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Cross-cultural. ANGLU KALBA, lietuviskos kulturos palyginimas su 3/5 is dimensiju////// Lithuania is the country with the strongest Masculinity what means then men are the bosses, the head of the family also man. A lot of years ago woman had only few main roles- house keeping and childs sometimes small job. There was only few womans in political life or economics. It was only mans sphere. Actually now, woman in Lithuania are very intelligent , competitive in a lot of “mans” spheres and more independent than before. Its change a lot -they having more and more power than they might think
It has been estimated that something like 17 million Americans try to "quitt smoking" each year and only about 8% succeed!
Statistical analysis has shown that the success rate is much higher if the doctor was involved in counseling and helping a person to quit. I'm not sure if any studies have been done to see if a pharmacist's encouragement to quit produces similar results, but I am going to urge you to prepare yourself to "kick" the habit.
Let me remind you why it is so important. Smoking can either directly cause or be a major risk factor in bringing about the following: Cancers of the lung, liver, pancreas, bladder, brain, breast, and cervix. Chronic obstructive lung disease, asthma, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. Hypertension, coronary artery disease, aortic aneurysm, and stroke. Retardation of fetal growth, congenital malformations, premature births, spontaneous abortions, and sudden infant death syndrome. Peptic ulcers, osteoporosis, and premature aging. Even breathing the air in a smoke filled room is associated with higher risks of some of these conditions! If you quit, do the risks return to the same level as nonsmokers? Yes, in many cases they do. Nicotine is only one of the toxins in cigarette smoke. Other toxic chemicals include carbon monoxide, ammonia, and nitrosamines. Smoking is considered a true addiction by the US Surgeon General.
So, it is not easy to quit and although relapse is common, it should be viewed as part of the process. Most people are successful only after several attempts.
The use of patches which release nicotine into the body are often very helpful. But, programs which include counseling and behavior modification have the highest rates of lasting abstinence. You can be of service to your friends and family by helping them to confront the issue of what smoking does to their health and to those around them. Encourage them to seek professional counsel on a smoking cessation program that fits their needs. Then stick with them as encouragement from friends and family can greatly enhance their chances for success. Remember, this pharmacist is ready and willing to help.
Kicking the habit promotes "Good Health."... lighten up... it will be good for your “good health.”
Sleep disorders
INSOMNIA The term insomnia is used in reference to complaints about a symptom, namely, dissatisfaction with the amount or quality of one’s sleep. Whether or not a person has insomnia is almost always a subjective decision. A difficult feature of insomnia is that people seem to overestimate their sleep loss. One study that monitored the sleep of people who identified themselves as insomniacs found that only about half of them were actually awake as much as 30 minutes during the night. The problem may be that light or restless sleep sometimes fells like wakefulness or that some people remember only time spent awake and think they have not slept because they have no memory of doing so.
NARCOLEPSY AND APNEA Two relatively rare but severe sleep disorders are narcolepsy and apnea. A person with narcolepsy may fall asleep while writing a letter, driving a car, or carrying on a conversation. Individuals with this dysfunction have recurring, irresistible attacks of drowsiness (apsnūdimas). These episodes can occur several times a day in severe cases, and last from a few second to 15-30 minutes. Essentially, narcolepsy is the intrusion (įsibrovimas) of REM episodes into daytime hours. During attacks victims go quickly into a REM state, so rapidly in fact that they may lose muscle control and collapse (smarkiai nusilpti) before they can lie down, they may report experiencing hallucinations. Narcolepsy runs in families, and there is evidence that a specific gene or combination of genes confers susceptibility (teikia jautruma) to the disorder. In sleep apnea the individual stops breathing while asleep. There are two reasons for apnea attacks. One reason is that the brain fails to send a “breathe” signal to the diaphragm and other breathing muscles, thus causing breathing to stop. The other reason is that muscles art the top of the throat become too relaxed, allowing the windpipe (gerklė, trachėja) to partially close, thereby forcing the breathing muscles to pull harder on incoming air, which causes the airway to completely collapse. During an apnea, the oxygen level of the blood drops dramatically, leading to the secretion of emergency hormones. This reaction causes the sleeper to awaken in order to begin breathing again. Most people have a few apneas a night, but people with severe sleep problems may have several hundred apneas per night. With each apnea they wake up in order to resume breathing, but these arousals are so brief they are generally unaware of doing so. The result is that those who suffer from apnea can spend 12 or more hours in bed each night and still be so sleepy the next day that they cannot function and will fall asleep even in the middle of a conversation. Sleep apnea is common among older men. Not waking up is probably one of the main reasons people die in their sleep.
SLEEP DEPRIVATION (miego atėmimas, netekimas) . The need for sleep seems so important that we might expect being deprived of sleep for several nights to have serious consequences. Numerous studies have shown, however, that the only consistent effects of sleep deprivation are drowsiness, a desire to sleep, and a tendency to fall asleep easily. Subjects kept awake for 50 hours or more show nothing more noticeable than transient inattentions, confusions, or misperceptions. Even sleepless periods exceeding four days produce little in the way of severely disturbed behavior. In one study in which a subject was kept awake for 11 days and nights, there were no unusually deviant responses. Intellectual activities such as answering short test questions seem unaffected by several nights of sleep deprivation.
• Establish a regular schedule of going to bed and getting up
• Stay away form caffeinated drinks like coffee or cola for several hours before bedtime. Drink milk.
• Don’t eat heavily before going to bed
• Regular exercise will help you sleep better
• Relax before bedtime, avoid stressful thoughts
Liverpool is a city and metropolitan borough of Merseyside, England, along the eastern side of the Mersey Estuary. It was founded as a borough in 1207 and was granted city status in 1880. So I want to tell abaout one of most beautiful city Liverpool.
I’m going to speak about some kinds of pollution, for example air pollution or acid rain, water pollution. Now different kinds of trees, many of the animals, birds, fish are in serious danger. What should government do to stop the polluting, nowadays? First of all I would like to speak about water pollution There is no ocean or sea which is not used as a dump. Many rivers and lakes are poisoned, too. Fish and reptiles can’t live in them.
About languages
My native language is Lithuania. So he must know its fourth form I began to learn the English language. From history, grammar, literature spelling. When I was on the the very first days I understood that it is very difficult to learn. English, as it has different pronunciation and spelling. If you want to learn new words, grammar, how to form the sentence. It is necessary to know the history, culture, traditions of the country which language, you study.
About Paroc
We have almost 50 years' experience of developing, manufacturing and distributing stone wool products for use by the building industry and other industries. We are currently the leading stone wool manufacturer in the Baltic region, with Sweden and Finland as our main markets. Our annual turnover is more than 235 million euro. Paroc has plants in Finland, Sweden, Poland, Lithuania and the United Kingdom, plus sales companies in fourteen European countries. Paroc offices are located in Vanda (head office) and Pargas, Finland, and in Skövde, Sweden. We employ some 1,700 people.
The most common kind found in Europe is the ordinary oak (Quercus robur), and in America - the red oak (Quercus rubra). Ordinary oaks grow naturally in forests of Lithuania, taking 1.8 % of total forest area. The greatest number of oak-woods is located in Middle Lithuania Lowland; their number is slightly lesser in south-eastern part of the country, and even more so - in the south. Oaks reach 30-40 m in height, and 1,5-2 m in diameter. This tree lives for 500-1,000 years, sometimes even for 1,500 years. Oaks are suitable for cutting down at the age of 120-160 years.
The process of human communication
For over 60,000 years men and women have been communicating. Yet we still feel the need, perhaps more than ever, to find ways to improve these skills. According to numerous research studies, for your entire life you have spent about 75 per sent of each day engaged in communication. Therefore, you may be wondering why you need to study communication in the first place.
Legend about Vilnius
The establishment of the City of Vilnius has a very popular legend. Once upon a time the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas was hunting in the holy woods of the Valley of Šventaragis. Tired after the successful day hunt the Grand Duke settled for night there. He fell asleep soundly and had a dream. A huge iron wolf was standing on top a hill and the sound of hundreds of other wolves inside it filled all surrounding fields and woods.
The word for Easter, has been borrowed from Beylorussian and means "important day." In Lithuania the Easter morning procession was usually conducted around the church. It was very solemn: church flags were held high, girls strewed flowers, the choir and all the people sang, alternating with a brass band, and the church bells pealed loudly. At the conclusion of the liturgy in church, the people hurried home.
Sometimes, when it comes to the situation that you have a foreign guest, you have nothing else to do as make him interested in Lithuania. I am strongly against speaking about poor economical situation as it is not very interesting, especially for the rich foreigners. The fact is well known that Lithuania is a small piece of land at the Baltic Sea in the geographical center of Europe.
Darbas anglų kalba apie anglevandenius, vitaminus, riebalus. What you eat has a life long effect on your health and well-being. To look and feel your best, you have to eat adequate amounts of the proper foods. Many teenagers don't always choose the food that is best for them. They may not want to eat what the rest of the family is eating or they may eat poorly at school. The food at the school cafeteria is required by law in the United States to meet certain nutritional standards, but you may not be eating their food. There are six types of nutrients: protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water.
Vertas 10. Have you ever thought about the advantages and disadvanteges of living in cities? It may seem, at first, that living in cities has only good sides, but further consideration shows that it also has negative sides. One point in favour of living in cities is that you don't have to go for shopping by car or bus- you have enormous department store nearby your house and you can do the shopping very quickly.
Jane Eyre
In this work there will be analyzed Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre. The book, acritique of social Victorian assumptions about gender and social class, became one of the most succeccful novels of its era, both critically and commercially. The structure of this work is as follows: - The period of Realism (it’s reflection in Jane Eyre) - Autobiography of Charlotte Bronte.
Castles of Lithuania
I would like to start my individual project with describing of Vilnius Castle Complex. I have been living not far away and can wonder time, when I see it. How beautiful and interesting it is! The Vilnius Castle Complex is a group of defensive, cultural and religious buildings on the left bank of the Neris River, near the inflow the Vilnia River, in Vilnius.
Oral speech for the topic peace. It takes about 3min to say it. It contains useful recent info and is based on Roosevelt's words.
Perhaps all of us have experienced both positive and negative feelings. We all have felt joy, sorrow or fear. All these feelings represent emotions – feelings that generally have both physiological and cognitive elements and that influence behavior. So when we experience a feeling it is likely that there are changes, for example, in our heart rate.
War and peace
The twentieth century has marked a clear watershed not only in mankind's social history but in its very destiny. The outgoing century is different from those that preceded it in that, for the first time ever, mankind cannot regard itself as immortal, for it has become aware that its dominion over nature has limits and may even threaten its own survival. Even if nuclear war can be avoided, the threat to mankind will remain, for the Earth may one day no longer have the capacity to bear the burden of human activity.
Įvairios anglų kalbos kalbėjimo temos
Moscow the capital of Russia is one of the world’s great cities. Its name was first mentioned in chronicles in 1147. Since that time M. has played an important role in R-an history. Today M. isn’t only the political center of R. but also the contry’s leading city in population, industry & in cultural importrance. M. stands on the M.R. in the center of the vast plain of E.R. The climate of M. is continental.
Do zoos serve a useful purpose
Do zoos serve a useful purpose, or are they unfair to animals? During the last few years there has been noticed a great development of zoos. Some people think that such places are entertaining or even needed. However in my opinion zoos should be banned for numerous reasons. The first argument against zoos, which I would like to present, is that in fact in most cases animals are kept there against their nature. Nowadays people are used to keeping animals at home, though these are just a few species and they have been domesticated for centuries.
Kinds Of Democracy
Šiame darbe yra aprašomos demokratijos rūšys, demokratijos sąvoka ir panašiai. Darbas gali būti panaudotas anglų kalbos projektui apie demokratiją.
What people do when they get laid off
Unemployment really is one of the economic and social problems. However, stressing of this problem usually leaves people with an impression that it is the most urgent in Lithuania. One could read in an article in one newspaper that this problem is not that urgent as our politicians present it.
Samuel K. Thompson knygos analizė
Samuel M. Thompson „The Nature of Philosophy“. The book was published in January, 1961 Monmouth, Illinois. Samuel M. Thompson- a member of Monmouth College. In Monmouth Colleg‘s faculty he became chairman of the Philosophy Department. His first book, A Modern Philosophy of Religion, as well as his second book, The Nature of Philosophy, became widely used in many colleges and universities.
Problem of violence in media
Media have a tremendous influence on family life. Consider that 99 percent of U.S. homes have a television. Ninety-eight percent have radios, and 69 percent have computers. Just sixty years ago the invention of the television was viewed as a technological curiosity with small black and white ghost-like figures on a screen so hardly anyone could see them. Today that curiosity has become a constant companion to many, mainly – children.
Centralized world
Now we live in the age of information. Latest technologies develop every day and even every minute. It is very important for us. Now we can find the needed person in a very short time using e-mail, mobile technologies, paging system and others. Maybe the most important of them is Internet. It started in 1960 when some governmental organizations in US wanted to connect their systems in a very reliable net, that couldn’t be affected by war. Later it developed and now we have a big computer network all over the world.
Islam, one of the three major monotheistic faiths, was founded in Arabia by Muhammad between 610 and 632. There are an estimated 5.5 million Muslims in North America and 1 billion Muslims worldwide. Muhammad was born in A.D. 570 at Mecca and belonged to the Quraysh tribe, which was active in the caravan trade. At the age of 25 he joined the trade from Mecca to Syria in the employment of a rich widow, Khadija, whom he later married.
Missing lessons
Last school year 13 percent of secondary school pupils missed lessons because of spending time in Internet cafes. To tell the truth, I was shocked when found out this information. I think that nowadays need for entertainment wins against the necessity for knowledge.
Speaking - Can we really learn to be happy
Kalbėjimas tema "Can we really lear to be happy". Turėtų ypač praversti žmonėms, kurie mokosi iš vadovėlio "Matrix. Upper-intermediate", nes tai kalbėjimo tema iš Unit 2.