Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai

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My mum
I am going to talk about the person who is very important for me. Is it my mum. Her name is Rita. She is thirty-four years old. Now, she is not just my mum. She is also my friend and I like her looks as well as her features of character. My mum does not look different from others women, but for me she is very attractive. Firstly she is tall and slim. My mother has a round face with blue sparkling eyes and sweet smile with white teeth, her lips a thin and red, she has a turned up and small nose and dark eyebrows. She has short, wavy brown hair. Her skin is tanned. Besides, she is usually dressed in sports style. But sometimes when she goes to important places, she is dressed in formal clothes. Talking about my mum’s character, she is good-humored and you can not get bored with her company, for example, when I am sad she always makes me laugh by telling a joke to me. She is very outspoken and you can talk to her about everything and she always gives you advice. Also she is very sensitive. When she is hurt she sometimes begins to cry. However, like every person she has got some drawbacks. For example, she can be angry at times and nervous, especially when she has got a bad day. Impatient is another negative feature of her character. When she asks me to do something I have to do it at once without hesitation. As far as my mom’s free time is concerned, she loves listening to music, meeting her friends, collecting old coins and going in for sports. As you can see she spends her leisure in a very interesting way. In conclude, my mum is a person I always admire despite her negative features of her character. Besides, I am so happy to have someone to rely on.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,16 kB)
Dream house
To begin with I must say that many people usually dream about the castle on the bank of the sea with many huge rooms and bathrooms. But I don’t. My dream house is quite different. So my dream house is located about few kilometers from the big city in a very picturesque place near the endless river and forest. When you are in a bad mood you can go for a walk in a forest or along the river. There you can recover your strength and take a breath. My dream house is not as big as a castle, but it is airy and up-to-date. There are a huge flower-bed and orchard outside. Also there is a swing for unrepeatable moments. Inside there are just a few and necessary rooms. There are living-room, kitchen, lavatory and studio on the ground floor. Walls are full of color. Every room is different. One is painted with striking color, other with blind. There is a huge aquarium in a living room in order to relax. On the first floor there are my bedroom, bathroom and spare room. You can see that there is nothing special in my dream house. The main thing in my house is the atmosphere. If the atmosphere in you house is unfriendly and unpleasant, no matter how many rooms and bedrooms you have, you wont be happy of living in this house. That’s all about my dream house. I hope that one day my dreams will become a true. It would be great to live in house which is in my dreams.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (2,97 kB)
I take a very difficult exam. I have to study for about one week. But I do not. I read a bit every day and I feel calm, because I know I will be able to cheat. Everybody knows that, but some of my group mates study a lot. They study for themselves, for the future or because they are really interested in that subject. I am not interested at all. After the exam we find out that all students got good marks. But somebody is not satisfied or jealous, so he goes and tells the lecturer the names of those people who cheated. He tells my name too. I am very upset- not because I have cheated, but because I can trust nobody in my group. How could I be so stupid and tell that man such a simple thing… Cheating is a very popular phenomenon in our country. In other countries the prevalence of cheating differs. And it is a problem of educational system, not of students. When the disciplines are interesting and useful, students are fond of learning, not of cheating. But the worst thing is that nobody can change this system rapidly: it requires much time, money and hard work. Firstly, honors code like Groveton’s ruins the relationships between students. A student can not trust anybody and tell that he is going to cheat. That is, he has to lie to his mates that he knows a lot, that he has studied for weeks. And it is very difficult (I would say impossible) to find real friends from the university environment. For example, I would not call a friend such a man, to whom I have to lie, who can lodge a complaint against me after every test or exam. The most important thing in friendship is trust and freedom to talk, share impressions. Sometimes it is so great to tell a real friend: “That was the best cheating in my life…” In our society lots of students’ best friends are from their course. If students would have to sign an honor code, the relationships between them changed a lot. There could be no talk about marriages between group mates, because what is a marriage without trust and supporting a spouse? Or there could be another way out of such situation: to break an oath and to lodge complaints only against some students. But on the other hand, if one breaks an oath, there is no need to report about cheating at all. So what should a poor student do? Another difficulty is that the information can be not reliable. If one student hates somebody, it is natural that he tries to do harm to the object of hate. And he can say that he is cheating after every exam and test. Karen Horney says that some people are inclined to competitiveness. Such people try to damage a competitor in order to enhance their own position or glory or to keep down a potential rival. For such a man it is more important to see others defeated than to succeed himself. In universities it is natural that they would try to defeat their mates (competitors) in the easiest way- they will tell that others have cheated. And it is very difficult to check such information. I think that people can not be forced to sign such documents as honor codes, because nobody can make disgraceful people become honorable. The ones who are honorable will not cheat without signing any paper, and the ones who want to cheat, will pay no attention to what they have signed. I think that forcing to sign an honor code would insult me a bit, because I can be honorable without a code, and it is nobody’s business. It is up to me and my conscience to decide whether I will cheat or not. University is not a secondary school, where students have to learn lots of needless subjects. Almost everything that is taught at universities is necessary for the future job. Students choose a profession to study, which interests them, and so they are fond of learning and knowing a lot.
More and more people are beginning to open new business ventures (sumanymas). It seems like it is becoming the popular move. By opening a business there could be big profit(nauda)to be made, depending(atsizvelgiant) on the market. On the other hand, there are risks(rizika). It is said that there are two reasons why people start a business. The first reason is because they have inspiration(ikvepimas) for what they believe would be a great idea and the second is from desperation(neviltis).. There are various different ways to start a business. Not all entrepreneurs(verslininkai) begin their business by the thought of an idea. There are many other ways to go about starting a business. Buying a franchise, buying an existing company, the inventions of a product are all other ways to begin a business. People often start a business in a field that they know well. Although this is true, it is important not to limit the perspectives(perspektyva) of the kind of business to open. The areas outside of your interests may just be the right opportunity(galimybe) for you, which is why it is important to explore(istirti)other areas. This paper will talk about the general ways in which to start a new business and how to go about doing it. Included will be how to get ideas to open a business, planning out the business structure, ways to get money to start the business, getting prepared(pasiruosimas), hiring(samda the staff, and getting the word out to the public. Getting ideas to Open a Business the business idea plays a critical role in the overall(apskritai) success of the business venture chosen.. There are many considerations(pamastymu) that must be thought of before determine(nulemti) the success of an enterprise, including the entrepreneur, financing and other external forces. In order to have a good business idea it should:  satisfy personal goals and interests, (patenkinti personalo tikslus ir..)  find a success place in the market,  making sure it is possible to produce the necessary quality of the product or service,  Meet or exceed your financial goals.(atitikti ar virsyti ) In order to meet all of these criteria, it is important to complete research(uzbaigti nagrinejima) on the business idea that has been chosen. Research information can be gathered(kauptas) from various different sources(saltiniu). Some of these sources being the library, looking at existing businesses, word of mouth, reading books, watching television, going to government departments, talking to university professors etc. If the research has not been completed then it more likely that the business will become a failure(bankrotas) Planning out the business structure The one basic question facing all new business owners is “what business structure is the best for me?”. There are three main types of business structures:  sole proprietorship, (private nuosavybe)  partnership,(kompanija partneryste)  corporation. All of these different structures are different and require(reikalauja) different things to make them work. The sole proprietorship is a business that has only one owner and for the purpose of his/her own profit, the partnership is a business which has two or more people and all of the workers work as co-owners(bendra nuosavybe), and the corporation is an artificial entry with obligations(netikras iejimas su isipareigojimais Ways to Get Money to Start the Business There are various different funds available for new business ventures to try and create more jobs. Entrepreneurs are more then welcome to come into economy. To get these funds the business plan has to be completed. The funds available are for many different types of people. There are special ones for immigrant entrepreneurs, women’s entrepreneurs, and young entrepreneurs. Loans(paskola) from the government are available in several different places. The loans from the Government are mostly interest free and unsecured(negarantuotas) loans. This, in comparison(palyginus) to a bank loan, is much better for the fact that there is no interest. If the only opportunity left is the bank then it is necessary to get a low interest loan. When there is the most common questions in starting a business is: “where do I start?”. The questioner below will help answer that question for new business people. This checklist (katakogas) will be the road map for starting a business. Most business owners should use this to make sure that everything is done before the opening of the store. Prepare a business plan. Prepare a marketing plan.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (6,5 kB)
These people avoid being on busy streets or in crowded stores, theatres and churches. Normal activities become restricted as the person avoids these situations. Many agoraphobia victims are afraid of leaving the house. Perhaps for this reason agoraphobia is the most common phobia seen in the clinic, about 60% of all examined phobias. Agoraphobia occurs about two times more commonly among women than men. It can be connected with the fact, that Women have been and are still being stereotyped, agoraphobia has been explained in terms of traditional sex roles. Clinical descriptions of agoraphobics use such words as passive, shy, dependent, descriptions traditionally applied to women. It may be as Fodor suggests, that being agoraphobic, is in part a logical, although exaggerated, extension of the stereotyped female role. Until recently and still in many societies it has been more acceptable for a woman than for a man to be housebound. As stereotypes of womes as helpless, fragile, home-oriented, passive, fearful and dependent will change, the should be equal number of male-female agoraphobics. The disorder tends to be more common among families where other members also suffer from an anxiety disorder and/or possibly abuse alcohol. Most agoraphobia’s develop symptoms between the ages of 18 and 35. The onset may be sudden or gradual. Many agoraphobia victims develop the disorder after first suffering a series of panic attacks in public places. The attacks seem to occur randomly and without warning, making it impossible for a person to predict what situation will trigger such a reaction. Attack is accompanied with tension, anxiety, dizziness, depression, sweating, more frequent heartbeating, minor checking compulsions – checking is the door is locked, no intruder is under the bed, the iron is offf- rumination and fear of going mad. One study found that 93% of agoraphobics also reported fears of heights and enclosed spaces such as subways and elevators. But many agoraphobics have “good days”, when they can move about. Being with a trusted companion can also help them leave the house. Treatment Fortunately, phobias are very treatable. In fact, most people who seek treatment completely overcome their fears for life. Psychoanalytic approaches. Treatment tries to uncover the repressed conflict, that are thought to be covered in the extreme fear and avoidance. Phobia is thought to protect the person from repressed conflicts that are too painful to face it. There are two major techniques, that are used to help lift the repression. First is – free association. The analyst listen carefully to what tha patient mentions in connections with any references to the phobia. And second – analyst tries to discover origins of the phobia by analyzing the content of dreams. But more effective relief can be gained through either behavior therapy or medication. In behavior therapy, one meets with a trained therapist and learns to control the physical reactions of fear. The person first imagines the feared object or situation, works up to looking at pictures that show the object or situation, and finally actually experiences the situation or comes in contact with the feared object. the person becomes accustomed to it and can lose the terror, horror, panic, and dread he or she once felt. It is called systematic desensitization. Medications are used to control the panic experienced during a phobic situation as well as the anxiety aroused by anticipation of that situation and are the treatment of first choice for social phobia and agoraphobia. Any phobia that interferes with daily living and creates extreme disability should be treated. With proper treatment, the vast majority of phobia patients can completely overcome their fears and be symptom free for years, if not for life.
A mock date
Then I’m thinking about that crazy day now, everything looks so funny, but then I felt really especially. The day started as always and my mood was quite sad. I wanted something new, something different, something adventurous. And God listened to my prayers. When I was slowly walking to school I met my old friend Jack, who suggested me going to the cinema in the evening. I thought that it would be an interesting event in my boring routine, so I applied quickly. After that invitation I felt like in the 7th heaven, because I had admired Jack since we met the first time. I was smiling from ear to ear and during all lessons because I thought only about amazing evening, which we were going to have. Also, I told about my happiness to my best friend, who gave me a special advice what to wear and which make-up would look best on me. I was so in a dither, I wanted to make a good impression and couldn’t wait until school ends. When I heard the last bell ringing I felt like I had wings and could fly. I quickly went home to prepare myself for my very first date. First, at home mother suggested eating something hot and stodgy, but I rejected this clever proposal, because I though, that I had no time for that. I looked over my wardrobe, but I couldn’t find anything fit for this occasion. My outfit was old and outworn. Then I looked over my sister’s wardrobe and found a wonderful skirt, which looked stunningly on me. After this dress-rehearsal I put on some make-up and brushed my long black hair. At last I was ready to meet him. In the cinema’s lounge Jack was standing and waiting for me, when I finally arrived with an old slow bus. But when I came up to him, two other girls joined us. At first I couldn’t understand what was happening. But then he said: “Great to see You here, one moment and there will come two my friends!” I was wonder-struck. “Which one of three of us is really with him?” But I stayed in silence. I thought that those were the longest minutes in my life. All was forgotten when I saw them coming. Tommy and Bill were coming slowly, but proudly. They were dressed by latest fashion and looked beautiful. Then I thought: ”What is the difference – Jack or those two?” And until now I and Tommy are together. Maybe it looks like paradox, but it is life – you never know what to expect.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (3,75 kB)
About languages (apie kalbas) My native language is Lithuania. So he must know its history, grammar, literature spelling. When I was on the fourth form I began to learn the English language. From the very first days I understood that it is very difficult to learn. English, as it has different pronunciation and spelling. If you want to learn new words, grammar, how to form the sentence. It is necessary to know the history, culture, traditions of the country which language, you study. It is very difficult to learn any foreign language when you do not hear it in the street at house. The film which we see on TV are translated into native language and we can’t hear the English language. The English language is very popular in the world and what country you visit you can communicate in England. The role of the foreign languageshas inereased in the last years, as Lithuanian keeps good relations with other European countries and is going to biome a member of European Union and NATO. So every young person must think about his future and the use of the foreign language. The European Union(apie europos sąjungą) The European Union is the European supranational organization dedicated to increasing economic integration and strengthening co-operation among its member states. The European Union was established on November one, nineteen ninety three. The treaty on European Union was ratified by the twelve members of the European community. They were Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. The citizen of the European Union countries received the right to immigrate From owe country to another and they got a greater freedom to live, work or study in any of the member states and there were no borders to travel from are European Union State to another. The main body of the European Union is the European Parliament, which is elected by the citizens of the European Union States. The main body works in Strasburg, but most work of its committee is done in Brussels. Finland, Austria and Sweden joined the European Union in nineteen ninety five. In this year May first day Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia will become the members of the European Union. There are seven other countries which will become the members of the European union. They are: Poland, Cheek, Cyprus, Malta, Hungary, Slovakia, and Slovenia. About myself(apie save) My name is Justina and surname is Šaučiūnaitė. I live in Anykščiai in Stoties street No eleven. I was born on the fiveof march nineteen eighty six in Anykščiai. I am eighteen, I am the citizen of Lithuania. I am a schoolgirl and I learn in the twelve form of Antanas Baranauskas secandary school. So I am a school-leaver.I live with my family: father, mather, I have one sister and one brother. All my Familymembers are cathalics.We the memders of our family are very friendly. We celebrate all Lithuanian holidays together. My favourite group is B‘avarija. My favourite singer is Andrius Mamontovas and also every yang person has a favourite pop graup.
Anglų kalba  Rašiniai   (17,09 kB)
My dream house
To start with as I know many people usually dream about the castle on the bank of the sea with many huge rooms and bathrooms. But I don’t. My dream house is quite different.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1 psl., 2,81 kB)
Visitors to the US often think either that there is no real American food, only dishes borrowed from other countries, or else that Americans eat only *fast food. While there is some truth in both these impressions, real American food does exist. The British also have a poor reputation for food. Visitors to Britain often complain that food in restaurants is badly presented, overcooked and has no taste. But the best British food is not generally found in restaurants but in people's homes.
Acid rain" is a general name for many phenomena including acid fog, acid sleet, and acid snow. Although we associate the acid threat with rainy days, acid deposition occurs all the time, even on sunny days. Something is acidic if it has a low pH. The pH of a liquid is measured on a scale which ranges from 0 to 14 with 7.0 being neutral. Anything with a pH value lower than 7.0 is acidic, and anything higher than 7.0 is basic.
Geografija  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (3 psl., 6,71 kB)
Buriavimo terminų žodynas su paaiškinimais angliškai ir lietuviškai. Longitude - Ilguma - viso 180 laipsnių į rytus ir 180 laipsnių į vakarus nuo Grinvičo meridiano. Meridian - Meridianas - menama linija, einanti nuo vieno žemės poliaus į kitą. Latitude - Platuma - viso 90 laipsnių į šiaurę ir 90 laipsnių į pietus nuo pusiaujo. Colregs - Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.
Sportas  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (15 psl., 29,03 kB)
Having a Pet
Anglų kalbos kalbėjimo tema.
Anglų kalba  Pagalbinė medžiaga   (1 psl., 3,43 kB)
3D Graphics cards. Keywords: 3D graphics, acceleration, antialiasing, alphatransparency, depth cueing, fogging, mipmapping, AGP, PCI, DirectX®, OpenGL®, Glide®, texture, frame buffer. Annotation.
Informatika  Namų darbai   (3 psl., 5,31 kB)
Vilnius is the gateway to Lithuania and the Baltic States, being situated in an advantageous geographical location in Europe. The airport is within half an hour of the centre of the city. It has direct links with 18 cities and there is regular bus service to 7 countries. Vilnius is famous not only for its historical past, monuments, churches and green surroundings.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (4,75 kB)
Nowadays the air, water and soil pollution have become a really big problem. Humanity thinks too little about natural resources and future of our descendants, as well as the world face, the disappearance of rainforests and global warming. The rapidly developing industry has polluted the air and the water. People, animals and plants are closely connected to each other. The usual order being broken, the nature starts to clean itself in a way that is harmful to the man himself.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (3,68 kB)
I read one article that psychologists did an experiment to answer the question of violence influence on kids in which they showed each of two groups of children a different version of a video tape: One group saw video A which showed a lady acting normally with a big doll. The second group saw video B which showed a lady acting aggressively with the same doll. She was kicking and hitting the doll violently.
Anglų kalba  Namų darbai   (1,59 kB)
All living things, plant or animal, need vitamins for health, growth, and reproduction. Yet vitamins are not a source of calories and do not contribute significantly to body mass. The plant or animal uses vitamins as tools in processes that regulate chemical activities in the organism and that use basic food elements-carbohydrates, fats, and proteins-to form tissues and to produce energy.Vitamins can be used over and over, and only tiny amounts are needed to replace those that are lost.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (4,99 kB)
The Republic of Ireland (Irish: Poblacht na hÉireann) is the official description[1] of the sovereign state which covers approximately five-sixths of the island of Ireland, off the coast of north-west Europe. The state's official name is Ireland (Irish: Éire),[2] and this is how international organisations and citizens of Ireland usually refer to the country. It is a member of the European Union, has a developed economy and a population of slightly more than 4.2 million. The remaining sixth of the island of Ireland is known as Northern Ireland and is part of the United Kingdom.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (6,36 kB)
Notions of language
A language is a system, used for communication, comprising a finite set of arbitrary symbols and a set of rules (or grammar) by which the manipulation of these symbols is governed. These symbols can be combined productively to convey new information, distinguishing languages from other forms of communication. The word language (without an article) can also refer to the use of such systems as a phenomenon.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (4,57 kB)
This section describes why leaders exist and what knowledge, skills, and abilities are important to manage learning. We know, to begin, that leaders exist because man is a social creature. The leader in our society is responsible for the essential tasks in the collections of groups that make up civilization. In most traditional or conventional training events, because of a lack of systematic programming, most of the emphasis is focused on attempts to change people's perception. Little time is usually allocated for practice and even less to measure changes in performance during the training situation.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (4,62 kB)
About Hronas
JSC "Hronas" was established in 1993. The Company started with importing and installing plastic windows. Early in 1994 the new production equipment >was brought to and window production started in Lithuania. During seven years of strenuous work the Company has gradually introduced one of the most state-of-the-art aluminium, plastic and wooden construction production processes in Europe.
The most common kind found in Europe is the ordinary oak (Quercus robur), and in America - the red oak (Quercus rubra). Ordinary oaks grow naturally in forests of Lithuania, taking 1.8 % of total forest area. The greatest number of oak-woods is located in Middle Lithuania Lowland; their number is slightly lesser in south-eastern part of the country, and even more so - in the south. Oaks reach 30-40 m in height, and 1,5-2 m in diameter. This tree lives for 500-1,000 years, sometimes even for 1,500 years. Oaks are suitable for cutting down at the age of 120-160 years.
For over 60,000 years men and women have been communicating. Yet we still feel the need, perhaps more than ever, to find ways to improve these skills. According to numerous research studies, for your entire life you have spent about 75 per sent of each day engaged in communication. Therefore, you may be wondering why you need to study communication in the first place.
Referatas VU. Įvertinimas 10. Labai geras darbas. Language studies traditionally have emphasized verbal and written language, but in the late dozens of years have begun to consider communication that takes place without words. In some types of...
The establishment of the City of Vilnius has a very popular legend. Once upon a time the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas was hunting in the holy woods of the Valley of Šventaragis. Tired after the successful day hunt the Grand Duke settled for night there. He fell asleep soundly and had a dream. A huge iron wolf was standing on top a hill and the sound of hundreds of other wolves inside it filled all surrounding fields and woods.
Anglų kalba  Referatai   (4,48 kB)
Quantifiers - Some rules of thumb on the use of little, a little, few and a few. LITTLE : only used with UNCOUNTABLE nouns, synonym for hardly any, not much e.g. Look at the sky, there is little hope for bright and sunny weather tomorrow. A LITTLE:only used with UNCOUNTABLE nouns, synonym for a small amount, some e.g. Is there ? The weather forecast says there is still a little hope.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (4,12 kB)
Objectivity is frequently held to be essential to journalistic professionalism (particularly in the United States); however, there is some disagreement about what the concept consists of. In Europe and other places, advocacy journalism is considered as a legitimate sort of professional journalism. The concept of objectivity has always been somewhat ambiguous, and both journalists and the public tend to identify objectivity in its absence. Few journalists would make a claim to total neutrality or impartiality.
Anglų kalba  Konspektai   (2,08 kB)
Mash Out Posse
M.O.P. (Mash Out Posse) praėjusio dešimtmečio pradžioje susikūrė Brukline, Niujorke, ir netrukus išgarsėjo, kaip nuožmiausia ir energingiausia hardcore gangsta repo grupė. M.O.P. lyderiai Lil' Fame ir Billy Danzenie niekada nekeitė savo stiliaus vardan aukštesnių pozicijų topuose ir todėl užsitarnavo didžiulę hardcore gerbėjų pagarbą. Karjeros pradžioje grupę sudarė iš viso 11 narių, kurie visi kartu ne tik įrašinėjo, bet ir plėšikavo gatvėse. To pasekoje po kelių metų M.O.P. klanas liko tik duetas, prie kurio kartais prisijungdavo vienas kitas naujas prodiuseris ar didžėjus.
Muzika  Konspektai   (3,1 kB)
Maisto saugos vadybos sistemos projektas. Anglų kalba. Projektas buvo pristatytas Kopenhagos universitete, Danijoje. Darbas buvo yvertintas labai gerai. Vertas dėmesio studijuojantiems maisto pramonę.
Pramonė  Referatai   (14,77 kB)
Šis darbas skirtas, superlaidumo istorijos, medžiagų, taikymo sričių bei perspektyvų apžvalgai ir analizei. Darbe trumpai aprašysiu, svarbiausiu superlaidumui, atradimų raidą, problemas su kuriomis susidurią superlaidumo mokslas, medžiagas...
Elektronika  Referatai   (14,49 kB)