Kokią specialybę rengiatės studijuoti?
Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai
Rasti 484 rezultatai
Developing of Technologies
Anglų kalbos pasakojimas 11 klasei.
There are many subjects and many teathers at school. Every subject is important for teather, which he teathes. But sometimes some subjects are not important for studens. Senior pupils are decided what they are going to study, and decided which subjects are the least important, so they can renounse some subjects. I am going to speak about the subjects which I am studying.
Ar verta saugoti senuosius papročius?
Papročius išsaugoti ne tik verta, o ir privaloma. Nes šiais liberalizmo laikais mes vis daugiau žiurime į vakarus. Pamirštam, kad esame Lietuviai.
Linking verbs
Linking Verbs
May be used as Linking Verbs............................................3
Linking or Action................................................3
Neither Active nor Passive ................................................5
When we use Linking verbs?......................6
Linking, transitive or intransitive…………………………………………7
Non-copular uses………………………………………………………….7
Conclusion ............................................9
List of referente.........................................................................................
Introduction. How are consumer preferences used to determine demand? How do consumers allocate income to the purchase of different goods? How do consumers with limited income decide what to buy?
Darbo rinka: tendencijos ir perspektyvos
Darbas ekonomikoje – esminis gerovės šaltinis ir konkurencingumo prielaida. Susiformavus darbo rinkai, atsirado ir nedarbas, kuris suprantamas kaip darbo pasiūlos ir paklausos disbalansas, tai – pagrindinė įvairių šalių darbo rinkos problema, kuri šiuo metu aktuali ir Lietuvoje. Su nedarbo problema Lietuva susiduria nuo nepriklausomybės atkūrimo. Pirmosios nedarbo priežastys tuo laikotarpiu buvo intensyviai vykdomos reformos, planinio ūkio transformacija į rinkos ūkį bei užsilikę sovietiniai reliktai. Vienas iš pagrindinių ekonomikos teiginių yra tas, kad bet kokie ekonominio mechanizmo pokyčiai tiesiogiai ar netiesiogiai sukelia užimtumo pokyčius.
Naujumas, aktualumas. Šiuo metu dažnai pasaulyje minima problema yra nedarbas. Jis sukelia ne tik ekonominius, bet ir įvairius socialinius neigiamus padarinius. Masinis darbuotojų atleidimas, gyvenimo lygio smukimas, artėjimas prie skurdo ribos, žmonių dvejonės dėl laukiančio rytojaus, nedarbo nulemtų kitų makroekonominių rodiklių blogėjimas – visa tai linksniuojama kiekvieną dieną. Visi supranta šio reiškinio didėjančią grėsmę ir stengiasi ieškoti būdų, kaip užkirsti tam kelią. Šiame darbe bus nagrinėjama situacija Lietuvos darbo rinkoje nuo nepriklausomybės atkūrimo iki šių dienų, bandysime išsiaiškinti, kaip buvo kovojama su nedarbu bei jo sukeltomis pasekmėmis, kas yra daroma dabar ir kokių teigiamų bei neigiamų perspektyvų galima tikėtis.
Šiame straipsnyje siekiama išskirti veiksnius, kurie svarbūs valdymui pokyčių kontekste. Šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje akivaizdus valstybių ir visuomenių suartėjimas. Kalbant apie pokyčius, neišvengiamai kyla klausimų apie mūsų ateitį. Teisingas pokyčių ir jų padarinių numatymas dar šiandien leistų organizacijų vadovams keisti strategijas ir pasirengti rytdienai. Tai garantuotų konkurencinį pranašumą ir sėkmingą organizacijų veiklą. Pagrindinių kaitos poveikio sričių nustatymas yra viena svarbiausių šiandienos vadybos mokslo problemų.
Teenagers and alcohol
To begin with i`d like to say that alcoholism is widely spread among young people and because of that it has become a serious national problem. Alcohol is widely used by young people. Around 90 per cent of european teenagers over the age of 14 years have tried alcohol at least once. ‘Binge drinking’, drink driving and unsafe sex can all result from the misuse of alcohol.
Rašinys apie vaikystę anglų kalba.
Valentino Garavani
Valentino Garavani gimė 1932 m., Milane, vienoje iš mados ir stiliaus sostinių, kur savitumas, originalumas ir tendencingas asmenybės išskirtinumas verčia suktis visa, kas gali būti svarbu. Nežinia, kas formavo Valentino skonį ir kūrybos stilistiką, tačiau dar būdamas mokykloje, jis atsiskleidė kaip asmenybė, tiksliai žinanti savo kelią – kelią link mados aukštumų. Šiame žodžių žaisme, tuomet dar jaunajam Valentino, tilpo keli pasauliai: stiliaus, žaismo, aistros, moteriškumo, gyvybingumo ir energijos, charizmos ir kūrybinės laisvės.
Ankstus, tačiau tikslingas ir aiškus jaunojo Valentino pašaukimo supratimas, septyniolikmetį paauglį nuvedė į mados šventyklą – Prancūziją, Paryžių. Po kelerių metų kruopštaus darbo „Jean Desses“ ir „Guy Laroche“ mados namuose, atėjo laikas Valentino vardui suskambėti individualiai ir laisvai – taip 1960 m. pradžioje, Romoje, duris atvėrė asmeninė kūrėjo ateljė.
Labour Market in Lithuania
Good afternoon, everyone.
I’m here today to speak of labour market in Lithuania in recent years, especially after integration to EU.
This talk is divided into 4 main parts.
1) Firstly, I’d like to look at Official situation of Lithuanian labour market through the recent years
2) Secondly I’ll be talking about Jobs in shortage and demand and Need of high Qualification
3) Thirdly, Emigration from Lithuania in 1990-2002
4) My fourth point will be about Emigration from Lithuania after entering EU and the wages.
Finally I’ll be looking at the conclusions
My talk will last about 15 min
If you have any questions, please stop me at any time, and I will be happy to answer them
Official situation of Lithuanian labour market through the recent years
Having rewieved the changes which have taken place in Lithuania since the restoration of independence in 1990, it can be said that the market economy in Lithuania is becoming stronger and that this process is irreversible. This period has seen the creation in Lithuania of a consistent system for the realization of social security and labour market policies.
The labour market in Lithuania has in the recent past been characterised by positive changes influenced by the implementation of the country’s investment and economic policies as well as the means used to realize the Lithuanian Republic’s employment programme: the number of employed is increasing, the number of people out of work is decreasing along with unemployment rate.
The fundamental right to social security and work is provided for by Article 48 of the1992 Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, which states that every person is free to do the job or business of their choice, and that they have the right to suitable, safe and healthy work conditions, to receive fair payment for work, and social security if they are unemployed. The work of foreign nationals in the Republic of Lithuania is regulated by law.
Researches made by interviewing people out of work, give us the numbers of 75 % of those, registered the jobless in Labour Exchange really wanna find a job, and there is yearly a downward numbers interested just in unemployment relief.
Labour market suppose that in year 2004 the number of the unemployed in average can be around 145 000, this is 20 000 less than the year before.
Teenagers criminals
Last year teenagers committed about 535 crimes. During one-year period delinquency raised 16.6%. Biggest part of crimes was committed by teenagers aged from 13 to 19. Thefts from cars are 42.3% and burgalyries-31.5% off all committed crimes. Every 6th crime is burglary.
Films of violence, detailed crime stories in the press have a big influence for crimes increasing. In 1998 investigated 47 teenagers’ burglaries in Siauliai, this year, after 4 months - 28. 22 of them were investigated. Comparing with last year Siauliai has 46.7% increases. Dogging adult’s steps teenagers begin extort wealth, cheat, make drugs, use guns, process money, resell burglaries things. Statistic shows that drunk or intoxicated teenagers made many crimes. From 615 criminals 249 are pupil from secondary school. 53% guilty juveniles don’t study or work.
We can group teenager criminals into two groups. One group of them become criminals, because those teenagers are weakling persons, their friends make great influence on them on their way of thinking or by these friends help they do a crime for fun. Other group of teenager’s criminals does crimes for their bad social status.
How a teenager can become a criminal?
Teenager can become a criminal when:
• This teenager’s friends make great influence on him on his way of thinking.
• This teenager is a weakling person and he can’t resist the temptation to alcohol, drugs, so he does a crime, because at that moment he did not understand what he was doing, because he was drunk.
• This teenager does not have what to do in his spare time, so he does a crime just for having fun.
• This teenager’s social status is bad, so he does a crime for having money.
What kind of teenager criminals are in Lithuania?
A teenager criminal can be:
• vandal (a person who likes to draw on the cars, walls, houses, who likes to brake something);
• filches (some kind of stealer);
• pilferer (some kind of stealer);
• pugnacious person (a person who likes to fight against somebody);
• burglar (a person who steals from the houses);
• rapist (a person who likes to rape women);
• racketeer (a person who orders another person to give all his money);
As we all know the bigger part of teenager criminals are of male sex. And we also know that a teenager criminal is not so dangerous like a professional criminal, who has got lots of experience in that sphere. And that a teenager criminal’s way of life could be easily changed to another way of life, normal way of life, just you have to show that there is another way of living.
Police account
Why do youngsters become criminals? It’s the question, which bothers a lot of people. Here are some reasons why that happen:
Youngsters don’t have interesting facilities and hobbies
These are the main things why youngsters become criminals. Now we want to tell some ideas how to solve this problem. Should be some educational centers where young people could find a professional psychologist that would help a lot.
Schools should try to help solve that problem and organize some lectures for students about crimes, drugs, how drugs can make people do very bad things.
We were explaining how to solve that problem, but we forgot to tell what kinds of crimes are most popular.
There are a lot of hooligans, but it isn’t the biggest problem in our country. They have a lot of problems with muggers, because they are getting money like that for drugs and then they start feeling bad and start robbing (old ladies), stealing or even burgling. That makes a lot of problems for police officers.
And the other kind of crimes is shoplifting (that is the most popular kind of crimes) Very many shops loose a lot of money, because of that. And the main thing with shoplifters is that they get used to it and become addict.
We think you want to ask why police isn’t doing anything about that. But they do. They try to organize some summer caps for youngsters try to take them to psychologist or to talk with them; some times they organize shows for pupil. So I think you can’t say that police is doing nothing.
Something about Lithuania
In 1919 the Russian army was driven from most of Lithuania. A peace treaty was signed, and Russia recognized Lithuania’s sovereignty over Vilnius. But Poland, which had been seeking to recover territory lost during the 18th century, seized the city, after which Kaunas became the capital of Lithuania.
From 1920 Lithuania was independent until, as a result of the 1939 pact between the Nazis and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), it was invaded by Soviet forces. During World War II, the USSR lost possession of Lithuania for a short time, but by 1944 it had re-established firm control.
Thousands of armed partisan fighters, known as the “Forest Brothers”, continued their fight for national sovereignty, but during Stalin’s regime Lithuania suffered repression and mass deportations. Relations were less confrontational after the 1950s, but Lithuanians never gave up their goal of independence. In 1990 the country was one of the first republics to declare independence from the USSR, which was by then too unstable to force Lithuania back into the Union. Many countries quickly recognized Lithuania’s sovereignty, as did Russia and other former Soviet republics after the break-up of the USSR in 1991.
The Lithuanian government, led by members of a political coalition called Saj?dis, embarked on a radical programme to reform the economy and other social structures, but progress was slow and painful. In national elections held in 1992, voters rejected the Saj?dis leadership in favour of former Communists, who had formed a new political party advocating slower reform and closer ties with neighbouring countries, especially Russia. The new government pledged to remain committed to democracy, but slowed privatization and other reform measures to soften the impact of political and social change. In August 1993 all remaining Russian troops withdrew from Lithuania, leaving the people free to concentrate on building a stable and prosperous country.
There was rapid industrialization after World War II, and by 1991 industry accounted for 43 per cent of Lithuania’s gross domestic product (GDP), and agriculture for about 28 per cent. The country makes precision machinery and spare parts, processed foods, and light industrial products. The main exports are machinery and parts, meat and dairy products, and consumer goods. Lithuania has very few natural resources, so the country depends heavily on imported raw materials. Imports include oil and gas, chemicals, metals, and equipment. Output declined after independence, because traditional supply arrangements were interrupted, but Lithuania is seeking ties with Western governments and neighbouring countries to increase revenue, foreign investment, and productivity.
After independence, the Sajūdis government introduced a radical reform programme involving privatization and price liberalization. As in all former Communist countries that are moving towards a market economy, the initial results were rising inflation and falling living standards. By 1994, however, there were signs of recovery. The national currency is the litas.
Photography is the process of recording pictures by means of capturing light on a light-sensitive medium, such as a film or electronic sensor. Light patterns reflected or emitted from objects expose a sensitive silver halide based chemical or electronic medium during a timed exposure, usually through a photographic lens in a device known as a camera that also stores the resulting information chemically or electronically.
Williams syndrome
The most important treasure for peoples is health. Every body knows that, every body repeats it thousands of times. For parents sometimes the most important are them own child. They could do anything for them. But sometimes it is not enough to want or to do, because diseases do not ask or you could do for your child everything, it just appears and you need to fight with them. How much cost child’s health?
Turizmas ir viešbučiai
An industry is a group of businesses or corporations that produce a product or service for the profit. Because of the billions of dollars it generates, travel can certainly be categorized as an industry.
Anglų kalbos pokalbis "100 day party"
Z. Oh, this party was pretty cool, but I and My friends were only in official part. I come home at 5 o’clock in the morning and what do you think about this party? M. Oh, this party was not bad but I was only in official part too and after this I with...
Charles Dickens
Įvertintas 9. he Greatest of Victorian writers English novelist, generally considered the greatest of the Victorian period. Dickens's works are characterized by attacks on social evils, injustice, and hypocrisy. He had also experienced in his youth oppression, when he was forced to end school in early teens and work in a factory.
Express your opinion on having a car. Is it a dream or a reality? What is the advantages and disadvantages (including environment) of having a car? gali prireikti ruosiantis valstybiniam anglu kalbos egzaminui. Įvertintas 10.
Neblogai įvertinas tekstas. The main topic of my individual talk will be about living surroundings. In addition, I will give some pieces of advice how to live in a clean and healthy enviroment. First, I would like to say that no human could stand being apart from enviroment becouse each of us is a part of the natural world. As you know, we are dependable from enviroment.
Art Education in High Schools
Today education has become a token of an advanced, healthy and competent society. In fact, modern education more than ever before is aiming to provide experiences that will be useful in life (Smith 153). In the process of deciding which activities are effective and should be included in the high school curriculum, a clash between opinions often arises.
Good and bad points of being rich and famous
Keli sakiniai kalbėjimui.
Technology progress
Just like how discovery of steam engine caused revolution in the world of technics, computers caused information revolution today. We can now say that the biggest technology progress is in the last 50 years. Because 50 years ago ENIAC – the first analitical machine was discovered. In the 70s we already had the first generation of computers. They of course were very big and expensive and they couldn’t work long. Ant that was the reason why they were used only in big and rich countries by governmental institutions and scientists. And only in the first part of 90s computers became popular all over the world.
Pamela Anderson
Pamela Denise Anderson was born in 1967 in Ladysmith, British Columbia, Canada, in the anniversary of Canada. She was the first baby born this day in Canada earning her the title "The Centennial Baby". The Andersons received cash prizes and awards for having the first baby born in Canada on this day, Canada's 100th Birthday. Shortly after that, her family moved to British Columbia. While Pamela was sitting in a library listening to a story with about one hundred other children when a photographer took a picture of her, which was quickly placed, in all the libraries in British Columbia.
Technology progress
Just like how discovery of steam engine caused revolution in the world of technics, computers caused information revolution today. We can now say that the biggest technology progress is in the last 50 years. Because 50 years ago ENIAC – the first analitical machine was discovered. In the 70s we already had the first generation of computers. They of course were very big and expensive and they couldn’t work long. Ant that was the reason why they were used only in big and rich countries by governmental institutions and scientists. And only in the first part of 90s computers became popular all over the world.
Wales is approximately 150miles (242 km.) from north to south. About two - thirds of the total population of 2.8 million people live in the South Wales coastal area, where the three biggest towns are located: Swansea, Cardiff and Newport. The Welsh are very proud of their language and culture. These are best preserved in the north and west of the country, for in the south and east they have been more challenged by industrialization. The west coast, mid Wales and North Wales are wild and beautiful.
Christianity is a monotheistic religion founded by the followers of Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus, a Jew, was born in about 7 B.C. and assumed his public life, probably after his 30th year, in Galilee. The New Testament Gospels describe Jesus as a teacher and miracle worker. He proclaimed the kingdom of God, a future reality that is at the same time already present.
Anglų kalbos įskaitai
Euro - disadvantages and advantages. Millenium. Vilnius – european capital of culture 2009. Politics. Olympic games. National parks.
Anglų k. rašinėlis ("Argumentative essay (for and against)" tipo) tema "The school-leaving age should be raised to 21".