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Going to the theatre
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Darbo dalykas |
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Trumpas aprašymas
It could last about two days without any brakes. In all times people liked the theatre , but only plays by great dramatist are worth seeing: they are meaningful, they make us think, they are universal. Thanks to them we get to know life and culture. Besides, they are really interesting and really good. Since time is limited, one ought to see only the best plays just as one ought to read only the best books.
Now there are a lot of theatres in the world. In Vilnius one of the most famous is the Opera House. I like performances. One of my favourite plays is "The Nose" by...
Pagrindiniai rašto darbo duomenys
Įkėlimo data |
2009-12-22 |
Failo tipas |
Failo dydis |
0,89 kB |
Parsisiuntimų skaičius |
7 |
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Lietuvių |
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