Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

   Rasti 142 rezultatai

Darbas anglų kalbą,apie nedarbingumą Airijoje, nedarbingumo tipus,priežastis bei galimus sprendimus. Tai pat Airijos valstybės iniciatyvas kovojant su nedarbingumo lygiu.
Ekonomika  Analizės   (14 psl., 138,35 kB)
Kalba ir amzius
yra sektiek duomenu apie iskaitos poteme "kaip kinta lietuviu kalba keiciantis visuomenes komunikacines reiksmes" nzn gal pades jums.
Lietuvių kalba  Referatai   (15 psl., 26,96 kB)
Šiandieniniame gyvenime mes gana dažnai mes susiduriame su agresyviai nusiteikusiais žmonėmis. Tai ypač ryškiai pasireiškia jaunimo tarpe. Yra labai daug šitą nulemiančių veiksnių. Žmogaus agresyvumas priklauso tai bendravimo klasei, kuri gali būti suprasta tik išnagrinėjus daug mokslinių disciplinų-natūralių ir socialinių. Taip remiantis visa eile natūralinių mokslų-biologija, biochemija, genetika ir t.t,buvo padarytos išvados leidžiančios pradėti agresyvumo gilesnį tyrimą. Čia nemažai reikšmės turi ir socialiniai mokslai, nes agresyvumo įsivaizduoti kur nors kitur nei pačioje visuomenėje, paprasčiausiai neįmanoma, kaip ir negalima paaiškinti pačios visuomenės, nežinant agresyvaus elgesio įpatumų ir jį sukeliančių veiksnių.
Kita  Referatai   (4 psl., 13,31 kB)
ĮVADAS 1. Konkurencinis pranašumas 1.1. Konkurencijos ir konkurencingumo sąvokos, jų įvairovė 1.2. M.Porter‘io penkių konkurencinių jėgų modelis 1.3. Konkurencinių strateginių grupių žemėlapis ir jo teikiama nauda 1.4. Konkurencingumo analizė 2. UAB „Kosmelita“ veiklos tyrimas ir vertinimas 2.1. Bendrovės veiklos apibūdinimas 2.2. Bendrovės veiklą įtakojantys veiksniai 2.3. Rinkos tyrimas 2.3.1. Parduotuvės „Eurokos“ užimama padėtis kosmetikos ir tualeto reikmenų mažmeninės prekybos specializuotų parduotuvių rinkoje 20 2.3.2. Konkurentų analizė pagal strategines grupes 2.3.3. Parduotuvės konkurencingumo analizė 2.3.4. Konkurentų analizė pagal M. Porter‘io modelį 2.4. Vartotojų nuomonės tyrimas 2.4.1. Tyrimo apibūdinimas 2.4.2. Tyrimo rezultatų analizė 2.5. Konkurencinio pranašumo didinimo pagrindinės sritys ir galimybės IŠVADOS IR PASIŪLYMAI LITERATŪRA 1 priedas- Anketa Temos aktualumas. Pastaraisiais metais dažnai girdime kalbant apie įsikuriančias naujas įmones, bankrutuojančias senas ir, žinoma, konkurenciją tarp esančių. Šiandien plačiai vystantis verslui atsirandanti vis didesnė įmonių įvairovė sąlygoja didėjančią tarpusavio konkurenciją. Tai skatina ieškoti naujų būdų atlaikyti konkurenciją. Geras pirkėjo aptarnavimas yra vienas iš veiksnių, garantuojančių įmonės sėkmę, be to jis padeda įgyti tvirtą konkurencinį pranašumą, užtikrinti pelningumą ir sėkmę ateityje. Svarbiausias kokybės vertintojas yra vartotojas ir įmonės tikslas yra jį patenkinti. Tai įmanoma tik gerai pažinus savo klientus ir išsiaiškinus jų poreikius. Vartotojų poreikių žinojimas įgalina įmonę efektyviau juos patenkinti, todėl visi procesai turi vykti taip, kad vartotojas būtų laimingas ir sugrįžtų.
Vadyba  Diplominiai darbai   (43 psl., 401,53 kB)
Siekdama produktyvumo, organizacija turi sukurti ir išlaikyti griežtą vidinę dermę ir sanderme su aplinka. Tai gali būti pasiekiama veiksmingu strateginiu planavimu, pagrįstu aplinkos veiksnių kitimo krypties ir laiko bei pačios organizacijos elgesio aiškiu supratimu. Verslo organizacija, siekdama sėkmės, turi sugebėti nuolat atsižvelgti į besikeičiančią aplinką. Ji privalo numatyti išorinių veiksnių poveikį ir užimti tokią pozicija, kad palankių galimybių dėka įgautų pranašumą ir išvengtų grėsmių, susijusių su aplinkos permainomis.
Administravimas  Kursiniai darbai   (34 psl., 57,33 kB)
Introduction. How are consumer preferences used to determine demand? How do consumers allocate income to the purchase of different goods? How do consumers with limited income decide what to buy?
Ekonomika  Konspektai   (7 psl., 14,22 kB)
Darbas ekonomikoje – esminis gerovės šaltinis ir konkurencingumo prielaida. Susiformavus darbo rinkai, atsirado ir nedarbas, kuris suprantamas kaip darbo pasiūlos ir paklausos disbalansas, tai – pagrindinė įvairių šalių darbo rinkos problema, kuri šiuo metu aktuali ir Lietuvoje. Su nedarbo problema Lietuva susiduria nuo nepriklausomybės atkūrimo. Pirmosios nedarbo priežastys tuo laikotarpiu buvo intensyviai vykdomos reformos, planinio ūkio transformacija į rinkos ūkį bei užsilikę sovietiniai reliktai. Vienas iš pagrindinių ekonomikos teiginių yra tas, kad bet kokie ekonominio mechanizmo pokyčiai tiesiogiai ar netiesiogiai sukelia užimtumo pokyčius. Naujumas, aktualumas. Šiuo metu dažnai pasaulyje minima problema yra nedarbas. Jis sukelia ne tik ekonominius, bet ir įvairius socialinius neigiamus padarinius. Masinis darbuotojų atleidimas, gyvenimo lygio smukimas, artėjimas prie skurdo ribos, žmonių dvejonės dėl laukiančio rytojaus, nedarbo nulemtų kitų makroekonominių rodiklių blogėjimas – visa tai linksniuojama kiekvieną dieną. Visi supranta šio reiškinio didėjančią grėsmę ir stengiasi ieškoti būdų, kaip užkirsti tam kelią. Šiame darbe bus nagrinėjama situacija Lietuvos darbo rinkoje nuo nepriklausomybės atkūrimo iki šių dienų, bandysime išsiaiškinti, kaip buvo kovojama su nedarbu bei jo sukeltomis pasekmėmis, kas yra daroma dabar ir kokių teigiamų bei neigiamų perspektyvų galima tikėtis.
Ekonomika  Kursiniai darbai   (71 psl., 898,7 kB)
Asocialiu žmogumi, ko gero, šiandien esame linkę laikyti “tarpuvarčių ir šiluminių mazgų gyventojus”, dar – girtuokliaujančias motinas, atsisakančias auginti savo vaikus, dar – jų pamestinukus, kuriems nepasisekė papulti į Vaikų globos namus... Atrodo, kad tokius asmenis sugrąžinti į normalų gyvenimą dėl juos ištikusių socialinių ar psichologinių problemų, o dar dažniau - dėl jų pačių nenoro beveik neįmanoma. Kadangi šio referato tikslas – aptarti psichologinę asocialaus elgesio profilaktiką, mėginsime susipažinti su asocialaus elgesio samprata, nukrypimo kriterijais, formomis ir pasiaiškinti, kaip užkirsti kelią asocialios asmenybės formavimuisi bei padėti asocialiems asmenims sugrįžti į normalų gyvenimą. Taip pat aptarsime, ką reiktų daryti norint apsisaugoti nuo asocialaus elgesio, kokios organizacijos galetų padėti. Referato pabaigoje apžvelgsime padėtį Lietuvoje,augančio skurdo ir nedarbo problemas didinančias asocialių asmenų skaičių.
Psichologija  Referatai   (12 psl., 72,4 kB)
To begin with i`d like to say that alcoholism is widely spread among young people and because of that it has become a serious national problem. Alcohol is widely used by young people. Around 90 per cent of european teenagers over the age of 14 years have tried alcohol at least once. ‘Binge drinking’, drink driving and unsafe sex can all result from the misuse of alcohol.
Anglų kalba  Kalbėjimo temos   (2 psl., 4,75 kB)
Šiuo projektu mes norime atlikti lino gaminių eksporto iš Lietuvos į Švediją studiją. Lietuvoje esanti kompanija pirks iš vietinių gamintojų lino gaminius: drabužius, staltieses, užuolaidas, patalynės komplektus, servetėles, įvairias stiliaus dekoracijas, audinius bei įvairią šalies tautinę atributiką. Ši produkcija bus vežama jūrų keliu iš Klaipėdos į Švediją, Stokholmą, kur išsinuomosime prekybines patalpas savo lininiams gaminiams realizuoti. Manome, kad prekės kelionė paprastai truks keletą dienų, tačiau iki pirmosios kelionės reikės atlikti Stokholmo miesto rinkos analizę, nustatyti, kur turėtų būti mūsų parduotuvė, kokie yra potencialūs pirkėjai, kokius kiekius ten galima parduoti ir pan. Įmonės projekto įgyvendinimui reikalingi ištekliai būtų produkcija (lininiai gaminiai), finansinės lėšos, žmogiškasis kapitalas (visi darbuotojai, jų fizinis bei protinis darbas), verslo ištekliai, nekilnojamas turtas bei informacija. Projekto pradžioje turėtų būti įtraukti įvairūs specialistai, konsultuojantys įmonės vadovus apie verslo galimybes bei perspektyvas Švedijoje.
Ekonomika  Projektai   (50 psl., 89,16 kB)
Anglu kalbos prezentacija apie nedarbo lygį ir infliaciją.
Anglų kalba  Projektai   (23 psl., 373,36 kB)
Mark Twain
By setting The Prince and the Pauper in Tudor England, Twain found a way to indulge the public’s then fashionable taste for the British monarchy, while at the same time expressing his aversion for that selfsame monarchy, which he called “surely the grotesque’s of all swindles ever invented by man” He had also discovered a means of exposing a host of modern injustices, as well. Writing this book Twain wanted to show social inequality in England. He made the most miserable and the noblest boys as principal personages, thus he tells of very different fate of two boys who had born the same day and the same town. M. Twain wanted to tell that prince and pauper can differ only by clothes, that all people born equal rights: rich and poor.
Anglų kalba  Analizės   (3,5 kB)
Life and death
Though less is known about death. All we know is that the body stops functioning. And no one knows what comes after that, what happens with person’s mind and spirit. Or maybe nothing happens, human existence just ends at the moment of death. So far it is everyone’s business to believe in life after death or not. But there is one question that can be discussed about death: is it meaningful or not? One can say that the one who believes in life after death will give the meaning to it and on the contrary – the one who does not – will not give the meaning to it. But there are people who do not believe in life after death. They even do not know if they believe in something at all and death is something mysterious, something important in human’s life even for them. Why death is so important in human’s life? Is it important? Before answering these questions I checked in the Internet hoping to find something about death. I looked for information in Academic Search Elite and Academic Search Premier databases and found over 20.000 pages related to this theme. Of course, not all of them were only about death itself, some of them where about death of some famous person, but the numbers speak. People talk about it, and if they talk about it – they care about it, it is important for them. However, why others think that it is just “an awful, stinking, absurd horror, and there is no way of giving it meaning”? There may be a lot of reasons and I would like to mention some of them. Let us look at the world history and especially the World War I, World War II and other tragedies. Dead people were buried all together without coffins, without priests (if a man was religious), without any attention. Of course, there were such circumstances – economic situation was bad, no time for normal funeral (have to fight), lots of unknown dead people. The death lost it’s mysteriousness, sacral meaning. Therefore some people think of death if it was only the end of bodies functioning. Though no man can judge them because no-one knows if there is something after death. Everyone knows for sure that the body begins to fall to pieces, begins to putrefy, to stink after death. This is also a reason to think as Rollo May does. But we should think from the other point of view. Every man’s death makes his relatives, friends, acquaintances feel bad, sad, or at least uncomfortable. Some of them say that they miss the person, feel lonely without him. Maybe it can be called egoism, but still person’s death does not pass through without consequences. It makes us stop for a second and think about the eternal questions of life and death. Yet another reason for such thinking could be the fear of death. When people are afraid of something they usually ignore or deny it. Some of them do not even think about it. In this situation a person who thinks so do not want to have any relationships with death and therefore deny it, give no meaning to it. And as the folk wisdom speaks – the roots of fear hide in ignorance. The meaning of death also shows burying traditions. Our ancients showed respect to a dead man by putting expensive clothes, things, animals and even humans to graves. They believed in life after death and emphasized it with great ceremonies. When Catholicism came to our culture burying traditions have changed but nevertheless it remained very important in humans’ life cycle. It proves the importance of priest’s participation in funeral. I have already mentioned World Wars. As it is the tragedy of the whole mankind, we can not judge about significance of death from this point of view. Nowadays things change very fast and it is hard to decide how people think about things. By the way Andrew Greeley said: “since the fall of socialism in Eastern Europe there has been a significant increase in religious faith in Hungary, Slovenia, East Germany, and the Soviet Union, particularly in matters of religious faith like belief in God, life after death, heaven, hell, and religious miracles.” (Society, Mar/Apr2001, Vol. 38 Issue 3, p32, 6p). Proving this I should say I was surprised one day by the Mass in the Catholic Church – there were lots of young people, they were singing, it looked as if they liked it very much to be in church, to participate in Mass. It was no doubt for me that they really believe in God who says that death is an important period in human’s existence. But there is another question about believing in God and meaningful death. It happens very often that a man who lost his friend, beloved person in early childhood when his faith in something was just beginning to develop does not believe in God, hates death because of some unfairness, offense. He can not go to a funeral, he laughs at those who suffer because of somebody’s death. He says he does not understand people who give some meaning to death. But it is just a defensive reaction. He denies death because he does not want to remember early childhood’s horrible experience. Lately I have been to a couple of funerals. People who died were not very close to me. Still their death touched me. As I looked at dead people’s relatives, friends I realized that this event is very hard to experience. It seemed that they lost the ground under their feet, they looked so lost as if they did not know how they were going to live any longer. But still in such a sad situation they believed that for a man who died will be easier to live “there”. They wanted to say goodbye to their friend, relative and I even heard one woman saying that she hopes to see him in the better world. That was the most convincing argument that she believes in the meaning of death. I would like to say that nobody should give up in believing in life after death. People should believe in death as in a one step in the better human’s life. In nowadays when social, economic conditions are very unfavorable old people who have to little time to change something must have hope in case they could live their last days cheerfully, hopefully. But it is one problem with it – people are too afraid in death. Let us cope with this problem, let us give a hopeful meaning to death and let us live more joyful!
India One of the most striking features about India, which any foreign traveler must appreciate, is the size and diversity of this country. India is the seventh largest country in the world in terms of size, with a total landmass of 3,287,590 sq km. Located in South Asia, it has land boundary of 14,107 km with its neighbours [Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, Burma, Nepal and Bhutan] and a coastline of 7,000 km, which stretches across the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean. India is a country of both diversity and continuity. It is a creative blend of cultures, religions, races and languages. The nation's identity and social structure remain protected by a rich cultural heritage that dates back at least 5,000 years, making India one of the oldest civilisations in the world. One of the fundamental components of Indian culture, vital for your business organisation to succeed, is an understanding of the traditions and ways of communicating with others that form the basis of India's society. It is advisable to schedule your appointment at least a couple of months in advance. If you are making your appointments before coming to India, do emphasize that you will be in India for a short period of time, if this is the case. It is also useful to reconfirm your meeting a few days before the agreed upon date. Do be prepared for last minute changes in the time and place of your meeting. It is useful to leave your contact details with the secretary of the person, so that, in case there are changes, you can be informed. Formal or informal communication: • In general, people are addressed by their name [without the prefix] only by close acquaintances, family members, or by someone who is older or superior in authority. • Do use titles wherever possible, such as “Professor” or “Doctor”. If your Indian counterpart does not have a title, use “Mr”, “Mrs”, or “Miss”. • Do remain polite and honest at all times in order to prove that your objectives are sincere. • Don't be aggressive in your business negotiations – it can show disrespect. Behavior: • The head is considered the seat of the soul. Never touch someone else’s head, not even to pat the hair of a child. • Beckoning someone with the palm up and wagging one finger can be construed as in insult. Standing with your hands on your hips will be interpreted as an angry, aggressive posture. • Whistling is impolite and winking may be interpreted as either an insult or a sexual proposition. • Greet by pressing your palms together and bow slightly. Say “Namaste” (nah-mah-stay). • Among the younger urban Indians, a 'Hello' or 'Hi' with a wave of the hand is also an acceptable form of greeting when making informal contact. • Talking to a woman who is walking alone is not advisable, since it is likely to be seen as a proposition or other inappropriate gesture. • Allow women to proceed first. • Ignore beggars. • Respect age and seniority. • The comfortable distance to be maintained during an interaction is much closer in India than in most Western countries. In general, a distance of about 2 or 2 ½ feet is seen as comfortable. However, since India has very high population density, in public spaces [e.g., public transport, a queue, etc.], don't be surprised if you find people almost rubbing against you.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (10,01 kB)
Having a pet
Touching some other bases, I must say that there are many reasons of having a pet. The most important is loneliness. However I can’t deny that some people keep pets for fun. There are strong arguments both for and against keeping a pet. I would like begin with advantages of owning a pet. The first reason of having a pet is that their benefits for children are undeniable. Keeping a pet is an important part of every child’s childhood and plays a big role in both their physical and mental development. It teaches children how to play, look after them, while at the same time aiding tolerance and understanding of each other. From a social standpoint, pets play a large role in many lonely people’s lives. Nowadays more than ever lonely people are fond of keeping pets, because it helps to raise their mood, when they are in low spirits, and not to feel so extremely lonely. The final advantage of having a pet is that it makes fun for people who are crazy about attending various animals’ exhibitions and showing the best points of their pets to others. However, there are many disadvantages of keeping a pet as well. Perhaps the most obvious one is that pets cause a lot of damage. In fact, a lot of people face with this problem. To avoid that they always have to look after their pet and try not to keep them in rooms which are full of valuable things. Secondly, some people can’t keep pets because of their health. Usually they are allergies and can not live with a pet in the same place. Furthermore, some pets, especially dogs, dislike little children and they are likely to bite them. So it is advisable to think twice before buying a pet and consider both advantages and disadvantages. Talking about pets, I am able to say that I have a pet too. I have big, fat cat. He is called Meilas. He is Persian race. All my family’s life changed when we got this cat. This cat brought to our lives more fun. I feel very happy when Meilas meets me coming back from school. He is my best friend. To sum it up, I must say that if you love your pet, he makes you life as fun as you can imagine.
Happiness is an emotional or affective state that is characterized by feelings of enjoyment and satisfaction. States associated with happiness include well-being, delight, health, safety, contentment and love. Contrasting states include suffering, depression, grief, anxiety, and pain. Happiness is often associated with the presence of favorable circumstances such as a supportive family life and economic stability. However,There are several factors of being contented. A very important trait of happy people is their social involvement with others. Close relationships with supportive friends and family and an interest in caring and loving relationships are a priority in the pursuit of happiness. Moreover, happy people are good at setting long-term goals at work. They find work to be a positive experience because they put themselves into work situations where they feel challenged and engaged. The most important trait common to happy people is positive self-esteem. Such people like themselves and believe in themselves to be smarter, healthier and more sociable than the average person. They are also more optimistic, extroverted, and tend to have more realistic perspectives. They feel like they are in control of their lives. Also, research proves that people who are active in religious organizations are more contmented because they cope better with various life experiences and are less vulnerable. In conclusion, hapiness is anyone and anything that's loved by you. To look at it in a simple way, contentment is when reality is better than your dreams.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (1,33 kB)
Direct observation deals with naturally occurring behavior. It is commonly used by biopsychologists to observe animal behavior in natural conditions. Humans can also be observed by direct observation, although that kind of observation requires specific techniques. There are many different techniques that describe the timing of observation, its frequency, longitude, the way data should be recorded in video and audio devices, or written in protocols. Direct observation is usually divided into laboratory observations and field observations. For the first one, psychologists create an artificial situation and watch someone solving it. This method allows an objective data gathering where almost all variables can be controlled, eliminated or changed. While field observations or naturalistic research takes place in the natural environment. Usually the observer has to camouflage himself in order not to be spotted and not to intercept with the experiment. There is a big fight over these two methods. Naturalistic observation provides data that is much closer to the reality, although it is impossible to control the factors that may influence the observed behavior. Indirect observation can be split into questionnaires, interviews and psychological testing. Questionnaires allow social scientists to collect information quickly and cheaply. It also gives an opportunity to examine a big group of individuals at the same time. Usually questionnaires ask for readily available information and do not require a lot of soul-searching. Psychological testing is another form of an indirect observation. It is usually used to observe: mental health, intelligence, moods, personality traits, beliefs, feelings, needs, opinions, abilities, knowledge and the like. Tests vary in formats from questionnaire type to the exam looking like. Some tests can be made to exam large groups while others certain individuals. Interviews and questionnaires are also quite similar. Interviews are closer to direct observation method then testing or than questionnaires, because interviews involve an investigator, who collects data in face-to-face manner. Interviews can be structured or open-ended. Structured interviews have definite questions that everyone is expected to answer and precise answer options may be available. While open-ended interviews allow respondents to speak whatever they like under mere question construction designed by the examiner. Although interview is an expensive method for data gathering, since it involves a tête-à-tête work of a qualified psychologist.
Children rights
Even in the same nation children rights were equally respected, and violated. For example in ancient Egypt one of the pharaohs ordered to kill all male, new-born Jewish children, because he thought, that the Jewish (Hebrew) people became more powerful than they, Egyptians were. According to the Bible, he said unto his people: Behold, the people of Israel Are more and mightier than we. And he said, when ye do the office Of a midwife to the Hebrew women, And see then upon the stools; If it be a son, then ye shall kill him: But if it be a daughter then she shall live. Of course, it was the roughest breaking of children rights. But in the same country, almost at the same time, small - aged prince Tuthanchathon sat on the throne. His aunt wanted to occupy the throne herself , that means to break his , as pharaoh's child's and throne heir's, rights, but this time child's rights defence worked really strongly , because Tuthanchathon was an Egyptian , not Jewish child , and , of course , pharaoh's son. The same kind of violation of children rights was in Sparta - they killed children too, but this time - for another reason. From five years age Spartans took their male children to the military trainings. And if a child was too weak for such trainings, they killed him. It’s a strict breaking of child's rights, because children can't chose, what physical or mental shape will they born. But the times were changing, so the attitude towards children rights was changing too. Masive and cruel children’s killing was stopped. Of course, that doesn't mean, that the violation of child's rights was stopped too. For example in Middle-ages in Europe parents could hand over their just - born children to abbeys , could chose them any profession they want or even to set up a marriage without asking them. Also children often had to work very hardly, and at work they had to keep up equally with adults, otherwise they were punished. But after some hundreds years passed , that kind of kind of child's neglect had vanished too , and step by step children were admitted to the circle of all people , who have full rights. Despite of such relief, children rights and their defence remains a unsolved problem. Now-a-days our civilization has reached very high levels, but it can't deal with it .We still have lots of situations, where child's rights are neglected. One of them has occurred and continues to worry world's society in China. It's linked with the number of people, who live in China, because that number increases, and already has reached more than 1.2 billion! So, in that country all families, that have underage children, must pay additional taxes. That badly worsens social situation of such families, so parents can't support their children as good as they require .Other countries are indignant at such situation. In Saudi Arabia the government even pays more then $ 20.000 to the mothers, who born children, because they respect child's rights and want the children of their country to live happily. The Constitutions of many countries contain some points about child's rights. Lithuanian Constitution has such points too .For example they say , that :" Government takes care about families , what raise up their children at home , while they are underage ". That shows that Lithuania respects child's rights too. So, we've travelled through the history from ancient times to our days. You should've mentioned that I've missed one thing, which from time to time occurred and died out during the human civilizations history. It's war. War is the exception from all rules, because it has no rules. During a war there's just one right - the right of the strongest - he can do whatever he wants, not respecting other rights, even child's rights. The best example is the Balkan war, where from illnesses, hunger and aggression die children. The United Nations Organization is really concerned about that. They proved that by establishing a fund, which is called “Help Children of Sarajevo” As you see, when wars occur, all the success that was reached during thousands of years in child’s rights protection vanishes. But when wars die out, those rights regain their former respect, that’s why wars are just rude exceptions, which can't stop the whole process. We think that history goes the right way, because there are more and more laws, confirming child's rights in lots of countries. And we are happy about the development of those laws, because living in good circumstances lets us to become freer, more intelligent and educated generation.
These people avoid being on busy streets or in crowded stores, theatres and churches. Normal activities become restricted as the person avoids these situations. Many agoraphobia victims are afraid of leaving the house. Perhaps for this reason agoraphobia is the most common phobia seen in the clinic, about 60% of all examined phobias. Agoraphobia occurs about two times more commonly among women than men. It can be connected with the fact, that Women have been and are still being stereotyped, agoraphobia has been explained in terms of traditional sex roles. Clinical descriptions of agoraphobics use such words as passive, shy, dependent, descriptions traditionally applied to women. It may be as Fodor suggests, that being agoraphobic, is in part a logical, although exaggerated, extension of the stereotyped female role. Until recently and still in many societies it has been more acceptable for a woman than for a man to be housebound. As stereotypes of womes as helpless, fragile, home-oriented, passive, fearful and dependent will change, the should be equal number of male-female agoraphobics. The disorder tends to be more common among families where other members also suffer from an anxiety disorder and/or possibly abuse alcohol. Most agoraphobia’s develop symptoms between the ages of 18 and 35. The onset may be sudden or gradual. Many agoraphobia victims develop the disorder after first suffering a series of panic attacks in public places. The attacks seem to occur randomly and without warning, making it impossible for a person to predict what situation will trigger such a reaction. Attack is accompanied with tension, anxiety, dizziness, depression, sweating, more frequent heartbeating, minor checking compulsions – checking is the door is locked, no intruder is under the bed, the iron is offf- rumination and fear of going mad. One study found that 93% of agoraphobics also reported fears of heights and enclosed spaces such as subways and elevators. But many agoraphobics have “good days”, when they can move about. Being with a trusted companion can also help them leave the house. Treatment Fortunately, phobias are very treatable. In fact, most people who seek treatment completely overcome their fears for life. Psychoanalytic approaches. Treatment tries to uncover the repressed conflict, that are thought to be covered in the extreme fear and avoidance. Phobia is thought to protect the person from repressed conflicts that are too painful to face it. There are two major techniques, that are used to help lift the repression. First is – free association. The analyst listen carefully to what tha patient mentions in connections with any references to the phobia. And second – analyst tries to discover origins of the phobia by analyzing the content of dreams. But more effective relief can be gained through either behavior therapy or medication. In behavior therapy, one meets with a trained therapist and learns to control the physical reactions of fear. The person first imagines the feared object or situation, works up to looking at pictures that show the object or situation, and finally actually experiences the situation or comes in contact with the feared object. the person becomes accustomed to it and can lose the terror, horror, panic, and dread he or she once felt. It is called systematic desensitization. Medications are used to control the panic experienced during a phobic situation as well as the anxiety aroused by anticipation of that situation and are the treatment of first choice for social phobia and agoraphobia. Any phobia that interferes with daily living and creates extreme disability should be treated. With proper treatment, the vast majority of phobia patients can completely overcome their fears and be symptom free for years, if not for life.
Nuo senų senovės pažanga ir vystymasis buvo viso pasaulio varikliai, noras siekti tobūlybės leido žmogui tapti tuo, kuo jis yra dabar. Akivaizdu, kad mūsų dienų pažangos sparta skiriasi nuo ankstesnės, tempai yra tokie, kad praėjus dešimtmečiui galima bus ir nebeatpažinti aplinkos kurioje gyvename. XXI amžiuje negalime nepastebeti milžiniško technologijų vystymosi, jis tiesiogiai arba ne visai tiesiogiai daro įtaka kiekvieno žmogaus gyvenimui. Taipogi kiekvena socialinė terpė negali likti nuošalėje ir išsaugoti pirminės būsenos.
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Psichodermatologija – psichosomatinės medicinos sritis, tirianti odos ir psichikos sąveika. Jos objektas – odos ligomis sergančiųjų psichologinės problemos (intrapsichinės ir tarpasmeninės) bei psichosocialiniai faktoriai, galintys būti tiek ligos priežastimi, tiek pasekme. Odos ligos visada turi neigiamos įtakos pacientų gyvenimo kokybei, psichosocialinei adaptacijai. Visuomet yra ryšys tarp odos ligos ir psichologinio distreso. Kuo geriau suprasime odos ligų ir psichologinių sutrikimų tarpusavio sąveiką, tuo efektyvesnis bus gydymas, gerės ligonių gyvenimo kokybė.
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