Vartotojas | Pasisakymas |
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
radau savo rasiniu pavyzdziu, aisku, su klaidom, bet pasiziureti mazdaug stukrtura galima. pabandysiu ikelti i si puslapi |
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
bembinas rašė:
Siaip pvz: giving information formal laiske, linkus reikia naudoti, o jei nenaudoji, tai minus balu gauni. Tad nereikia, cia skiesti, kad linkai nenaudojami, jei nezinai. Speju, ne jo, o tavo mokytojas yra kaliausas. na va jau 2vs1 krc matosi kad tas vaikas nesigaudo laisku rasyme, duok dieve daugiau tokiu per egzamina |
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
+ va dabar turiu atsivertes knyga, kurioj aprasyta, kaip pradeti laiska, kaip uzbaigti, tai pvz:To begin with, I would like to know/In Addition I would be interesting in knowing..... ir t.t.. Tai, kaip matom, linkai naudojami, bet naudojami asking for information laiske, o kituose lyg ir ne, nu bent jau pasmanes taip knygoj parodyta:D piece man, man nereik uzsipult zmoniu, jisai buvo teisus, kad linkus reikia naudoti, ne visur, ne visada, bet reikia. |
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
Ok, peace bois, žiūrėsim birželio pabaigoj, kas daugiau gavo. |
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
Madmuazel rašė:
Ai nu. Mokėmės, mokėmės formal/informal, o čia pyst - el. laiškas. Erzina kartais tų mokytojų numanymas. nedepresuok, gal net nebus to e-mail krc pasakysiu kad tipo man mokytoja sake kad reikes eilerasty parasyt taj irgi patikesit ? nors ir bus e-mail rasysiu taip kaip paprasta formal letter. |
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
tarp emeilo ir paprasto laisko nematau dideliu skirtumu, taip kad...... |
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
zodziu, cia bezabrazijos nelekokios kazkur turejau parasyta emaila... kaip tik nerandu. |
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
man sake, kad reiks parasyt kazkokio patiekalo recepta, bet nebetkokio, o tokio, kuris patiktu mokytojui, nes jei nepatiks, tai pize |
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
bembinas rašė:
man sake, kad reiks parasyt kazkokio patiekalo recepta, bet nebetkokio, o tokio, kuris patiktu mokytojui, nes jei nepatiks, tai pize na tai begam visi receptu knygutes vartyt |
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
as cia rimtai. ko dabar juokiesi. mano informacija patikima:DDD |
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
Guidelines for writing e-mail messages: Emails between friends can be very informal but business emails may be either semi-formal or formal depending on the individual relationship and what the email contains. However, all emails should follow certain basic rules: 1. Be consistent in style. don't vary between formal and informal. 2. Layout is still important - remember to use PHARAGRAPHS AND PROPER sentences. 3. Keep it shot and to the point. Always wrtie a subject heading. This will give the recipient a good idea of the contents of the message. 4. It is better to start e-mail witd DEAR MR / DEAR MRS BELL and end with REGARDS, YOURS, THANK YOU (if it was a request). YOURS SINCERELY is not needed. 5. Begin an informal email with just a name ALAN or HI, HELLO and finish with something short like BEST, BEST WISHES, ALL THE BEST or just write your name. |
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
bembinas rašė:
as cia rimtai. ko dabar juokiesi. mano informacija patikima:DDD ar as galeciau juoktis ? o taj gal ir patartum koky ten ta receptuka mazdaug rasyt taj jeigu tavo info patikima, vadinasi mano klaidinga buvo apie eilerascio rasyma DD |
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
jiewaa rašė:
Guidelines for writing e-mail messages: Emails between friends can be very informal but business emails may be either semi-formal or formal depending on the individual relationship and what the email contains. However, all emails should follow certain basic rules: 1. Be consistent in style. Don't vary between formal and informal. 2. Layout is still important - remember to use PHARAGRAPHS AND PROPER sentences. 3. Keep it short and to the point. Always write a subject heading. This will give the recipient a good idea of the contents of the message. 4. It is better to start e-mail with DEAR MR / DEAR MRS BELL and end with REGARDS, YOURS, THANK YOU (if it was a request). YOURS SINCERELY is not needed. 5. Begin an informal email with just a name ALAN or HI, HELLO and finish with something short like BEST, BEST WISHES, ALL THE BEST or just write your name.
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
jiewaa rašė:
Guidelines for writing e-mail messages: Emails between friends can be very informal but business emails may be either semi-formal or formal depending on the individual relationship and what the email contains. However, all emails should follow certain basic rules: 1. Be consistent in style. don't vary between formal and informal. 2. Layout is still important - remember to use PHARAGRAPHS AND PROPER sentences. 3. Keep it shot and to the point. Always wrtie a subject heading. This will give the recipient a good idea of the contents of the message. 4. It is better to start e-mail witd DEAR MR / DEAR MRS BELL and end with REGARDS, YOURS, THANK YOU (if it was a request). YOURS SINCERELY is not needed. 5. Begin an informal email with just a name ALAN or HI, HELLO and finish with something short like BEST, BEST WISHES, ALL THE BEST or just write your name. kazkaip nlb matau skirtumu tarp e-mail ir formal letter mane taj lbj gruzina kad negalima parasyt daugiau zodziu nei leistina, tenka puse teksto braukyt |
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
Turiu vieną formalaus laiško (kreipimasis) pavyzdį, jei kam įdomu: Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing to you with regard to your advertisement published in the magazine 'English Language Journal'. I would appreciate it if you could give me some extra information about your school and courses. I would like to know where exactly in Surrey the school is situated. I would like to know what type of accommodation is offered and what kind of facilities there are near the school. I would be interested in knowing whether there are courses preparing for Cambridge examinations as well as your school's pass rate in these examinations. I would be grateful if you could inform me about the number of students in each class and where they usually come from. I would appreciate it if you could send me a pamphlet with additional information regarding your school. Thanking you in advance for your time and assistance. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Yours faithfully,
Yra daug kitų, kur linkingų nėra. |
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
Metanolon rašė:
jiewaa rašė:
Guidelines for writing e-mail messages: Emails between friends can be very informal but business emails may be either semi-formal or formal depending on the individual relationship and what the email contains. However, all emails should follow certain basic rules: 1. Be consistent in style. don't vary between formal and informal. 2. Layout is still important - remember to use PHARAGRAPHS AND PROPER sentences. 3. Keep it shot and to the point. Always wrtie a subject heading. This will give the recipient a good idea of the contents of the message. 4. It is better to start e-mail witd DEAR MR / DEAR MRS BELL and end with REGARDS, YOURS, THANK YOU (if it was a request). YOURS SINCERELY is not needed. 5. Begin an informal email with just a name ALAN or HI, HELLO and finish with something short like BEST, BEST WISHES, ALL THE BEST or just write your name. kazkaip nlb matau skirtumu tarp e-mail ir formal letter mane taj lbj gruzina kad negalima parasyt daugiau zodziu nei leistina, tenka puse teksto braukyt e-mail gali būt ir formal ir informal, mano nuomone tai e-mail tas pats, kas ir paprastas laiškas |
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
Hi Pat Just to remind - our school's anniversary on 1st October. Hope to meet you at our class reunion party. Let me know if you're coming. Emily
FORMAL E-MAIL Dear Mr Bell I am writing to ask you if you woulde be able to give me more information about the course organized at your school. I would be interested in knowing what type of accommodation in your town. I would be grateful if you let me know as soon as possible. Regards Alice Jackson |
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
jiewaa rašė:
Hi Pat Just to remind - our school's anniversary on 1st October. Hope to meet you at our class reunion party. Let me know if you're coming. Emily
FORMAL E-MAIL Dear Mr Bell I am writing to ask you if you would be able to give me more information about the course organized at your school. I would be interested in knowing what type of accommodation is offered and what cultural facilities are available in your town. I would be grateful if you let me know as soon as possible. Regards Alice Jackson PATAISIAU KLAIDAS |
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
Man atrodo tie tavo pvz yra vadinami žinutėmis, o email ar paprastas laiškas esmės nekeičia, svarbu į turinį žiūrėti. |
Žinutė parašyta:
| Nuoroda
"Guidelines for writing e-mail messages" << tai ka as cia ir parasiau. |