Kokią specialybę rengiatės studijuoti?
Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai
Rasti 222 rezultatai
Viljamas Šekspyras, angliškai
Darbas anglų kalba apie Viljamą Šekspyrą. 5 skaidrės.
There are many subjects and many teathers at school. Every subject is important for teather, which he teathes. But sometimes some subjects are not important for studens. Senior pupils are decided what they are going to study, and decided which subjects are the least important, so they can renounse some subjects. I am going to speak about the subjects which I am studying.
Ar verta saugoti senuosius papročius?
Papročius išsaugoti ne tik verta, o ir privaloma. Nes šiais liberalizmo laikais mes vis daugiau žiurime į vakarus. Pamirštam, kad esame Lietuviai.
Linking verbs
Linking Verbs
May be used as Linking Verbs............................................3
Linking or Action................................................3
Neither Active nor Passive ................................................5
When we use Linking verbs?......................6
Linking, transitive or intransitive…………………………………………7
Non-copular uses………………………………………………………….7
Conclusion ............................................9
List of referente.........................................................................................
Speaking about travel
English-speaking country. Travel. Cycling. Attractions of Lithuania.
Kiaulių skerdimo įranga
Kiaulininkystė Lietuvoje yra viena pagrindinių gyvulininkystės šakų. Bendrame mėsos gamybos balance kiauliena sudaro apie 40 proc., tiek pat suvartojama ir mėsos produktų. Šalyje kiaulių skerdžiama palyginti mažai: 2004 m. – 74 tūkst., 2005–2006 m. – 81 tūkst., 2007 m. – 62 tūkst., 2008 m. – apie 48 tūkst. Europos Sąjungos šalyse skerdžiamų kiaulių skaičius ženkliai skiriasi – Vokietijoje per mėnesį kiaulių paskerdžiama vidutiniškai 3,9 mln., Olandijoje – 1,1 mln., Danijoje – 1,4 mln. Jungtinių Tautų maisto ir žemės ūkio organizacijos ekspertų duomenimis, pasaulyje kiaulienos gamyba didės. Jos apimtys neatsiejamos nuo technologinių kiaulienos gamybos ir perdirbimo procesų racionalizavimo, siekiant geriausių produkto savybių. Norint gaminti konkurencingus mėsos produktus, būtina ne tik pagerinti žaliavos kokybę, bet ir efektyviai valdyti technologinį procesą.
greek temple styles
In this work I am going to present the architecture of Greek temple, elements, different styles and mention the most popular greek temples.
Viešbučio marketingo planas
Siekdama produktyvumo, organizacija turi sukurti ir išlaikyti griežtą vidinę dermę ir sanderme su aplinka. Tai gali būti pasiekiama veiksmingu strateginiu planavimu, pagrįstu aplinkos veiksnių kitimo krypties ir laiko bei pačios organizacijos elgesio aiškiu supratimu. Verslo organizacija, siekdama sėkmės, turi sugebėti nuolat atsižvelgti į besikeičiančią aplinką. Ji privalo numatyti išorinių veiksnių poveikį ir užimti tokią pozicija, kad palankių galimybių dėka įgautų pranašumą ir išvengtų grėsmių, susijusių su aplinkos permainomis.
The value of freedom, universitete
Throughout the world, we value Freedom. It is on this subject that I want to share some thoughts with you. For us Freedom has a broad meaning, and with it many obligations. The concept of freedom is abstract and to understand what it is, you can best compare freedom to a "hole", in the wall. A hole in itself is nothing, but it is determined by its surroundings. If there were nothing around the hole, there wouldn't even be a hole.
Freedom is not a simple matter of doing what we want to do, and having fun; although some may think so, for a while at least. Freedom is freedom from bondage (vergove) and exploitation. It is a state in which we may grow and learn, be nourished, and in which we may develop our talents, and explore life and the world in its many dimensions. This is what we want for ourselves, for our families
10psl tekstas apie Charlie Chaplin, geriausia kadanors gyvenusi aktoriu-komika. IZanga:Charlie Chaplin, who brought laughter to millions worldwide as the silent "Little Tramp" clown, had the type of deprived childhood that one would expect to find in a Dickens novel. Born in East Street, Walworth, London on 16 April, 1889, Charles Spencer Chaplin was the son of a music hall singer and his wife. Charlie Chaplin's parents divorced early in his life, with his father providing little to no support, either financial or otherwise, leaving his mother to support them as best she could. Chaplin's mother Hannah was the brightest spot in Charlie's childhood; formerly an actor on stage, she had lost her ability to perform, and managed to earn a subsistence living for herself, Charlie, and Charlie's older half-brother Sidney by sewing. She was an integral part of Charlie's young life, and he credited her with much of his success..... (APIMTIS 10 PSL)
A Person I'll Never Forget
I met Dale on my very first day at school. I was standing in the playground, feeling afraid and lonely, when a boy ran past me and shouted, ?Hello- my name is Dale! Come and play!? I accepted his invitation, and we were soon the best of friends. (APIMTIS 245 ZD)
A person I realy like
My best friends full name is Mantas Jonaitis. His friends call him Munciu for short, but his nickname at school Ryžis for his orange hair. He was born in Klaipėda and he`s living up to now.