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Šio kursinio projektavimo tema yra „Elektrošokas“. Kursiniame projekte bus sumodeliuota veikiančio prietaiso elektros – principinė schema, spausdintosios plokštės laidininkų - surinkimo brėžiniai jų specifikacija, ir aprašyta visa veikimo analizė.
Managment Practice
Managment practice 49 slides. Tiems, kas ieško išsamios informacijos apie vadovavimą ir jo principus.
Some people claim that the biggest influence to global warming are doing the richest industrialised countries, and pour countries , can’t make any changes. However others maintain that all, even the poorest nations are responsible for disaster which is called- global warming.
AB banko “Snoras” vartotojų tyrimas
Šiame darbe yra suformuluotos banko “Snoras” vartotojų poreikių problemos, susijusios su banko teikiamomis paslaugomis, išanalizuoti ir susisteminti įvairių Lietuvos bei užsienio autorių teoriniai rinkos, rinkodaros tyrimai. Taip pat pateiktas vartotojų tyrimas, kur anketinės apklausos būdu buvo apklausti banko vartotojai. Pateikti pasiūlymai bei tobulinimo galimybė tolimesnei banko veiklai. Pasitvirtino autorės suformuluota hipotezė: jei bankas nevykdytų vartotojų tyrimų, tai nepasiektų aukštų rezultatų ir nesugebėtų tenkinti vartotojų poreikių.
Šiuolaikinės muzikos rūšys
Pagrindindiniai šio amžiaus labiausiai paplitę muzikos stiliai ir jų šakos, kas jiems būdinga ir pagrindinės savybės.
Science is not a threat to society
Ese apie moksla ir jo poveiki gamtai.visi reikalavimai ispildyti.398 zodziai.gavau 10 is sito :) pabaiga:Some say, that science gives people opportunity to play god. I disagree. Science gives us opportunity to rule our own life as much as possible. We can reserve our time by using technologies at home or at work, and use it to do more, to please ourselves. What is the most important, having a chance to share our duties makes us happier.
In conclusion, science has a mission to help us and I think that this mission is being accomplished. We cannot call science a threat to society, because it is all about us, and not against us. The only matter is to comply with science and start thinking about how can we hand in the name of science.
Internetas- pasaulinis kompiuterių tinklas, jungiantis visuotinius ir vietinius kompiuterių tinklus [1] 1. Milijonai prie jo prijungtų kompiuterių kimšte prikimšti programų, dokumentų, knygų, piešinių ar kitokios informacijos, kuri specialiųjų technologijų dėka yra lengvai pasiekiama bet kuriam vartotojui. Internetas prijungia mūsų kompiuterius prie pasaulinių informacijos lobynų bei sujungia mus vienus su kitais.
Šiaulių lankytinos vietos, aprašymas anglų kalba.
Anglu kalbos prezentacija apie nedarbo lygį ir infliaciją.
Engineering materials
Trumpas Powerpoint skaidrėmis padarytas pristatymas apie pagrindines medžiagas, naudojamas inžinerijoje.
Dialoge du žmonės kalbasi apie buto nuoma, dalinasi darbus ir t.t. Už darbą gavom po 10 su klasioku, nežinau kaip jums pasiseks :)
About People and Trips
Many people believe that the way we live our lives today is having an extremely bad effect on the environment. Here are some examples of environmental problems and solutions.
Pollution - is damage to the air, sea, rivers, or land caused by chemicals, waste and harmful gases. Pollutants include toxic waste, pesticides, and fertilizers.
Land Management
Anglų referatas. Land management is the process of managing the use and development (in both urban and suburban settings) of land resources in a sustainable way. Land resources are used for a variety of purposes which interact and may compete with one another; therefore, it is desirable to plan and manage all uses in an integrated manner.
Ekonomikos pamoka
Darbu būtų galima pavadinti kiekvieną žmogaus sąmoningą veiklą, nukreiptą į tam tikrą tikslą, kurio siekiant vartojama fizinė ir protinė energija. Darbas skiriasi nuo žaidimų ir pasilinksminimų tuo, kad jis yra tik priemonė, o ne tikslas save patenkinti.
Kiekvienas žmogus turi dirbti pagal savo galimybes, sugebėjimus. Žmogaus darbo įgūdžiai ir pomėgiai formuojasi nuo pat gyvenimo pražios ir turi išlikti visą gyvenimą. Žmogui skiriami darbai priklausomai nuo amžiaus. Žmogaus gamybinė veikla prasideda tada, kai jis įsigyja specialybę ir pradeda kokią nors gamybinę veiklą. Darbas skirstomas į protinį (mental/ brain), ir fizinį (manuoal labour/ physical work). Toks darbo skirstymas yra istoriškai susiformavęs, plačiai paplitęs, tačiau labai sąlygiškas.Fizinis darbas yra raumenų, o protinis – centrinės nervų sistemos veikla. Tačiau be centrinės nervų sistemos, reguliuojančios ir koordinuojančios visus žmogaus organizmo procesus, negalima jokia raumenų veikla. Taip pat nėra tokio protinio darbo, kuris nebūtų atliekamas be raumenų, nors ir labai menkos veiklos. Tiesa, ši menka raumenų veikla gali būti susijusi gyvybinėmis funkcijomis, o ne su darbu.
Economy of Cuba
The Cuban economy is still recovering from a decline in GDP of at least 35% between 1989 and 1993 due to the loss of 80% of its trading partners and Soviet subsidies.
To alleviate the economic crisis, the government introduced a few market-oriented reforms.
Living conditions in 1999 remained well below the 1989 level.
The economy of Cuba is largely state-controlled.
Capital investment is restricted and requires approval by the government.
In the 1950s, Cuba's economic development was on the top of Latin America and advanced even by European standards.
Wages are 17-30 U.S. dollars.
Access to transportation, work, housing, university education and better health care are a function of status within the government or the Communist Party.
David Ricardo
The brilliant British economist David Ricardo was one the most important figures in the development of economic theory. He articulated and rigorously formulated the "Classical" system of political economy. The legacy of Ricardo dominated economic thinking throughout the 19th Century.
David Ricardo's family was descended from Iberian Jews who had fled to Holland during a wave of persecutions in the early 18th Century. His father, a stockbroker, emigrated to England shortly before Ricardo's birth in 1772. David Ricardo was his third son (out of seventeen!).
At the age of fourteen, after a brief schooling in Holland, Ricardo's father employed him full-time at the London Stock Exchange, where he quickly acquired a knack for the trade. At 21, Ricardo broke with his family and his orthodox Jewish faith when he decided to marry a Quaker. However, with the assistance of acquaintances and on the strength of his already considerable reputation in the City of London, Ricardo managed to set up his own business as a dealer in government securities. He became immensely rich in a very short while. In 1814, at the age of 41, finding himself "sufficiently rich to satisfy all my desires and the reasonable desires of all those about me" (Letter to Mill, 1815), Ricardo retired from city business, bought the estate of Gatcomb Park and set himself up as a country gentleman.
Despite his own considerable practical experience, his writings are severely abstract and frequently difficult. His chief emphasis was on the principles of diminishing returns in connection with the rent of land, which he believed also regulated the profits of capital. He attempted to deduce a theory of value from the application of labour, but found it difficult to separate the effects of changes in distribution from changes in technology. The questions thus raised about the labour theory of value were taken up by Marx and the so-called `Ricardian socialists' as a theoretical basis for criticism of established institutions.
Ricardo's law of rent was probably his most notable and influential discovery. It was based on the observation that the differing fertility of land yielded unequal profits to the capital and labour applied to it. Differential rent is the result of this variation in the fertility of land. This principle was also noted at much the same time by Malthus, West, Anderson, and others. His other great contribution, the law of comparative cost, or comparative advantage, demonstrated the benefits of international specialisation of the commodity composition of international trade. This was at the root of the free trade argument which set Britain firmly on the course of exporting manufactures and importing foodstuffs. His success in attaching other economists, particularly James Mill and McCulloch, to his views largely accounted for the remarkable dominance of his ideas long after his own lifetime. Though much of this was eventually rejected, his abstract method and much of the theoretical content of his work became the framework for economic science at least until the 1870s.
Egged on by his good friend James Mill, Ricardo got himself elected into the British parliament in 1819 as an independent representing a borough in Ireland, which he served up to his death in 1823. In parliament, he was primarily interested in the currency and commercial questions of the day, such as the repayment of public debt, capital taxation and the repeal of the Corn Laws. (cf. Thomas Moore's poems on Cash, Corn and Catholics)
The first documentary reference to Vilnius dates back to 1323, when the Great Duke Gediminas proclaimed Vilnius the capital of Lithuanian state and invited foreign artists, scientists, builders to come live and work here. Vilnius has got a very beautiful Old Town, which reminds us the history of our native country.
In the centre of the Old Town, on the Castle hill, stands the Gediminas Tower, a part of an old castle built 6 centuries ago. There is a square in slope of the Castle Hill. It's called the Cathedral square, because there is a cathedral in the centre of it. This cathedral, reconstructed in the end of the 18th century by the famous Lithuanian architect Stuoka-Gucevichius, is the most important catholic church in Lithuania.
Vilnius is a mixture of the main architectural styles: Baroque, Classicism, Renaissance and Gothic. The church of St. Anna is considered to be a Gothic masterpiece, the Gediminas castle is a representative of Gothic style too. Well-known representative of Baroque is the church of St. Peter and Paul. The Italian sculptors worked on the masterpieces of art of this church. There are thousands of sculptures in it. Classicism dominates in some Cathedral, University buildings. Vilnius University is very old, it was established in 1579.
There are many new districts built in the latest 30 years: Lazdynai, Baltupiai (shame of Vilnius), Karolinishkes, Fabijonishkes, Justinishkes. I don't admire such "modern" houses of blocks, factories, standing in the centre of the city.
Despite this, I don't want to criticise Vilnius more. It's my native town and I couldn't live in any other town.
Tips for Big Weight Loss
• Good things come in small packages. Here's a trick for staying satisfied without consuming large portions: Chop high-calorie foods like cheese and chocolate into smaller pieces. It will seem like you're getting more than you actually are.
• Don't give up dips. If you love creamy dips and sauces, don't cut them out of your diet completely. Just use low-fat sour cream and mayo instead of the full-fat stuff.
• Get water-wise. Make a habit of reaching for a glass of water instead of a high-calorie snack. It will help your overall health as well as your waistline. Add some zest with a twist of lemon or lime.
• Herb it up. Stock up your spice rack, and start growing a small herb garden in your kitchen window. Spices and herbs add fantastic flavor to foods without adding fat or calories.
• Slim down your soup. Make a big batch of soup and refrigerate it before you eat it. As it cools, the fat will rise to the top. Skim it off the surface for reduced fat content.
• Doggie-bag that dinner. At restaurants, ask the server to put half your entrée in a doggie bag before bringing it to your table. Putting the food away before you start your meal will help you practice portion control.
• Listen to your cravings. If you're craving something sweet, eat something sweet - just opt for a healthier nosh, like fruit, instead of a high-calorie one. The same goes for crunchy cravings - for example, try air-popped popcorn with soy sauce instead of high-fat tortilla chips. It's just smart substitution!
• Ease your way into produce. If you're new to eating lots of fruits and veggies, start slowly. Just add them to the foods you already enjoy. Pile veggies on top of your sandwiches, or add fruit to your cereal.
• Look for high-fat hints. Want an easy way to identify high-calorie entrees? Keep an eye out for these words: au gratin, parmigiana, tempura, alfredo, creamy and carbonara, and enjoy them in moderation.
• Don't multitask while you eat. If you're working, reading or watching TV while you eat, you won't be paying attention to what's going into your mouth - and you won't be enjoying every bite. Every time you sit down for a meal, sit down. Chew slowly and pay attention to flavors and textures. You'll enjoy your food more and eat less.
• Taste something new. Broaden your food repertoire - you may find you like more healthy foods than you knew. Try a new fruit or vegetable (ever had jicama, plantain, bok choy, starfruit or papaya?).
• Leave something on your plate at every meal. One bite of bagel, half your sandwich, the bun from your burger. See if you feel satisfied eating just a bit less.
• Get to know your portion sizes. It's easy to underestimate how much you're eating. Don't just estimate things - make sure. Ask how much is in a serving, read the fine print on labels, measure your food. And learn portion equivalents: One serving of pasta, for instance, should be around the size of a tennis ball.
• Make a healthy substitution. Learn to swap healthier foods for their less-healthful counterparts. Find a substitution that works for you: Use skim milk instead of whole milk; make up a batch of brownie mix with applesauce instead of oil; try a whole-grain bread instead of white.
• Bring lunch to work. Packing lunch will help you control your portion sizes. It also provides a good alternative to restaurants and fast-food joints, where making healthy choices every day can be challenging (not to mention expensive).
• Have some dessert. You don't have to deny yourself all the time. Have a treat that brings you pleasure, but this time enjoy it guilt-free - be sure you're practicing portion control, and compensate for your indulgence by exercising a little more or by skipping your afternoon snack.
• Ask for what you need. Tell your mother-in-law you don't want seconds. Ask your sweetie to stop bringing you chocolates. Speak up for the salad bar when your coworkers are picking a restaurant for lunch. Whatever you need to do to succeed at weight loss, ask for it. Make yourself a priority and assert yourself.
The Romans
The Romans were the people from a city called Rome in what is now Italy. Rome was the greatest city of its time. At one time it had nearly one million people living there. About 1,800 years ago Rome was the centre of a big empire.
For a long time the Romans believed in many different gods and goddesses.For example like Saturn, Minerva, Mars, Venus, Ceres and so on. They thought they were all part of a family and people told stories or myths about them. Each gods or goddess looked after different people or things.
The Romans traded goods throughout their Empire. By importing goods from other countries they raised their standard of living and were able to have many luxuries. They used their network of roads and also waterways to transport goods from one country to another. The Romans imported silver from Great Britain, silk from China, cotton from Egypt and so on.
Without trades and businesses, the Romans were lovers of entertainment. People went to one of the big theatres in Rome to watch plays. They went to the Hippodrome to see the chariot racing, too. The Colosseum in Rome could seat up to 50,000 people and was the largest amphitheatre in the Empire. It was here that people gathered to see the fights between gladiators, slaves, prisoners and wild animals like lions.
Roman clothes were made of wool, spun into cloth by the women of the family. Later on the richer people had slaves to do this work for them. If you could afford to buy clothes, you could buy linen, cotton or silk, which was brought to Rome from other parts of the Empire. Washing clothes was difficult because the Romans did not have washing machines or soap powder.
The Romans did not eat huge meals. Their main food was pottage. Pottage is a kind of thick stew made from wheat, millet or corn. Sometimes they would add cooked meat, offal or a sauce made out of wine. Food for the common people consisted of wheat or barley, olive oil.
The drug problem
Children start on “soft” drugs such as hashish or marijuana, moving on to speed and ecstasy, and finally to “hard” drugs such as heroin.
Some people say that there is no drug problem in my hometown, as it is too small for this. But if you look around more carefully, you will see that this problem is everywhere. I think that drugs have spread all over the world.
Almost every teenager has used some kind of drugs, but there are many youngsters who take dozes of drugs every day or even more often. As a rule, if there are buyers, there are sellers as well. All you need is money.
There were some programs to fight drug abuse in my town. To be more specific, there were some competitions and lectures against drugs. All students took part in these lectures.
The drug problem in Lithuania in general is much bigger than in my native town. In biggest cities as Vilnius, Kaunas or Klaipeda this problem is huge. There are many homeless young people who live with drugs.
How we could help them? The first thing we have to do is to learn to listen. One ray of hope is the dedicated work performed by social workers, who should spend their time offering children and young people a new perspective. Social workers could visit the places where young people are likely to be hanging out every day to try to make contact and gain their confidence. People all over the world close their eyes to the fate of these youngsters only too often, or discriminate against them because they have no jobs, use drugs. And if we are honest, which one of us has ever seriously questioned the stories behind these young people’s existence?
To sum it up, I think its better not even to try drugs, because you can become a drug addict. Drugs really change people. They lose interest in everything, they have no friends, they only care about the next doze. Do you want to live like that?
The Boscombe Valley Mystery
"What do you say, dear?" said my wife, looking across at me. "Will you go?"
"I really don't know what to say. I have a fairly long list at present."
"Oh, Anstruther would do your work for you. You have been looking a little pale lately. I think that the change would do you good, and you are always so interested in Mr. Sherlock Holmes's cases."
"I should be ungrateful if I were not, seeing what I gained through one of them," I answered. "But if I am to go, I must pack at once, for I have only half an hour."
My experience of camp life in Afghanistan had at least had the effect of making me a prompt and ready traveller. My wants were few and simple, so that in less than the time stated I was in a cab with my valise, rattling away to Paddington Station. Sherlock Holmes was pacing up and down the platform, his tall, gaunt figure made even gaunter and taller by his long gray travelling-cloak and close fitting cloth cap.
"It is really very good of you to come, Watson," said he. "It makes a considerable difference to me, having someone with me on whom I can thoroughly rely. Local aid is always either worthless or else biassed. If you will keep the two corner seats I shall get the tickets."
We had the carriage to ourselves save for an immense litter of papers which Holmes had brought with him. Among these he rummaged and read, with intervals of note-taking and of meditation, until we were past Reading. Then he suddenly rolled them all into a gigantic ball and tossed them up onto the rack.
"Have you heard anything of the case?" he asked.
"Not a word. I have not seen a paper for some days."
"The London press has not had very full accounts. I have just been looking through all the recent papers in order to master the particulars. It seems, from what I gather, to be one of those simple cases which are so extremely difficult."
"That sounds a little paradoxical."
"But it is profoundly true. Singularity is almost invariably a clue. The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult it is to bring it home. In this case, however, they have established a very serious case against the son of the murdered man."
"It is a murder, then?"
"Well, it is conjectured to be so. I shall take nothing for granted until I have the opportunity of looking personally into it. I will explain the state of things to you, as far as I have been able to understand it, in a very few words.
"Boscombe Valley is a country district not very far from Ross, in Herefordshire. The largest landed proprietor in that part is a Mr. John Turner, who made his money in Australia and returned some years ago to the old country. One of the farms which he held, that of Hatherley, was let to Mr. Charles McCarthy, who was also an ex-Australian. The men had known each other in the colonies, so that it was not unnatural that when they came to settle down they should do so as near each other as possible. Turner was apparently the richer man, so McCarthy became his tenant but still remained, it seems, upon terms of perfect equality, as they were frequently together. McCarthy had one son, a lad of eighteen, and Turner had an only daughter of the same age, but neither of them had wives living. They appear to have avoided the society of the neighbouring English families and to have led retired lives, though both the McCarthys were fond of sport and were frequently seen at the race-meetings of the neighbourhood. McCarthy kept two servants-a man and a girl. Turner had a considerable household, some half-dozen at the least. That is as much as I have been able to gather about the families. Now for the facts.
"On June 3rd, that is, on Monday last McCarthy left his house at Hatherley about three in the afternoon and walked down to the Boscombe Pool, which is a small lake formed by the spreading out of the stream which runs down the Boscombe Valley. He had been out with his serving-man in the morning at Ross, and he had told the man that he must hurry, as he had an appointment of importance to keep at three. From that appointment he never came back alive.
"From Hatherley Farmhouse to the Boscombe Pool is a quarter of a mile, and two people saw him as he passed over this ground. One was an old woman, whose name is not mentioned, and the other was William Crowder, a game-keeper in the employ of Mr. Turner. Both these witnesses depose that Mr. McCarthy was walking alone. The game-keeper adds that within a few minutes of his seeing Mr. McCarthy pass he had seen his son, Mr. James McCarthy, going the same way with a gun under his arm. To the best of his belief, the father was actually in sight at the time, and the son was following him. He thought no more of the matter until he heard in the evening of the tragedy that had occurred.
"The two McCarthys were seen after the time when William Crowder, the game-keeper, lost sight of them. The Boscombe Pool is thickly wooded round, with just a fringe of grass and of reeds round the edge. A girl of fourteen, Patience Moran, who is the daughter of the lodge-keeper of the Boscombe Valley estate, was in one of the woods picking flowers. She states that while she was there she saw, at the border of the wood and close by the lake, Mr. McCarthy and his son, and that they appeared to be having a violent quarrel. She heard Mr. McCarthy the elder using very strong language to his son, and she saw the latter raise up his hand as if to strike his father. She was so frightened by their violence that she ran away and told her mother when she reached home that she had left the two McCarthys quarrelling near Boscombe Pool, and that she was afraid that they were going to fight. She had hardly said the words when young Mr. McCarthy came running up to the lodge to say that he had found his father dead in the wood, and to ask for the help of the lodge-keeper. He was much excited, without either his gun or his hat, and his right hand and sleeve were observed to be stained with fresh blood. On following him they found the dead body stretched out upon the grass beside the pool. The head had been beaten in by repeated blows of some heavy and blunt weapon. The injuries were such as might very well have been inflicted by the butt-end of his son's gun, which was found lying on the grass within a few paces of the body. Under these circumstances the young man was instantly arrested, and a verdict of 'wilful murder' having been returned at the inquest on Tuesday, he was on Wednesday brought before the magistrates at Ross, who have referred the case to the next Assizes. Those are the main facts of the case as they came out before the coroner and the police-court."
"I could hardly imagine a more damning case," I remarked. "If ever circumstantial evidence pointed to a criminal it does so here."
Teenagers criminals
Last year teenagers committed about 535 crimes. During one-year period delinquency raised 16.6%. Biggest part of crimes was committed by teenagers aged from 13 to 19. Thefts from cars are 42.3% and burgalyries-31.5% off all committed crimes. Every 6th crime is burglary.
Films of violence, detailed crime stories in the press have a big influence for crimes increasing. In 1998 investigated 47 teenagers’ burglaries in Siauliai, this year, after 4 months - 28. 22 of them were investigated. Comparing with last year Siauliai has 46.7% increases. Dogging adult’s steps teenagers begin extort wealth, cheat, make drugs, use guns, process money, resell burglaries things. Statistic shows that drunk or intoxicated teenagers made many crimes. From 615 criminals 249 are pupil from secondary school. 53% guilty juveniles don’t study or work.
We can group teenager criminals into two groups. One group of them become criminals, because those teenagers are weakling persons, their friends make great influence on them on their way of thinking or by these friends help they do a crime for fun. Other group of teenager’s criminals does crimes for their bad social status.
How a teenager can become a criminal?
Teenager can become a criminal when:
• This teenager’s friends make great influence on him on his way of thinking.
• This teenager is a weakling person and he can’t resist the temptation to alcohol, drugs, so he does a crime, because at that moment he did not understand what he was doing, because he was drunk.
• This teenager does not have what to do in his spare time, so he does a crime just for having fun.
• This teenager’s social status is bad, so he does a crime for having money.
What kind of teenager criminals are in Lithuania?
A teenager criminal can be:
• vandal (a person who likes to draw on the cars, walls, houses, who likes to brake something);
• filches (some kind of stealer);
• pilferer (some kind of stealer);
• pugnacious person (a person who likes to fight against somebody);
• burglar (a person who steals from the houses);
• rapist (a person who likes to rape women);
• racketeer (a person who orders another person to give all his money);
As we all know the bigger part of teenager criminals are of male sex. And we also know that a teenager criminal is not so dangerous like a professional criminal, who has got lots of experience in that sphere. And that a teenager criminal’s way of life could be easily changed to another way of life, normal way of life, just you have to show that there is another way of living.
Police account
Why do youngsters become criminals? It’s the question, which bothers a lot of people. Here are some reasons why that happen:
Youngsters don’t have interesting facilities and hobbies
These are the main things why youngsters become criminals. Now we want to tell some ideas how to solve this problem. Should be some educational centers where young people could find a professional psychologist that would help a lot.
Schools should try to help solve that problem and organize some lectures for students about crimes, drugs, how drugs can make people do very bad things.
We were explaining how to solve that problem, but we forgot to tell what kinds of crimes are most popular.
There are a lot of hooligans, but it isn’t the biggest problem in our country. They have a lot of problems with muggers, because they are getting money like that for drugs and then they start feeling bad and start robbing (old ladies), stealing or even burgling. That makes a lot of problems for police officers.
And the other kind of crimes is shoplifting (that is the most popular kind of crimes) Very many shops loose a lot of money, because of that. And the main thing with shoplifters is that they get used to it and become addict.
We think you want to ask why police isn’t doing anything about that. But they do. They try to organize some summer caps for youngsters try to take them to psychologist or to talk with them; some times they organize shows for pupil. So I think you can’t say that police is doing nothing.
Our telephone company made a survey about mobile phones in Lithuania. There are a lot of different mobile telephone‘s models. Actually it is very difficult to find a family without mobile phones.
Here are some opinions:
URTE. There are 3 mobile phones called 'Nokia' in her family. Why 'Nokia' ? in her opinion 'Nokia' is the highest quality mobile phone in Lithuania. She used her mobile phone to get in touch with her friends and parents. During the week she spent 7 hours on her mobile phone.
LISA. There are 4 mobile phones in Lisa‘s family. Mobile phone is her best friend. During the week she spends 30 hours. She calls her friends, parents, who live in England.
TOM. Tomas got a mobile phone as a birthday present, but he uses it not very often. He adores to talk to somebody lively.
LUKAS. Lukas used his mobile phone at work. He is a manager. He also calls his friends. He spends 40 hours during a week on his mobile phone.
Mobile phones are getting more and more popular in Lithuania. There are a lot of styles, colours mobile phones.
Mobile phones have a lot of advantages:
• It‘s very comfortable to use them;
• You can get information, you need, very quickly;
• You can get in touch with people all over the world;
• Mobile phones are very fashionable;
• New technologies...
How carefully are you with money? Do you like saving? If yes, for what purpose? Is it good to have a part — time job in order to get some money? Does everything depend on money? What is money? Is it just a paper note or something more? Is it the root of evil or is it good? Can we live without it? Does everything depend on it? There are questions which everybody would ask differently. Money is just a paper note but world doesn’t go round without it. Pessimist would say that money is the evil which makes arguments between friends, makes wars, kills people and destroys everybody’s souls. That’s true but that’s also just the one side of the truth. Maybe money is the evil but it is also good because everything depends on it. If I were a millionaire I would live without problems and I wouldn’t need to think how to pay my dues, I wouldn’t have to put by money in order to have enough food. This means that money allows living well — off. But it is needless to say that humanity disappears when there is too much money, and egoism takes place of humanity. So what can we do if we want to have plenty of money and don’t be lost to sense of humanity? We need to do work honestly and to save our money. To star with I’m very carefully with my money. It’s very good always to have it, because when I have enough money I don’t go out of my mind even if there happens something to me. There isn’t necessary to borrow from somebody, too. That’s because I always think about my future and I never know what will happen to me, too. Basically I put by money for purpose to feel safe. And maybe you feel like you don’t know how I manage to save money being a teenager. Well, I get a pocket money from my mother everyday. I don’t spend all of them so I put by twenty pounds per month. That’s not a big amount but that’s enough for me. I think that there would be better to get more, but that’s not a necessity. Apart from this I bay clothes from the second — hand shops and accessories from sale. It helps me to save a lot of money. On the one hand if I didn’t save it I would borrow some from somebody. But that’s not a good idea because I feel really bad being in debt. I don’t like to borrow and also I don’t like to lend, too. However, it would be great to have a part — time job in order to get some money. In my opinion every man should try to find a right way how to earn some extra money. They should stop putting the blame on life for injustice. Saying the truth I dream of perfect graduation that I would be able to get a good job in order to earn a lot of money. And I don’t want that there would be heavy fall of rain of money. I just want to share my future life by myself. I believe in a dream that’s why I keep trying and do my best to realize it. To sum up I want to say that money is a lubricous thing. You must be very carefully with it because you never know what can happen in the future. And although money is the root of evil but we couldn’t live without it. And also it smells good.
My hobby
And it become my hobby. Every time when I do photos I listen to music. I can say that to do pictures take up a lot of time and energy. Sometimes I finish this work at 1 a.m., once I finished at 3 a.m. it was last summer. I have a special kind of photos which I like to do very much. It is the photos which were taken in my class. To do these pictures is always funny. I like my hobby and I can recommend this occupation, because it is devilly interesting, but it is only my opinion.
I have a lot of other occupations. I like to go to the swimming-pool, I like to play with the computer, but my favourite hobby is photography. How I said all people have their favourite occupations. My father likes to play basketball and watch TV. My mother likes to read newspapers and my sister's favourite occupation is to listen to the radio M1.
I can say what my hobby is for me. What it gives to me? First, I forget about everything, what happened wrong and things which I do not want to remember.
If I have a possibility to choose a job, which job I would like to work I would choose psychologist job, because of some reasons. First reason is that psychologist can help people to solve their problems. They are always near the people, they can communicate with them. This job is a glorious opportunity for those people who are very talkative, communicative and who like to give ear to somebody. Although, psychologist’s job is very amusing, because a lot of people tell theirs life’s stories. It is interesting because each people have different life’s experience and different adventure. Psychologist has to hear all of them out.
Second reason why I would choose this job is this job’s serviceability. Psychologists fortify a person who needs support; they help to find real life purpose and purport of life. This opportunity to help people fascinates me. Furthermore this job is very beneficial for our society. Psychologist helps to addicts. They are the main force contending with drug addiction. This aspect of this job is really important.
In my opinion if person needs to be psychologist he needs to be: patient-because he has to hear out all the problems; reasonable-because he has to help to solve the problems and well-meant for people. Psychologist anyhow can’t be hot-tempered, because person who appeals for help needs support. Also he can’t be impolite, impatient and arrogant.
I admire this job for its possibility and availability to help other people, and for it’s particularity. Finally I can say that this job is my dreamy job and I strongly believe that if I have enough willingness and stubbornness I will become a psychologist.