Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

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There is lot of risky things, about which we do not know anything. And of course, we do not worry about it to much. We do not care, that loud noise has influence to color-blindness. We do not know how many harmful material we inhale with polluted air. We do not know what kind of chemical material was used to make ice-cream, which we eat, look so nice. At last, are you sure, that you know all diseases, which threaten to you? We run the risk, this way. Second group of risky things would be risk, about which we know and which we ignore. I am sure, that everybody knows about tabacco and lungs cancer. I am not sure, that everybody cares. It is maybe because these dangerous things, like smoking, crossing street not in pedestrian crossing, eating lot of junk food are quite invisible. If we could see how Tobacco damages our lungs in real-time through microscope - we won’t smoke. If we could see man, who dies in car accident near by us - we won’t cross street not in pedestrian crossing anymore. What can you say about junk food and heart diseases? Sure, they are related. But until you can not see this relationship with the naked eye - you’ll keep eating junk fund and run a risk to die. Third, and of course, most interesting group of dangerous things and actions - things, which we are worried about. We notice them. We are afraid of them. We thing, that we will decrease the level of risk by avoiding them. We discuss about them: what is less risky - plane, car or ship? We thing, that right decision will help us to save our lifes or make them longer. I am sure, that right decision about decreasing level of risk would be very simple. Less thinking about it. Do not make silly things, just less worry about safety, which is related with cars, ships, planes, youth wars in the streets, guns, chemical stuff in air, neutral power stations, falling asteroids, etc. Enjoy life. That’s best decision.
Relationships Since long time ago people have known about relationships. At different stages of live we all feel love, anger, jealousy and so on… But we know that in adolescence relationships is one of the most important thing. Being a teenagers has never been easy. Because you usually fall in love for the first time at this age. When you love a boy or a girl, you don’t seem to notice the world around you, so often you forget your lessons or everyday chores. You don’t hear what your parents, friends or teachers say, so they become angry with you. Then you mostly say ‘You don’t understand me…’ When you split up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you had thought that this relationship would last forever and now it’s over. In this situation teenagers shed tears and regret their action. Also, relationships become difficult between teenagers and parents. Young people always want to go out and come home late at night. Parents don’t trust and often there is a quarrel. Sometimes teenagers choose friends who aren’t very good. And later young people fall victims by this ‘friends’. Then they want to talk with their parents and it helps relationship to get better. So, I think, adolescence is a very difficult time. Teenagers don’t understand their actions and feelings. One moment they can be very friendly, later they can be angry…
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2,66 kB)
Popular music
. I’m not saying all pop fans are closed minded to the point where they listen to the music genre that is currently trendy in hopes of it helping them position themselves socially. I’m also not denying the fact, people like that are out there. In most cases, I think people listen to pop because for some reason they’re not involved in another music scene, so it’s all they know exists. Record labels systematically chose who they want to sign, and then promote them to the public. Therefore, they have an enormous influence on what music America and many other countries listen to. This is bad news because corporate promoters don’t just go out looking for talent to sign to their label regardless of what kind of music it is attached to. Companies use statistics to determine what they think will sell, and sign whoever fits the right criteria. They don’t bother looking for artists who aren’t playing what’s hot; they want bands playing the sound they know sells. Labels also want bands with catchy songs, and I don’t know about you but I think catchy giggles are for advertisements. Real musicians have to be careful where they put their signature, because any one who takes them self seriously wouldn’t stand for a company who censers their art. Also you may have noticed TV is now just as much a source of music as radio, so you better be an attractive conformist if you want to be promoted as an artist in the business of pop music. MTV, without doubt, plays a major role in how generic popular music has become. Obviously the birth of music videos gave big business a chance to sell music to the other four senses. The real opportunity for MTV to cash in on the music industry wasn’t just picking up their crumbs. Just luring in those people whose ears are uninterested in music with flashy colors and shiny things is no longer their motive. Quickly MTV figured out eye candy doesn’t sell nearly as well as the fantasy life the right image can supply. There is nothing wrong with having an image, everyone portrays an image whether they like it or not. In this case the problem is, MTV uses image to sell a product where image should be considered irrelevant. The effect of doing this is closing the viewers’ minds; it causes people to listen to music only on the expressional level.
Back to the point, I must say that it is very difficult to show only four as there are many places in interest in Lithuania. From what I know, there are many national parksin Lithuania. As a matter of fact, I could take my guest to few of them. Firstly, I would show to my guest The Trakai National Park. This park was designed in 1992 to embrace the historical city of Trakai, the forests, lakes and villages. The most significant historic monument is the Island Castle, on lake Galvė, which was built in the 14th century. The gothic castle is an impressive example of Lithuanian fortress architecture. From the tower of the castle you can see the shores of the lake, surrounding it like a green wreath. The castle now houses a valuable ethnological museum. In summer, chamber music concerts are held every Sunday in the representation hall. I am definitely sure, that foreigners would be impressed by this charms of nature. Secondly, I would be able to show one more national park. Žemaitija National Park was founded in 1991. The main aims of the park are to preserve the lake Plateliai system and the nature, to make better conditions for endangered species of flora and fauna, to develop tourism. It's also important to keep in mind that in the park my dear guest can have a good rest and spend holidays or weekend in the fresh air, in picturesque places, play sports and games, visit museums of traditional woodearved sculptures. As far as Vilnius is concerned, it is the capital of Lithuania. Vilnius is the largest city in the Republic and a cultural center. It goes with the teritory that in case you are going to show Lithuania to foreigner, you must show him the capital of Lithuania. Sitting at the top of Gediminas hill are the ruins of the Upper Fortress. The 14th-16th century gothic castle is both an architectural and historical monument. The bottom floors now house a small museum where you can learn about the history of Vilnius and see displays of archaeological findings. A narrow spiral staircase leads you to the top of the tower and a breathtaking view of Vilnius. Be sure to take in the view from all directions - opposite of the city, illuminating like a vision, is Hill of Three Crosses. Your eye will naturally be drawn to the classical elegance of Vilnius Cathedral, which sits in the middle of Cathedral Square. And the last place, which I would love to show to my guest is Neringa. The fact is well known that Neringa is home to the longest street in the country. You have a chance to choose to stay in traditional family house or in luxurious hotels. It's no matter who is your guest, there he can take relaxing and fun-filled holiday. To sum it up, I was given a chance to tell only about four beautiful places in Lithuania, but I can't go along with that it is all what our guest can see in Lithuania.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (5,05 kB)
In 400 B.C., Hippocrates suggested that there were four basic personality types, associated with the four bodily humors. • An excess of black bile produces the melancholic (depressed) type; • An excess of yellow bile produces the choleric (irritable) type; • Blood produces the sanguine (optimistic) type; • And phlegm produces the phlegmatic (calm, stolid) type. A more differentiated typology was published by Theophrastus (372-287B.C.). He proposed a set of 30 personality types. Each of them began with a brief definition of the dominant characteristic of the type and then described several behaviors typical of the type. Among his characters were the Liar, the Tasteless Man, the Flatterer and the Penurious Man. Body physique has also been a popular basis for personality typologies. The idea that body build and personality characteristics are related is reflected in such popular stereotypes as “fat people are jolly” or “skinny people are intellectuals”. In the 1940s the American physician William Sheldon reported correlations between three bodily physiques, called somatotypes, and temperament. • The endomorphic somatotype looks soft and round and has a relaxed, sociable temperament. • The mesomorphic somatotype is muscular and athletic; the main features of his temperament are energy, assertiveness, and courage. • Ectomorphic (tall and thin somatotype has a restrained, fearful, introverted, artistic temperament. However, Sheldon’s evidence was not very strong and the possibility that his temperament rating simply reflected popular stereotypes was left. Although most contemporary psychologists do not consider somatotyping useful, some have continued to refine the system and to present confirming data. All these theories are called type theories because they propose that individuals can be categorized into discrete types that are qualitatively different from one another. Typologies have been useful in many other sciences as chemistry (the periodic chart of the elements), biology (concepts of a species and of sex). Netherless, psychological type theories of personality are currently not very popular. The very simplicity that makes them appealing (patrauklus) also makes them less capable of capturing the complexity and variability of human personality. So in a few words: the typologies of personality have been rejected for the wrong reasons and their virtues have been overlooked. The typologies comprise (apima) discontinuous (nutrūkstantis, netolydus) categories like male and female, and the traits are conceived (suprantamas) of as continuous dimensions. Sheldon, rather than categorizing body physiques into one of three pure types, rated them on three dimensions, using 7-point rating scales. For example the man who get 2-7-4 would be low on endomorphy, high on mesomorphy and moderate on ectomorphy. More generally, trait theories of personality assume that persons vary simultaneously on a number of personality dimensions or scales. We might rate an individual on scales of intelligence, emotional stability, aggressiveness and so on. Actually we are all trait theorists, when we informally describe ourselves and others with such adjectives as “aggressive”, “cautious”, “excitable”, “intelligent” and so on. Trait psychologists attempt to go beyond our everyday trait conceptions of personality, however. Specifically, they seek • to arrive at a manageably small set of trait descriptors that can encompass the diversity of human personality • to craft ways of measuring personality traits reliably and validly and • to discover the relationships among traits and between traits and specific behaviors.
In 400 B.C., Hippocrates suggested that there were four basic personality types, associated with the four bodily humors. • An excess of black bile produces the melancholic (depressed) type; • An excess of yellow bile produces the choleric (irritable) type; • Blood produces the sanguine (optimistic) type; • And phlegm produces the phlegmatic (calm, stolid) type. A more differentiated typology was published by Theophrastus (372-287B.C.). He proposed a set of 30 personality types. Each of them began with a brief definition of the dominant characteristic of the type and then described several behaviors typical of the type. Among his characters were the Liar, the Tasteless Man, the Flatterer and the Penurious Man. Body physique has also been a popular basis for personality typologies. The idea that body build and personality characteristics are related is reflected in such popular stereotypes as “fat people are jolly” or “skinny people are intellectuals”. In the 1940s the American physician William Sheldon reported correlations between three bodily physiques, called somatotypes, and temperament. • The endomorphic somatotype looks soft and round and has a relaxed, sociable temperament. • The mesomorphic somatotype is muscular and athletic; the main features of his temperament are energy, assertiveness, and courage. • Ectomorphic (tall and thin somatotype has a restrained, fearful, introverted, artistic temperament. However, Sheldon’s evidence was not very strong and the possibility that his temperament rating simply reflected popular stereotypes was left. Although most contemporary psychologists do not consider somatotyping useful, some have continued to refine the system and to present confirming data. All these theories are called type theories because they propose that individuals can be categorized into discrete types that are qualitatively different from one another. Typologies have been useful in many other sciences as chemistry (the periodic chart of the elements), biology (concepts of a species and of sex). Netherless, psychological type theories of personality are currently not very popular. The very simplicity that makes them appealing (patrauklus) also makes them less capable of capturing the complexity and variability of human personality. So in a few words: the typologies of personality have been rejected for the wrong reasons and their virtues have been overlooked. The typologies comprise (apima) discontinuous (nutrūkstantis, netolydus) categories like male and female, and the traits are conceived (suprantamas) of as continuous dimensions. Sheldon, rather than categorizing body physiques into one of three pure types, rated them on three dimensions, using 7-point rating scales. For example the man who get 2-7-4 would be low on endomorphy, high on mesomorphy and moderate on ectomorphy. More generally, trait theories of personality assume that persons vary simultaneously on a number of personality dimensions or scales. We might rate an individual on scales of intelligence, emotional stability, aggressiveness and so on. Actually we are all trait theorists, when we informally describe ourselves and others with such adjectives as “aggressive”, “cautious”, “excitable”, “intelligent” and so on. Trait psychologists attempt to go beyond our everyday trait conceptions of personality, however. Specifically, they seek • to arrive at a manageably small set of trait descriptors that can encompass the diversity of human personality • to craft ways of measuring personality traits reliably and validly and • to discover the relationships among traits and between traits and specific behaviors.
Periodontitis resultsfrom the same local and systemic factors that cause gingivitis. The severity and duration of these factors and resistance of patients influence the rate of osseous resorption. Lots of supporting tissue is caused by bacterial activity. Loss of attachment ocurs in irregular bursts of disease activity folowed by periods of remission. Periodontitis may affect only a few teeth at one time. Several types of periodontitis: adult periodontitis is the most common form of the disease. Adolescents may develop a severe and rapidly progressing form of periodontitis. Symptoms and signs. early symptoms are similar to those of gingivitis. The gingival pockets between the gingiva and the teeth deepen, calculus enlarge, bone loss begins. The pocket collect debris andallow microbes to proliferate. Treatment: scaling and root planning are clinical methods _ they involve the removal of calculus and plaque. Hand and ultrasonic instruments are used.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,09 kB)
Own business
Millions of people work for a living. Some of them run their own business, others work in somebody’s else company or in a governmental enterprise. There are a lot of different opinions about what is better to run own business or to work for somebody else. I strongly believe that it’s better to work for somebody else, of course there are a lot of disadvantages by working like this, but also there are a lot of advantages. First and I think the most important reason, why working for somebody else is better, is that you don’t have so much responsibility for what you are doing. For example if you run your own business one bad resolution can disrupt your business. But if you are working for somebody else you don’t have so much responsible duties. Second reason is that you can change your work whenever you want. If you are sicken of that job which you have, if you are unsatisfied with existing standing, you can change it if you have a chance. In my opinion the best thing in running own business is that you can choose staff, working-hours and incomes. Of course a lot of thing relies on what job you have chosen. So, finally I can say that working for somebody else is much better for steady working position. If you are the best you can be sure that this position won’t disappear.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2,83 kB)
New Zealand
It was five million years ago that the shape of the two main islands of New Zealand today began to form. Seven thousand years ago most of New Zealand's land area was covered by rainforest. The surrounding seas protected New Zealand's unique fauna and flora from marauding mammals, and because of this there were many species of flightless birds evolving in safety at ground level.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (9,23 kB)
Memory capacity
1. Imagery (I). Although I is most often discussed in terms of visual examples, it is not exclusively a visual phenomenon. Auditory I is clearly illustrated by one’s mental response to request’’think of the sound a cow makes’’. Olfactory I occurs when we imagine the smell of a Thanksgiving turkey cooking in the oven; this can be followed by taste I imagining how it would taste. When we imagine the touch of another person we use tactile I. I is quite frequently used as a means of encoding information for transfer to LM. The more the ways information is encoded the more cues we will find so it will lead to better retrieval.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (6,05 kB)
Mark Twain
By setting The Prince and the Pauper in Tudor England, Twain found a way to indulge the public’s then fashionable taste for the British monarchy, while at the same time expressing his aversion for that selfsame monarchy, which he called “surely the grotesque’s of all swindles ever invented by man” He had also discovered a means of exposing a host of modern injustices, as well. Writing this book Twain wanted to show social inequality in England. He made the most miserable and the noblest boys as principal personages, thus he tells of very different fate of two boys who had born the same day and the same town. M. Twain wanted to tell that prince and pauper can differ only by clothes, that all people born equal rights: rich and poor.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (3,5 kB)
City & Town Overview London The capital of the United Kingdom can be divided into three distinct parts. The main commercial area is around The City, where Roman London was founded and where the medieval township grew up, dominated by the massive fortress of the Tower of London. Further west along the Thames lays Westminster, the centre of government and administration. The West End—running west from Covent Garden to Oxford Street—is the main shopping and entertainment area. Surrounding this core are districts such as Kensington, Chelsea, and Marylebone, that joined London in the 18th century, but retain a separate identity. London's attraction is its cosmopolitanism, rivaling that of New York. An imperial capital in the 19th century, it has become a vibrant world city that is home to a fascinating mix of peoples. Trafalgar Square One of the most famous Squares in the World - With Nelsons Column, the National Gallery and of course the pigeons. The Column itself is some 170 foot high, with the statue of Nelson himself being some 18 foot high. Though one would not think so viewing him from the ground. Admiral Nelson is buried in St Pauls Cathedral. landseer lions -... Named after the Naval Battle of 1805, Trafalgar Square was completed by the mid 1840's. Nelsons Column is surrounded by 4 bronze lions, on granite plinths, unveiled in 1868, sculpted by Sir Edwin Landseer, and cast by Marocchetti. At the time Landseer was better known for his animal paintings. Fountains and statues, including one of Charles I on horseback, dating from the 17th century adorn the Square. Yet more sculptures in the form of bronze relief's can be found at the base of the Column depicting scenes from four of Admiral Nelson's Battles. Bus-nelson.jpg On the North side of the Square is the National Gallery, housing masterpieces by Leonardo Da Vinci, Rebens. Alongside is the National Portrait Gallery. ... On the west side is Canada House, while in the North East corner is the Church of St Martins in the Fields.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (147,08 kB)
The main part of London is city. It's the places where London started. Now it's business centre. Few people can afford living in this part of the town - it's very expensive, so most people come there to do their job and leave this region in the evening. Westminster -- it's the central part of the town. Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, National Galleries are situated there. There are many government offices. In one tower of House of Parliament is Big Ben -- the main clock of Great Britain. Just across the street is Westminster Abbey -- main Church of England. New monarch is crowned there, wedding ceremonies of the Royal family take place there. It is also famous for its poets' corner - many famous people are buried there. Not far you can see Trafalgar square with Admiral Nelson's statue. Under his leadership English fleet defeated united Spanish and French forces. Another interesting place is Buckingham Palace. If the Queen is in, you can watch changing guards. West end is the residential part. It's the richest part of London. Not far from there Hyde Park is situated with famous speakers’ corner. East part is the poorest part of London. It is industrial region, so air is polluted; a lot of slums are there. The tower of London is famous for tower and Tower Bridge. Tower is museum now, but it used to be a fortress, state prison, the mint, and treasury. The tower of the bridge in middle ages was used like place of execution. There is one more place of interest - British Museum.
Firstly, I should speak about the reasons why more and more young people prefer living apart from their parents. What really matters is that living apart parents capacitate for free life without any interdictions and limits, as well. Entering university causes another reason. Usually, chosen university is in another city. Due to this youth has no other choice as to leave parents home, and move to a new place. We must not forget and one more point about this. For the meantime, living on one’s own is more fashion than necessity. Of course, there are a great majority of other reasons, but those few mentioned I think do the most influence to youth. Talking of my living place after finishing secondary school, I must say that it depends on university which I will enter. There is no doubt that after finishing school I will be constrained to leave my native town. It goes with the territory, that in these days I think more and more about my future living apartments. I don’t find myself very happy when I think that in near future I will have to live in students hostile. I am strongly determined to rent a flat. I’ve made decision like this as I don’t like living in huge groups without any private life. Also, I am expected to mention what difficult is might students have while living in students hostiles or rented flats. One of the negative sides of living in students’ hostiles or rented flats is living on one’s own. Not all school leavers are ready to cook food, do some other house duties. In addition to this, youth experience hard life. Moreover, living in new place where one doesn’t know anybody causes stress. Youth undergo depression. Finally, it costs a lot to live in hostile or rented flat. As a result, youngsters must look for a job, save money. They are not able to conduct whatever they want. In conclusion, all changes give a lot of satisfaction to young people, but we can’t forget about the hard which it does.
Lithuania lies by the Baltic Sea. But only the west part of our country is bathed by the sea. The climate in our country is quite good. We coul enjoy four seasons of the year. Every season is different from each other. My favourite season is spring. In this season we could see birds, like storks, tits, cuckoo and other, coming back from warm countries after long winter. Animals awake from their winter sleep. All nature becomes green. We could enjoy beautiful and colourful flowers. Most of them in spring I like violets. I like to watch the life of butterflies, ladybirds and grassschopers. After spring season comes summer. Then the weather becomes very hot. We could met various kind of wild animals in lithuanian woods: wolves, foxes, wild boars, beavers and other mammals. Also there is woodpeckers, swallows, sparows and storks, that are busy with finding food to eat. Very beautiful bird for me is swan. That white bird lives in lakes and delight people watching them. After amazing summer season comes autumn. It is very colourfull season, because the sky is blue and it matches with red, yellow and brown colours of the leaves on the trees. In this season people go to forest to pick mushrooms, nuts and wild berries. Unfortunately, this season always makes people be sad because of rainny and windy days. The coldest season of the year is winter. Then it snows a lot and the weather usually is really cold. Also there is fog and frost. So it‘s not one of my favourite season, despite my favourite holiday of a year – Christmas holiday. I think weather in Lithuania is enough good for us and it is better than in Australia, Africa or in Antarctica.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,24 kB)
The capital of Lithuania is Vilnius. The official language of the state is Lithuanian. Lithuanian flag consists of gold, green and red ribbons. State emblem - white Vytis in the red field. The biggest town in Lithuania is Vilnius, then goes Kaunas, very beautiful town on the place where the river Neris flows into the Nemunas. Klaipeda, Panevezhys, Shiauliai and other big cities too. For the first time Lithuania was mentioned in 1009 in Quedlinburg annals. As a state it was emerged in the early 13th century and Mindaugas became the Grand Duke of Lithuania about 1240. At the end of 14th and the beginning of 15th century Lithuania became one of the most powerful states in the Europe. Lithuania was christened in 14th century, until that time it was pagan. Lithuanian people had to fight a lot for their freedom. The latest occupation ended only in 1990, when on March 11 Lithuania proclaimed its restoration of statehood. There are two big Universities in Lithuania in Vilnius and in Kaunas. University in Vilnius is very old: it was established in 1579, and another University, which received the name of the Vytautas the Great, was founded in 1930.
Life and death
Though less is known about death. All we know is that the body stops functioning. And no one knows what comes after that, what happens with person’s mind and spirit. Or maybe nothing happens, human existence just ends at the moment of death. So far it is everyone’s business to believe in life after death or not. But there is one question that can be discussed about death: is it meaningful or not? One can say that the one who believes in life after death will give the meaning to it and on the contrary – the one who does not – will not give the meaning to it. But there are people who do not believe in life after death. They even do not know if they believe in something at all and death is something mysterious, something important in human’s life even for them. Why death is so important in human’s life? Is it important? Before answering these questions I checked in the Internet hoping to find something about death. I looked for information in Academic Search Elite and Academic Search Premier databases and found over 20.000 pages related to this theme. Of course, not all of them were only about death itself, some of them where about death of some famous person, but the numbers speak. People talk about it, and if they talk about it – they care about it, it is important for them. However, why others think that it is just “an awful, stinking, absurd horror, and there is no way of giving it meaning”? There may be a lot of reasons and I would like to mention some of them. Let us look at the world history and especially the World War I, World War II and other tragedies. Dead people were buried all together without coffins, without priests (if a man was religious), without any attention. Of course, there were such circumstances – economic situation was bad, no time for normal funeral (have to fight), lots of unknown dead people. The death lost it’s mysteriousness, sacral meaning. Therefore some people think of death if it was only the end of bodies functioning. Though no man can judge them because no-one knows if there is something after death. Everyone knows for sure that the body begins to fall to pieces, begins to putrefy, to stink after death. This is also a reason to think as Rollo May does. But we should think from the other point of view. Every man’s death makes his relatives, friends, acquaintances feel bad, sad, or at least uncomfortable. Some of them say that they miss the person, feel lonely without him. Maybe it can be called egoism, but still person’s death does not pass through without consequences. It makes us stop for a second and think about the eternal questions of life and death. Yet another reason for such thinking could be the fear of death. When people are afraid of something they usually ignore or deny it. Some of them do not even think about it. In this situation a person who thinks so do not want to have any relationships with death and therefore deny it, give no meaning to it. And as the folk wisdom speaks – the roots of fear hide in ignorance. The meaning of death also shows burying traditions. Our ancients showed respect to a dead man by putting expensive clothes, things, animals and even humans to graves. They believed in life after death and emphasized it with great ceremonies. When Catholicism came to our culture burying traditions have changed but nevertheless it remained very important in humans’ life cycle. It proves the importance of priest’s participation in funeral. I have already mentioned World Wars. As it is the tragedy of the whole mankind, we can not judge about significance of death from this point of view. Nowadays things change very fast and it is hard to decide how people think about things. By the way Andrew Greeley said: “since the fall of socialism in Eastern Europe there has been a significant increase in religious faith in Hungary, Slovenia, East Germany, and the Soviet Union, particularly in matters of religious faith like belief in God, life after death, heaven, hell, and religious miracles.” (Society, Mar/Apr2001, Vol. 38 Issue 3, p32, 6p). Proving this I should say I was surprised one day by the Mass in the Catholic Church – there were lots of young people, they were singing, it looked as if they liked it very much to be in church, to participate in Mass. It was no doubt for me that they really believe in God who says that death is an important period in human’s existence. But there is another question about believing in God and meaningful death. It happens very often that a man who lost his friend, beloved person in early childhood when his faith in something was just beginning to develop does not believe in God, hates death because of some unfairness, offense. He can not go to a funeral, he laughs at those who suffer because of somebody’s death. He says he does not understand people who give some meaning to death. But it is just a defensive reaction. He denies death because he does not want to remember early childhood’s horrible experience. Lately I have been to a couple of funerals. People who died were not very close to me. Still their death touched me. As I looked at dead people’s relatives, friends I realized that this event is very hard to experience. It seemed that they lost the ground under their feet, they looked so lost as if they did not know how they were going to live any longer. But still in such a sad situation they believed that for a man who died will be easier to live “there”. They wanted to say goodbye to their friend, relative and I even heard one woman saying that she hopes to see him in the better world. That was the most convincing argument that she believes in the meaning of death. I would like to say that nobody should give up in believing in life after death. People should believe in death as in a one step in the better human’s life. In nowadays when social, economic conditions are very unfavorable old people who have to little time to change something must have hope in case they could live their last days cheerfully, hopefully. But it is one problem with it – people are too afraid in death. Let us cope with this problem, let us give a hopeful meaning to death and let us live more joyful!
Letter to a friend
Dear Vic, Hi- how are you? Thank you for your letter. Actually, that’s what I’m writing to tell about “Teacher’s Day” in may school. We have “Teacher’s Day” on October 5 th on this day the twelfth form student’s teach schoolchildren. I and may fiends were biology teacher’s. We played with schoolchildren, it was very funny. “ Teacher’s Day” is a celebration for teacher’s, when schoolchildren greet them. Most often schoolchildren present flowers. This day in important in my life, because I can teach schoolchildren. I hope you would like this day in my school. I hope you are OK and will write to me soon. Love, Vaida
Letter of Apology
Letter of Apology – sample Dear Mr Smith, In response to (atsakydamas) your letter regarding the unsatisfactory service that you received when renting a car on the 20th July, I would like to begin by giving you my sincere apologies for the inconvenience that you experienced. Firstly, the problem of being given the wrong car. Needless to say a smaller one occurred because the original car that had been booked for your had not been returned by the time you arrived. Unfortunately, the person who had rented the car prior to you, had not adhered (tvirti laikytis) to the rental period originally agreed and as a result was two day’s late in returning it. We were unable to contact him and therefore had to provide you with another vehicle. All of our four door models were at that time rented out, and rather than not providing you with any car at all, we were forced to provide a smaller two-doors model instead. As regards, the problem encountered with (susidurti) the engine and the wind-screen wipers, these were unfortunate mishaps (nelaimingas nutikimas) that could not have been before rental. Each time a car is returned to us, it automatically undergoes (patirti) a rigorous (tikslus, kruopstus) inspection before being given an inspection pass sheet. Our records show that this particular car had passed each inspection stage successfully which leads myself and the mechanics concerned to believe that the problems occurred after the car had been rented to you. This is truly a regrettable occurrence. Please, allow me to offer you 100 $ by way of compensation and to contribute towards (aukoti, duoti) the cost of your train ticket. In addition to this, I would like also to offer you our newest model, a luxurious four-door, rover for a six-day rental period at a time most convenient for you. I hope this offer will make up for the distressing journey you encountered, and will restore your confidence in our company as a customer-friendly organization. May I apologise again for this inconvenience. Meanwhile, I look forward to hearing from you to arrange a suitable date for renting our courtesy (pgarbumas) car. Yours sincerely, Mr j. Robins
Interesting jobs
In case I have a possibility to choose computer programmer's, lawyer's or teacher's profession, I am absolutely decided to choose teacher's profession when I was in nineth form. There are many reasons why I chose this profession. Firstly, I think that teacher's profession is very creative, as you can take place with your students in interesting competitions, create original things and interesting ways to help your students to learn difficult lessons. Secondly, being a teacher means that you allways are in the centre of young people, and it makes you feel young and energetic. Thirdly, this kind of profession makes you to feel interested in the whole world and events, which are happening around us.And one more, but not the least thing why I chose teacher's profession is that teacher is one of the most important people in human's life. Teacher helps us to learn many important things, to get better prepared for the future and to decide about some important things as future's career. In terms of skills and character, I must say that every profession needs different skills and character. If you are going to be a computer programmer, you have to be intelligent, in order to understand computer's technology, hard-working, as it sometimes takes a long time to learn things about computers, and persitent, as computer programmer can not give up and allways must finish what he starts. Talking about skills, computer programmer must have habit of work with computer and foreign language habit. What about lawyer's profession, I must say that he must be accurate, as he should not make mistakes in his work, should be fair and give all the evidence equal consideration, as well intelligent, in order to understand all laws. As a matter of fact, lawyer must have laws understanding and foreign language habits. In case you are going to be a teacher, you need to be very patient, as students sometimes take a long time to learn things, friendly, even when you are talking with rude students, as well as creative, so that you can make students interested in yur lessons. As I know, teacher must have foreign language and some other habits. As I said earlier, when i was in nineth form, I decided to choose teacher's profession. To be more specific, I decided to become an English language teacher, as I like English very much. All in all, I must say that decision about future's profession is very important. On this decision depends our future and hapiness.
How ballet can change your life Take some young people from the most disadvantaged areas in the West Midlands. Challenge them to perform 'Romeo & Juliet' as a ballet. Film every ouch, fall and tear. Present it as a TV documentary and see them performing live in Birmingham! Ballet Hoo! Is not a competition. There were no rounds of auditions, no elimination process and no search for an overall winner. Over 18 months the Ballet Hoo! Project combined ballet and the arts, fitness, personal development training and life coaching to around 100 young people to develop skills to help them better their lives. Included in the cast was 19 year-old Alethea from Smethwick. She says: "I found the whole process challenging but at the same time very rewarding. I owe everyone a whole lot for the skills I have gained and will carry with me into later life." Tybalt wrestles with the crowd This version of Romeo and Juliet, developed by Kenneth Macmillan, meant a grueling rehearsal schedule for the untrained teenagers and the Birmingham Royal Ballet professionals as they worked together - and even adapted certain scenes. They performed at the Birmingham Hippodrome in front of a packed audience on Thursday 28 September, and were filmed for the final Channel 4 documentary.The project seems to have inspired everyone involved, and the success stories are already arriving. Linden, who plays Tybalt, says: "I have recently been accepted by the National Youth Theatre and greatly enjoy acting. I hope to continue performing."The project was a partnership between Birmingham Royal Ballet, Youth at Risk and Channel 4 - who have been filming the teens along their journey. There are still a couple of the documentaries to be screened 'Ballet Changed My Life: Ballet Hoo!':
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (39,18 kB)
Christmas is a Lithuanian national holiday. On the eve of Christmas people has a family supper, they don't meat, only fish, fruits and berries. Everybody is waiting for Christ to be born. Some people enjoy themselves on the new year's day. On the eve of New Year they have a party at home, or go the restaurants, visit their friends. The New Year tree is decorated for the Christmas or New Year. The day of Lithuanian's independence is on the 16 of February. Since 1928 Lithuanian's people marks this day every year by paying tribute to those who gave their lives for the people's happiness. For many years after World War the second this holiday was forbidden. Since 1989 it again becomes the national wide holiday in your country. It's a non-working day. The 11 of March is also a very important day for your country. Mother's Day is celebrated on the 1st Sunday of May. The member of family honour mother giving flowers, presents to her on that day. The 1st of November is day of commemorating the dead usually on All Saints Day. People lay flowers on dear people and honour their memory by observing a minute's silence. In spring we celebrate the Easter Day. The tradition of Easter Day is to colour eggs for Easter table. There are some other holidays in Lithuania, but I tried to discuss the most popular.
Each individual person has one or more hobbies. One of them likes to sing, other to collect something, or just to read books. There are a lot of hobbies. Just like drawing, dancing, acting a part, riding a horse, playing football and etc. These things help to forget problems, to relax and have a good time. My hobby is dancing. Several people think that it’s boring and no benefit taking hobby, but I don’t agree with them.For me dancing is really beneficial hobby. First thing is that you can relax and dance for self treat.  Second thing is that you uphold your form. When you dance you forget all problems and you dedicate yourself to dancing. When you are dancing you can improvise and create new motion. It lets your mind to unwind. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to dance. You just have to relax and let your body to move. The most important thing in dancing is that, when you dance in a contest you try to show the best motion that you can do. When your basic wish is to win you do everything that you can. And when you win you fell like in heaven. I can’t describe this feeling, because you have to fell it if you want to understand. These unique emotions remain in your mind forever. I think that no one hobby can give such wonderful moments like dancing.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,08 kB)
Happiness is an emotional or affective state that is characterized by feelings of enjoyment and satisfaction. States associated with happiness include well-being, delight, health, safety, contentment and love. Contrasting states include suffering, depression, grief, anxiety, and pain. Happiness is often associated with the presence of favorable circumstances such as a supportive family life and economic stability. However,There are several factors of being contented. A very important trait of happy people is their social involvement with others. Close relationships with supportive friends and family and an interest in caring and loving relationships are a priority in the pursuit of happiness. Moreover, happy people are good at setting long-term goals at work. They find work to be a positive experience because they put themselves into work situations where they feel challenged and engaged. The most important trait common to happy people is positive self-esteem. Such people like themselves and believe in themselves to be smarter, healthier and more sociable than the average person. They are also more optimistic, extroverted, and tend to have more realistic perspectives. They feel like they are in control of their lives. Also, research proves that people who are active in religious organizations are more contmented because they cope better with various life experiences and are less vulnerable. In conclusion, hapiness is anyone and anything that's loved by you. To look at it in a simple way, contentment is when reality is better than your dreams.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1,33 kB)
It could last about two days without any brakes. In all times people liked the theatre , but only plays by great dramatist are worth seeing: they are meaningful, they make us think, they are universal. Thanks to them we get to know life and culture. Besides, they are really interesting and really good. Since time is limited, one ought to see only the best plays just as one ought to read only the best books. Now there are a lot of theatres in the world. In Vilnius one of the most famous is the Opera House. I like performances. One of my favourite plays is "The Nose" by Gogol. This play was made at the Youth theatre. It lasts about three hours and all that time people laugh. In that performance a lot of famous Lithuanian actors take part: Vilkelis, Bagdonas and others. Lithuania is not very rich in theatres. At present we have about ten. The Lithuanian theatre is in a very bad condition. The theatres have no money, all performances are old. They can't make new plays very often. There are about seven theatres in Vilnius. I like all kinds of performances, but my favourite is musical comedies. But this theatre is only in Kaunas and once a year they come to Vilnius to show the performances. I saw a few of them: "The Bat", "The Blood Of Vienna". I like theatre , but I don't want to be an actor, because I think that it is better to look at the play than to take part in it.
Global Warming
Global Warming has many threats on the climate and even the health of the people on this planet. Some of these threats include the altering of crop seasons and even effect the way organisms survive on the planet. The first thing I think I should discuss when talking about global warming is what causes it to occur. Gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, which are known as greenhouse gases, all build up in the atmosphere of the earth. All these gases make it so that it becomes harder for the radiation that the sun shines into the atmosphere to escape. The heat continues to build up and this is what causes the temperatures to increase. I know this seems like the temperatures increase massively but in the last hundred years the average temperature of the Earth has gone up between 0.8 and 1.0 degrees farenheight. Also in the last fifteen years, we have had the ten warmest years in record. Global Warming also helps the Earth and it has been for many years. Without global warming, the Earth’s temperature would be a lot lower than the 60-degree average. Unfortunately due to there being many more harmful “greenhouse gases” being placed into the atmosphere, instead of the temperature staying at a constant, its rising. What are many of the dangers of the Earth’s temperature rising? First of all it cause many of the glaciers that are floating in the Arctic and Greenland to melt. This in turn causes the sea levels to rise around the world. In the last hundred years alone the seas around the planet have risen anywhere from four to ten inches. I know it does not sound like a massive change but being able to raise all the seas in the world a whole ten inches is a huge problem. Sea levels also continue to rise is because the hotter temperature cause the ocean water to expand. An example of the sea level causing problems could happen on a little Native Island in the middle of an Ocean. On these islands usually where native tribes live, if the sea level rises three fourths of a meter then half of the island will sink. This could happen in many different islands around the world and if the water keeps on rising as it is, then farming land near the seashores will be flooded and the crops will be destroyed and many farmers will be left without much to live off of. The melting of the glaciers are also causing some problems in the Himalayas. Many of the tips of the mountain’s in that area. Massive flooding and rivers that are well above their normal levels are threatening the crops and homes in the area. Many of the locals that live in the area and many of the scientists that are surveying the area are saying that the glaciers are melting at a phenomenal rate. Another danger that comes with the changing of the climate is that the increased heat causes more evaporation to occur in the hotter climates. This causes there to be more precipitation in many other climates that are not used to handling massive rainfalls. The increased rainfall also leads to speeding up the process of the sea levels rising. Health is also something that becomes threatened because of global warming. Heat becomes a huge factor in the health of humans, especially the elderly. Incidents such as heat stroke head exhaustion and diseases increase drastically. The heat makes it possible for mosquitoes and other insects to transmit diseases. This is something that happened in New York during this summer. A very rare disease called St. Louis Emphyitis (spelling?) that would spread in puddles of water that mosquitoes would drink out of due to the heat. These mosquitoes would then bite humans and infect them with this disease. I don’t recall how many people, if any died due to this, but it did cause a bit of a panic in the New York Metropolitan area. Heat is not the only weather problem. Global Warming doesn't only increase temperatures in hot areas. It also decreases temperatures in cold areas. An example of this has been the cold spell that struck the Midwest. In Montana, temperatures plummeted to 30 degrees below and stayed there. The coldest weather ever recorded plagued our country's heart for over three weeks and still hasn't returned too normal. A related incident has been the blizzards of the East Coast. Some places in New York State got over twenty feet of snow. So what is in store for Earth in the future? Possible nothing. There are many people that believe global warming is nothing more than the normal rise of temperature around the world. So if this is the case, we have nothing to really worry about. Unfortunately, this scenario of normal raise in temperature might not be the case. If it isn’t, Scientists estimate that the global temperature will rise between five and nine degrees by the middle of the 21st century accompanied by a sea-level rise of one to four feet. Once the temperature reaches a certain threshold, the polar ice caps will began to melt. While those living in the Arctic may find that a nice surprise, the implications for the rest of the world are serious. Even a partial melting of the polar ice caps will cause sea levels to rise so much as to completely wipe out most coastal cities. This includes such big cities such as San Francisco and New York. Those cities that are not totally wiped out by the water will eventually be hit with hurricanes much more severe than any other one in history. Of course, inland cities are not safe either. Rather than surging seawaters and hurricanes, they will face drought. So what can be done in order to keep from all of that from happening? We need to stop putting so much pollution in to the air. No matter what there will always be a little bit of Carbon Dioxide omitted into the atmosphere. If we could just limit all the coal and fossil fuels that we burn, there will not be so much “greenhouse gases” and it would keep all of that from happening so quickly. There have also been many attempts by the United States Presidents Administrations in order to help slow down the effect. In my lifetime I know that I won’t see anything too drastic happen due to global warming, but there is a chance that my children and grandchildren will.
Gingivitis Inflammation of the gingival – gingivitis - is caused by accumulation of dental plaque on the teeth. If you don’t clean your teeth, plaque is formed on your teeth and at the gingival margin. Gradually the plaque covers all surface of gingival margin. Plaque left unremoved at the gingival margin will cause gingivitis after 3-4 days. Gingivitis is reversible, it may disappear and gingival may become healthy again. Most cases of gingivitis will heal within 1-2 moths. Untreated gingivitis and continuous penetration of the plaque may injury some supporting structures of the teeth. If you don’t treat gingivitis it could evoke progressively deeper inflammation in the tooth – supporting periodontal tissues, the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. Also gingivitis without treatment could persist in chronic form. Clinical signs of gingivitis. Bleeding on tooth brushing is a warning sing, informing the patient that inflammation may be present. The redness of gingival intensifies in gingivitis and may eventually change to the deep red. The color changes usually begin in the papillae. Gingivitis – dantenu uzdegimas Margin - kraštas, pakraštys; riba. Approximal – besilieciantys Facilitate the retention – palengvinti islaikyma Salivary – seilių, išskiriantis seiles. Reversible – grįžtamasis Penetration - skverbimasis, prasiskverbimas, įsiskverbimas Injury – suzeidimas Recede - trauktis, atsitraukti; tolti Anchor - pritvirtinti; į(si)tvirtinti Puberty - lytinis subrendimas Underlying systemic predisposition - nekrintantis i akis sisteminis palikimas Papilla - papilė, spenelis, gumburėlis Initially - pradžioje, iš pradžių; nuo pat pradžios Edema - edema, pabrinkimas Spongy - akytas, korytas, korėtas, purus Sulcus – vaga Crevices –
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,61 kB)
Friendship is above reason, for, though you find virtues in a friend, he was your friend before you found them. It is a gift that we offer because we must; to give it as the reward of virtue would be to set a price upon it, and those who do that have no friendship to give. If you choose your friends on the ground that you are virtuous and want virtuous company, you are no nearer to true friendship than if you choose them for commercial reasons. Besides, who are you that you should be setting a price upon your friendship? It is enough for any man that he has the divine power of making friends, and he must leave it to that power to determine who his friends shall be. For, though you may choose the virtuous to be your friends, they may not choose you; indeed, friendship cannot grow where there is any calculated choice. It comes, like sleep, when you are not thinking about it; and you should be grateful, without any misgiving, when it comes. So no man who knows what friendship is ever gave up a friend because he turns out to be disreputable. His only reason for giving up a friend is that he has ceased to care for him; and, when that happens, he should reproach himself for this mortal poverty of affection, not the friend for having proved unworthy. For it is inhuman presumption to say of any man that he is unworthy of your friendship, just as it is to say of any woman, when you have fallen out of love with her, that she is unworthy of your love. In friendship and in love we are always humble, because we see that a free gift has been given to us; and to lose that humility because we have lost friendship or love is to take a pride in what should shame us. We have our judgments and our penalties as part of the political mechanism that is forced upon us so that we may continue to live; but friendship is not friendship at all unless it teaches us that these are not part of our real life. They have to be; and we pay men, and clothe them in wigs and scarlet, to sit in judgment on other men. So we are tempted to play this game of judgment ourselves, even though no one has paid us to do it. It is only in the warmth of friendship that we see how cold a thing it is to judge and how stupid to take a pleasure in judging; for we recognise this warmth as a positive good, a richness in our natures, while the coldness that sets us judging is a poverty. Just as our criticism of a work of art begins only when we have ceased to experience it, so our criticism of our friends begins only when we have ceased to experience them, when our minds can no longer remain at the height of intimacy. But this criticism is harmless if we know it for what it is, merely the natural reaction, the cold fit that comes after the warm, and if we do not suppose that our coldness is wiser than our warmth. There are men who cannot be friends except when they are under an illusion that their friends are perfect, and when the illusion passes there is an end of their friendship. But true friendship has no illusions, for it reaches to that part of a man's nature that is beyond his imperfections, and in doing so it takes all of them for granted. It does not even assume that he is better than other men, for there is egotism in assuming that. A man is your friend, not because of his superiorities, but because there is something open from your nature to his, a way that is closed between you and most men. You and he understand each other, as the phrase is; your relation with him is a rare success among a multitude of failures, and if you are proud of the success you should be ashamed of the failure. There is nothing so fatal to friendship as this egotism of accounting for it by some superiority in the friend. If you do that you will become a member of a set, all, in their assertion of each others' merits, implying their own, and all uneasy lest they are giving more than they get. For if you insist upon the virtues of your friend, you expect him to insist upon your virtues, and there is a competition between you which makes friendship a burden rather than a rest. Criticism then becomes a treachery, for it implies that you are beginning to doubt these superiorities upon which your friendship is supposed to be based. But when no superiorities are assumed, criticism is only the exercise of a natural curiosity. It is because a man is your friend, and you like him so much and know him so well, that you are curious about him. You are in fact an expert upon him, and like to show your expert knowledge. And you are an expert because in the warmth of friendship his disguises melt away from him, and he shows himself to you just as he is. Indeed, that is the test of friendship and the delight of it, that because we are no longer afraid of being thought worse than we are we do not try to seem better. We know that it is not our virtues that have won us friendship, and we do not fear to lose it through our vices. We have reached that blessed state of being nearer to heaven than anything else in this life, in which affection does not depend upon judgment; and we are like gods, who have no need even to forgive, because they know. It is a rare state, and never attained to in its perfection. We can approach it only if we know what friendship is and really desire it, and especially if we admire the man who is a friend without ever wondering at his choice of friends or blaming him for his faithfulness to them whatever evil they may do.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (5,81 kB)
Fast food
Therefore, most people who eat it every day have overweight problems. Secondly, fast food is processed or canned. That means it has many chemicals which cause many illnesses and lacks necessary vitamins as well. Thirdly, fast food is genetically – modified. Scientists still have no news about the influence of genetically – modified food on people health, but it is thought it can do a lot of harm. To sum it up, even if fast food tastes delicious or is favorite, people should not forget that it can not be basic food as it is unhealthy and not proper.
. In addition to this, even if you buy the most expensive clothes at “Apranga”, you will look absolutely the same as other people around you. Moreover, “Gariūnai” market does not differ from “Apranga”. Clothes which you buy at “Gariūnai” have even the same labels as “Apranga” clothes. Thirdly, the quality of “Apranga” clothes is not the best. Usually, after some time you have to throw away those clothes. “Gariūnai” does not suggest better quality either, but at least the prices are reasonable. To sum it up, “Apranga” and “Gariūnai” fashion does not differ at all.