą. The telephone operates on simple principles. A telephone mouthpiece contains a thin metallic coating separated from an electrode by a thin barrier (today we use plastic) which connects to a wire carrying an electric current. When a person speaks into the mouthpiece, the acoustic vibrations from her speech push the metallic coating slightly closer to the electrode, resulting in variations in voltage and therefore a speedy conversion from acoustic to electric energy.
Phrasal verbs
Phrasal verbs: break down sugesti (apie variklį); break in/into įsilaužti; break off 1) nulaužti; 2) staiga nutraukti (pokalbį, draugystę);
Tema apie Londoną
10 klasės tema apie Londoną. London is the capital of the United Kingdom. It is one if the largest cities in the world. The city extends an area over of 1500 square kilometers and has a population of over 7mln. Despite its turbulent development, London has retained its charm and unique character.
Neblogai įvertinas tekstas. The main topic of my individual talk will be about living surroundings. In addition, I will give some pieces of advice how to live in a clean and healthy enviroment. First, I would like to say that no human could stand being apart from enviroment becouse each of us is a part of the natural world. As you know, we are dependable from enviroment.
Anglų kalbos gramatika. PI vartojimas
PI vartojamas su laiko aplinkybemis always, often, usually, regulary, daily, etc. Pvz. I usually get up at 7 o’clock. Nick always helps his friends.• Neigiamoji forma vartojama su prieveiksmiais never, seldom, rarely, sometimes.
Foregn languages
According to the statistics, there are about 6-7 thousand languages. Six hundred languages are registered in the world atlas and three hundred of them are under the threat of extinction. English is one of the major language in the world, and...
31-na anglų tema
The United States of America. Australia. Great Britan. Russia. Sports in Great Britan. Education. The educational system of Great Britain. British education. Education in Russia. My favorite painter. My future profession. Mass media. Leasure time. The...
Kauno Saulės gimnazija, gauta iš kalbėjimo 10. I am from Kaunas, my address is Baltijos seventy-nine, flat nine, I was born on the ……………th of ………….. in Kaunas, thus I am nineteen now. I am male, and still single as I think I am not mature enough to marry. Thus, I have no children.
Atsakymas į egzamino klausimą. Įvertintas puikiai. Anglų kalba. 5 lapai 12 šriftu. Innovation can be usefully characterized as a learning process. Learning is intrinsically cumulative: firms, regions and countries usually innovate along specific and quite rigid trajectories. Technological progress and innovation usually involve a variety of learning processes which may be obtained either from internal or external sources.
Įvairios anglų kalbos kalbėjimo temos
Moscow the capital of Russia is one of the world’s great cities. Its name was first mentioned in chronicles in 1147. Since that time M. has played an important role in R-an history. Today M. isn’t only the political center of R. but also the contry’s leading city in population, industry & in cultural importrance. M. stands on the M.R. in the center of the vast plain of E.R. The climate of M. is continental.
Kalbėjimas "Easter day"
Šis kalbėjimas buvo pristatytas Atžalyno vidurinėje mokykloje. Gavau 10, tiesa, intonacija ir tarimas nuo jūsų pačių priklauso. Sėkmės. Easter, the Sunday of the Resurrection is the most important religious feast, observed at some point between late March and late April each year, following the cycle of the moon.
Anglų kalbos laikai
Pagrindiniai anglų kalbos laikai santraukoje.
Anglų kalbos įskaitos tema apie "Clothes"
Už šį monologą gavau 9, sakįė labai geras turinys. I am going to speak about clothes. I really think that clothes are very important in our life and it has always been so. The statement that you can tell much about people from their clothes is true. When you meet a person you always judge about him from his clothes. For example, if a person is neatly dressed and wears clean clothes most probably he is tidy and diligent.