anglu kalbos VBE atsakymai
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Žinutė parašyta: 2008-06-02 14:10:59 | Nuoroda
Zmones, lb reikia, gal kas turi 06 listening testo dali ?
Žinutė parašyta: 2008-06-02 17:21:45 | Nuoroda
2007 pagrindines sesijos istening 1-c 2-c 3-b 4-a 5-b 6-c 7-c part 2: 1- a short 2- reading 3- scan 4- forties 5-users 6- negative 7-to do 8- the mark 9- kids 10-sections 11-10 12- advanced 13- opportunities part 3: 1-a 2-f 3-d 4-c 5-b Reading: part 1: 1-c 2-d 3-a 4-d 5-b 6-c part 2: 1-e 2-a 3-f 4-c 5-b 6- threat 7- cutback (neįskaitau, ar tikrai taip) 8-aether 9-far out way part3: 1-c 2-a 3-e 4-b 5-d 6-g use of english: 1-by 2-on 3-which 4-it 5-what 6-the 7-and 8-at 9-it 10-up part 2: 1-will have done 2- could be 3- had told 4-were running 5-have 6-has changed 7-sounds 8-started 9- was involved 10-brought part 3: 1- you mind if I closed 2-so as not to 3- were not aware of 4- as long as you returned 5- wish I hadn't missed 6- aren't many people 7- find it difficult to speak 8- was the least interesting of 9- would rather read than watch 10- no Nick is keen on
Žinutė parašyta: 2008-06-02 17:23:56 | Nuoroda
imeskit kad 2006 ir 2005 listeningo nebutina;]
Seniai matytas
Žinutė parašyta: 2008-06-03 13:14:46 | Nuoroda
Sveiki, gal kas turit 2006 ar 2005 anglu vbe atsakymus ir 2006 m. klausymo dalies irasa?! Buciau labai dekinga, jei galetumet atsiust!!! E-mail: . Skype name: Aizeneve. Nemazai info cia:
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