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Referatai, kursiniai, diplominiai
Rasta 413 rezultatų
Kalbos ypatybės
The formal patterns of correct reasoning can all be conveyed through ordinary language, but then so can a lot of other things. In fact, we use language in many different ways, some of which are irrelevant to any attempt to provide reasons for what we believe. It is helpful to identify at least three distinct uses of language: 1. The informative use of language involves an effort to communicate some content. When I tell a child, "The fifth of May is a Mexican holiday," or write to you that "Logic is the study of correct reasoning," or jot a note to myself, "Jennifer—555-3769," I am using language informatively.
People on our planet can’t live without travel now. Tourism has become a highly developed business. There are express trains, cars and jet-air liners all of that provide you with comfort and security. What choice to make? It’s up to you to decide. There are great varieties of choices available for you. If you travel for pleasure you would like by all means to enjoy picturesque places you are passing through, you would like seeing the places of interest, enjoying to sight seeing of the cities, towns and countries.
Introduce myself
First of all I would like to introduce myself. I am Andrius Narbutas student A. I am studying in the fourth A class of gymnasium. It means that this year I am the school-leaver. Talking about my personal characteristics I would like to say that I am frank, obstinate, persistent, good-tempered and sometimes moody. In my opinion it is very important to mention that I am studying English for nine years and now you have a chance to grade my English knowledge.
Žmogaus mirtis yra žinomas, tačiau ignoruojamas dalykas. Šiuolaikiniai žmonės ne tik bijo ją patirti, bet ir nenoriai apie ją kalbasi. Mirties reiškinį sudaro daug smulkesnių procesų, kurie nėra iki galo pažinūs žmogaus protui, kadangi pažinimas ateina per subjektyvią patirtį. Tačiau mirtis negali būti patirtis, nes tai vienas esminių ir nevaldomų žmogaus instinktų, kurių patirti negalima, todėl mirties kaip subjekto visiškas pažinimas ir supratimas neįmanomas (Froidas Z., 1990).
It's difficult to imagine our life without shops. When we want to buy something we go to a shop. There are many kinds of shops in every town or city, but most of them have a food supermarket, a department store, men's and women's clothing stores, a grocery, a bakery and a butchery. Nowadays supermarkets and department stores are becoming more popular where people can reserve time and find a necessary piece of goods.
Anglų tema apie šiukšlinimo įtaką mūsų aplinkai. In today‘s fast moving world, one of the biggest problem is littering. Our environment is more and more polluting with litters and, to my mind, we should do something to solve this problem and save our planet from trashes.
"Shrove Tuesday" anglų kalba
Shrove Tuesday is a merry carnival. It is celebrated on Tuesday, the eve of Ash Wednesday, to mark the winter’s end.
South bank centre
Už šį darbą gavau dešimt. Southbank Centre is a complex of artistic venues located in London, UK, on the South Bank of the River Thames between County Hall and Waterloo Bridge. It comprises three main buildings; the Royal Festival Hall, the Queen Elizabeth Hall and The Hayward art gallery, and is Europe’s largest centre for the arts.
The city of London
The City of London is a small area in Greater London. The modern conurbation of London developed from the City of London and the nearby City of Westminster, which was the centre of the royal government. The City of London is now London's main financial district.
Šis darbas buvo pristatytas Portugalijoje, Bragancos IPB institute, 2008m. Darbas buvo įvertintas 8 - iems, reikia dar gilesnių idėjų, ir pasinaudoti didesne literatūra, kadangi tai buvo mūsų visiškai sugalvotos naujos idejos, literatūra naudojomės...
Dialogai, kuriuos tenka kalbėti įskaitos metu, temos iš egzaminų programos.
Writing an argument for and against
The rich should share all their wealth with the poor. Today’s world is not very easy. Many people are living poorly these days, some of them are even starving. Those people, who couldn’t have got the background because of particular reasons, now are saying, how they are unlucky and miserable persons. And those who earn a lot, who are reveling in their life and don’t count the money, don’t ever think how they could be generous by helping the poor’s.
Eiffel Tower
Gavau 10. Tai rašinys apie Eifelio bokštą. Eiffel Tower was built in the 1889, especially for a world mark. The mark was held in Paris. Three hundred workers joined together. Architects decided to build 300metres metallic Tower.
Bob Marley biografija
In the year 1944, Captain Norval Marley married a young Jamaican girl named Cedalla Booker. On February 6, 1945 at two thirty in the morning their son, Robert Nesta Marley was born in his grandfather's house. Soon after Bob was born his father left his mother.
Charles Dickens
Įvertintas 9. he Greatest of Victorian writers English novelist, generally considered the greatest of the Victorian period. Dickens's works are characterized by attacks on social evils, injustice, and hypocrisy. He had also experienced in his youth oppression, when he was forced to end school in early teens and work in a factory.
Express your opinion on having a car. Is it a dream or a reality? What is the advantages and disadvantages (including environment) of having a car? gali prireikti ruosiantis valstybiniam anglu kalbos egzaminui. Įvertintas 10.
Darbas skirtas anglų kalbos egzaminą laikantiems moksleisviams. Although smoking is an unhealthily habit, about 20 percent of young people smoke. The number of smoking people is increasing every year and it creates problems for other people and for themselves. Smoking is very popular and among teenagers, especially among boys.
Chinese Art
China has the world's oldest living civilization. It's written history goes back almost 3,500 years, and the history told by it's artifacts and artwork goes back much farther. The oldest known works of Chinese art include pottery and jade carvings from the time of 5000 BC.
Children and poverty
Childhood should be a happy time spent playing with friends, enjoying a favorite toy — even planning for the first day of school. But children in the developing world spend most of their childhood struggling to survive, without much hope for a secure, productive life.
More education Less Environmental Damage
The environmental damage is probably the most significant of nowadays problems. This is the result of ourselves behavior with environment. In addition, the Industrial Revolution had huge effects to environmental damage. In my opinion, there are several solutions to this problem.
Private schooling
Private Schooling Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that private schools offer a better education to children and better prepare them for college. Thesis Statement: Private school children are more involved in community service, are generally provided with a better education, and are more likely to apply and succeed in college.
Pollution problems
Kalba apie gamtos problemas. Gavau 9. Klaidų daug, bet mokytoja sakė, kad turinys geras.
Autumn is the most melancholy season of the year. When we see the nature languish before the long cold period of winter we somehow feel the same and our mood takes a turn for the worse. Actually I don’t think that the autumn is disliked for that, I think the main reason is that the biggest part of this season people will have to stay at home, because of the bad weather.
My summer
I like summer as a season, but I hate it as a period of time. I get up and hear the birds singing reminding me to mow the lawn. I get down the stairs and see green vegetables reminding me to mow the lawn and then I go out and see nine ares of grass that must be mowed. And the whole story continues every week for the whole summer.
Northern Ireland
The troubles. Reformation and Plantation. Famine. The province of Northern Ireland (sometimes called ‘Ulster’) consists of six counties: Antrim, Down, Armagh, Tyrone, Fermanagh and Londonderry. Belfast is the capital city. The province is surrounded by sea to the north and east, by the Republican counties of Donegal to the west and Canavan and Monaghan to the south.
All parts of the body must work together properly to maintain physical health. A person who is in good physical condition has the strength and energy to enjoy an active life and withstand the stresses of daily life. The various practices that help maintain health include proper nutrition, exercise, rest and sleep, cleanliness, and regular medical and dental care.
Wales is approximately 150miles (242 km.) from north to south. About two - thirds of the total population of 2.8 million people live in the South Wales coastal area, where the three biggest towns are located: Swansea, Cardiff and Newport. The Welsh are very proud of their language and culture. These are best preserved in the north and west of the country, for in the south and east they have been more challenged by industrialization. The west coast, mid Wales and North Wales are wild and beautiful.
Windsor castle
The developement of the castle. The private chapel. The grand vestibule. The queen's drawing room. The king's dining room. Winsor Castle is one of the official recidences of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen is Head of State of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and also Head of the Commonwealth. The monarch’s direct powers these days are limited: as a constitutional sovereign The Queen normally acts on the advice of her ministers; nevertheless the government, the judges and the armed services all act in The Queen’s name and she is an important symbol of national unity. She is kept closely informed about all aspects of national life and the Prime Minister has a weekly audience with her.
Transliavimo tinklai. Video signalų paskirstymas. Televizijos transliavimas. Kabelinė televizija. Palydovinė namų televizija. Duomenų transliavimas. Audio transliavimas. Ryšys taškas–taškas. Skaitmeninių paslaugų kombinavimas. Skaitmeninės telefoninio ryšio paslaugos. Videokonferencinis ryšys. WAN (wide area network) ryšys. Palydovinių tinklų plėtra suteikia galimybę įdiegti naujas paslaugas anksčiau negu analogiškų antžeminių tinklų atveju. Galbūt pats aiškiausias pavyzdys būtų televizijos signalo perdavimas dideliais atstumais, kurio buvo neįmanoma perduoti pirmosios kartos analoginiais transokeaniniais kabeliais.
Four seasons of the year
The twelve months of the year are divided into four seasons. March, April and May are spring months. March is the month when the ground starts to thaw and the snow melts again. At the end of this month you can see many violets and anemones in the forests with some butterflies and bees on them Spring is my mother's favourite season.