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gauk darbą nemokamai
gauk darbą nemokamai
My summer
Darbo tipas: |
Darbo dalykas |
Dalyko potemė |
Trumpas aprašymas
I like summer as a season, but I hate it as a period of time. I get up and hear the birds singing reminding me to mow the lawn. I get down the stairs and see green vegetables reminding me to mow the lawn and then I go out and see nine ares of grass that must be mowed. And the whole story continues every week for the whole summer.
Pagrindiniai rašto darbo duomenys
Įkėlimo data |
2009-06-11 |
Puslapių skaičius |
1 |
Failo tipas |
![]() |
Failo dydis |
2,64 kB |
Parsisiuntimų skaičius |
0 |
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Anglų |
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