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The capital of Lithuania is Vilnius.
The official language of the state is Lithuanian. Lithuanian flag consists of gold, green and red ribbons. State emblem - white Vytis in the red field.
The biggest town in Lithuania is Vilnius, then goes Kaunas, very beautiful town on the place where the river Neris flows into the Nemunas. Klaipeda, Panevezhys, Shiauliai and other big cities too.
For the first time Lithuania was mentioned in 1009 in Quedlinburg annals. As a state it was emerged in the early 13th century and Mindaugas became the Grand Duke of Lithuania about 1240. At the end of 14th and the beginning of 15th century Lithuania became one of the most powerful states in the Europe. Lithuania was christened in 14th century, until that time it was pagan. Lithuanian people had to fight a lot for their freedom. The latest occupation ended only in 1990, when on March 11 Lithuania proclaimed its restoration of statehood.
There are two big Universities in Lithuania in Vilnius and in Kaunas. University in Vilnius is very old: it was established in 1579, and another University, which received the name of the Vytautas the Great, was founded in 1930.
Life and death
Though less is known about death. All we know is that the body stops functioning. And no one knows what comes after that, what happens with person’s mind and spirit. Or maybe nothing happens, human existence just ends at the moment of death. So far it is everyone’s business to believe in life after death or not. But there is one question that can be discussed about death: is it meaningful or not? One can say that the one who believes in life after death will give the meaning to it and on the contrary – the one who does not – will not give the meaning to it. But there are people who do not believe in life after death. They even do not know if they believe in something at all and death is something mysterious, something important in human’s life even for them.
Why death is so important in human’s life? Is it important? Before answering these questions I checked in the Internet hoping to find something about death. I looked for information in Academic Search Elite and Academic Search Premier databases and found over 20.000 pages related to this theme. Of course, not all of them were only about death itself, some of them where about death of some famous person, but the numbers speak. People talk about it, and if they talk about it – they care about it, it is important for them.
However, why others think that it is just “an awful, stinking, absurd horror, and there is no way of giving it meaning”? There may be a lot of reasons and I would like to mention some of them. Let us look at the world history and especially the World War I, World War II and other tragedies. Dead people were buried all together without coffins, without priests (if a man was religious), without any attention. Of course, there were such circumstances – economic situation was bad, no time for normal funeral (have to fight), lots of unknown dead people. The death lost it’s mysteriousness, sacral meaning. Therefore some people think of death if it was only the end of bodies functioning.
Though no man can judge them because no-one knows if there is something after death. Everyone knows for sure that the body begins to fall to pieces, begins to putrefy, to stink after death. This is also a reason to think as Rollo May does. But we should think from the other point of view. Every man’s death makes his relatives, friends, acquaintances feel bad, sad, or at least uncomfortable. Some of them say that they miss the person, feel lonely without him. Maybe it can be called egoism, but still person’s death does not pass through without consequences. It makes us stop for a second and think about the eternal questions of life and death.
Yet another reason for such thinking could be the fear of death. When people are afraid of something they usually ignore or deny it. Some of them do not even think about it. In this situation a person who thinks so do not want to have any relationships with death and therefore deny it, give no meaning to it. And as the folk wisdom speaks – the roots of fear hide in ignorance.
The meaning of death also shows burying traditions. Our ancients showed respect to a dead man by putting expensive clothes, things, animals and even humans to graves. They believed in life after death and emphasized it with great ceremonies. When Catholicism came to our culture burying traditions have changed but nevertheless it remained very important in humans’ life cycle. It proves the importance of priest’s participation in funeral. I have already mentioned World Wars. As it is the tragedy of the whole mankind, we can not judge about significance of death from this point of view. Nowadays things change very fast and it is hard to decide how people think about things. By the way Andrew Greeley said: “since the fall of socialism in Eastern Europe there has been a significant increase in religious faith in Hungary, Slovenia, East Germany, and the Soviet Union, particularly in matters of religious faith like belief in God, life after death, heaven, hell, and religious miracles.” (Society, Mar/Apr2001, Vol. 38 Issue 3, p32, 6p). Proving this I should say I was surprised one day by the Mass in the Catholic Church – there were lots of young people, they were singing, it looked as if they liked it very much to be in church, to participate in Mass. It was no doubt for me that they really believe in God who says that death is an important period in human’s existence.
But there is another question about believing in God and meaningful death. It happens very often that a man who lost his friend, beloved person in early childhood when his faith in something was just beginning to develop does not believe in God, hates death because of some unfairness, offense. He can not go to a funeral, he laughs at those who suffer because of somebody’s death. He says he does not understand people who give some meaning to death. But it is just a defensive reaction. He denies death because he does not want to remember early childhood’s horrible experience.
Lately I have been to a couple of funerals. People who died were not very close to me. Still their death touched me. As I looked at dead people’s relatives, friends I realized that this event is very hard to experience. It seemed that they lost the ground under their feet, they looked so lost as if they did not know how they were going to live any longer. But still in such a sad situation they believed that for a man who died will be easier to live “there”. They wanted to say goodbye to their friend, relative and I even heard one woman saying that she hopes to see him in the better world. That was the most convincing argument that she believes in the meaning of death. I would like to say that nobody should give up in believing in life after death. People should believe in death as in a one step in the better human’s life. In nowadays when social, economic conditions are very unfavorable old people who have to little time to change something must have hope in case they could live their last days cheerfully, hopefully. But it is one problem with it – people are too afraid in death. Let us cope with this problem, let us give a hopeful meaning to death and let us live more joyful!
Letter asking for more information
We would be grateful if you could send us your latest catalogues together with the prices. If any discounts are applied, please list the terms of getting them. We would also like to know whether you will/can ship them to Lithuania.
We look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Large-scale unemployment
He knows more and more words, and he often says two words: “what`s that”, and ”why”. A child wants to know more about things around him, so these two words are the way to the knowledge. One language cannot give so much news, as few languages. More languages – more keys to open the door to the world.
It`s not one door to the world, and language can open not one door.
We can go to the world reading books. In this field language is very important. Not all books are adapted to the mother tongue. The news from the horse`s mouth are much better. Some people say, that a book is an old – fashioned thing, but we cannot forget this door to the world.
Other way to the world is TV. Nobody can say, that it`s old – fashioned thing. Technologies develop faster and faster and our task is don`t fall to them. We can watch a lot of foreign programs, but it`s not necessary if we cannot understand foreign languages.
Language is a key to the world
He knows more and more words, and he often says two words: “what`s that”, and ”why”. A child wants to know more about things around him, so these two words are the way to the knowledge. One language cannot give so much news, as few languages. More languages – more keys to open the door to the world.
It`s not one door to the world, and language can open not one door.
We can go to the world reading books. In this field language is very important. Not all books are adapted to the mother tongue. The news from the horse`s mouth are much better. Some people say, that a book is an old – fashioned thing, but we cannot forget this door to the world.
Other way to the world is TV. Nobody can say, that it`s old – fashioned thing. Technologies develop faster and faster and our task is don`t fall to them. We can watch a lot of foreign programs, but it`s not necessary if we cannot understand foreign languages.
They serve as a useful means of communication. How could we understand or talk to people from other countries, if we couldn’t speak their language? I think that some people like learning foreign languages, various people have different reasons. I think that some people like learning languages in general, the others learn because they have to do that at school. Besides, nowadays pupils realize quite well that they might need foreign languages in the nearest future or it might be a credit for them to get a better job.
I even got unsightly flags on the streets of Maroubra taken down after writing a public letter of complaint outlining the visual pollution and commercialisation of our otherwise beautiful suburb of Maroubra Beach. The motivation is always there to learn more.”
Favourite aspects of his role as the Media Man include: “Meeting and dealing with so many wonderful, interesting people. I am expanding my horizons every day. Interviewing people at Channel 31 has a sentimental significance for me, as the producer, Joy Hruby, gave me my break in television. I need to mention that the Internet provides constant learning and business opportunities. Seeing my ideas and research come to fruition, and benefiting so many, is most gratifying. I also like to expose fraud. Encouraging free thought and expressing freedom of speech in satisfying. Dealing with so many wonderful, supportive folks, many of whom reside in the good ol' USA.”
Being able to communicate a message that so many other people will read and consider is probably the most rewarding aspect of being a journalist, according to Greg. “I am still coming to terms with being referred to as a journalist, even though I have my formal qualifications. I need to put in more hard yards, and until I win a major journalism award, I don't mind if I am not thought of as a journalist.”
Interesting jobs
In case I have a possibility to choose computer programmer's, lawyer's or teacher's profession, I am absolutely decided to choose teacher's profession when I was in nineth form. There are many reasons why I chose this profession. Firstly, I think that teacher's profession is very creative, as you can take place with your students in interesting competitions, create original things and interesting ways to help your students to learn difficult lessons. Secondly, being a teacher means that you allways are in the centre of young people, and it makes you feel young and energetic. Thirdly, this kind of profession makes you to feel interested in the whole world and events, which are happening around us.And one more, but not the least thing why I chose teacher's profession is that teacher is one of the most important people in human's life. Teacher helps us to learn many important things, to get better prepared for the future and to decide about some important things as future's career.
In terms of skills and character, I must say that every profession needs different skills and character. If you are going to be a computer programmer, you have to be intelligent, in order to understand computer's technology, hard-working, as it sometimes takes a long time to learn things about computers, and persitent, as computer programmer can not give up and allways must finish what he starts. Talking about skills, computer programmer must have habit of work with computer and foreign language habit. What about lawyer's profession, I must say that he must be accurate, as he should not make mistakes in his work, should be fair and give all the evidence equal consideration, as well intelligent, in order to understand all laws. As a matter of fact, lawyer must have laws understanding and foreign language habits. In case you are going to be a teacher, you need to be very patient, as students sometimes take a long time to learn things, friendly, even when you are talking with rude students, as well as creative, so that you can make students interested in yur lessons. As I know, teacher must have foreign language and some other habits.
As I said earlier, when i was in nineth form, I decided to choose teacher's profession. To be more specific, I decided to become an English language teacher, as I like English very much.
All in all, I must say that decision about future's profession is very important.
On this decision depends our future and hapiness.
Informal letter invitation
I have four tickets to the theatre next Saturday. It will be the last performance of ‘King for a Night’ and I think it would be great to see it.
Would you like to come along? I have invited Sue and Milo too, because I know how they like theatre. They accepted my invitation and asked me if I knew a good place to go for something to eat afterward.
Maybe you can suggest something? I suppose we could go to Gino’s Pizzas, because every one of us likes Italian food.
Hope to hear from you soon. Give me a ring if you can go with us.
Informal letter about summer
What is more, it is a very big family. There are five children and they all are very nice. So I work here as a nanny. Sometimes I tidy rooms, because children always make a mess.
Their mother and father are sweet to me too. They do not give me too much work. In their free time, I go with them to the cinema or theatre. I am having a very good time here.
Informal letter about penfriend
I am fifteen years old, middle height and I think well-built. I have green eyes and long straight brown hair. I like wearing casual clothes, so I usually wear jeans, jumper and flat shoes. I do not like very colorful outfit.
I like reading books, listening to the music and going out with my friends or boyfriend. I do not mind sometimes to watch TV. I do not like staying at home, when it is very good weather outside.
Informal letter about holidays
We have already seen pyramids, but they have not done a big impression to me. In addition, we have been snorkeling and scuba diving. The Red Sea’s underwater world is fascinating. There are many things we have not done yet. We have not visited the Egyptian museum. I heard that it is very beautiful.
I have tasted some Egyptian food. It was not very tasty, because they cook without milk and they do not eat pork.
Cairo is remarkable city – you must visit it one day! Well that will be all for now. Hope to see you soon.
How Could Teenage Crime Be Prevented
Firstly, busyness at home and at school should be biggest. Teenagers have to talk with parents about our problems and learning. I think if teenagers would have trade, there would be less crime in the streets. For example: out of school activities, travels, and international organizations, or example: scouts, youth clubs.
House and home
I have an apartment in a nine story building I live on the xxx floor. The livers keep house in order. There are many trees near my house. My house was built in 19**. The number of my flat is *. I live in the two rooms flat. The area of my flat is about xxx square meters. There is a balcony in my flat. I have a fine view from the balcony and windows. I have two bed-sit rooms, a bathroom, a toilet, a corridor and kitchen. There is hall stand in the corridor. There are bookcases, wardrobes, beds, tables in the bed-sit rooms. My walls are papered. On the floor there are carpets. Every month we pay fee. I have all amenities shot and cold water, gas, electric light, central heating, lift. In the kitchen there is gas cooker. There are gas meter, electric meter and water meter. I would like to live in a big house with a big garden. I would like to have a swimming pool. I want to have ten rooms in the house.
Holidays in Lithuania
Christmas is a Lithuanian national holiday. On the eve of Christmas people has a family supper, they don't meat, only fish, fruits and berries. Everybody is waiting for Christ to be born.
Some people enjoy themselves on the new year's day. On the eve of New Year they have a party at home, or go the restaurants, visit their friends. The New Year tree is decorated for the Christmas or New Year. The day of Lithuanian's independence is on the 16 of February. Since 1928 Lithuanian's people marks this day every year by paying tribute to those who gave their lives for the people's happiness. For many years after World War the second this holiday was forbidden. Since 1989 it again becomes the national wide holiday in your country. It's a non-working day. The 11 of March is also a very important day for your country.
Mother's Day is celebrated on the 1st Sunday of May. The member of family honour mother giving flowers, presents to her on that day.
The 1st of November is day of commemorating the dead usually on All Saints Day. People lay flowers on dear people and honour their memory by observing a minute's silence.
In spring we celebrate the Easter Day. The tradition of Easter Day is to colour eggs for Easter table.
There are some other holidays in Lithuania, but I tried to discuss the most popular.
Having a pet
Touching some other bases, I must say that there are many reasons of having a pet. The most important is loneliness. However I can’t deny that some people keep pets for fun.
There are strong arguments both for and against keeping a pet. I would like begin with advantages of owning a pet.
The first reason of having a pet is that their benefits for children are undeniable. Keeping a pet is an important part of every child’s childhood and plays a big role in both their physical and mental development. It teaches children how to play, look after them, while at the same time aiding tolerance and understanding of each other. From a social standpoint, pets play a large role in many lonely people’s lives. Nowadays more than ever lonely people are fond of keeping pets, because it helps to raise their mood, when they are in low spirits, and not to feel so extremely lonely. The final advantage of having a pet is that it makes fun for people who are crazy about attending various animals’ exhibitions and showing the best points of their pets to others.
However, there are many disadvantages of keeping a pet as well. Perhaps the most obvious one is that pets cause a lot of damage. In fact, a lot of people face with this problem. To avoid that they always have to look after their pet and try not to keep them in rooms which are full of valuable things. Secondly, some people can’t keep pets because of their health. Usually they are allergies and can not live with a pet in the same place. Furthermore, some pets, especially dogs, dislike little children and they are likely to bite them.
So it is advisable to think twice before buying a pet and consider both advantages and disadvantages.
Talking about pets, I am able to say that I have a pet too. I have big, fat cat. He is called Meilas. He is Persian race. All my family’s life changed when we got this cat. This cat brought to our lives more fun. I feel very happy when Meilas meets me coming back from school. He is my best friend.
To sum it up, I must say that if you love your pet, he makes you life as fun as you can imagine.
Greece is a landscape of mountains and islands, many only tiny specks where a handful of people live.It was in the capital. Athens(Athina), that democracy,theater, philosophy, and the Olympic Games were born.The Parthenon still dominates the modern city center, a reminder of a noble past.
Good bye TV
Word count: 425 words. Už šį darbą gavau dešimt, pati parašiau.
Going to the theatre
It could last about two days without any brakes. In all times people liked the theatre , but only plays by great dramatist are worth seeing: they are meaningful, they make us think, they are universal. Thanks to them we get to know life and culture. Besides, they are really interesting and really good. Since time is limited, one ought to see only the best plays just as one ought to read only the best books.
Now there are a lot of theatres in the world. In Vilnius one of the most famous is the Opera House. I like performances. One of my favourite plays is "The Nose" by Gogol. This play was made at the Youth theatre. It lasts about three hours and all that time people laugh. In that performance a lot of famous Lithuanian actors take part: Vilkelis, Bagdonas and others. Lithuania is not very rich in theatres. At present we have about ten.
The Lithuanian theatre is in a very bad condition. The theatres have no money, all performances are old. They can't make new plays very often.
There are about seven theatres in Vilnius. I like all kinds of performances, but my favourite is musical comedies. But this theatre is only in Kaunas and once a year they come to Vilnius to show the performances. I saw a few of them: "The Bat", "The Blood Of Vienna".
I like theatre , but I don't want to be an actor, because I think that it is better to look at the play than to take part in it.
Global Warming
Global Warming has many threats on the climate and even the health of the people on this planet. Some of these threats include the altering of crop seasons and even effect the way organisms survive on the planet. The first thing I think I should discuss when talking about global warming is what causes it to occur. Gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, which are known as greenhouse gases, all build up in the atmosphere of the earth. All these gases make it so that it becomes harder for the radiation that the sun shines into the atmosphere to escape. The heat continues to build up and this is what causes the temperatures to increase. I know this seems like the temperatures increase massively but in the last hundred years the average temperature of the Earth has gone up between 0.8 and 1.0 degrees farenheight. Also in the last fifteen years, we have had the ten warmest years in record. Global Warming also helps the Earth and it has been for many years. Without global warming, the Earth’s temperature would be a lot lower than the 60-degree average. Unfortunately due to there being many more harmful “greenhouse gases” being placed into the atmosphere, instead of the temperature staying at a constant, its rising. What are many of the dangers of the Earth’s temperature rising? First of all it cause many of the glaciers that are floating in the Arctic and Greenland to melt. This in turn causes the sea levels to rise around the world. In the last hundred years alone the seas around the planet have risen anywhere from four to ten inches. I know it does not sound like a massive change but being able to raise all the seas in the world a whole ten inches is a huge problem. Sea levels also continue to rise is because the hotter temperature cause the ocean water to expand. An example of the sea level causing problems could happen on a little Native Island in the middle of an Ocean. On these islands usually where native tribes live, if the sea level rises three fourths of a meter then half of the island will sink. This could happen in many different islands around the world and if the water keeps on rising as it is, then farming land near the seashores will be flooded and the crops will be destroyed and many farmers will be left without much to live off of. The melting of the glaciers are also causing some problems in the Himalayas. Many of the tips of the mountain’s in that area. Massive flooding and rivers that are well above their normal levels are threatening the crops and homes in the area. Many of the locals that live in the area and many of the scientists that are surveying the area are saying that the glaciers are melting at a phenomenal rate. Another danger that comes with the changing of the climate is that the increased heat causes more evaporation to occur in the hotter climates. This causes there to be more precipitation in many other climates that are not used to handling massive rainfalls. The increased rainfall also leads to speeding up the process of the sea levels rising. Health is also something that becomes threatened because of global warming. Heat becomes a huge factor in the health of humans, especially the elderly. Incidents such as heat stroke head exhaustion and diseases increase drastically. The heat makes it possible for mosquitoes and other insects to transmit diseases. This is something that happened in New York during this summer. A very rare disease called St. Louis Emphyitis (spelling?) that would spread in puddles of water that mosquitoes would drink out of due to the heat. These mosquitoes would then bite humans and infect them with this disease. I don’t recall how many people, if any died due to this, but it did cause a bit of a panic in the New York Metropolitan area. Heat is not the only weather problem. Global Warming doesn't only increase temperatures in hot areas. It also decreases temperatures in cold areas. An example of this has been the cold spell that struck the Midwest. In Montana, temperatures plummeted to 30 degrees below and stayed there. The coldest weather ever recorded plagued our country's heart for over three weeks and still hasn't returned too normal. A related incident has been the blizzards of the East Coast. Some places in New York State got over twenty feet of snow. So what is in store for Earth in the future? Possible nothing. There are many people that believe global warming is nothing more than the normal rise of temperature around the world. So if this is the case, we have nothing to really worry about. Unfortunately, this scenario of normal raise in temperature might not be the case. If it isn’t, Scientists estimate that the global temperature will rise between five and nine degrees by the middle of the 21st century accompanied by a sea-level rise of one to four feet. Once the temperature reaches a certain threshold, the polar ice caps will began to melt. While those living in the Arctic may find that a nice surprise, the implications for the rest of the world are serious. Even a partial melting of the polar ice caps will cause sea levels to rise so much as to completely wipe out most coastal cities. This includes such big cities such as San Francisco and New York. Those cities that are not totally wiped out by the water will eventually be hit with hurricanes much more severe than any other one in history. Of course, inland cities are not safe either. Rather than surging seawaters and hurricanes, they will face drought. So what can be done in order to keep from all of that from happening? We need to stop putting so much pollution in to the air. No matter what there will always be a little bit of Carbon Dioxide omitted into the atmosphere. If we could just limit all the coal and fossil fuels that we burn, there will not be so much “greenhouse gases” and it would keep all of that from happening so quickly. There have also been many attempts by the United States Presidents Administrations in order to help slow down the effect. In my lifetime I know that I won’t see anything too drastic happen due to global warming, but there is a chance that my children and grandchildren will.
Genetic engineering
It is estimated that humans have between 50,000 to 100,000 different genes; some of them are linked to particular diseases and conditions. Scientists have now identified nearly 4000 conditions that are limited to single defects in a person’s genetic code. Researchers all around the world are currently engaged in “The human genome project”, which aims to identify and define the function of every gene to be found in the human body. Through this they hope to locate errant genes, thereby getting a better understanding of every disease that is genetically transmittable and if possible find a cure for it. Genetic engineering, where by the defective gene sequence is cut and remodeled, is one route scientists might take.
At present genetics can be a reliable predictor of who is likely to develop a particular fatal illness. Many feel that this information has the potential to cause as much harm as good, among the 10 percent of the population who may be affected. Some say that people would not be able to cope with the knowledge that they were likely to contract a terminal illness, but genetics argue that everyone has the right to know so that they could plan the rest of their lives. Some women who have been told that they are likely to develop breast cancer have chosen a surgery to remove the breast in order to increase their chances of survival.
Genetic engineering is big business, and many experiments take place on animals. Fruit flies have been produced that they have extra eyes on their wings and legs; two years ago scientists grew an ear in a test tube and then transplanted on a laboratory mouse without immune system in order to see if it would be rejected. Harvard University has even patented its own mouse known as “nocuous” which has been genetically manipulated to develop cancer.
Imutran, a Cambridge-based biotechnology firm, have produced a pig that is transgenic, from which they hope to be able to supply donor organs such as hearts that are in short supply for transplantation. The revelation that scientists at Cambridge University have successfully transplanted the hearts from genetically altered pigs into monkeys is the most wonderful news to have emerged from the world of medicine fro more than a decade. We are all to familiar with the bad side of science – here is a cause for being happy. The implications are stunning. We are witnessing the forward in human happiness.
The chance now exists that hundreds of thousands of people, who are waiting for heart, liver and kidney transplants and would die because of the lack of donors, will now live. Suffers from many other diseases will also face hope.
Not only will all those who need these major organ transplants be treated but whole new therapies will emerge. Many cancers, for example are now treated by chemotherapy or radiotherapy but in future it might be safer and more effective to just transplant the affected organ.
Possibilities are nearly endless and truly amazing. Whole new era of health and longevity is now downing.
Names of diseases:
Appendicitis, bronchitis, cancer, chicken-pox, constipation – vidurių užkietėjimas, diabetes, diarrhoea – viduriavimas, hay fever – šienligė, hepatitis, indigestion – skrandžio skausmai, flu, insomnia – nemiga, leukaemia, measles – tymai, mumps – kiaulytė, tonsillitis – angina.
Shortened one:
Genetic engineering
A general term for the direncted manipulation of genes, and usually used synonymously with genetic manipulation or genetic modification. A wide range of technologies are involved in this, but most involve the recombinant DNA techniques.
Genetic engineering falls into several different categories depending on what is being engineered.
Bacteria, yeast. This is ‘traditional’ genetic engineering (over 10 years old). Using recombinant DNA techniques genes are put into microorganisms to make them produce something we want, be it insulin, better beer or protein for food.
Animals. Genetically engineered animals are usually called transgenetic animals. They are produced by a combination of fertilization techniques and DNA technology and produce animals that pass on their genetic modification to their offspring.
Plants. Sometimes called transgenetic plants. They are created through the use of plant cloning technologies, which involve growing plants from isolated plant cells.
Humans. Although the genetic engineering methods applicable to cows or mice are, in theory, applicable to humans, they have not been yet applied for obvious ethical reasons. Some experiments treating disease have been performed: these do not modify the germ cells. This is called gene theraphy rather than more public allarming term genetic engineering.
Most of the evidence bearing on the inheritance of intelligence is derived from studies correlating IQs between persons of various degrees of genetic relationship.
Although genetic determinants of intelligence are strong the results indicate that environment is also important. Note that when siblings are reared together – in the same home environment – IQ similarly increases. Other studies have shown that the intellectual ability of adopted children is higher than would be predicted on the basis of their natural parents’ ability.
In the absence of better-controlled studies, a reliable estimate of heritability is not possible. Heredity clearly has an effect on intelligence, but the degree of this effect is uncertain. It is probably less influential than some researchers have claimed but not completely nonexistent, as others have claimed. Most probably, intellectual ability is determined by a number of genes whose individual effects are small but cumulative.
The environmental conditions that determine how an individual’s intellectual potential will develop include nutrition, health, quality of stimulation, emotional climate of the home, and type of feedback elicited by behavior.
Head Start Programs
Because children from underprivileged families tend to fall behind in cognitive development even before they enter school, efforts have been made to provide more intellectual stimulation for these children during their early years. In some programs, special teachers visited the children at home several times a week to play with them. They provided the kind of intellectual stimulation that children in upper-class homes usually receive from their parents. The visiting teachers also taught the parents how to provide the same kinds of activities for their children.
In general, the results of these early education programs have been promising. Children who have participated in such programs score higher on entering school and tend to be more self-confident and socially competent than children who have not received special attention.
Studies correlating IQs between persons with varying degrees of genetic relationship show that heredity plays a role in intelligence. Estimates of heritability vary, however; such environmental factors as nutrition, intellectual stimulation, and emotional climate of the home will influence where a person’s IQ will fall within the reaction range determined by heredity.
Free time, entertainment
One of my favourite thing is poetry which helps me to understand the outside world, brings to my mind the strength of the human spirit, the beauty of man. Poetry helps me to educate myself. When I have some spare time I create poems too. I’m going to publish my creative work in the future. But I know I must work very hard if I want to charm my readers. I wont to appeal to people’s hearts & minds of people, to their feeling & ideals. I’m also interested in architecture so I like to visit the places where I can see how people lived in the past, old buildings, castles. I like Gediminas castle, which foundation is guarded by the “Iron wolf” legend, in Vilnius. The vaults Of Vilnius cathedral attract me too. The castle of Grand Duke Kęstutis in Trakai admires me very much. If you want to visit the places of interest you have to travel. And I like travelling with my family during our holidays & on weekends. We visit a lot of places in the countryside by our bikes. I think biking is even better than riding in a car because you can follow narrow trails in the fields & in the woods where there are no roads. I like ride a bike because I can hear birds sing, listen to the sounds of nature & enjoy the fresh air then. I’m interested in photography too. I always take my camera with me when I’m on holiday. I keep a photograph record of family events. I like to correspond. I have a lot of pen-friends in all over the world. I have a pen-friend in Greece & I have been corresponding for 3 years. I like listen to the radio. My favourite radio station is “Radio centras” . In my opinion this station is for people of all ages, interests & tastes. I like listening comments & discussions on current affairs, interviews with various people. I like different kind of music. The programs of “Radio centras” are followed by music, & that’s why it interests me. TV is very popular in my life. I like to watch TV in the evenings. Entertainment programs are my favourite. I like : “Šou bulvaras”, “Dviračio Šou”, “Taip & Ne”. Very often I watch films too. I don’t go to the cinema because today we can see a lot of interesting films at home. Today cinema attendance fall because many people have video recorders at home. But I like to go to the theatre because it helps me to get back my energy. It’s one of the ways of getting out of depression. In my opinion entertainment makes our life more beautiful.
Formal letter acceptance
I would like to do the course in August because I have holidays then. I give preference to August because it is summer too. I think there would be more students from all over the world and that is a good way to improve my English.
In the morning, I would like to join a grammar and vocabulary class because it is the best time to study more seriously. However, in the afternoon, I would like to do a scuba diving course because I have never tried it. The second choice would be a radio programme making because it sounds quite interesting and unusual.
I would like to know about the weather in Australia and clothes, which are more suitable to be worn there. I have never been so far therefore I will need to buy some things unnecessary in our country.
Formal letter
I am twenty-year-old student at International business school. I have a diploma from computer science school. Also few months ago I finished psychological course.
In addition, I would like to point out that I have got some experience in recruitment sphere. Last winter I worked in the “Darbo birža” and I have enclosed references from my previous employers.
I know three languages well. The first, English, I speak fluently. I also speak fairly well Latvian and some Estonian. I feel this would be useful in this position as the firm work with all three Baltic countries. Also you can rely on my versatile and responsibility.
I believe that I am suitable for the job for a number of reasons. Firstly having worked in recruitment sphere, I now feel ready to take on challenge and responsibility of being recruitment consultant in your organization. Furthermore, I would like to use my knowledge of psychological working with yours clientele. And finally, I would like to get acquaint with yours organization personnel.
Food and Drink
Regulations for checking and preventing fires were developed. In the reindustrialize era most cities had watchmen who sounded an alarm at signs of fire. Fire fighting tool was simple water. Another important fire-fighting tool was the axe, used to remove the fuel and prevent the spread of fire as well as to make openings that would allow heat and smoke to escape a burning building. Following the Great Fire of London in 1666, fire brigades were formed by insurance companies. The government was not involved until 1865, when these brigades became London's Metropolitan Fire Brigade. The first modern standards for the operation of a fire department were not established until 1830, in Edinburgh, Scotland. These standards set out, for the first time, what was expected of a good fire department. In all industrial countries fire fighters undergo training, beginning with probationary fire fighters' school and continuing throughout a fire fighter's career. Great Britain has several fire training centers. In Russia, fire schools are in Moscow and St Petersburg; Sweden and Denmark have similar schools. Most fire fighting consists of applying water to the burning material to cool it. Fires involving flammable liquids, certain chemicals, and combustible metals often require special extinguishing agents and techniques. With some fuels the use of water may actually be dangerous. Now fire fighters use special technique. Their uniform is made from special material that protects from heat and poisonous gas they have masks and if there is people in the burning house they have oxygen masks for them. This work is very important because fire can make a lot of damage.
Fire fighting
Regulations for checking and preventing fires were developed. In the reindustrialize era most cities had watchmen who sounded an alarm at signs of fire. Fire fighting tool was simple water. Another important fire-fighting tool was the axe, used to remove the fuel and prevent the spread of fire as well as to make openings that would allow heat and smoke to escape a burning building. Following the Great Fire of London in 1666, fire brigades were formed by insurance companies. The government was not involved until 1865, when these brigades became London's Metropolitan Fire Brigade. The first modern standards for the operation of a fire department were not established until 1830, in Edinburgh, Scotland. These standards set out, for the first time, what was expected of a good fire department. In all industrial countries fire fighters undergo training, beginning with probationary fire fighters' school and continuing throughout a fire fighter's career. Great Britain has several fire training centers. In Russia, fire schools are in Moscow and St Petersburg; Sweden and Denmark have similar schools. Most fire fighting consists of applying water to the burning material to cool it. Fires involving flammable liquids, certain chemicals, and combustible metals often require special extinguishing agents and techniques. With some fuels the use of water may actually be dangerous. Now fire fighters use special technique. Their uniform is made from special material that protects from heat and poisonous gas they have masks and if there is people in the burning house they have oxygen masks for them. This work is very important because fire can make a lot of damage.
Fast food
Therefore, most people who eat it every day have overweight problems. Secondly, fast food is processed or canned. That means it has many chemicals which cause many illnesses and lacks necessary vitamins as well. Thirdly, fast food is genetically – modified. Scientists still have no news about the influence of genetically – modified food on people health, but it is thought it can do a lot of harm. To sum it up, even if fast food tastes delicious or is favorite, people should not forget that it can not be basic food as it is unhealthy and not proper.
. In addition to this, even if you buy the most expensive clothes at “Apranga”, you will look absolutely the same as other people around you. Moreover, “Gariūnai” market does not differ from “Apranga”. Clothes which you buy at “Gariūnai” have even the same labels as “Apranga” clothes. Thirdly, the quality of “Apranga” clothes is not the best. Usually, after some time you have to throw away those clothes. “Gariūnai” does not suggest better quality either, but at least the prices are reasonable. To sum it up, “Apranga” and “Gariūnai” fashion does not differ at all.
Extrasensory perception
A small number of scientists investigate ESP and other parapsychological phenomena systematically. Joseph Banks Rhine began pioneering work on ESP under carefully controlled conditions more than 50 years ago. For many observations he used a special deck of 25 cards: 5 cards of each of 5 symbols. For parapsychological studies the cards were often shuffled mechanically. Then the participant was given 25 “trials”. In studies of telepathy, the scientist chose a card and looked at it before the subject “guessed” the symbol. In research on clairvoyance, the investigator selected a card and placed it facedown on the table without looking at it. Then the participant “guessed” the symbol. For work on precognition, the subject “guessed” the symbol that would appear before the experimenter selected the card.
While the number of hits among people who perform well is typically small (7 out of 25), some subjects do surprisingly well. Spontaneity and trancelike states seem to increase the magnitude of ESP effects. People who believe that ESP exists make slightly higher scores on laboratory tests than skeptics do.
In the public’s mind the evidence for ESP consists primarily of personal experiences and anecdotes. Such evidence is unpersuasive in science because it suffers from many problems:
1.The replication problem is acute because most such evidence consists of one-time occurrences (for example a woman announces a premonition that she will win the lottery that day-and she does). There is no way to evaluate it because it is not repeatable.
2.The problem of inadequate controls and safeguards is decisive because such incidents occur under unexpected and ambiguously specified conditions. There is no way of ruling out such alternative interpretations as chance, faulty memories, and deliberate deception.
3.and finally the file-drawer problem is also fatal. The lottery winner who announced ahead of time that she would win is prominently featured in the news. But the thousands of others with similar premonitions who did not win are never heard from; they remain in the file-drawers. It is true that the probability of this woman’s winning the lottery was very low. But the critical criterion in evaluating this case is not the probability that she would win, but the probability that anyone of the thousands who thought they would win would do so. That probability is much higher.
The same reasoning applies to precognitive dreams. We tend to forget our dreams unless and until an event happens to remind us of them. We thus have no way of evaluating how often we might have dreamed of similar unlikely events that did not occur. We fill our database with positive instances and unknowingly exclude the negative instances.
Extraordinariness is a matter of degree. Telepathy seems less extraordinary to most of us than precognition cause we are already familiar with the invisible transmission of information through space. Precognition seems more extraordinary because we have no familiar phenomena in which info flaws backward in time.
National polls find that about ½ of all adult Americans believe in ESP. Psychologists are a particularly skeptical group.