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gauk darbą nemokamai
gauk darbą nemokamai
Using the internet
Darbo tipas: |
Darbo dalykas |
Dalyko potemė |
Trumpas aprašymas
Because of this new communication channel we feel almost as if we are eye witnesses of events which take place in distant countries. And this is just the beginning of a great development. Nowadays, everybody feels the need to have access to the internet. Personally, I just can't imagine that there is any information we can't by virtue this medium.
Pagrindiniai rašto darbo duomenys
Įkėlimo data |
2009-12-22 |
Failo tipas |
![]() |
Failo dydis |
3,02 kB |
Parsisiuntimų skaičius |
1 |
Kalba |
Lietuvių |
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