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gauk darbą nemokamai
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Trumpas aprašymas
These people avoid being on busy streets or in crowded stores, theatres and churches.
Normal activities become restricted as the person avoids these situations. Many agoraphobia victims are afraid of leaving the house. Perhaps for this reason agoraphobia is the most common phobia seen in the clinic, about 60% of all examined phobias.
Agoraphobia occurs about two times more commonly among women than men. It can be connected with the fact, that
Women have been and are still being stereotyped, agoraphobia has been explained in terms of traditional sex roles. Clinical descriptions of...
Pagrindiniai rašto darbo duomenys
Įkėlimo data |
2009-12-22 |
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Failo dydis |
4,72 kB |
Parsisiuntimų skaičius |
0 |
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