Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 673 rezultatai

Baigiamojo darbo objektas - turizmo paslaugų kokybė UAB „Kelvita“. Šio darbo tikslas - remiantis įgytomis teorinėmis žiniomis, išanalizuoti ir įvertinti UAB “Kelvita” turizmo paslaugų kokybę ir nužymėti jos tobulinimo kelius. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai: pateikti atvykstamojo turizmo apžvalgą šalyje ir Vilniaus regione; išanalizuoti turizmo paslaugų kokybės teorinius aspektus; įvertinti esamą turizmo paslaugų būklę turizmo agentūroje „Kelvita“; nužymėti turizmo paslaugų kokybės tobulinimo galimybes UAB „Kelvita”.
Administravimas  Diplominiai darbai   (46 psl., 100,45 kB)
Darbas ekonomikoje – esminis gerovės šaltinis ir konkurencingumo prielaida. Susiformavus darbo rinkai, atsirado ir nedarbas, kuris suprantamas kaip darbo pasiūlos ir paklausos disbalansas, tai – pagrindinė įvairių šalių darbo rinkos problema, kuri šiuo metu aktuali ir Lietuvoje. Su nedarbo problema Lietuva susiduria nuo nepriklausomybės atkūrimo. Pirmosios nedarbo priežastys tuo laikotarpiu buvo intensyviai vykdomos reformos, planinio ūkio transformacija į rinkos ūkį bei užsilikę sovietiniai reliktai. Vienas iš pagrindinių ekonomikos teiginių yra tas, kad bet kokie ekonominio mechanizmo pokyčiai tiesiogiai ar netiesiogiai sukelia užimtumo pokyčius. Naujumas, aktualumas. Šiuo metu dažnai pasaulyje minima problema yra nedarbas. Jis sukelia ne tik ekonominius, bet ir įvairius socialinius neigiamus padarinius. Masinis darbuotojų atleidimas, gyvenimo lygio smukimas, artėjimas prie skurdo ribos, žmonių dvejonės dėl laukiančio rytojaus, nedarbo nulemtų kitų makroekonominių rodiklių blogėjimas – visa tai linksniuojama kiekvieną dieną. Visi supranta šio reiškinio didėjančią grėsmę ir stengiasi ieškoti būdų, kaip užkirsti tam kelią. Šiame darbe bus nagrinėjama situacija Lietuvos darbo rinkoje nuo nepriklausomybės atkūrimo iki šių dienų, bandysime išsiaiškinti, kaip buvo kovojama su nedarbu bei jo sukeltomis pasekmėmis, kas yra daroma dabar ir kokių teigiamų bei neigiamų perspektyvų galima tikėtis.
Ekonomika  Kursiniai darbai   (71 psl., 898,7 kB)
Dear Sir/ Madam, I am writing in connection with regard to the vacancy in your Sales Department, as advertised in The Times of 20th April.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1 psl., 6,71 kB)
Ese apie moksla ir jo poveiki gamtai.visi reikalavimai ispildyti.398 zodziai.gavau 10 is sito :) pabaiga:Some say, that science gives people opportunity to play god. I disagree. Science gives us opportunity to rule our own life as much as possible. We can reserve our time by using technologies at home or at work, and use it to do more, to please ourselves. What is the most important, having a chance to share our duties makes us happier. In conclusion, science has a mission to help us and I think that this mission is being accomplished. We cannot call science a threat to society, because it is all about us, and not against us. The only matter is to comply with science and start thinking about how can we hand in the name of science.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,04 kB)
Temos aktualumas. Rinkimai – svarbiausia piliečių dalyvavimo valstybės valdyme forma, tautos politinės valios išraiška. Rinkimai vaidina svarbų vaidmenį šalies politiniame gyvenime. Jie užtikrina faktinį piliečių dalyvavimą sprendžiant valstybės ir visuomenės reikalus. Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucijos 4 straipsnyje nustatyta, kad „Aukščiausią suverenią galią Tauta vykdo tiesiogiai ar per demokratiškai išrinktus savo atstovus” . Taigi, rinkimų paskirtis yra demokratijos įgyvendinimas, tautos atstovų išrinkimas ir valstybės valdžios institucijų suformavimas.
Teisė  Kursiniai darbai   (27 psl., 34,08 kB)
Anglu kalbos prezentacija apie nedarbo lygį ir infliaciją.
Anglų kalba  Projektai   (23 psl., 373,36 kB)
Today I’m going to talk about Mars. As you can see in this photo Mars is red. Well, first I'd like to take about the planet itself. Mars is our next door neighbour and it’s surface is with huge volcanoes. It also has canyons and valleys that were probably made in the past. It show there was water on this planet.
Anglų kalba  Pateiktys   (7 psl., 818,39 kB)
Land Management
Anglų referatas. Land management is the process of managing the use and development (in both urban and suburban settings) of land resources in a sustainable way. Land resources are used for a variety of purposes which interact and may compete with one another; therefore, it is desirable to plan and manage all uses in an integrated manner.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (8 psl., 11,64 kB)
About reading
Anglų kalbos topikas apie skaitymą, elektroninių knygų trūkumus ir privalumus bei mėgstamiausią knygą.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (1 psl., 3,28 kB)
Women On Television
During this period from the decades of the 1950's through the 1990's, women started getting their own jobs and got better schooling. The roles of women as portrayed in popular American television have changed from that of humiliating, degrading images to those of dignity and respect. "The adolescent girl is confronted by a different set of gender-role expectations and different socialization pressures (than boys). In keeping with the traditional expectation that a female's ultimate goals are marriage and motherhood rather than a career and independence, the prime objective seems to be heterosexual attractiveness and popularity.
Violence in sports
In order to look into this matter, we must first understand what violence in sports is and how it may affect young children’s mindsets. In order to full understand the subject of sports violence we need to know the full definition of it. Violence in sports is defined by M.D.Smith as, “a physical assault or other physically harmful actions by a player that takes place in a sports context and that is intended to cause physical pain or injury to another player (or fan, coach, game official, etc.), where such harmful actions bear no direct relationship to the rules and associated competitive goals of the sport.”
TV in my life
I have about 20 TV channels, they are: TV3, LNK, BTV, LRT, ORT, RTR and others. I also have few KOSMOS TV’s channels, for example: Cartoon Network, Discovery Channel, VIVA, and BBC. I like some of them and hate others. So here are a few words about the channels that I like. So, my favorite channel is VIVA. VIVA is a music channel. 24 hours a day of music, can you believe it? I like to listen to music very much, and sometimes I even make music myself, that is why I enjoy watching VIVA. I also like NTV.
Lietuviškas maistas: tradicijų ir pokyčių sankryžoje Petras Rimantas Venskutonis Kauno technologijos universiteto (KTU) profesorius, Maisto produktų technologijos katedros vedėjas. Gimė 1953 m. Kaišiadoryse. Maisto produktų inžinieriaus technologo specialybę įgijo KTU 1976 m., Kijevo maisto pramonės institute apsigynė disertaciją 1986 m. Mokslinio darbo sritis  natūralių maisto priedų chemija ir technologija. Paskelbė per 200 mokslinių darbų. Tradicinis maistas, nacionaliniai mitybos ypatumai yra būdingi kiekvienai pasaulio valstybei, tautai ar netgi etninei grupei. Iš kitos pusės, sparčios globalizacijos, ekonominės integracijos ir gyventojų migracijos sąlygomis maistas bei mitybos įpročiai kinta. Karu su tradiciniais nacionaliniais maisto apibūdinimais vartotojų lūpose vis dažniau skamba tokie terminai, kaip “greitas maistas”, “hamburgeris”, ”pica”, “traškučiai” ir kt. Tokiems pokyčiams poveikį taip pat turi didelį mokslo ir technologijų vystymasis, žemės ūkio ir maisto pramonės industrializavimas, prekybos geografijos išsiplėtimas. Kokie pagrindiniai tradicinio lietuviško maisto atributai? Tai  tikriausiai, natūralumas, geras (pilnas, natūralus) skonis ir aromatas, labai ribotas maisto priedų naudojimas. Visi šie atributai kuria teigiamą lietuviškų maisto produktų įvaizdį. Atkūrus nepriklausomybę 1991 m., vyko spartūs pokyčiai. “Geležinės sienos” likvidavimas ir spartus integravimasis į Europos erdvę yra bene svarbiausi tokių pokyčių veiksniai. Vis tik, šiuo metu dar galime tvirtinti, kad Lietuvoje tebegaminami tradiciniai lietuviški maisto produktai. Ypač tai pasakytina apie tradicinius duonos, mėsos ir pieno gaminius. Per pastarąjį dešimtmetį vyko tiek teigiami, tiek ir neigiami maisto gamybos ir vartojimo pokyčiai. Žymiai pagerėjo padėtis maisto saugos valdymo ir užtikrinimo srityje, įdiegiamos šiuolaikiškos technologijos, plečiasi eksportas į vakarų valstybes. Vienas iš pagrindinių tradicinio lietuviškojo maisto natūralumo priešų yra įvairūs ekonominiai veiksniai. Naudojant vien tradicines, natūralias žaliavas gana sunku konkuruoti laisvojoje rinkoje, nes tokios žaliavos yra dažniausia brangios. Todėl, ypač mėsos gaminių sudėtyje, vis daugiau naudojama pigesnių netradicinių žaliavų (sojų produktų, kitos kilmės baltymų koncentratų) bei sintetinių maisto priedų (fosfatų, nitritų ir kt.). Apibendrinat galima teigti, kad Lietuvoje vyksta sudėtingi žemės ūkio, maisto pramonės, viešojo maitinimo ir mitybos pokyčiai. Reikia pripažinti, kad jie nėra tradicinio lietuviško maisto naudai. Ar lietuviškas maistas visiškai praras savo pozicijas? Parodys ateitis. Reikia tikėtis, kad geroji lietuviško maisto tradicija visada turės savo pozicijas ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir išsikovos tam tikrą nišą ir kitose valstybėse. Lithuanian food: on the crossroad of traditions and changes Petras Rimantas Venskutonis Professor of Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Head of Department of Food Technology. Born in 1953 in Kaišiadorys. Diploma of Food Engineer obtained in 1976 from KTU, PhD in 1986 from Kiev Institute of Food Industry. Research area  chemistry and technology of natural food additives. Published more that 200 research papers. Traditional food, national dietary habits are characteristic to every country, nationality or even ethnic group. On the other hand, under conditions of a rapid globalization, economical integration and migration of the population food and nutrition undergo considerable changes. Together with traditional national food attributes more and more frequently consumers use in their everyday life such terms as “fast food”, “hamburger”, “pizza”, “chips”, etc. Development of science and technology, industrialization of agriculture and food production, expansion or trade geography also cause quite rapid changes in food production and dietary habits of the population. The above-mentioned processes are also characteristic to Lithuania which has had deep national food and dietary traditions. The influence increased after reestablishment of independence in 1991. Abolishment of “iron curtain” and integration into the EU are the most important factors for all these changes. What are the most characteristic features of the Lithuanian food? Most likely, it is “naturalness”, good flavor, and limited use of food additives. Both, positive and negative changes can be observed in food production and dietary habits in Lithuania. Improvements in hygienic conditions, application of modern equipment and technologies, expansion of the market are very positive developments, while the use of non-traditional, often inferior quality raw materials, synthetic food additives can be regarded as a negative side of the story. Anyway, in the course of unavoidable changes it can be expected that good traditions of Lithuanian food will be preserved inside the country and moreover will find their niche in other places of the world.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (5,48 kB)
The Eiffel tower
The structure was built between 1887 and 1889 as the entrance arch for the Exposition Universelle, a World's Fair marking the centennial celebration of the French Revolution. It is located at geographic coordinates 48°51′29″N, 2°17′40″E. The tower was inaugurated on 31 March 1889, and opened on 6 May. Three hundred workers joined together 18,038 pieces of puddled iron (a very pure form of structural iron), using two and a half million rivets, in a structural design by Maurice Koechlin. The risk of accident was great, for unlike modern skyscrapers the tower is an open frame without any intermediate floors except the two platforms. Yet because Eiffel took good care of his workers with movable stagings, guard-rails and screens, only one man died, during the installation of Otis Elevator's lifts. The tower was met with resistance from the public when it was built, with many calling it an eyesore (Novelist Guy de Maupassant ate at a restaurant at the tower regularly, because it was the one place in Paris he was sure he wouldn't see it). Today, it is widely considered to be one of the most striking pieces of structural art in the world. Originally, Eiffel had a permit for the tower to stand for 20 years(when ownership of it would revert to the City of Paris, who had originally planned to tear it down; part of the original contest rules for designing a tower was that it could be easily torn down), more than recouping his expenses, but as it later proved valuable for communication purposes, it was allowed to remain after the expiry of the permit. The military used it to dispatch Parisian taxis to the front line of the Marne, and it therefore became a victory statue of that battle. It was also used to catch the infamous "Mata Hari," and after this, its demolition became unthinkable to the French population.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (62,33 kB)
The City Kissed by the Sun Šiauliai is the City kissed by the Sun. The city stretches in the North of the Lithuania. Our Šiauliai is very interesting and attractive. In Šiauliai is 7 unique and magic Sun Monuments. During all 770 years the city was set 7 times devastated by wars, stormed and Black Death. One of the most important landmarks is renaissance architectural miracle is St. Apostles Peter and Paul‘s Cathedral with the oldest Lithuania‘s Sun Clock on the wall. A few steps further your eyes meets one more celestial sign in the Sundial Square. The Sculptures of the Golden Boy – An Archer – sparkles in the rays of the sun on the top of the Sun Clock. Another a clock is Cock, which signs every midday or early evening, and welcomes you in 16 different languages. In Šiauliai you can visit also 3 art works: a sculpture in Salduve Park, a fresco in the Municipality and Lithuania‘s biggest Stained glass in the Cinema Centre „Saule“. And that is not all. Šiauliai is a proud of the pedestrian with its impressive little architecture and fountains of the „Three Birds“and „Pelicans“. If you are in Saurian, you must see Boulevard. It is third in Europe and the oldest in Lithuania. Giuliani Tourism Information Centre offers attractive excursions with real generals, army meals and entertainment in the airbase in Sonia, where is an old military heritage. Giuliani is the city of unique museums. There are more 20 of them it is only one in Lithuania that has got Cats, Bicycle, Radio and Television Museums. The most spectacular and remarkable museum is Chain Frenkel‘s Villa famous for its architecture not found in the other Baltic countries. Šiauliai differs from others for having two lakes on its territory. Talkša Lake is in the centre of the city. Some distance away there is Rekyva, one of the ten biggest lakes of Lithuania and full water attraction. Also there is a new multifunctional complex of Dainai Park. Everyone willing to get acquainted with our land is welcome. It is worth arriving to the city of the Sun as it offers great experience, which will undoubtedly be beyond your expectations.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,69 kB)
It is clear why people enjoy shopping there. Everything on sale is under one roof, all the goods are displayed so that you can see them easily, and the customers can walk round and choose what they want. The store is divided into departments: clothes, toys, kitchen goods, sporting goods and so on. In some department stores there are escalators to take people to the different floors. In modern stores there are televisions and radios informing customers about things in the stores. There are video cameras installed in order to stop people from stealing things. Music produces the right atmosphere. In a department store you may find a lot of little things that you may want for the house. And if you are going to buy a birthday present for somebody, you may see one or two suitable things as you walk around.
Relationships Since long time ago people have known about relationships. At different stages of live we all feel love, anger, jealousy and so on… But we know that in adolescence relationships is one of the most important thing. Being a teenagers has never been easy. Because you usually fall in love for the first time at this age. When you love a boy or a girl, you don’t seem to notice the world around you, so often you forget your lessons or everyday chores. You don’t hear what your parents, friends or teachers say, so they become angry with you. Then you mostly say ‘You don’t understand me…’ When you split up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you had thought that this relationship would last forever and now it’s over. In this situation teenagers shed tears and regret their action. Also, relationships become difficult between teenagers and parents. Young people always want to go out and come home late at night. Parents don’t trust and often there is a quarrel. Sometimes teenagers choose friends who aren’t very good. And later young people fall victims by this ‘friends’. Then they want to talk with their parents and it helps relationship to get better. So, I think, adolescence is a very difficult time. Teenagers don’t understand their actions and feelings. One moment they can be very friendly, later they can be angry…
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2,66 kB)
Recognizing Stress
Post-traumatic stress disorder may develop immediately after the disaster, or it may be brought on by some minor stress weeks, months, or even years later. And it may last a long time. A study of survivors of Nazi concentration camps found that 97 percent were still troubled with anxiety 20 years after they were freed from the camps. Many still relived the traumas of persecution in their dreams and were fearful that something terrible would happen to their spouses or their children whenever they were out of sight.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (24,96 kB)
Reactions to stress
Post-traumatic stress disorder may develop immediately after the disaster, or it may be brought on by some minor stress weeks, months, or even years later. And it may last a long time. A study of survivors of Nazi concentration camps found that 97 percent were still troubled with anxiety 20 years after they were freed from the camps. Many still relived the traumas of persecution in their dreams and were fearful that something terrible would happen to their spouses or their children whenever they were out of sight.
Popular music
. I’m not saying all pop fans are closed minded to the point where they listen to the music genre that is currently trendy in hopes of it helping them position themselves socially. I’m also not denying the fact, people like that are out there. In most cases, I think people listen to pop because for some reason they’re not involved in another music scene, so it’s all they know exists. Record labels systematically chose who they want to sign, and then promote them to the public. Therefore, they have an enormous influence on what music America and many other countries listen to. This is bad news because corporate promoters don’t just go out looking for talent to sign to their label regardless of what kind of music it is attached to. Companies use statistics to determine what they think will sell, and sign whoever fits the right criteria. They don’t bother looking for artists who aren’t playing what’s hot; they want bands playing the sound they know sells. Labels also want bands with catchy songs, and I don’t know about you but I think catchy giggles are for advertisements. Real musicians have to be careful where they put their signature, because any one who takes them self seriously wouldn’t stand for a company who censers their art. Also you may have noticed TV is now just as much a source of music as radio, so you better be an attractive conformist if you want to be promoted as an artist in the business of pop music. MTV, without doubt, plays a major role in how generic popular music has become. Obviously the birth of music videos gave big business a chance to sell music to the other four senses. The real opportunity for MTV to cash in on the music industry wasn’t just picking up their crumbs. Just luring in those people whose ears are uninterested in music with flashy colors and shiny things is no longer their motive. Quickly MTV figured out eye candy doesn’t sell nearly as well as the fantasy life the right image can supply. There is nothing wrong with having an image, everyone portrays an image whether they like it or not. In this case the problem is, MTV uses image to sell a product where image should be considered irrelevant. The effect of doing this is closing the viewers’ minds; it causes people to listen to music only on the expressional level.
Lithuania lies by the Baltic Sea. But only the west part of our country is bathed by the sea. The climate in our country is quite good. We coul enjoy four seasons of the year. Every season is different from each other. My favourite season is spring. In this season we could see birds, like storks, tits, cuckoo and other, coming back from warm countries after long winter. Animals awake from their winter sleep. All nature becomes green. We could enjoy beautiful and colourful flowers. Most of them in spring I like violets. I like to watch the life of butterflies, ladybirds and grassschopers. After spring season comes summer. Then the weather becomes very hot. We could met various kind of wild animals in lithuanian woods: wolves, foxes, wild boars, beavers and other mammals. Also there is woodpeckers, swallows, sparows and storks, that are busy with finding food to eat. Very beautiful bird for me is swan. That white bird lives in lakes and delight people watching them. After amazing summer season comes autumn. It is very colourfull season, because the sky is blue and it matches with red, yellow and brown colours of the leaves on the trees. In this season people go to forest to pick mushrooms, nuts and wild berries. Unfortunately, this season always makes people be sad because of rainny and windy days. The coldest season of the year is winter. Then it snows a lot and the weather usually is really cold. Also there is fog and frost. So it‘s not one of my favourite season, despite my favourite holiday of a year – Christmas holiday. I think weather in Lithuania is enough good for us and it is better than in Australia, Africa or in Antarctica.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,24 kB)
I even got unsightly flags on the streets of Maroubra taken down after writing a public letter of complaint outlining the visual pollution and commercialisation of our otherwise beautiful suburb of Maroubra Beach. The motivation is always there to learn more.” Favourite aspects of his role as the Media Man include: “Meeting and dealing with so many wonderful, interesting people. I am expanding my horizons every day. Interviewing people at Channel 31 has a sentimental significance for me, as the producer, Joy Hruby, gave me my break in television. I need to mention that the Internet provides constant learning and business opportunities. Seeing my ideas and research come to fruition, and benefiting so many, is most gratifying. I also like to expose fraud. Encouraging free thought and expressing freedom of speech in satisfying. Dealing with so many wonderful, supportive folks, many of whom reside in the good ol' USA.” Being able to communicate a message that so many other people will read and consider is probably the most rewarding aspect of being a journalist, according to Greg. “I am still coming to terms with being referred to as a journalist, even though I have my formal qualifications. I need to put in more hard yards, and until I win a major journalism award, I don't mind if I am not thought of as a journalist.”
We have already seen pyramids, but they have not done a big impression to me. In addition, we have been snorkeling and scuba diving. The Red Sea’s underwater world is fascinating. There are many things we have not done yet. We have not visited the Egyptian museum. I heard that it is very beautiful. I have tasted some Egyptian food. It was not very tasty, because they cook without milk and they do not eat pork. Cairo is remarkable city – you must visit it one day! Well that will be all for now. Hope to see you soon.
Informal letter (2)
Hello Saulius, Hi! How are you? I hope the summer job is going well. Have you decided where to go on holiday? I am writing to you from Cairo. My mother, father, sister and I came here four days ago. We are staying in a wonderful hotel near the Red Sea. The weather is sunny and boiling hot. We have already seen pyramids, but they have not done a big impression to me. In addition, we have been snorkeling and scuba diving. The Red Sea’s underwater world is fascinating. There are many things we have not done yet. We have not visited the Egyptian museum. I heard that it is very beautiful. I have tasted some Egyptian food. It was not very tasty, because they cook without milk and they do not eat pork. Cairo is remarkable city – you must visit it one day! Well that will be all for now. Hope to see you soon. All the best. Edvinas 160 word’s
Informal letter
Dear Mr Smith , I am writing to explain my failure at the math exam. I am very disappointed myself. I don’t know whats hapened then. I learn two months with special teacher, read many books, do a lot of exercises, but exam shows that is not enough. I was lost in my minds and can’t concentrate my knowleadges then write the exam. I know that is difficult situation , but we can find good decision. I promise learn more harder several weeks and I wanna get second chance. I try to relearning all math theory and exercises. Then I renew my knowledges and try to pass an examination. You can proud me. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Holden Anderson.
Formal letter
I am twenty-year-old student at International business school. I have a diploma from computer science school. Also few months ago I finished psychological course. In addition, I would like to point out that I have got some experience in recruitment sphere. Last winter I worked in the “Darbo birža” and I have enclosed references from my previous employers. I know three languages well. The first, English, I speak fluently. I also speak fairly well Latvian and some Estonian. I feel this would be useful in this position as the firm work with all three Baltic countries. Also you can rely on my versatile and responsibility. I believe that I am suitable for the job for a number of reasons. Firstly having worked in recruitment sphere, I now feel ready to take on challenge and responsibility of being recruitment consultant in your organization. Furthermore, I would like to use my knowledge of psychological working with yours clientele. And finally, I would like to get acquaint with yours organization personnel.
Food and Drink
Regulations for checking and preventing fires were developed. In the reindustrialize era most cities had watchmen who sounded an alarm at signs of fire. Fire fighting tool was simple water. Another important fire-fighting tool was the axe, used to remove the fuel and prevent the spread of fire as well as to make openings that would allow heat and smoke to escape a burning building. Following the Great Fire of London in 1666, fire brigades were formed by insurance companies. The government was not involved until 1865, when these brigades became London's Metropolitan Fire Brigade. The first modern standards for the operation of a fire department were not established until 1830, in Edinburgh, Scotland. These standards set out, for the first time, what was expected of a good fire department. In all industrial countries fire fighters undergo training, beginning with probationary fire fighters' school and continuing throughout a fire fighter's career. Great Britain has several fire training centers. In Russia, fire schools are in Moscow and St Petersburg; Sweden and Denmark have similar schools. Most fire fighting consists of applying water to the burning material to cool it. Fires involving flammable liquids, certain chemicals, and combustible metals often require special extinguishing agents and techniques. With some fuels the use of water may actually be dangerous. Now fire fighters use special technique. Their uniform is made from special material that protects from heat and poisonous gas they have masks and if there is people in the burning house they have oxygen masks for them. This work is very important because fire can make a lot of damage.
Fire fighting
Regulations for checking and preventing fires were developed. In the reindustrialize era most cities had watchmen who sounded an alarm at signs of fire. Fire fighting tool was simple water. Another important fire-fighting tool was the axe, used to remove the fuel and prevent the spread of fire as well as to make openings that would allow heat and smoke to escape a burning building. Following the Great Fire of London in 1666, fire brigades were formed by insurance companies. The government was not involved until 1865, when these brigades became London's Metropolitan Fire Brigade. The first modern standards for the operation of a fire department were not established until 1830, in Edinburgh, Scotland. These standards set out, for the first time, what was expected of a good fire department. In all industrial countries fire fighters undergo training, beginning with probationary fire fighters' school and continuing throughout a fire fighter's career. Great Britain has several fire training centers. In Russia, fire schools are in Moscow and St Petersburg; Sweden and Denmark have similar schools. Most fire fighting consists of applying water to the burning material to cool it. Fires involving flammable liquids, certain chemicals, and combustible metals often require special extinguishing agents and techniques. With some fuels the use of water may actually be dangerous. Now fire fighters use special technique. Their uniform is made from special material that protects from heat and poisonous gas they have masks and if there is people in the burning house they have oxygen masks for them. This work is very important because fire can make a lot of damage.
Fast food
Therefore, most people who eat it every day have overweight problems. Secondly, fast food is processed or canned. That means it has many chemicals which cause many illnesses and lacks necessary vitamins as well. Thirdly, fast food is genetically – modified. Scientists still have no news about the influence of genetically – modified food on people health, but it is thought it can do a lot of harm. To sum it up, even if fast food tastes delicious or is favorite, people should not forget that it can not be basic food as it is unhealthy and not proper.
First, nowadays the life in our country is very difficult and a lot of young people don’t go to school, they haven’t even got secondary education. There are a lot of young people, children especially in big town’s streets. Some of them work washing cars, selling papers, some beg and some have nothing to do. These youngsters very often commit crimes. It is very important that every youngster would attend secondary school. They would be busier and couldn’t commit crimes. Second, Lithuanian children start attending secondary school when they are six or seven years old. They go to the primary schools which are in the kindergartens mostly. When they are ten or eleven years old they go to a secondary school. Pupils can stay at a secondary school for twelve years, but some of them leave secondary school at the end of the ninth form. They go to vocational junior colleges or manual training schools, where they can get both secondary education and the qualifications necessary for a job. Before that these pupils must take the examinations for the General Certificate of Secondary Education. But not only these, all pupils must take examinations. Everybody can go to a university after graduating from a secondary school, vocational junior college or manual training school. Third, best students of universities can go to study abroad. There are a lot of exchanges programmes. Abroad university make good services to study there. Plus students get legal job for your spending. Exchanges programmes are very interesting because students look another countries, to meet with other peoples and to find new friends. Finally, education is very important in person’s life. The years when we attend at school are the happiest. Educated people are intelligent. Then you are educated - life is better.