Kokią specialybę rengiatės studijuoti?
Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai
Rasti 592 rezultatai
Rašinys tema „The cloning of humans should never be allowed“. Čia pateikiu savo nuomonę, kodėl sutinku su šiuo teiginiu. 1 psl. angliškai
There are many subjects and many teathers at school. Every subject is important for teather, which he teathes. But sometimes some subjects are not important for studens. Senior pupils are decided what they are going to study, and decided which subjects are the least important, so they can renounse some subjects. I am going to speak about the subjects which I am studying.
Dance is an art form that generally refers to movement of the body, usually rhythmic and to music, used as a form of expression. Every dance, no matter what style, has something in common. It is not only flexibility and body movement. But also injuries which can happen...
Should smoking be banned?
Anglu ese apie rukymo draudima. 10 klasei
greek temple styles
In this work I am going to present the architecture of Greek temple, elements, different styles and mention the most popular greek temples.
IĮ „Saugūs kompiuterių tinklai“ įkurta 2008 rugsėjo 4 dieną. Įmonė nėra didelė, todėl ši įmonės rūšis jai tinka labiausiai. Šiaulių miestas yra didelis, o įmonių, tokių kaip „Saugūs kompiuterių tinklai“ yra tik 3, tačiau jos orientuotos nevien į tinklų projektavimą, serverių konfigūravimą. Mūsų įmonės dėmesys telkiamas vien į kompiuterių tinklus, o tai leidžia tam skirti daugiau dėmesio ir atlikti savo siūlomas paslaugas kurkas geriau nei konkurentai gali atlikti. Taip pat ir pigiau. Šios įmonės vadovas baigęs magistrantūros studijas, įgijo vadybos kvalifikaciją. Šioje srityje turi 3 metus darbo stažo bei tinklų projektavime, ir serverių konfigūravime – daugiau nei 6 metus. Nereikia nei abejoti, kad mūsų įmonė pajėgs Jums suprojektuoti ir eksploatuoti kompiuterių tinklą pačiu Jums optimaliausiu variantu. Įmonė „Saugūs kompiuterių tinklai“ gali apmokyti klientus kaip naudotis mūsų sukonfigūruota programine įranga, kad darbas vyktų sklandžiai, patogiai bei greitai.
Motyvacinis laiškas
Dear Sir or Madam, Although I had never left my native country and saw other places, I have always been interested in other cultures, the way people are thinking and what they are doing to make the world better place to live. Since my early age, this interest spread in all over my mind, so after many researches and thinking I found out that Bachelor's Degree in International Management program in Aarhus University - Institute of Business and Technology of Denmark would be the best choice for my further studies. This program will give me valuable knowledge on how to deal with issues among others like globalization, international marketing and global supply chain management. Also I have some arguments that I would be a relevant candidate for Aarhus University.
Teenagers and alcohol
To begin with i`d like to say that alcoholism is widely spread among young people and because of that it has become a serious national problem. Alcohol is widely used by young people. Around 90 per cent of european teenagers over the age of 14 years have tried alcohol at least once. ‘Binge drinking’, drink driving and unsafe sex can all result from the misuse of alcohol.
Šiaulių lankytinos vietos, aprašymas anglų kalba.
Valentino Garavani
Valentino Garavani gimė 1932 m., Milane, vienoje iš mados ir stiliaus sostinių, kur savitumas, originalumas ir tendencingas asmenybės išskirtinumas verčia suktis visa, kas gali būti svarbu. Nežinia, kas formavo Valentino skonį ir kūrybos stilistiką, tačiau dar būdamas mokykloje, jis atsiskleidė kaip asmenybė, tiksliai žinanti savo kelią – kelią link mados aukštumų. Šiame žodžių žaisme, tuomet dar jaunajam Valentino, tilpo keli pasauliai: stiliaus, žaismo, aistros, moteriškumo, gyvybingumo ir energijos, charizmos ir kūrybinės laisvės.
Ankstus, tačiau tikslingas ir aiškus jaunojo Valentino pašaukimo supratimas, septyniolikmetį paauglį nuvedė į mados šventyklą – Prancūziją, Paryžių. Po kelerių metų kruopštaus darbo „Jean Desses“ ir „Guy Laroche“ mados namuose, atėjo laikas Valentino vardui suskambėti individualiai ir laisvai – taip 1960 m. pradžioje, Romoje, duris atvėrė asmeninė kūrėjo ateljė.
Many people believe that the way we live our lives today is having an extremely bad effect on the environment. Here are some examples of environmental problems and solutions.
Pollution - is damage to the air, sea, rivers, or land caused by chemicals, waste and harmful gases. Pollutants include toxic waste, pesticides, and fertilizers.
About reading
Anglų kalbos topikas apie skaitymą, elektroninių knygų trūkumus ir privalumus bei mėgstamiausią knygą.
David Ricardo
The brilliant British economist David Ricardo was one the most important figures in the development of economic theory. He articulated and rigorously formulated the "Classical" system of political economy. The legacy of Ricardo dominated economic thinking throughout the 19th Century.
David Ricardo's family was descended from Iberian Jews who had fled to Holland during a wave of persecutions in the early 18th Century. His father, a stockbroker, emigrated to England shortly before Ricardo's birth in 1772. David Ricardo was his third son (out of seventeen!).
At the age of fourteen, after a brief schooling in Holland, Ricardo's father employed him full-time at the London Stock Exchange, where he quickly acquired a knack for the trade. At 21, Ricardo broke with his family and his orthodox Jewish faith when he decided to marry a Quaker. However, with the assistance of acquaintances and on the strength of his already considerable reputation in the City of London, Ricardo managed to set up his own business as a dealer in government securities. He became immensely rich in a very short while. In 1814, at the age of 41, finding himself "sufficiently rich to satisfy all my desires and the reasonable desires of all those about me" (Letter to Mill, 1815), Ricardo retired from city business, bought the estate of Gatcomb Park and set himself up as a country gentleman.
Despite his own considerable practical experience, his writings are severely abstract and frequently difficult. His chief emphasis was on the principles of diminishing returns in connection with the rent of land, which he believed also regulated the profits of capital. He attempted to deduce a theory of value from the application of labour, but found it difficult to separate the effects of changes in distribution from changes in technology. The questions thus raised about the labour theory of value were taken up by Marx and the so-called `Ricardian socialists' as a theoretical basis for criticism of established institutions.
Ricardo's law of rent was probably his most notable and influential discovery. It was based on the observation that the differing fertility of land yielded unequal profits to the capital and labour applied to it. Differential rent is the result of this variation in the fertility of land. This principle was also noted at much the same time by Malthus, West, Anderson, and others. His other great contribution, the law of comparative cost, or comparative advantage, demonstrated the benefits of international specialisation of the commodity composition of international trade. This was at the root of the free trade argument which set Britain firmly on the course of exporting manufactures and importing foodstuffs. His success in attaching other economists, particularly James Mill and McCulloch, to his views largely accounted for the remarkable dominance of his ideas long after his own lifetime. Though much of this was eventually rejected, his abstract method and much of the theoretical content of his work became the framework for economic science at least until the 1870s.
Egged on by his good friend James Mill, Ricardo got himself elected into the British parliament in 1819 as an independent representing a borough in Ireland, which he served up to his death in 1823. In parliament, he was primarily interested in the currency and commercial questions of the day, such as the repayment of public debt, capital taxation and the repeal of the Corn Laws. (cf. Thomas Moore's poems on Cash, Corn and Catholics)
What I would like to change
First of all I would like to say that the topic of my assay will be about one or another important thing which I can changed around me and explain what would happen If change It. Besides, I must say that I am not so mighty that I could change an important thing, but I’ll try my best to imagine it.
Nowadays the is a lot of poverty, thousands of people in Lithuania are unemployed, almost every third man needs charity and so on.... So the first thing I would change, for better life, would be the establishment of my own charity centre. It would be great to help others especially to those who need help. But the main thing is that our government and private people whose wages are above average would support the centre. I think then life in Lithuania would be much better, everybody would enjoy living in Lithuania, it would be a good example for other countries.
The second important thing, which I could change, would be prohibition of all kinds of alcohol, a prohibition of weapons and prohibition of smoking. To my mind, without these drugs and guns, our life would improve, our security would increase and our healthy would be much stronger. These mentioned things are the most worrying things for me.
In conclusion I would like to say that we need to think about it a little bit more and of course take measures.
Water Pollution
There are several factors that causes water pollution. One of the reasons that the water pollution problem is so severe is that it is not actually illegal to dump pollutants into water bodies. Sewage, sludge, garbage, and even toxic pollutants are all dumped into the water. Often, governments either do not care or simply look the other way. Across the world, about half of all sewage is dumped into water bodies in its original form. No efforts are made to disinfect the sewage or to remove especially harmful pollutants. Even if sewage is treated, problems still arise.
The Son of the Wolf
'I never saw a dog with a highfalutin' name that ever was worth a rap,' he said, as he concluded his task and shoved her aside. 'They just fade away and die under the responsibility. Did ye ever see one go wrong with a sensible name like Cassiar, Siwash, or Husky? No, sir! Take a look at Shookum here, he's
Snap! The lean brute flashed up, the white teeth just missing Mason's throat.
'Ye will, will ye?' A shrewd clout behind the ear with the butt of the dog whip stretched the animal in the snow, quivering softly, a yellow slaver dripping from its fangs.
'As I was saying, just look at Shookum here- he's got the spirit. Bet ye he eats Carmen before the week's out.'
'I'll bank another proposition against that,' replied Malemute Kid, reversing the frozen bread placed before the fire to thaw. 'We'll eat Shookum before the trip is over. What d'ye say, Ruth?'
The Indian woman settled the coffee with a piece of ice, glanced from Malemute Kid to her husband, then at the dogs, but vouchsafed no reply. It was such a palpable truism that none was necessary. Two hundred miles of unbroken trail in prospect, with a scant six days' grub for themselves and none for the dogs, could admit no other alternative. The two men and the woman grouped about the fire and began their meager meal. The dogs lay in their harnesses for it was a midday halt, and watched each mouthful enviously.
'No more lunches after today,' said Malemute Kid. 'And we've got to keep a close eye on the dogs- they're getting vicious. They'd just as soon pull a fellow down as not, if they get a chance.'
'And I was president of an Epworth once, and taught in the Sunday school.' Having irrelevantly delivered himself of this, Mason fell into a dreamy contemplation of his steaming moccasins, but was aroused by Ruth filling his cup. 'Thank God, we've got slathers of tea! I've seen it growing, down in Tennessee. What wouldn't I give for a hot corn pone just now! Never mind, Ruth; you won't starve much longer, nor wear moccasins either.'
The woman threw off her gloom at this, and in her eyes welled up a great love for her white lord- the first white man she had ever seen- the first man whom she had known to treat a woman as something better than a mere animal or beast of burden.
'Yes, Ruth,' continued her husband, having recourse to the macaronic jargon in which it was alone possible for them to understand each other; 'wait till we clean up and pull for the Outside. We'll take the White Man's canoe and go to the Salt Water. Yes, bad water, rough water- great mountains dance up and down all the time. And so big, so far, so far away- you travel ten sleep, twenty sleep, forty sleep'- he graphically enumerated the days on his fingers- 'all the time water, bad water. Then you come to great village, plenty people, just the same mosquitoes next summer. Wigwams oh, so high- ten, twenty pines. Hi-yu skookum!'
My summer
I like summer as a season, but I hate it as a period of time. I get up and hear the birds singing reminding me to mow the lawn. I get down the stairs and see green vegetables reminding me to mow the lawn and then I go out and see nine ares of grass that must be mowed. And the whole story continues every week for the whole summer.
Simla agreement
This agreement on Bilateral Relations between India and Pakistan was signed after the 1971 India-Pakistan War, in which Pakistan was defeated conclusively and which resulted in the creation of Bangladesh. India refrained from attacking or finishing off Pakistan and signed this agreement with the hope that henceforth the countries in the region would be able to live in peace with each other. The then Pakistani Prime Minister, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, also promised the then Indian Prime Minister, Mrs Indira Gandhi, that his country would accept the Line of Control (LOC) in the state of J&K as the de facto border and would not try ot de-stabilise it. This was not formally entered in the agreement because Bhutto said it would cause domestic problems for him at this juncture. Mrs Gandhi magnanimously accepted his promise and did not formalise that part of the agreement. But Pakistan, as later events were to prove, never kept its part of the deal.
Kashmiri struggle
Those who are trying to project the present struggle as religious one are deliberately trying to confuse the issue. Their aim is very clear - they don't want the issue to be resolved. It is clear to everyone that by projecting the Kashmiri struggle as religious (which is known as "Islamic fundamentalist struggle"), we are only trying to deprive it from desperately needed internal and external support. Also by projecting it as a fundamentalist or extremist movement, an attempt is being made to frighten off the non Muslims of Kashmir. Already a lot of damage has been done to the social and community harmony, and such attempts are made to ensure that the minorities of Kashmir remain divided.
Elektroninė lentelė MS EXCEL
Elektroninės lentelės pildymas ir redagavimas. Veiksmai su lentelės eilutėmis ir stulpeliais. Dokumento spausdinimas. Duomenų sąrašai. Tipinė užduotis: mėnesio išlaidų skaičiavimas. Firmos darbuotojų atlyginimo skaičiavimas. MS Excel įeina į programų paketą MS Office. Šis paketas valdomas ir skirtas darbui Windows terpėje. MS Excel sudaro priemonės, leidžiančios pritaikyti elektroninės lentelės ypatumus specifinėms vartotojo reikmėms. Vartotojas gali laisvai manipuliuoti duomenimis ir diagramomis. MS Excel duomenys nesunkiai susiejami su kitomis Windows terpės taikomosiomis programomis.
MS Office paketo programose (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) grafinės informacijos apdorojimo priemonių vartojimas praktiškai nesiskiria. Aprašyme konkrečių iliustracijų panaudojimas pateiktas Word teksto redaktoriaus pavyzdžiais. Kuriamus dokumentus iliustruoti galima 6 būdais: įkeliant grafinius objektus iš standartinės ClipArt Gallery ar Photo CD bibliotekos; įkeliant grafinius objektus, sukurtus kitomis programomis, ir saugomus atskiruose failuose; įkeliant grafinius objektus iš kitų programų juos nukopijuojant per laikino saugojimo sritį (buferį); įkeliant tekstą ir grafinius objektus į pozicinį rėmelį (Text Box).
Informacijos ir žinių palyginimas. Informatikos raida. Informacija – objektyviai egzistuojantis pasaulio reiškinys. Galime įvardyti, kad tai žinios, kurias žmogus gauna, įsimena, perduoda; galime suprasti ir abstrakčiau: tai žmogaus suvoktas objekto turinys. Informacija daro įtaką žmonių santykiams, ji pasireiškia žmonių bendravime – komunikacijoje. Informacijos gauname paprasčiausiai kalbėdamiesi su draugais, žiūrėdami televizorių, skaitydami, ją teikiame kitiems išsakydami savo samprotavimus, aptardami įvykius, rašydami laiškus ar žinutes.
The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 27 member states, located primarily in Europe. Date of foundation: 1st November, 1993...
Islam, one of the three major monotheistic faiths, was founded in Arabia by Muhammad between 610 and 632. There are an estimated 5.5 million Muslims in North America and 1 billion Muslims worldwide. Muhammad was born in A.D. 570 at Mecca and belonged to the Quraysh tribe, which was active in the caravan trade. At the age of 25 he joined the trade from Mecca to Syria in the employment of a rich widow, Khadija, whom he later married.
Kursinis darbas apie kovą su nelegalios programinės įrangos platintojais, praktinių pavyzdžių analizė. Programinės įrangos sąvokos apibrėžimas. Nelegali programinė įranga. Nelegalios programinės įrangos platinimo ir naudojimo būdai. Kova su nelegalios programinės įrangos platinimu ir naudojimu. Naudojami būdai kovoje su “kompiuteriniais piratais” Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose. Praktiniai kovos būdų pavyzdžiai Europoje. Praktiniai pavyzdžiai naudojami Lietuvoje. Legalios programinės įrangos apsauga nuo neteisėto platinimo ir naudojimo. Darbas rašytas 2007 m., MRU, įvertinimas - 10.
Žiniasklaidos rūšys ir funkcijos. Žurnalistinių vertybių žlugimas. Didžiulė mulkinimo mašina? Žvilgsnis į nūdienos naująją žiniasklaidą ir jos užuomazgas. Žiniasklaida ir konfliktinė hegemonija. Lietuvos visuomenės pasitikėjimo žiniasklaida fenomenas. Žiniasklaida ir demokratija. Nepilnamečių nusikalstamumas ir žiniasklaida
žiniasklaida ir agresija. Psichologinis žiniasklaidos poveikis. Elektroninė žiniasklaida. Internetinė žiniasklaida. Jos galimybės.
Letter of complain
Dear Madam,
I am writing to complain about the pullover I bought in your shop two weeks ago. I am very dissatisfied with my bought because it was nothing like I expected.
That day, my life changed forever. Sue thought so when she had fallen into a deep hole and broken her leg. She thought she would die.
Sue, a professional snowboarder, came to a skiing resort like every year.
Writing - Informal letter
Anglų k. rašinėlis ("Informal letter" tipo). Jame kvieti savo draugą pas tave pasisvečiuoti.
Book review - "Altorių šešėly"
Anglų k. rašinėlis ("Book review" tipo) apie V. Mykolaičio-Putino knygą "Altorių šešėly".