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gauk darbą nemokamai
gauk darbą nemokamai
Recognizing Stress
Darbo tipas: |
Darbo dalykas |
Dalyko potemė |
Trumpas aprašymas
Post-traumatic stress disorder may develop immediately after the disaster, or it may be brought on by some minor stress weeks, months, or even years later. And it may last a long time. A study of survivors of Nazi concentration camps found that 97 percent were still troubled with anxiety 20 years after they were freed from the camps. Many still relived the traumas of persecution in their dreams and were fearful that something terrible would happen to their spouses or their children whenever they were out of sight.
Pagrindiniai rašto darbo duomenys
Įkėlimo data |
2009-12-22 |
Failo tipas |
![]() |
Failo dydis |
24,96 kB |
Parsisiuntimų skaičius |
0 |
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