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American English speaking without a lot of effort
How To Learn American English Speaking Easily?
Everyone learns to speak their native language. Is there some things that kids are missing when they are emerging? Dr. J. Marvin Brown says that “both adults and children can do it right, but only adults can do it wrong.”
So why we can not use the same approach with a second language? Why we can’t learn American English speaking like children? Easily and without a lot of effort. In fact we can. There are a lot of researches which shows that adults can learn languages even more easily and fast.
But here‘s the thing. We need forget all that we were learning in school. Because it is the most important reason why we can not speak American English at all. That’s the reason why we don’t understand anything when American people are talking to each other. Yes, we can read American and English newspapers, but this language is not the same. The people are not speaking that way. Their speech is different. If we want to understand native American speakers and speak with them, we must find the different way.
In 1984, the American University Language Center in Bangkok started using a new approach to teach the Thai language. The method is known as “Automatic Language Growth”.
The first mistake they noticed is that adults are trying to speak in new language to early. They don’t have enough exposure to language yet and they are struggling and feel uncomfortable. They are bringing patterns from their first language and later they are speaking with a strong accent. Children in the beginning are just listening to the new language. They starts to speak when they are prepared. That’s the big difference.
The second mistake adults make is that they are thinking, that they must study grammar. That’s a huge mistake. A vital mistake. Children do not studying grammar and that’s the key. If we want to learn American English speaking we must learn speaking. Not grammar. Learning grammar does not make you fluent. You must train your ears and you must train your mouth.
So how we can learn speaking without grammar. Simply. First of all we must listen. Every day one or two hours. The more is the best. We must listen to easy and understandible content. That builds our confidence. And we must begin to speak when we are prepared only. When we can do this without struggling. It commes authomatically. Believe me. I have done this with Original Effortless English Lessons.
It is totally new approach in learning English. It is real language. You can learn English speaking naturally. You can do the same. You can learn American English speaking just like I did.
More males than females are affected by alcoholism, but drinking among the young and among women is increasing. Consumption of alcohol is apparently on the rise in the United States, as is the total alcohol consumption and prevalence of alcohol-related problems in the former communist countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. This increase is paralleled in other countries, including developing nations. After 1980, however, consumption remained relatively stable in many western European nations. Alcoholism, as opposed to merely excessive or irresponsible drinking, has been thought of as a symptom of psychological or social stress or as a learned, maladaptive coping behaviour. More recently, and probably more accurately, it has come to be viewed as a complex disease in its own right. Alcoholism usually develops over a period of years. Alcohol comes to be used more as a mood-changing drug than as a foodstuff or beverage served as a part of social custom or religious ritual.
Initially, the alcoholic may demonstrate a high tolerance to alcohol, consuming more and showing fewer adverse effects than others. Subsequently, however, the person begins to drink against his or her own best interests, as alcohol comes to assume more importance than personal relationships, work, reputation, or even physical health. The person commonly loses control over drinking and is increasingly unable to predict how much alcohol will be consumed on a given occasion or, if the person is currently abstaining, when the drinking will resume again. Physical addiction to the drug may occur, sometimes eventually leading to drinking around the clock to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
Alcohol has direct toxic as well as sedative effects on the body, and failure to take care of nutritional and other physical needs during prolonged periods of excessive drinking may further complicate matters. Advanced cases often require hospitalization. The effects on major organ systems are cumulative and include a wide range of digestive-system disorders such as ulcers, inflammation of the pancreas, and cirrhosis of the liver. The central and peripheral nervous systems can be permanently damaged. Blackouts, hallucinations, and extreme tremors may occur. The latter symptoms are involved in the most serious alcohol withdrawal syndrome, delirium tremens, which can prove fatal despite prompt treatment. This is in contrast to withdrawal from narcotic drugs such as heroin, which, although distressing, rarely results in death. Recent evidence has shown that heavy—and even moderate—drinking during pregnancy can cause serious damage to the unborn child: physical or mental retardation, or both; a rare but severe expression of this damage is known as foetal alcohol syndrome.
Thousands of years ago people began to make alcohol for practical reasons. Wine making began with the early Egyptians who found that grape juise spoiled quickly,but that fermented juise or wine would keep without spoiling.They also had problems with impure water,and the Egyptians noticed that people did not sick ower wine,but they often became ill when they drank inpure water.In later years,wine became inportant to the Roman Catholic Church throughuot Europe because wine was used to celebrate the sacrament of the Mass.By the 1300`s,beer industry had emerged in Central Europe.At this time,wine was also continuing to grow in popularity;many brands named for the places in which they originated.At first alcohol was desined for the practical reasons,its use changed.People began to experiment with different types of alcohol.Alcohol became an integral part of European culture.We need to understand the harmful effects of alcohol,because it can be fatal.
About myself
I was the first child in the family. Our family is not very big, I have a sister. When I was a child I can't say that I was a good boy. My parents always want me to be a good man, and now I'm very thankful for that. At that time I did not understand that my parents wanted good for me, and I made my mother worry about me very often. I remember about my childhood a lot of things. I know that I met my first friends in kindergarten No.109. I remember the games which we played (my favourite was football). I remember my first girl-friend and the first love (it was about 11 years ago).
In 1983 I started school No.22. I was good at all subjects. I liked to go to school. Now my achievements have decreased. My school life is changed too. In school I have a lot of friends, I like my class.
I have a hobby. I like photograph. I take and do photos myself. I like this work, because it is very interesting to do that. When I’m doing the photos I always listen to music. Music it's something wonderful. Now I want to say a few words about the future. I'm going to take entrance examinations and the enter university. I would like to study book-keeping or banks ruling.
A blue Christmas
It was Christmas Eve and Mrs. Wilson, an elderly woman, was sitting in her rocking chair, listening to Christmas carols on her radio. This was a family tradition that went on for many, many years. Christmas just wasn't Christmas in the Wilson household without listening to carols on the radio.
"Oh my!" she sighed. "I'm so lonely. I wish my son, Paul were here to share Christmas with me!"
Mrs. Wilson lived alone in a small apartment. This particular Christmas was very rough on her. Normally, Christmas was spent with Paul, his wife Nelly, and their son Johnny. However, this could not happen this Christmas. Paul had lost his wife and son in a car accident earlier that fall. It was a very difficult time for Mrs. Wilson, but especially for Paul. Oh how he had loved his wife and child!
A few days ago, Mrs. Wilson had called her son to ask him to join her for Christmas.
"Ma, I can't," Paul had told her. "I miss them so terribly. I keep expecting them to show up at the doorstep."
"Oh Paul," cried Mrs. Wilson. "I know this is difficult for you, but do you honestly think that you should be alone at a time like this."
"I don't know," said Paul. "Right now, yeah, I do think that being alone is the answer."
"Well dear," she replied sadly. "If you change your mind, I'll be here."
"Thanks Ma," said Paul. "And, Ma, Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas to you too, son," said Mrs. Wilson.
The radio program was just finishing up for the night. Mrs. Wilson, yawning, got up and turned it off.
"The radio program just wasn't the same this year," she sighed as she went into her bedroom. "It's just not the same without Paul, Nelly and Johnny. I sure wish Paul would change his mind."
Later that night, she was awakened by a strange sound coming from her living room. Quickly, she grabbed her house coat and went to see what was going on. There, standing by the Christmas tree, with his arms full of presents, was Paul.
"Oh Paul!" cried Mrs. Wilson. "I'm so glad to see you."
She embraced her son as tightly as she could.
"I just got to thinking that maybe being alone wasn't the right thing," said Paul. "After all, aren't we supposed to spend Christmas with family."
"Yes, dear, we are," said Mrs. Wilson, happily. "I'm so glad you came."
"You know," said Paul. "I'm glad I did too."
"Can I get you something to eat, Paul?" asked Mrs. Wilson. "I have some apple pie and ice-cream."
"Now that sounds good," said Paul. "Come to think of it, I'm starved."
Mrs. Wilson dished Paul out a heaping dish full of homemade apple pie and a huge serving of vanilla ice-cream.
Senosios civilizacijos: Egiptas, Tarpupis (Mesopotamija). Pagrindiniai senųjų civilizacijų požymiai ir svarbiausi laimėjimai. Senovės Graikijos ir Romos civilizacijos. Krikščionybės atsiradimas ir plitimas. Europos vidurinių amžių visuomenės, politinės santvarkos ir kultūros bruožai. Lietuvos valstybė nuo susidarymo iki Liublino unijos. Pasaulis ir Lietuva naujųjų amžių pradžioje. Lenkijos- Lietuvos valstybės raida XVI– XVIII a. Švietimo epocha ir jos nulemti politiniai – visuomeniniai ryšiai. Lietuva Rusijos imperijos sudėtyje. Svarbiausi politinės, ekonominės ir socialinės pasaulio raidos XIXa.
Skaitmeninės kameros parametrai, terminai
Šiame darbe aptariami parametrai, į kuriuos verta atkreipti dėmesį prieš apsisprendžiant pirkti skaitmeninę foto kamerą.
Apraš sudaro dvi dalys. Pirmojoje dalyje (MySQLlt1.doc) rasite tokius skyrelius: literalai, vartotojo kintamieji, stulpeliai, SELECT ir WHERE operatoriuose naudojamos funkcijos. Antrojoje dalyje rasite įvairių sintaksių aprašymus.
Tranzistoriai.Izoliuotos užtūros lauko tranzistorius su pradiniu kanalu. Darbas impulsinėse grandinėse. Lauko tranzistoriaus darbas aukštuose f impulsinėse grandinėse. Komplementari MDP struktūra. VACh parametrai. Dvikrūvio transist. soties ir uždarumo rėžimai dirbant su apkrova. Soties rėžimo parametrai. Dvikrūvio trans. darbo rėžimai.
Bendro K junginys. VACh .Parametrai. Naudojimo galimybės. H parametrų sistema. Šotkio tranzistorius. Dvikrūvio tranzistoriai. Bikrūvio tranzistoriaus darbas impulsinėse grandinėse. Parametrai. Daugiaemiteriniai ir daugiakolektoriniai tranzistoriai. Injekciniai tranzistoriai. Integruotinių tranzistorių struktūra.
Filosofijos pagrindai
Teistinė žmogaus koncepsija. Menas. Vergovė. Feodalinė visuomenė. Mokslas. Natūralistinė žmogaus koncepsija.Žmogaus visuomeninė aplinka. Istorija. Žmogaus santykiai su gamta. Buržuazinė visuomenė. Žmogaus pasaulio vidinių ryšių prigimtis. Žmogaus techninis pasaulis. Papročiai. Paprotinės. Visuomenė. Tauta. Mitas ir magija. Dialektinė materialistinė žmogaus koncepcija. Žmogaus organizmas. Religija. Klasinė visuomenė. Gamtinė žmogaus aplinka. Techninė žmogaus aplinka. Moralė. Pirmykštės visuomenės anatomija. Žmogaus.
Margaret Thatcher
She is first woman to hold the office of prime minister of Great Britain (1979-1990). She was born Margaret Hilda Roberts in Grantham and educated at the University of Oxford, where she earned degrees in chemistry; from 1947 to 1951 she worked as a research chemist. She married Denis Thatcher in 1951. In 1953, having studied for the bar, she became a tax lawyer. Joining the Conservative party, Thatcher was elected to the House of Commons in 1959. As minister of education and science from 1970 to 1974 under Edward Heath, she provoked a storm of protest by abolishing free milk in the schools. After the Conservative defeat in 1974, she challenged Heath for the leadership of the party and won the post in 1975.
Vieno atomo elektronai gali pereiti kitam atomui. Tuomet susidaro teigiamieji ir neigiamieji jonai. Elektrostatinės traukos jėgos tarp susidariusių jonų vadinamos joniniu ryšiu. Priešingo ženklo jonai traukia, o tokio pat stumia vieni kitus. Kad traukos ir atostūmio jėgos kompensuotų vienos kitas, jonai išsidėsto tam tikra sistema, vadinama joniniu kristalu. Susidaręs junginys vadinamas joniniu junginiu.
Senasis egiptiečių kalendorius
Egiptiečiai metus nustatinėjo ne pagal saulės sukimąsi, bet pagal laikotarpį, reikiamą derliui nuimti. Jie piešė žodį "metai" ("renpet") kaip jauną daigą su pumpuru. Tas pats ženklas sutinkamas giminingų žodžių hieroglifuose: "renpi" - "esu jaunas, stiprus", "renput" - "metų vaisiai". Tačiau Egipte derlius priklausė nuo Nilo išsiliejimo. Kasmet birželio pradžioje šalyje prasidėdavo sausra.
Radioaktyvieji spinduliai
Rentgeno spinduliai. Gama spinduliai. Anihiliacija. Alfa dalelės.
Beta dalelės. Radioaktyvumas - tai kai kurių nestabilių branduolių savybė spontaniškai (savaime) skilti į kitų elementų branduolius ir sukelti radiaciją (spinduliuotę). Šis vyksmas dar žinomas kaip radioaktyvusis skilimas. Radioaktyviųjų elementų spinduliuotė būna trijų rūšių: alfa dalelių srautas (alfa spinduliai), beta dalelių srautas (beta spinduliai) ir gama spinduliai. Taip pat mažai radioaktyvūs yra rentgeno spinduliai, kurių didelė dozė taip pat gali sukelti spindulinę ligą, ir pakenkti žmogaus organizmui.
Teenagers criminals
Now teenagers commit more crimes then adult ones. Gangs of young criminals are increasing every day. What is the reason of that?
The answer is one: family's instability, alcoholism, economical problems, depreciated schools and education, imperfect law system. In 1997 13 children aged from 5 to 10 year committed crimes and burglaries. In 1998 more then 28. Last year teenagers committed about 535 crimes. During one-year period delinquency raised 16.6%.
Physical and human geography. The land. The people. The economy. Administration and social conditions. Cultural life. Admited to the Union as the 33rd state on Feb. 14, 1859, Oregon comprises an area of startling physical diversity, from the moist rain forests, mountains, and fertile valleys of its western third to the naturally arid and climatically harsh eastern deserts.
Fizikos dalis, nagrinėjanti šiluminius reiškinius ir vidinės energijos virsmo kitų rūšių energija dėsnius, vadinama termodinamika. Termodinamikoje nekreipiama dėmesio į medžiagos, sudarančios sistemą, vidinę sandarą. Reiškiniai nagrinėjami remiantis tik makroskopiniais parametrais: slėgiu, tūriu, mase, temperatūra ir kt.
Oficialus pavdinimas. Bendrosios žinios. Geografinė padėtis. Klimatas. Demografinės žinios. Istorinės žinios. Administracinis suskirstymas. Ekonomikos rodikliai. Žemės ūkis. Oficialus pavadinimas - Estijos Respublika (Eesti Vabariik). “Eesti” kilęs iš “Aisti” (vardas, kurį germanai davė gentims, gyvenančioms į šiaurės rytus nuo Vyslos), senovės skandinavai žemes į pietus nuo Suomijos įlankos vadino “Eistland“. Sostinė - Talinas (Tallinn).
In every century, in every age, after hard working people needed to do things that are making them feel good. This is what we call – entertainment. As every epoch has its own fashion, music style, political system, so it also has very distinctive types of entertainment. Let’s start with the very beginning of the human evolution. Yes, even Stone Age had several types of distraction. As we know, people of that time, used to hunt animals for food. It was not easy to hunt mammoths, wild boars or bears.
Body language
Believe it or not, we speak to the world without saying a word through non-verbal communication. Almost every facet (aspect) of our personality is revealed (atskleisti) through our appearance, body language, gestures, facials expressions, demeanor (maniera), posture and movements. In our professional and personal lives, we’d like to think we could make friends and influence people if we verbally articulate our message with optimism, enthusiasm, charisma, poise (ramybe) and charm (zavumas).
Meksika išsiskiria lanšafto – įkaitusio smėlio plažai, snieguotos vulkanų viršūnės, kaktusais apaugusios išdžiūvusios dykumos, drėgnos tropinės džiunglės, sūrios lagūnos – įvairove. Ši šalis – įvairių klimatinių juostų, senųjų civilizacijų griuvėsių, viduramžių ir šiuolaikinės civilizacijos mišinys. Meksika – tai spalvų ir garsų, genčių ir etninių grupių kaleidoskopas.
Margaret Hilda Thatcher
In 1979 Margaret Thatcher became the first woman to serve as prime minister of Great Britain, a post she held until 1990. Thatcher rose to office with promises to restore Britain’s economic prosperity, and she worked toward this goal by selling and privatizing many government-owned industries. Thatcher’s tenure as prime minister included leading Britain to victory over Argentina in the brief military dispute over the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands in 1982.
Drug Testing in Schools
"[W]e find that testing students who participate in extracurricular activities is a reasonably effective means of addressing the School District’s legitimate concerns in preventing, deterring, and detecting drug use." Justice Clarence Thomas U.S. Supreme Court JUNE 27, 2002 Board of Education of Independent School District No. 92 of Pottawatomie County v. Earls Foreword In June 2002, the U.S. Supreme Court broadened the authority of public schools to test students for illegal drugs.
The English word "sugar" may ultimately originate from the Sanskrit word sharkara or sarkara, which means "sugar" or "pebble". It probably came to English by way of the French, Spanish and/or Italians who derived their word for sugar from the Arabic al sukkar (whence the Portuguese word aзucar, the Spanish word azъcar, the Italian word zucchero, the Old French word zuchre and the contemporary French word sucre).
About dinosaurs
One of the smallest dinosaurs known, Compsognathus grew only about as large as a chicken, but with a length of about 60–90 cm (2–3 feet), including the long tail, and a weight of about 5.5 kg (12 pounds). A swift runner, it was lightly built and had a long neck and tail, strong hind… The Compsognathus is the smallest dinosaur in the Jurassic Period. It only ran on its two back legs. Its shape allows it to run fast and swiftly. This can help it to run from all the predators. Its top speed was twetny-five miles per hour. It was the size of a chicken. It was only two and a half feet long including the tail. its height was only one foot tall. It weighed only ten pounds.
Laikų naudojimas
Present Simple Use 1.To express an action that happens again and again, that is a habit. I usually get up at 7 o’clock. Nick always helps his friends. 2.To express a fact which is always true. Rockets fly faster than airplanes. Expressions: always every day usually sometimes never Present Continuous Use: 1.to express an activity that is happening at the moment of speaking What are you doing now?
American English
In the early part of the seventeenth century English settlers began to bring their language to America, and another series of changes began to take place. The settlers borrowed words from Indian languages for such strange trees as the hickory and persimmon, such unfamiliar animals as raccoons and woodchucks. Later they borrowed other words from settlers from other countries – for instance, chowder and prairie from the French, scow and sleigh from the Dutch.
A blue Christmas
It was Christmas Eve and Mrs. Wilson, an elderly woman, was sitting in her rocking chair, listening to Christmas carols on her radio. This was a family tradition that went on for many, many years. Christmas just wasn't Christmas in the Wilson household without listening to carols on the radio. "Oh my!" she sighed. "I'm so lonely. I wish my son, Paul were here to share Christmas with me!" Mrs. Wilson lived alone in a small apartment.
Lithuanian food and Entertainment traditions
Lithuanians like to eat good, tasty and filling foods. The tradition of eating well is inherited from our ancestors, who would say, he who eats well, works well. Lithuanian cooks prepare simple but tasty foods. A good cook can create delicious meals using simple ingredients. It is said that each cook stirs the cookpot in her manner. The traditional food preparer was and is mother, her knowledge and capabilities are handed down to the next female generation. Before food was prepared using only seasonal products, however during the last twenty-five years, fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs have been available all year round, imported or grown locally.
Idioms describing feelings and mood
An idiom is a special kind of phrase. It is a group of words which have a different meaning when used together from the one it would have if the meaning of each word were taken individually. If you do not know that the words have a special meaning together, you may well misinterpret what someone is saying, or be puzzled by why they are saying something that is untrue or irrelevant.
A group of cats is referred to as a clowder, a male cat is called a tom, and a female is called a queen. The male progenitor of a cat, especially a pedigreed cat, is its sire, and its female progenitor is its dam. An immature cat is called a kitten (which is also an alternative name for young rats, rabbits, hedgehogs, beavers, squirrels and skunks). In medieval Britain, the word kitten was interchangeable with the word catling. A cat whose ancestry is formally registered is called a pedigreed cat, purebred cat, or a show cat (although not all show cats are pedigreed or purebred). In strict terms, a purebred cat is one whose ancestry contains only individuals of the same breed.